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The Fourth Realm (Realms Gate)

Page 27

by Juliet Anderson

  “I will not condemn my brother on such flimsy evidence,” Sigfried sighed.

  “I am not asking you to put him on trial but to watch your back and be on your guard.”

  “You do not include Oskar in your accusations?”

  Ulrik gave half a laugh. “To be honest, Oskar is too thick to plan anything complex. He is more for the straight ambush.” He flopped down on a chair. “He gets his instructions from his father, he does not possess the intelligence to act on his own.”

  “I think you might have misread Oskar’s intentions. He has always proved eager and loyal.”

  “Only because he was trying to get you to name him as heir. Since you have named me, he is venturing down a different route.”

  “That being?” Sigfried tilted his head to the side.

  “He is aiming for an alliance with the House of Lokranor.”

  “But Katya is already tied to you.”

  He wished she was. Permanently. “There is more than one Princess in Lokranor.”

  “He wants the heir?” Sigfried sounded shocked.

  “And why not? It is a much higher prize. And I imagine once he controlled the armies of Lokranor, he could invade Mallenvaar and take that too.”

  “And yet you called him dumb?”

  “There was one fatal flaw in his plan. Arianna saw him for the loathsome toad he is. When he failed abysmally to win her over, he thought the abduction route might do better. Perhaps even get her with child then she would have no choice but to wed him.”

  “From what I have seen of Arianna, she probably would have broken his nose for even contemplating the idea.”

  “You’ve got that about right,” Ulrik chuckled.

  “For a lady that has no powers, she can certainly hold her own.”

  “Actually she has now acquired her powers. She has a moon stone.”

  Sigfried gave a wide smile. “Two sisters, two stones. The House of Lokranor is indeed the family you want to be aligned with. I imagine they are fairly deadly force when all combined.”

  “Which is probably why the Realm remains at peace. King Wilhelm is a wise and respected ruler and there are very few people who would want him replaced.”

  “True. I am looking forward to seeing Lokranor one day soon.”

  “I am keen to see it again; last time I only got a brief glimpse of both Vasmaar and Lokranor.”

  He retreated back to the peace of his quarters to gather his thoughts. It was not easy being separated from Kat, he missed her terribly. If she was being transferred back to Muirhead, it would be easier to see her there. Let’s hope he had a message from her soon.

  Damon sat in his study feeling more than a little displaced. Everything had changed. Not only had Arianna found the moon stone, she and her sister were accredited for finding the gateway. To make matters worse, Arianna and Kat had given Wilhelm the appearance they had saved his butt. Nothing could be further from the truth, he was more than capable of holding his own.

  For so long he held the view that he was top in Wilhelm’s favour, now he wasn’t so sure. Arianna had shown she had earned the right to lead the army and protect the realm. She had even started to order him around. In disgust, he tossed a goblet against the wall. Whilst he was pleased the new realm had been found, he wanted it to have been him who had made the discovery.

  He was eager to see Mallenvaar. From the few times he had met Ulrik, he liked the prince a great deal. They were both of similar ages and both had something to prove. Ulrik did not seem the least bit intimidated by his powers or reputation. He was grateful for that. Standing up he decided he needed a little paternal guidance, more so on how to handle the situation with Arianna. His father was used to dealing with fiery woman; his mother was never the calmest of ladies. Concerning him most was what if Arianna found someone from the Fourth Realm that she wanted to be with. Lokranor was his and he was not going to let anyone else get their hands on it. Or Arianna. Especially any Viking solider named Drago.

  Locking himself in his vault, he activated his Baldoren crystal.

  “Son,” his father smiled warmly. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

  “I need your advice,” Damon shifted a little uncomfortably.

  “Judging by your unease, I can only assume you have come up against a woman.”

  “Arianna,” he huffed.

  “If she is anything like her mother, I understand your pain. The woman was a never-ending thorn in my side.”

  Damon let out a small laugh. Like mother, like daughter. “You know it is prophesised that I will one day marry Arianna and a son of Valkarin will rule Lokranor.”

  “The prophecy is that Vasmaar and Lokranor will be united in marriage. I don’t believe it says it is you and Arianna specifically. But go on.”

  “I believe there is someone in the Fourth Realm that has caught her attention.”

  “You have found the Fourth Realm?”

  “Yes. At least it was Katya who did. A gateway from the First to the Fourth Realm.”

  “How is it?”

  “I’ve not yet been there. Although they have now opened the gateway from Mallenvaar to Vasmaar.”

  “So Arianna has fallen for someone from the ruling family?”

  “No. It is Katya who is involved with the Prince of Mallenvaar. Arianna has set her sights on a warrior.”

