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The Accidental Boyfriend: A YA Contemporary Romance Novel (The Boyfriend Series Book 7)

Page 13

by Christina Benjamin

  She nodded slowly.

  “And I know you can do this. You’re tough, Smalls.”

  “No I’m not,”

  “Yes, you are. You survived that accident. Now let me hear you say it. You’re tough.”

  “Jaxon . . .”

  “I’m serious. I wanna hear you say it.”

  “Fine, I’m tough.”

  He smirked. She looked as tough as a kitten after a bath. “Say it like you mean it.”

  “I’m tough,” she said with more volume, her lips almost smiling.

  “That’s better,” Jaxon replied matching her grin. “You did great today. I don’t think I could’ve survived an hour with Officer Heartless grilling me.”

  Lucy smirked at his joke, but then his words sunk in. “Wait. I was in here an hour?” she asked. She glanced at the clock and her mouth fell open.

  “How long did you think you were in here?”

  “I don’t know. Five minutes,” she said, sheepishly.

  “Come here,” Jaxon said scooping Lucy into his arms. He carried her over to the small loveseat and gently set her down, taking a seat next to her.

  “Lucy, this kind of thing is hard. I know. I’ve been through it. So trust me when I tell you that you are doing amazing and every day is gonna get a little better.”

  Lucy blinked up at him, questions dancing in her beautiful hazel eyes. “How do you know?”

  Jaxon sighed. He hadn’t meant to get here yet—maybe ever—but if it would help her to know what he’d been through he wouldn’t keep it from her. “Last year, something similar happened to me.”

  “You were in a car accident?”

  Jaxon swallowed past the pain that tightened his throat just thinking about it. “Yeah. Me, Conner and my mother. She didn’t make it.”

  Lucy’s fingers threaded through his and squeezed. She didn’t say anything. She just held his hand and met his gaze. In that moment Jaxon felt more understanding and compassion than he’d gotten out of a year of therapy sessions.

  Tears continued to slide down Lucy’s cheeks and Jaxon reached up to wipe them away. She pressed her cheek into his palm and closed her eyes. He could’ve stayed like that forever, lost in the strange bond the accident had forged between them, but a knock sounded at the door and they jumped apart.

  Conner poked his head in. “Everything alright in here?”

  Jaxon nodded.

  “I was talking to your girl, knucklehead,” Conner said. “You okay, Smalls?”

  “Yes, I feel better now, thanks.”

  “Should I send Officer Hart back in or have you had enough for today?”

  “She’s had enough,” Jaxon interrupted, but Lucy put a delicate hand on his knee.

  “I think I can give it one more go,” she said.

  Jaxon turned to her. “Lucy, you don’t have to do this.”

  She took his hand and smiled. “I know. But I want to.”

  “Good,” Conner said. “I’ll let Officer Hart know.”

  He left the room and Jaxon faced Lucy. “I’m staying with you.”

  She shook her head. “No, I can do this. I’m tough, remember?”

  There was a twinkle in her eye and Jaxon couldn’t help grinning. He stood up shaking his head. This girl. She was throwing his words back in his face and he loved her for it. She had spunk and an inner strength he envied.

  When he offered to carry her back over to the table she declined and reached for her crutches instead. Jaxon watched Lucy settle herself in the folding chair at the table. She took a deep breath and straightened her back as Officer Hart walked into the room. Jaxon could see Lucy’s strength and determined as she set her jaw. “I’m ready to go again,” she said, her voice strong.

  Jaxon hovered at the door looking back at Lucy one more time before leaving. She gave him a wink and fierce pride swelled in his chest. He nodded to her once and left the room, knowing she was going to be just fine.



  Lucy was beaming on the car ride home. Conner said the details she and Jaxon provided were enough to give them a sketch with a real chance of finding a match in the database as well as the make and model of the car to search for. He said he’d get back in touch as soon as he had more information.

  Knowing she’d been able to take one step in the right direction had given Lucy a confidence boost. It was much harder than she’d thought to relive the accident, but she’d gotten through it. And she knew she owed that to Jaxon. His faith in her was astounding. Especially considering he barely knew her.

