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The Fourth Realm (Realms Gate)

Page 19

by Juliet Anderson

  “Must I?” he nipped at her earlobe.

  “Yes. Your men are expecting you.”

  “They’ll already be too drunk to realise I’m not there.” His mouth wandered down her neck, setting her whole body on fire.

  “But my father won’t. Trust me, your absence is the type of thing fathers notice. Especially when trying to safeguard their daughter’s virtue.”

  “And does your virtue need safeguarding?” He ran his mouth seductively across her.

  “Against a Viking, yes,” she giggled, squirming against him.

  He let out a deep groan. “Writhe against me like that again and there’ll be nothing your father can do to keep you safe.”

  Kat went up on her toes and kissed him softly. “Try and keep out of trouble.”

  “Says the woman who took down several enchanted creatures.”

  “What can I say, I’m talented,” she shrugged. “Any idea what the plan for those creatures to appear tonight was?”

  “No. If Oskar and Lief were behind it, the only reason I can think of was for Oskar to leap into action and kill them before they attacked your family, thereby endearing himself to your parents and Arianna.”

  “In that case his plan backfired spectacularly.”

  “Yes. It was a shame I forgot to mention your family’s unique strengths.” He ran his hand down her back. “Talking of which, I do believe my father will be even more enamoured of you now he knows your rather impressive gift.”

  “Yes, my singing is legendary.”

  Ulrik let out a small laugh. “I really don’t want to leave.”

  “You must. I’ll see you in the morning. My parents might be leaving tomorrow but Arianna and I are due to stay for a few more days.”

  He developed a mischievous glint in his eyes. “A wonderful plan, whoever came up with it.”

  Kat fixed him with a steely look. “Vikings.”

  She heard Ulrik’s laughter echo down the corridor. He really was too cute for his own good. She popped her head around Arianna’s door. “You and the dashing Drago seemed to be getting on well.”

  Arianna flopped down in the middle of the large bed. “Yes. He is rather delicious, isn’t he.”

  “Damon won’t be pleased he has competition.”

  Arianna snorted in an unladylike fashion. “Damon doesn’t even figure on my list. Just because he’s the only eligible candidate for the Royal House of Lokranor does not mean I have to settle for second best. Thanks to you, my dear sister, you’ve opened up a new avenue altogether.” She picked at the golden cover. “Sadly the only prince here is already taken, however there are some other fine specimens.”

  “Oskar?” Kat teased, ducking out the way of the pillow that was hurled at her head with impressive force.

  “You were right when you said he was a toad.”

  “A toad with a plan I think. Ulrik believes that whole incident in the Hall was designed so he could show his prowess with a sword. Sadly, mum and I reigned on his parade.”

  “If it was him, I bet he’s spitting feathers.”

  “Too right, slimy reptile.”

  Kat yawned. “I’m ready for bed. Try and stay out of trouble until the morning.”

  “I always try,” Arianna grinned. “But trouble does tend to come and find me.”


  Arianna and Kat stood on the steps of Mallenvaar Castle saying goodbye to their parents. It was quite a liberating experience being given such freedom and trust.

  “Try not to initiate an inter-realm war,” Erin kissed Arianna’s cheek.

  “Perish the thought, Mother,” she giggled.

  “We’ve got a whole week here so there’s plenty of time for her to start something,” Kat murmured loud enough for Arianna to hear.

  Wilhelm rested his hand on Kat’s shoulder. It was not done for Viking Kings to hug their daughters in public. “I trust you will keep the young Viking Prince in line.”

  “Yes, Father. You need not fear on that account,” Kat smiled shyly. She knew her father worried about young Viking men, it was in their blood to get a little over passionate. He should know, he was young once.

  After their parents had left, Arianna and Kat re-joined Ulrik.

  “So what is on the plan for today?” Arianna asked brightly.

  “I do believe Drago is escorting you around part of our realm.”

  “Oh yes,” Arianna beamed. “An afternoon with Drago.”

  “Not quite alone,” Ulrik pulled an apologetic face. “I would be a poor host if I let the heir to the Lokranor throne out with a lone warrior, quite unprotected. Kat and I will be with you, although a safe distance behind.”

  “Wonderful,” she plastered a smile on her face.

  “What have you done with Oskar?” Kat asked as they ventured back inside the Great Hall.

  “He’s probably licking his wounds somewhere and plotting his next strategy. Which is another good reason why I would not let your sister ride out without suitable guards.”

  “A wise move. Although if anything were to happen to her, this realm might get a visit from Damon of Vasmaar.”

  “Yes. He is rather possessive when it comes to your sister, I believe.”

  “Let’s go explore then, Viking boy,” Kat teased.

  “If you’re not careful, I might give you the full Viking treatment,” Ulrik threatened.