  “Then you have no problem at all, my Son. This warrior should be easy to dispose of and then, if Arianna is truly heartbroken, you can offer her your shoulder to cry on.”

  “I have thought of that myself but I keep hearing my mother nagging in my ear that we have moved on from the ways of old. Apparently I must win Arianna by fair means.”

  He saw his father’s face take on a completely different expression. “That sounds like Sasha.”

  His father’s image started to fade. Great lot of help he had been. Although perhaps he had after all. Maybe a quick burst of blue energy was all that was needed to remove his competition. But then if he did that, would he be able to look his mother in the eye when she asked if he had been behaving? He threw his hands up in disgust. What was the point of being a powerful sorcerer if one couldn’t use one’s powers?


  Kat was pleased to be back home in Muirhead where she could get her hands on some decent pain killers. And chocolate. She was even more delighted when Ulrik came to visit. Birdie and Jasper were great company but with her parents and Arianna still in Lokranor, she was starting to feel quite alone.

  “How are you?” he held her gently to his chest.

  “Not bad considering.”

  “I have missed you greatly.”

  His kiss made her go quite weak, not that she wasn’t already. “Likewise. How are things in Mallenvaar? I understand you and Damon have sorted out how to manage the gateway.”

  “Yes.” Ulrik flopped down on the sofa and sat her on his lap. “Access through the gateway has been carefully managed, between my father and myself we have calmed any fears in our realm, so all is well bar one issue.”

  “What’s that?” Kat snuggled in to him.


  “What about me?” she looked up at him. God, he had eyes she could drown in.

  “We need to sort out a few things, Kat.” He touched the medallion hanging around her neck. “I hope you know what it is you wear.”

  “Of course,” Kat could feel her cheeks turn pink. “It’s your royal medallion.”

  “Precisely. Wearing it signifies a certain understanding between us.”

  “What kind of understanding?” Kat was slightly breathless.

  “That we are together.”

  Kat wrapped her arms around him. “I am happy with that.”

  Ulrik dropped a light kiss on her lips. “You know I want more, Kat.”

  “I know. But I am not ready for that yet.”

  He rested his forehead against hers. “I am prepared to wait. I won’t push you.”

  “Thank you.” She pulled away from him.
“There is something I need to tell you.”

  “What?” Ulrik asked cautiously.

  “I am due to return to college shortly.”


  “It’s a kind of school.”

  “For how long?”

  “Well, I have one year left.”

  “You’re away for a whole year?” Ulrik gasped.

  “No, silly. Just a week at a time. I’ll be back at weekends.”

  “So I shall see very little of you.”

  “I do have breaks from college which are longer.” Kat watched him pull away slightly. Turning his head back to her, she kissed him slowly on the lips. “We just have to ensure we make the most of the time I am back.”

  She was glad to feel his arms tighten around her. “Perhaps I should abduct you now and be done with my torment?” he murmured huskily as he nipped her ear lobe.

  Very tempting to have Ulrik come over all Viking, Kat thought. Still, a Viking Prince needed to know his place. “Really?” She blew in his ear. “You must be sure of your charms if I am not to turn you to a pile of dust for even thinking it.”

  “I am, my dear.” His mouth drowned out her response as he pushed her back on the sofa. Kat had forgotten how good it felt getting up close and personal with Ulrik. Lying on the sofa with his body on hers, Kat could not have felt happier. There really was something about him she found quite irresistible. Running her hands under his tunic, she marvelled at the ripple of muscles beneath. Thoughts of how he would look naked started to creep into her mind. Maybe she wouldn’t wait too long before moving onto the next phase of their relationship, whatever that was.

  She let out a loud squeal as a pain ripped through her shoulder. Ulrik leapt off her right away.

  “What is it?” concerned was written all over his handsome face.

  “Sorry, I think I pulled my wound.” Kat sat up just as Birdie rushed into the room.

  “What’s happening?” she glowered at Ulrik.

  “Nothing,” Kat smiled at her great-aunt. “I moved awkwardly and I must have pulled my stitches.”

  “Oh for heaven’s sake child,” Birdie rolled her eyes. “You’re almost as clumsy as your mother was. Take your top off and let me inspect the damage.”

  Kat glanced at Ulrik before looking back at Birdie. “Perhaps we might do this in the bathroom?”

  Birdie flushed, she had forgotten Ulrik for a moment. “Yes, this probably more appropriate.”

  “Shame,” Ulrik murmured, softly enough so only Kat could hear.

  Much to Kat’s dismay, she’d pulled several of her stitches and a section of her wound was starting to bleed again. Birdie dug around in her medical kit for some needles.