  He’d been waiting outside the door for her when she finished with Officer Hart. And when she said she’d gotten everything she needed for her sketch Jaxon had scooped Lucy up and spun her around in a circle.

  “I knew you could do it,” Jaxon said for the second time since they’d gotten in his truck.

  He’d carefully settled her into the passenger seat and buckled her in. Now he was holding her hand as he drove back to campus. Lucy looked over to where Jaxon’s large fingers were laced through hers. Being in a moving vehicle still made her anxious and Lucy flinched every time Jaxon had to brake. She usually ended up grabbing the armrest or slamming the dashboard, so eventually Jaxon decided to just hold her hand—probably to keep her from beating up his truck. But she had to admit it calmed her nerves to feel his strong hand around hers.

  “How long do you think it’ll take before Conner gets the results of his facial recognition search?” Lucy asked.

  “I’m not sure. But I’ll pester him about it tonight,” Jaxon replied.

  “We should do something to celebrate,” Lucy said.

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t know. How about ice cream and wine?”

  Jaxon laughed. “Really? Ice cream and wine? Smalls, I think I might need to teach you how to celebrate properly.”

  “What’s wrong with ice cream and wine?”

  “Besides it sounding horrible?”

  “Hey,” she said, giggling at the way Jaxon’s eyebrows knitted together in disgust.

  “And aren’t you on painkillers? No alcohol allowed.”

  “Fine, how about ice cream and pizza?”

  “That, I can get on board with,” Jaxon replied, grinning.

  Each time he smiled like that Lucy felt giddy. It was like Jaxon somehow managed to fit Christmas morning and birthday cake into each perfect pearly white grin he offered. And Lucy couldn’t stop herself from smiling back. It wasn’t fair. How did her heart stand a chance against a smile like that?

  At the precinct, Lucy had noticed Conner had the same gorgeous smile, but he seemed to realize the power it held and kept it under wraps unless he was trying to get something he wanted. Jaxon, on the other hand, was completely oblivious to his hypnotic smile. Lucy wanted to tell him to put it away before she forgot how to string words together. But the fact that Jaxon didn’t seem to know how disarming his looks were only made her like him more.

  “Thank you,” Lucy said finally.

  “For what?”

  “For being there for me today. For everything you said . . . and shared,” she added. “It really meant a lot.”

  Jaxon stopped at the next light and looked over at her, his blue eyes lighting up like sapphires as a ray of sunlight caught them. “You’re welcome.”

  “And I’m really sorry about your mom.”

  Jaxon looked away.

  Lucy instantly felt she’d hit a nerve. Perhaps she didn’t really know him well enough to pry, but he’d helped her through some of the worst few days of her life and she wanted him to at least know she was there to return the favor. “If you ever want to talk about it . . .”

  Jaxon met her eyes again, and squeezed her hand. “Thanks.”

  Lucy held his gaze. “So, it really gets easier?”

  Jaxon rubbed his thumb across the back of her hand. “I promise it does.”

  Shivers raced up Lucy’s arm and she bit her lip. Jaxon’s eyes fell to her mouth and Lucy’s hear
tbeat sped up. Good Lord, just one look and her whole body suddenly felt hot. What the hell would it feel like if he actually kissed her?

  The sudden ringing of Lucy’s cell phone echoed through the truck making her jump, and breaking the spell she’d been under. Jaxon focused his eyes back on the road while Lucy fished her phone out of her pocket. When she saw the name on the caller ID her heart sank. Alex.

  Shame colored her cheeks. Had her mind completely melted? She shouldn’t be thinking about kissing another boy when she had a boyfriend. Lucy quickly accepted the call hoping her voice wouldn’t betray her deceitful mind. “Hey, Alex.”

  “Where the hell are you?”

  “I’m on my why back to the dorms now, why?”

  “Because I’m at your dorm waiting for you. I’ve been here for over an hour.”