  On their way through the Great Hall, Ulrik was aware that there was no sign of his father, Lief or Oskar. He had a feeling he knew what that meeting was about. The citizens had got a glimpse of the awesome powers of Erin and Kat.

  “Why are so you calm about this, “Lief shouted at his brother. “They have a tremendous power and could wipe us out any time they wished.”

  “Lokranor want to unite the Realms not conquer us,” Sigfried refused to be swayed by his brother’s words.

  “What makes you so sure of that?”

  “If they wanted to conquer us, they would have done so already when we were completely unaware of their presence.”

  “Unless they were waiting to see if we had any great powers.”

  “Katya could have told them that before their visit.”

  “I still think you are being blind to the dangers.”

  “And I believe you judge our neighbours harshly. Besides, if they were of any danger to us, they would not have left their two most precious possessions with us.”

  “Perhaps they are here as spies.”

  Sigfried snorted loudly. “I’ll not let you speak ill of the princesses, especially Katya. Ulrik is taken with her and I can see why.” He paced up and down his quarters. “Think what a union with the House of Lokranor would bring. Whilst Katya’s powers don’t rival her mother’s, she is still quite the force to be reckoned with. And I know my son would be more than happy to have her stand by his side.”

  Oskar glanced sulkily around the room, he was still pissed his plans for the previous evening had been hijacked. “What is Ulrik doing to amuse the ladies?” Perhaps he still might get a look in with Arianna if he went about things right.

  “I believe he is taken them to Vallengaard.”


  Sigfried shook his head, sometimes his nephew really was stupid. “Do you think I would let them ride out without the proper protection? Drago is escorting Arianna.”

  “Drago?” Oskar hissed.

  “Yes. Arianna specifically asked for him.” He let out a light chuckle. “I do believe the young lady was quite taken with our warrior.”

  “I am the best warrior, I should be escorting her,” Oskar seethed.

  “I think it was his other attributes that peeked the lady’s interest,” Sigfried smirked.

  Oskar stalked out, annoyed that he had been superseded by a regular warrior. Perhaps an afternoon in some of the taverns with a group of young ladies would perk up his sagging spirits.

  Kat watched Arianna and Drago ride ahead of her and Ulrik on the way to Vallengaard. It was rare Kat saw her siste
r looking so relaxed. Here there was no-one to watch and judge.

  “What’s Vallengaard like?” Kat asked Ulrik as he rode alongside her.

  “It’s a pretty town towards the northern borders.”

  “Anything but snow along the way?”

  “You’ll have to wait and see,” Ulrik smiled.

  “So just snow, then?” Kat rolled her eyes.


  “Are we nearly there yet?” Kat teased.

  “No. Now keep your butt firmly in the saddle and keep riding.”

  “Ooh, I love it when you come over all masterful,” Kat giggled.

  “It’s a shame we’re not alone or I’d become a lot more than masterful,” he gave her a hot look.

  They caught up with Arianna and Drago and galloped the horses across the plains towards Vallengaard. The town was impressive from a distance; the realm certainly did have stunning buildings.

  “A drink at the tavern is needed before we meander around town.” Ulrik propelled them towards the small building. It was fairly full but as soon as Ulrik strode through the door, the people moved aside and a table immediately become available.

  “I take it you ladies are fine with wine?”

  “Wine is good,” Arianna nodded. Growing up in a Viking world, Coke was in rare supply. “Do you get much trouble out here?”


  She glanced over at Drago. “If I’m to believe Ulrik, the Fourth Realm is barely troubled with anything. As a soldier, I’m sure you can tell me whether that is true or not.”

  He squirmed, a little uncomfortable at being questioned in front of the leader of the army. “Ulrik is correct in that there is very little trouble.”

  “If that is the case, why does Mallenvaar have such a large army?”

  He shifted a little uncomfortably. “It is prudent to be suitably protected.”

  Arianna laughed. “Now you are starting to sound like a member of Council.” She downed the small goblet of wine. “Unlike you men, us ladies do want to see some of the town. If you want to stay in here, you’re more than welcome to but Kat and I are going to explore.”

  “We are here to do your bidding,” Ulrik sighed. “If you wish to drag us around this cold and snowy town, we will grin and bear it.”

  Kat and Arianna were having a great time wandering up and down the narrow streets, stopping every now and then to admire the odd shop. The bakery drew them in.

  “Do they have any of those delicious spiced buns?” Kat asked eagerly.

  Ulrik rolled his eyes and headed inside, reappearing a few minutes later with a box of spiced buns. “With compliments from the proprietor.”

  “Gosh, you’re right,” Arianna enthused as she bit into the bun. “This is amazing.”