  “It is a little disconcerting being stitched up by a vet,” Kat grunted.

  “There’s not much difference in stitching up a human as there is a dog. I’ve sewn up both your parents on occasion.”

  “Even Dad?” Kat was surprised.

  “Yes. Once when he crashed your mother’s motorbike and the other when he was shot.”

  “Not the kind of wounds you would expect on a Viking,” Kat laughed. She glanced down at the needle Birdie was holding. “I do hope you’ve sterilised that since you stitched up Balthazar’s cut leg.”

  “The young can be so picky,” Birdie shook her head. “Why don’t you sterilise it for your peace of mind.”

  Kat grinned and touched the needle.

  “Not that much,” Birdie yelped as the needle turned white hot.

  “Next time you should specify the heat requirement.”

  Kat watched as Birdie repaired the damage to the stitches.

  “You do realise you’ll not be going back to college for a few weeks,” Birdie glanced up from her stitching.

  “Yeah. Mum’s already told me she’s contacted the College and they’ll give me tutorials by skype.”

  “I used to nag your mother all the time so I guess there’s no reason why you shouldn’t get the same treatment. You need to think before you act, something your mother was never very good at. I’m rather fond of my great-nieces so I would be more than a little displeased if anything happened to any of them.”

  “Does that include the twins?” Kat smirked.

  “Yes. More so now your mother packed them off to camp for the remainder of the summer.” A mischievous grin crossed Birdie’s face. “You don’t suppose they do all year round camps?”

  “I think that’s called prison.”

  “Luckily I think they’ll do rather well in the Viking realms, they’re suited much better to the twins’ temperament.”

  “Politely put.” Kat winced as the needle hit a particularly sore spot.

  “That’s punishment for getting a little too carried away with Ulrik.”

  “What makes you think we were doing anything?” Kat tried to look as innocent as possible.

  “Impossible as it is to imagine, I was young once. I know how teenage hormones work. Especially around a rather fit man.” Birdie surveyed her handiwork. “I think you’ll do. Now please try and keep the stitches in place.”

  “Hey I’m my mother’s daughter. I’m not promising anything,” Kat laughed.

  Kat watched Ulrik leave a while later. There was one up-side to being confined to the house whilst her injury healed; she would see him regularly. Her hand went to the medallion around her neck. Would she ever be ready to truly embrace a Viking world? Her mother had split her time between the two, but she would not really be able to do that. As the eldest child, the ancestral home would automatically pass to Arianna, leaving her without a base in the First Realm.

  She dismissed those thoughts from her head; it would be a long time before she said those life-changing words, whatever Ulrik thought. The scariest thing she had to think about at the moment was her A levels. Sadly, her sun stone couldn’t help her with those.

  Arianna looked at the men waiting for her command. She had always received their loyalty but now there was something different in their eyes. It was respect. Not only had news fed back to them how she and Kat had stepped in to save their father, she had harnessed the power of the moon stone. Now she really was a force to be reckoned with.

  “With the new gateway opening in Vasmaar, we have agreed with Damon to supply soldiers to help guard our borders.”

  “We are going to be stationed on Vasmaarian land?” General Vollen asked.

  “Yes. Whilst our new neighbours are peaceful and we have good relations with them, we still have to safeguard our borders. If anyone gets through Vasmaar, we are wide open.”

  “Damon is truly happy with this?”

  “Damon has no problem with providing a unified guard at the gateway as those who come through legitimately could be visiting either Vasmaar or Lokranor.”

  “How large with the guard be?”

  “A small contingent is all that is necessary. I would like to leave in the next hour or so, hopefully that will give you enough time to select the men to go.”

  Arianna headed back to the Royal Quarters to get ready to stay a day or two at the gateway. Her father was in conversation with Damon.

  “Here she is,” Wilhelm smiled proudly. “Damon will be riding with you to the gateway.”

  “Strangely enough I do know where it is. I did, after all, discover it,” she glared at Damon.

  “I am aware of that, daughter. But with Damon here, I thought he could give you extra protection.”

  “I can manage quite well without him. I do have certain skills.”

  Wilhelm chuckled and took hold of her hands. “I recognise that defensive streak. I had it at your age.”

  “When are we expecting a delegation from Mallenvaar? I know King Sigfried is keen to visit.” Arianna changed subjects.

  “We thought we would let the air settle of both sides before an official visit. Why do you ask?”

  “I am keen to see Drago again. Please make sure he is included in the visiting party.”

  “This is the warrior who ha
s caught your eye?” Wilhelm raised an eyebrow.

  “Yes. I would welcome seeing him again.”


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