  “Um, why?”

  “Because I’m your boyfriend and I’m trying to do something nice for you.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were coming over. I had to go to the police station today.”

  “Well thanks for telling me. I filled your entire dorm with flowers and I just thought it would be nice if you showed up to see them even though the surprise is completely ruined now.”

  “Alex, how was I supposed to know you were going to do that?”

  “I don’t know. Check in with me. I need to get you scheduled for some airtime. You haven’t been in any of my videos lately and my views are taking a hit.”

  Lucy rolled her eyes. That’s what this was about. His stupid social media views were all he cared about.

  “You’re still coming to my exhibition game, right?”

  “Yes Alex, I said I’d be there, so I’ll be there.”

  “You better. The game starts at one. I’ll need you to meet me there at noon so we can do the press meet and greet together.”

  “Wait, what do you mean meet you there? Aren’t you going to give me a ride?”

  “No, I’m going a day early with my agent to meet with some team reps.”

  “But how am I supposed to get to San Diego? I can’t drive with a broken leg, Alex.”

  “Oh, right.”

  Had he seriously forgotten about that?

  “I don’t know, Luz, hire a car.”


  “Lucy, this game is a big deal for me. I’m announcing the two pro team offers I’ve narrowed it down to. All the press is going to be there. I need my good luck charm by my side. Tell me you’ll be there.”

  “I will, but—”

  “Good. We’ll talk soon.” Then Alex hung up.

  Lucy disconnected the call and stared at the road ahead trying to keep her feelings locked up. Only a few more months and she’d be free.


  The silence stretched out between them until Jaxon couldn’t take it. He didn’t want to pry but there was no denying that he’d overheard the disheartening conversation Lucy just had with Alex. Jaxon didn’t like the tone of it at all, or the way Lucy’s brightness dimmed as soon as she saw Alex’s name on her caller ID.

  “What’s in San Diego?” Jaxon finally asked.

  “Alex has an exhibition soccer match there.”

  “That’s a two hour drive each way. More with traffic. Do you really think you’re up for that?”

  “No, but I owe him.”

  Anger swept through Jaxon so swiftly he pulled his truck over into a parking lot. “Lucy, let’s get one thing straight. You don’t owe anyone anything. And any guy who makes you feel like you do is a prick and doesn’t deserve you.”

  Lucy swallowed hard, her hazel eyes wide.

  “I don’t think you should go to this game, and not because I think Alex is a jackass, but because you shouldn’t push yourself physically with an injury like that,” he said pointing to her leg. “But it’s your decision. And if you want to go, I’ll give you a ride. You’re not taking a freaking cab to San Diego.”

  Yeah, he’d heard the whole damn conversation, and he didn’t care if Lucy knew it. It was more important she knew she didn’t have to settle for a shitbag like Alex.

  “I can’t ask you to drive me all the way to San Diego and back.”

  “You’re not asking. I’m offering,” Jaxon growled.

  “Okay,” she said in an uncertain voice.

  “So it’s settled. I’ll drive you if you decide to go?”

  She nodded and a bit of the anger that had instantly consumed Jaxon ebbed. He knew he needed to cool it, but listening to someone talk to Lucy the way Alex had made Jaxon want to punch something. Lucy was a sweetheart, and she’d obviously been putting up with this kind of crap for far too long if she didn’t realize how wrong it was.

  Before he said something he’d regret about wanting to smash Alex’s face in, Jaxon put his truck back in drive and eased onto the road. He offered Lucy his hand again and she took it. The moment her tiny fingers slipped between his, the tightness in Jaxon’s chest began to loosen.

  He was protective over her, so what? Anyone who’d saved her life would be. At least that’s what he told himself.



  Alex paced back and forth in the living room of Lucy’s dorm. Luckily, Brooke had decided to disappear into her bedroom, because Alex couldn’t take much more of the disapproving glares she was sending his way.

  He turned to one of his cameramen. “When Lucy comes through the door make sure you get a shot of her leg, then pan up to our kiss. We might need a few takes. I’ve gotta really milk the sympathy since we couldn’t get any hospital footage.”

