The Fourth Realm (Realms Gate)

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The Fourth Realm (Realms Gate) Page 16

by Juliet Anderson

  “Apologies if I kept you waiting,” he jumped down and kissed her briefly. “My father delayed me with his many questions.”

  Kat was aware of the Lokranor soldiers behind them and pulled away from him. “You are forgiven. Let’s get over to the house.”

  “Did your father give you as hard a time as mine?” Ulrik asked once they were well clear of the gateway.

  “Kind of,” Kat responded, trying to quell the shame of what she had actually said to her father. “But we’re fine now.”

  “My father was annoyed I had not told him, but was rather impressed I was seeing a daughter of the royal household. Which in turn I do believe has seriously upset Oskar.”

  “How so?”

  “Because all of a sudden my father is singing my praises and Oskar has been relegated to the side lines. I should warn you that my father is all but ready to announce my betrothal to the second daughter of the house of Lokranor.”

  Kat almost fell off her saddle in shock.

  Ulrik laughed at the look of horror on her face. “And there was I thinking I wasn’t too much of a troll.”

  “You know it is not you I object to, just the whole marriage thing at my age.” A shiver ran down her spine. “It’s one Viking tradition I’m more than happy to side-step.”

  “I have tried to tell him that but you know what parents are like.”

  “I do. Saying that, Mum kept Dad waiting almost three years before she slipped the wedding band on.”

  “You mean wrist-band?”

  “That too.”

  Stopping at the stables, Kat noticed it was rather full. “I do apologise, it seems you are about to meet my entire extended family.” She glanced back at the overflowing stalls. “The stables are usually virtually empty.”

  “Should I be worried?” he smiled.

  “Just prepare for quite an interrogation.”

  Erin came out to meet them at the front. “Welcome, Ulrik,” she smiled. “Although I do believe this is not the first time you have been to Muirhead.”

  “No,” he confessed. “This is a magnificent home.”

  Erin flapped her hand. “It is nothing compared to your home, or Lokranor Castle for that matter. But it will always be home to me. Now come on through, I have subdued Wilhelm with plenty of wine so he should be quite chilled.”

  Kat laughed, her mum had obviously threatened her father if he got out of line. Erin propelled Ulrik into the main living room where Wilhelm and Damon were. She was surprised her father was wearing jeans and a shirt, looking anything less like a Viking king.

  He stood as soon as Ulrik entered the room and extended his hand. “Welcome, Ulrik.”

  “King Wilhelm,” Ulrik nodded.

  “In the First Realm I am just known as Wilhelm.” He nodded to Damon. “This is Damon of Vasmaar.”

  “Is that not the land where Valkarin lived?”

  “Yes,” Damon responded. “I am his heir.”

  “And before you ask, he has no intention of challenging Wilhelm for the rights to rule Lokranor,” Erin answered the question she could see in Ulrik’s mind. “I’d hand him his butt if he tried.”

  Damon shook his head. “It is hard playing the part of a dark and evil ruler when your mother’s closest friend is Queen of Lokranor. And the fact I grew up on the grounds here in Muirhead.”

  “It is strange how the lines between the First and Second Realm have blurred,” Ulrik looked slightly baffled.

  “Yes,” Wilhelm indicted for him to sit. “That is Erin’s doing. She wanted our family to be raised in both Realms as she once was.”

  “And as you‘re in the First Realm, Ulrik, we are going to arrange a beautiful afternoon tea out on the lawn,” Erin headed to the door with Kat. “Meanwhile, you men can discuss what it is you need to. Jasper I know is keen to speak with you too.”

  “Jasper is Katya’s great-uncle?”

  “Yes and our resident historian. He’ll prove more useful than these two put together.”

  Ulrik contained his smile; it was unusual to hear a woman insult two rulers, even if she was the wife of one. He looked to Wilhelm. “What is afternoon tea?”

  “A hideous concoction of sweet and savoury delicacies without a tankard of wine in sight,” Wilhelm grunted.

  “I heard that,” Erin shouted from the hallway making her husband laugh.

  “Do you think he’s alright?” Kat looked for the tenth time from the kitchen to hallway.

  “Are you expecting him to come running out screaming?” Erin shook her head. “Your father is not that bad.”

  “I know. I just don’t want Dad to do the whole protective father routine.”

  “Not that I want to crush your expectations, you are probably not figuring on your father’s mind right now. He’ll be more interested in hearing all about the history of the Fourth Realm. You mentioned that Ulrik was more into history than battle strategies, so your father will be draining him dry on that subject. And so will Jasper.”

  “Just as long as they’re nice to him.”

  “They’re Vikings,” Erin laughed. “Nice is not always in their vocabulary.”

  “Is the cute blond here?” Arianna flounced into the kitchen.

  “Yup. Undergoing interrogation by Dad and Damon.”

