The Fourth Realm (Realms Gate)

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The Fourth Realm (Realms Gate) Page 15

by Juliet Anderson

  “Because no-one can protect you like I can.”

  “I did not marry you for your ability to protect me. I wanted you for an entirely different reason. And if you’re feeling you have been neglecting your wifely duties, I would be more than happy to put that to rights.”

  Erin felt a rush of longing wash over her. It had been a while. “I’ve never considered it a duty,” she gave him a smouldering look. “You’re not that old yet.”

  “I am still at my peak of virility,” Wilhelm grunted, shutting their bedroom door firmly.

  “Well then, husband, let’s see some of that Viking passion.” She slipped her robe to the floor.

  Wilhelm laughed. “It would be my pleasure.”

  Erin gave a small squeal as Wilhelm tossed her onto the bed. For just a few hours it was only them as they had been twenty years prior.


  Damon raced into the Royal Quarters, he had just heard about the attempt on Wilhelm’s and Arianna’s life.

  “Back again?” Arianna glanced over at him as she sat talking to her mother.

  “You are unhurt from last night?”

  “Quite unscathed.”

  He heard a small snort escape from Erin as she left them to talk in private which meant Arianna was not being altogether truthful.


  “Nothing that won’t heal,” she amended to appease her mother.

  “What was it all about?” Damon was keen to know.

  “Apparently some junior members of the Council were against you ruling Lokranor after Wilhelm steps down.”

  “But I have not been appointed heir.”

  “No. For some warped reason they were under the notion that I would marry you, thereby giving you the throne,” Arianna giggled. “How misguided can people get.”

  “That is nothing to laugh about,” Damon muttered. “It is a natural assumption that we might unite Vasmaar and Lokranor.”

  “The premise has logic. But I could never marry anyone who has slept with over half the women in the Second Realm so that scenario would never happen.”

  “You will have to select a husband one day,” Damon glared.

  “I’m kind of eager to check out what specimens they have in the Fourth Realm. If Ulrik is anything to go by, they are a good-looking bunch.”

  “I am not without my looks,” Damon huffed.

  “No, you’re handsome enough. However, as we’ve known each other most of our lives, it would be kind of like incest.”

  “I don’t know why I bother showing my concern,” Damon grunted. “Is the fire-breathing dragon around?”

  “Is that reference to my mother or sister?”

  “I take exception to that, daughter,” Erin shouted from across the room.

  “Your sister, of course,” Damon shook his head.

  “She’s in with Dad,” Arianna smiled. “You will have to wait until later to grill her over Mallenvaar.”

  “She has talked to you about it?”

  “At length,” she stretched and yawned. “We are sisters, we do converse.”

  “Really? I thought all you did was screech at each other.”

  “For insulting the heir apparent, Vasmaarian, I will not tell you what I know. Now I’m headed down to the training room. If you feel like getting your ass handed to you, you are more than welcome to join me.”

  “That kind of talk is likely to get you in trouble, girlie,” Damon retorted.

  “Just remember I now have someone who can turn you to dust,” Arianna’s eyes sparkled as Damon followed her out the Royal Quarters. Sometimes sisters could be surprisingly useful.

  Kat sat nervously in her father’s study. It has been a while since she had had his undivided attention. They had talked about Mallenvaar, had briefly skirted over her fledging relationship with Ulrik, and her father’s hopes for finding out more about the Realm.

  He took both her hands in his. “What is of utmost importance is to get you fully trained in using these lethal weapons. Jasper needs to work out a proper training schedule for you. Your mother can help too as I imagine your powers are very similar to control as blue energy.”

  “All in good time, Father. I don’t plan to be fighting any wars,” Kat smiled.

  “I’m glad to hear that. But it is for the protection of those closest to you that you need good control of the fire. One slip of your temper and you could turn someone you love to ash.” He gave her a wide grin. “Your mother nearly vaporised Magnus once. Actually she zapped him more times than that but only once was by accident.”

  “She never put you on your back?” Kat asked cheekily.

  “Not from using Loxhadrin,” her father laughed.

  Kat wrapped her arms affectionately around her father. “I’ve missed talking to you.”

  “Likewise,” he smoothed her hair. “What did I do wrong?” he asked suddenly.


  “Last year. Something made you turn from me and I have no notion what it was I did or how to fix it.”

  Memories of that evening flooded back to Kat and she instinctively pulled away from her father.

  “Please tell me, Katya,” he asked again softly.

  “I overheard you talking to Magnus one evening. I only caught the latter half of the conversation but you clearly told him that you were not concerned about me, I figured way down your list.”