  “If only all ladies were so easily impressed,” Drago murmured to Ulrik.

  Arianna poked out her tongue and headed up to the small square. Drago grabbed her arm before she got there. “There appears to be some trouble up ahead.”

  “And there was I hoping you were about to do something inappropriate,” Arianna murmured.

  Drago’s mouth twitched slightly. “I’ll address that thought of yours in just a moment, my lady.”

  “Wait here,” Ulrik instructed. “We’ll sort this out before matters get out of hand.”

  “No problem. Arianna and I will cause mischief here,” Kat grinned.

  “I’m glad to see Vikings never change,” Arianna shook her head. “Whilst the men do their thing, let’s have a look down this street.”

  Walking along, Kat felt quite at home chatting away whilst Arianna inspected the buildings they walked past. They could so easily have been in Lokranor.

  “I want to go in this one,” Arianna pointed to the door of a very picturesque shop.

  Kat glanced at the window, not quite sure what they were selling. “Really? Why?”

  “I just do,” Arianna shrugged.

  “Fine,” Kat sighed, wiping dried sugar from her lips.

  Following her sister, Kat stepped over the threshold. A faint waft of incense hit her as soon as she entered. The room was filled with strange objects, a crystal caught her attention. It reminded her a little of one of her mother’s crystals.

  “What actually are you looking for?” Kat glanced over at Arianna.

  “I don’t know,” she yawned, pulling the curtain aside that screened the store front from the rest of the building.

  “Hey, should you really be wandering around back there?” Hearing no answer from her sister, Kat followed. “What the hell has got in to you?”

  Suddenly her world started to spin, reaching out she tried to grab hold of something but her hand connected with thin air. She could feel a darkness descending over her foggy brain, dragging her down. Despite her best efforts, she lost consciousness.

  “Why can’t women ever stay put,” Ulrik grumbled as they retraced their steps. Having sorted out the minor altercation, he was annoyed to find Kat and Arianna had disappeared.

  “Women are easily distracted,” Drago shrugged.

  “Damn it, they don’t have the proper protection to go wandering about.”

  “With Katya at her side, I think Arianna needs little else.”

  “True, but I’d like to think they need us.”

  An hour later, Ulrik was doing his best to control his panic. They’d searched the small town and no-one had seen any sign of Arianna or Katya since they’d left the bakery. How could two women just disappear? If someone wanted to abduct them, Kat would have put up one hell of a fight; and won most likely.

  “Perhaps they rode back to Mallenvaar?” Drago suggested.

  “Their horses are still here.” Ulrik paced up and down thinking. “I need a large contingent of troops to search this town from top to bottom. You should wait here in case the ladies surface in the meantime.”

  “I am not about to let you ride alone back to Mallenvaar with no armed protection,” Drago responded forcefully. “I will go and bring some men back with me.”

  “Fine,” Ulrik sighed in defeat. Drago was right, if he ran into an ambush he would be in serious trouble. “Just hurry.”

  “I will.”

  Watching Drago ride off, Ulrik felt so helpless. Where the hell had Katya and Arianna got to? How could they just disappear with no trace? Deep down he knew something had happened; Kat had more sense than to just leave Vallengaard without telling him. And how was he going to face Wilhelm and Erin having lost two of their daughters?

  In a bid to occupy himself, he searched the area where he has last seen them thoroughly. Studying the footprints, there was nothing that seemed out the ordinary, there had been no skirmishes. Had he not been looking in such finite detail, he would have missed it again. On the step of one building were a few crumbs, possibly from a spiced bun. As soon as he opened the door, he knew the girls had been in there, he could smell Kat’s light rose perfume. But what had encouraged them to enter this strange store?

  As heir to the kingdom, he had the right to go where he wished. Pushing the curtain aside, he stepped into the rear room. A man appeared out the darkness.

  “May I help you?”

  “Yes, I’m looking for two women that were in here earlier.”

  “I’m sorry, Prince Ulrik, no ladies have been in my store today.”

  Knowing the proprietor was lying, Ulrik kept his hand firmly resting on his sword. If the guy had good reason to lie, then he most definitely had something to hide. “Sadly I think that is not the case, unless you liberally apply rose-scented perfume.”

  “My mother wears that frequently.”

  “That scent is not available in this realm,” Ulrik gave him a hard look. “I regret that it is necessary for me to search this building.”

  “Please feel free,” the man bowed.

  As Ulrik turned to head towards the stairs, he felt his world spin. He didn’t even have time to draw his sword before he fell to the ground.

  Arianna could feel someone shakin
g her shoulder, she was too tired to wake up. “Go away, Damon,” she muttered.

  “Damon?” a distinctly high-pitched female voice answered.

  “Sis?” Arianna opened a sleepy eye.


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