  “Poor guy,” Arianna pulled a face. “Why is the toad here?”


  “No, idiot. Damon.”

  “I guess he was curious to find out more about the Fourth Realm,” Erin responded, taking the platters of food from the housekeeper. “And be nice to Damon.”

  “You just said Vikings didn’t do nice,” Kat retorted quickly.

  “Damon is fifty percent Scot.”

  “And fifty percent idiot,” Arianna muttered under her breath making Kat snigger.

  Erin scowled at her two daughters. “I think I preferred it when you two weren’t talking to each other. At least then you couldn‘t gang up on me.”

  “There’s just no pleasing some people,” Arianna sighed dramatically and headed towards the terrace. “Are you going to break up the inter-Realm summit? I’m starving and won’t leave these eclairs untouched for long.”

  “How are you surviving?” Kat whispered to Ulrik when the men appeared on the terrace.

  “Fine,” he grinned. “I am not completely without diplomacy.”

  “Has Dad been behaving?”

  “Yes. It is fascinating comparing our two Realms. Three Realms if we include the Third which I understand is where Jasper was originally from?”

  “Yes. Our family history gets even more complicated but that’s a conversation for another day.”

  “This must be Arianna,” Ulrik stared at the striking blond girl who looked so like her mother.

  “Ulrik,” Arianna gave him her best smile. “I do hope you have a brother.”

  “I’m afraid not.”

  “Pity. I was hoping there might be another Prince in Mallenvaar for me. Sadly, the best we can rustle up in the Second Realm is a toad.”

  “Behave, Arianna,” Erin reprimanded from the table. “And no frying Birdie’s rosebushes, Damon.”

  Kat laughed at Ulrik’s puzzled expression. “Like Mum, Damon has blue energy. When either of them gets cross, vegetation tends to get destroyed.”

  “And when you get cross?”

  “I’m so sweet tempered, I never get cross,” Kat tried to bluff her way out of that question. Loud snorts from her family might have given her fiery nature away.

  “May Odin save us,” Wilhelm grumbled loudly as he waved about a dainty cucumber sandwich. “Does this really constitute as food fit for a Viking?”

  “It is food of the First Realm,” Erin reminded him.

  “I’m Viking and so is Ulrik.” Wilhelm stood up. “I’ll find us something worthy to eat.”

  “Ooh, are you going to catch a wild boar?” Erin teased. “I do love it when you come over all macho.”

  Wilhelm muttered a string of curses as he stalked off towa
rds to kitchen.

  Kat rested her hand on Ulrik’s arm. “As you might have gathered, First Realmers treat everyone the same.”

  “So it appears. But then with Wilhelm you are talking to your father not the King.”


  Ulrik leant in close. “Damon and Arianna argue a great deal. Do they dislike each other?”

  Kat let out a soft laugh. “I believe it is in fact the opposite, but neither will admit to it.”

  Wilhelm reappeared a few minutes later carrying two tankards of wine and a large platter of rare meat. He deposited it all on the table. “This is what real men eat.”

  “Perhaps for dinner, not when we were trying to be civilised with tea.” Erin rolled her eyes. “I understand you’ve had a few instances of enchanted creatures in the territories around Mallenvaar, Ulrik.”

  “Yes, it is odd how they have suddenly appeared. It seems as though someone is trying to get our attention.”

  “And you have worked out how to kill them?”

  “Yes. Kat told me,” he smiled at her.

  “What are your plans for finding those involved?”

  “I’ve asked the keeper of archives to research who is rumoured to have powers but my instinct tells me they are only the hired help.”

  “You could be right. If you had anyone seriously good at sorcery, you would know about it by now.”


  After what seemed an age, Kat was able to steal Ulrik away. Her father luckily had some papers to look through and her mother was caught up on a phone call with Sasha. Hiding in the conservatory, screened by the lush foliage, Kat was able to give him the kiss she’d been wanting to.

  “I thought I’d never get you alone,” Ulrik groaned, kissing her back fiercely.

  “You survived my parents,” Kat said breathlessly. “That is a feat in itself.”

  “Your parents are terrific. I so love the way your mother teases your father.”

  “She’s been doing that since the day she met him.”

  “You talk to me in a similar manner,” he kissed her with more gentleness.

  “Yeah. It’s a modern woman thing.”

  “Much as I don’t want to, I should get back to Mallenvaar soon. My father will be eager to have a report on what we discussed.”

  “I’m not sure I want to let you go,” she kissed him again.

  “Perhaps I should abduct you and take you with me.”

  Kat laughed. “Just try, Fourth Realmer.”

  “A prince is usually treated with more respect,” he blew hot air in her ear.

  “The same could be said for a princess.”

  “You said you renounced that title.”

  “It is a woman’s prerogative to change her mind.”