  Wilhelm frowned heavily trying to digest her words, then she saw him try and recall that conversation. “I think you might have misunderstood our conversation, Katya. I was talking to Magnus about providing guidance for Arianna, she seemed to have lost her way. You were always so grounded in your beliefs and focus. I never doubted the path you would take. I do believe that is what I meant, not that I did not care.”

  “Oh,” Kat felt like a prize fool.

  “I am surprised that you could think so little of me, of our relationship. I thought we had a bond.”

  “So did I, but when I heard those words come out your own mouth, I thought perhaps you were just humouring me by pretending you cared.”

  Wilhelm gave her the bone-crushing hug. “For such a level-headed child, you can certainly be dumb. I am just relieved I have not lost you, as I thought I had.”

  “It is difficult to misplace a child,” she smiled up at him.

  “I keep hoping with the twins,” he chuckled. “Now I do believe I need to check with your mother on preparations for Arianna’s banquet.”

  “After last night, I think she’s more ready to embrace her role.”

  “She is. Having had someone try and take it from her, she is now keen for that announcement to be made.”

  Wilhelm opened the door and ushered her through it.

  “One thing I do need to ask you for is a new sword. I keep frying all mine.”

  “Keep?” Her father did not miss a trick.

  “Yeah. Whenever I try and channel fire through my swords, I keep destroying them.” It was only a small white lie. She was just being economical with the truth and not telling her father where she was when she last melted her sword.

  “I will have the Armouries work on a few replacements today.”

  Arianna was putting the finishing touches on her hair when Kat sauntered in looking surprisingly ladylike in a deep blue dress.

  “I can see Prince Ulrik’s influence already,” she grinned. “My sister is morphing into a lady.”

  “Likewise,” Kat sprawled across her bed. “Are you sure nothing’s going to fall out the top of that dress?”

  “Quite sure,” Arianna retorted. “Are you going to try and refrain from frying anyone tonight?”

  “I’ll give myself a night off,” Kat laughed. “I did have a thought though.”

  “Should I notify the Council?”

  Kat threw a cushion at her. “Focus for a moment. I know it’s tough with one brain cell.”

  “Careful, you’re mistaking me with Damon.”

  “Actually most the male race,” Kat giggled.<
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  “What was this great revelation?”

  “I think you’re supposed to find the moon stone.”

  If only, Arianna thought. “What brought you to that conclusion?”

  “We are both daughters of the ruling house of Lokranor. Our mother has unlimited power and our bloodlines are quite unique. Why would the sun stone have chosen me when you will become the protector and ruler of the realm? Your need would have been greater. Therefore, I think that it was destined we would each control a stone. Fire matches my auburn colouring and ice would match yours.”

  “Then why have I not found the moon stone?”

  “Who knows,” Kat shrugged. “Perhaps I was always destined to meet Ulrik and the sun stone showed itself at the exact moment he was the other side of the gateway. I’m always at Falsteg ruins so that is the only explanation I can think of. Likewise, with your moon stone, you will find it when it wants to be found.”

  Arianna kind of like her sister’s theory and it almost made sense. “Damon seems to think he can track the stone by sorcery.”

  “As if,” Kat snorted. “But something tells me you’re going to let him think that.”

  “Yeah. It would be terrific if we could find the moon stone without his knowledge. He’d be so pissed.”

  “I sense a sisterly quest coming on,” Kat’s eyes lit up.

  “Too right. Time to show what girls can do.”

  Arianna walked into the banquet hall behind her parents. Much to her annoyance, Damon was her escort. She thought it strange how in the space of twenty-four hours her outlook on life could change. She was no longer scared about taking up her role of her, in fact she welcomed it. Even more appealing was the thought that she and Kat could join forces to find the missing moon stone. Then there was exploring the Fourth Realm. Her lips twitched as her minded drifted to Prince Ulrik. If there were any more men as good-looking as him, she would definitely be spending time there.

  “Does something amuse the lady?” Damon glanced across at her.

  “Just thinking about a rather delicious male specimen.”

  “I’m glad to know I’m always on your mind.”

  Arianna let out a muffled laugh. “I hate to disillusion you but it was another man on my mind.”

  “As if,” he sighed dramatically. “And have I told you how much I like that dress of yours.”

  “Don’t tell me you’ve suddenly become an expert of ladies’ fashions?” Arianna retorted.

  “No. As I can see right down the front of it, it appeals to my baser nature.” He gave her a wicked grin.

  “And there is none baser in the Kingdom than you.” She could feel her cheeks heating up as she took her seat on the right hand side of her father. It irritated her that Damon took a seat next to her. “Why do I have to sit next to Damon?” she glanced at her father.