  “Got it.”

  Alex checked his watch again and grumbled. This was taking way too long. He had other appearances to make tonight. He swore in Portuguese and wondered if Lucy needed a reminder of just what was at stake if she continued to disappoint him. She wasn’t the only girl on campus vying for his attention. And in his opinion she needed to do a better job of making him feel appreciated. She hadn’t been putting in a lot of effort lately. He doubted she’d even dressed up today. Maybe the no makeup thing would work to his advantage though, especially if her bruises were still visible. But he at least hoped she wasn’t wearing sweats. Alex Alvez couldn’t been seen with his girl looking basic.

  Alex nodded to his cameraman. “Mike, why don’t you see if you can find a dress in Lucy’s closet? Something sexy, and white, preferably. It’ll look good against the background of all the red roses.”

  Mike nodded then disappeared. Alex headed to the kitchen and grabbed another beer while he waited.

  Mike came back out of Lucy’s room holding a long black dress. “I couldn’t find anything white, boss. How’s this?”

  Alex shook his head. “Too formal. Check with her roommate,” he ordered nodding to Brooke’s closed door.

  Mike looked skeptical, but Alex just gave another nod toward her door and continued to enjoy his beer. The cameraman let out a sigh but did as he was told.

  Alex heard him knock and then exchange words with Brooke in nervous hushed tones.

  Brooke opened her door all the way and stormed past Mike into the kitchen, glaring at Alex. “She’s not a doll for you to parade around!” Brooke yelled.

  “She’s whatever I tell her to be,” Alex ground out after slamming the rest of his beer.

  “She has a broken leg, Alex. She needs to rest. So if you’re so worried about being a good boyfriend all of the sudden why don’t you put the cameras away and spend some time taking care of her?”

  “Why don’t you mind your own business, Brooke? You don’t want the rumors to start up again do you?”

  Brooke gave him a simmering glare. She looked like was she was going to say something more, but she didn’t. Instead she marched back to her bedroom and slammed her door just like Alex knew she would.

  Ever since Alex’s teammate Luis hooked up with Brooke freshman year and then shared topless pictures of her with him, she’d been easy prey. Trista McAllister had been into Luis at the time and when she saw the photos she d
ecided to make Brooke persona non grata numero uno on campus.

  Trista spread those pics all over the internet. She and her groupies slut-shamed Brooke so bad freshman year she’d almost dropped out. Alex could’ve stopped the whole thing since Trista did everything he said, but Brooke was a pain in Alex’s ass. She and Lucy had become friends and he knew Brooke was badmouthing him to Lucy, so he let Trista’s smear campaign continue for a while.

  If Brooke had dropped out of Saint Andrews it would’ve made Alex’s life easier, but the damn girl proved more resilient than he’d given her credit for. It didn’t concern Alex that much though. Brooke’s reputation was trashed after Trista’s slut crusade, and it’s not like Lucy would ever leak the real reason she was dating Alex.

  He felt pretty damn invincible—just like always.


  Lucy tried not to let Alex’s phone call and Jaxon’s strange reaction ruin her good mood. This was the first good day she’d had since the accident and she was determined not to waste it.

  “So what kind of pizza do you like?” she asked as Jaxon pulled into the Saint Andrews parking lot.


  “Yes, for our ice cream and pizza party. What kind do you want?”

  “I don’t know. Any kind is fine.”

  Lucy scowled. “Really? So you’re good with SPAM and anchovies.”

  “You’re joking, right?”

  She laughed. “Of course.”

  “Just checking. You are the girl who thinks ice cream and wine goes together.”

  “Hey, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it,” Lucy said playfully.

  “I’m good with pepperoni,” Jaxon offered.

  Lucy grinned. “I can work with that.”

  She followed Jaxon to their golf cart, which was waiting right where they’d left it in the parking lot. After he’d helped her in and started down the path to her dorm she pulled out her phone and dialed her favorite pizza place.


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