  “Come,” he took hold of her hand. “I should say my goodbyes to your parents. If I stay in here, I might let my true Viking out.”

  Kat gave a heavy sigh; she’d quite like to see his inner Viking. Actually she wouldn’t mind seeing every inch of his Viking.

  Ulrik was quiet on the ride back to the gateway.

  “Is something wrong?” Kat asked.

  “No, not really. I was just thinking it is a shame that our relationship is now common knowledge. It was fun to come and go as we pleased but since our parents are aware of our connection, I fear most of our meetings will now be more official.”

  Kat understood what he meant. As a member of the ruling family, her father would not let her just pop through the gateway to see Ulrik. She would be escorted under armed guard when she wanted to cross into Mallenvaar. Likewise, Ulrik’s father would not let him just disappear for long stretches.

  “Does that mean you wish to end our relationship now?” she asked nervously.

  The look Ulrik gave her nearly made her slide off her saddle. “Do many men kiss you like I did in the conservatory and end the relationship?”

  “No, but then I’ve not kissed many men in my lifetime. The odd boy perhaps. The downside to having a King as one’s father.”

  Ulrik shook his head. “I am quite captivated by you, Katya. I don’t want to end our relationship, far from it. I have a feeling though that I want to progress it faster than you are wanting to.”

  “By progressing, do you mean…?” Kat felt herself blush.

  “I am a man and you are a decidedly gorgeous woman. Of course I do. However, I will wait patiently until you are ready for that.”

  Another downside to having a father as King, Kat thought. Her hormones would very much like to spend the night with Ulrik but she needed to get to know him a lot better before that happened.

  Ulrik leant over and kissed her briefly, aware of the guards at the gateway. “I will see you in three days.”

  “You are coming back here?”

  “No. I agreed a date for the banquet in Mallenvaar with your father.”

  “We’re all coming to you?”

  “So it seems. Take care of yourself until then.”

  Kat watched as he rode through the gateway. She would miss him and the stolen moments they got together.

  “Unbelievable,” Oskar kicked a chair angrily. “The whole of Mallenvaar is singing Ulrik’s bloody praises.”

  “So it seems,” his father responded in a clipped tone. “But you can rectify that situation at the banquet.”

  “How so?”

  “I have spoken with Sigfried about the seating arrangements. Obviously Ulrik will want to be placed next to Katya so I have arranged for Arianna, the heir, to be sat next to you.”

  “And by the end of the dinner she will have fallen for my charms,” Oskar acknowledged. “And how will this affect Ulrik’s popularity?”

  “At the moment the people think he is solely responsible for uniting the two Realms. If you have the Lokranor heir eating out your hand, they will see differently. Besides, once you have won Arianna, Ulrik can keep this backward Kingdom. We will have a much larger one at our disposal.”

  “What about the sorcery outbreaks?”

  “I think we might have a little demonstration whilst the Lokranor delegation is here,” Lief’s eyes twinkled. “A woman loves a man to display his fighting prowess.”

  “I’m always happy to show that.” Oskar poured himself some wine. “So what do you think this Arianna will be like? Is she timid? Used to following a man’s rule?”

  “She is the daughter of a Viking king. No doubt she will be used to following instruction.”

  “Her sister, Katya, is a quite outspoken.”

  “Perhaps because she is the second daughter and does not figure in her father’s plans.”

  “He crossed into the Fourth Realm to retrieve her. I imagine he strangely cares.”

  “I imagine he came out of curiosity and his daughter was just the excuse. From our conversation with Wilhelm, he seemed almost to have forgotten he was here to collect his missing child.”

  “I guess there is nothing more we can do until tomorrow,” Oskar yawned.

  “Just stay out of the taverns tonight,” Lief glared at his son. “Arianna may not find a man stinking of stale wine and ale fumes that appealing.”

  “I shall do my best father,” Oskar retorted heading for the door. He would meet his father half way and not stay out too late.

  “Yes, it is all taken care of,” Sigfried laughed. He had never seen his son take such an interest in the arrangements for a banquet. But then it was not just any banquet. The Second and Fourth Realms were coming together for the first time in millennia. And he had a vested interest in making sure the King and Queen of Lokranor were impressed.

  “I’m sorry, Father,” Ulrik smiled. “I don’t want to leave anything to chance.”

  “I understand. You have the young lady’s parents to impress. She, I believe, already finds Mallenvaar quite appealing.”

  “I have no idea how advanced Lokranor is. From what I can fathom talking to Wilhelm, our two Realms are not that dissimilar.”

  “We never had sorcery on the sca
le they once had. And as far as I’m aware, no-one here carries a Talmar.”

  Ulrik’s mouth twitched. “Erin is quite formidable with her sword and her powers. The ruler of Vasmaar also carries a Talmar.”


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