  “Because he is the ruler of Vasmaar and is expected to be on the head table.

  “Couldn’t you have sat Helgard next to him? I understand she has quite a thing for Damon.” Arianna was glad to hear a hiss of horror escape Damon’s lips.

  “Play nice,” Wilhelm grinned. “At least until the banquet is over. It’s good to give the impression we’re on friendly terms with Vasmaar.”

  Arianna watched everyone eating and drinking happily, most were unaware of what had transpired the previous evening. It was the only attempt that had been made on the King in his twenty-two year rule. She knew she had a tough act to follow in her father, he had taken on the role at an early age, and as he had freed the Kingdom from Valkarin’s evil clutches, was a welcomed ruler. She prayed the job would not come her way for many years yet.

  As her father stood, she waited anxiously as he made the announcement that all were expecting; his eldest daughter was appointed his legitimate heir. Luckily the majority of those present welcomed the appointment. Like her father before her, she did train and would ultimately lead the army. Eventually all the cheering and toasts died down. Vikings needed little excuse for a celebration.

  It was the second announcement from her father that surprised her.

  “I would also like to address the rumours circulating that we have found a gateway to the Fourth Realm. It is true, we have.” Wilhelm waited for the noise to die down. “The gateway is currently only from the First Realm so poses no threat to us for the time being.”

  “Has anyone been through?” someone shouted from another table.

  “The Queen and I went through yesterday and met with their King. It is hoped we will form a strong bond with each other.” He turned towards Kat. “My daughter Katya is acquainted with the heir to the Mallenvaar throne and both she and Arianna will act as our ambassadors in the Fourth Realm until we can uncover the gateway direct to Lokranor and Vasmaar.”

  Kat looked over at Arianna in surprise. Their father was seemingly giving them a chance to branch out and explore on their own. Near death experiences were perhaps a good thing after all. The only one not pleased with the announcement was Damon.

  “I don’t want you going unescorted,” he grunted.

  “We won’t be. We’ll have a few trusted members of the army with us.”

  “They cannot protect you against sorcery.”

  “I am led to believe they have very little in the Fourth Realm, at least no-one of your father’s capabilities.”

  “The Realm is virtually unknown to us. Your father should not be risking your safety.”

  “He’s not. Kat should be able to provide any protection I need.”

  Damon snorted loudly. “How exactly?”

  Arianna grinned and blew out the candelabra on the table. Picking it up, she held it behind her father, out of view of everyone. “Sis, can you relight?” A few moments later she placed it back on the table fully lit and closed Damon’s mouth with her index finger. “More wine?”

  “She…she can call it just like that?”

  “Of course. Think Mum, but glowing orange not blue.”

  “Will she give me a display later?” he asked eagerly.

  “She’s not a performing monkey. I don’t ask you to show me what you can do.”

  “I keep offering to demonstrate but you keep declining me,” he murmured in her ear.

  “Probably because you’re a shameless man-whore,” she retorted.

  “Reminds me of Magnus twenty years ago,” Erin chuckled and kissed her daughter’s cheek. “He always tried to make out he was the stud of the century. Of which one though I was never sure. I’m going to make myself scarce as very soon this hall will descend into drunken chaos.”

  “In that case I won’t be far behind you.”

  “If you’re going to lead the army, you should drink alongside them,” Damon challenged her.

  “Getting pissed with one’s soldiers is not how great leaders are made. It’s ability and skill on the battlefield that instils confidence. Perhaps that is where you are going wrong.”

  “My leadership has never been questioned.”

  “Perhaps because your soldiers are afraid you will turn them to dust. I seem to recall that was a favourite pastime of your father.”

  Arianna could tell by the clenching of his jaw what she had struck a raw nerve. “My father was a great sorcerer.”

  “And a little psychotic at times. It took a twenty-first century Scottish woman to sort him out.” Arianna glanced over at Sasha who was slipping out then Hall with her mother.

  Damon gave her a withering look. Before he could respond, Kat dragged her to her feet. “Playtime is over. I need to get to bed and so you do before you ask me to set Damon alight.”

  Arianna laughed as Damon muttered a string of curses. Showing there were no hard feelings, she bent down and kissed his cheek slowly. “Try not to get too drunk. You never know, you could wake up next to Helgard.”


  Kat paced up and down impatiently by the gateway at Falsteg ruins waiting for Ulrik. It has been three days since she last saw him and she missed him. She kind of hoped his f
ather had not given him too much crap for not telling him about the gateway. And was he still going to show? He might have changed his mind, her father could do that with the fear he often instilled in people.

  Her worries faded to nothing as he rode through gateway on Argon.


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