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William Shakespeare's The Jedi Doth Return

Page 7

by Ian Doescher




  —What is it, thou Wookiee?

  [Chewbacca finds a piece of meat hanging from a rope.


  —Egh. Egh, auugh!


  I do not understand, Chewbacca. It

  Is just a piece of meat, and nothing more.




  —Nay! Pray, patience!

  [All are caught in a net and raised into the air.


  —Wonderful! The ones

  Who wish’d to find become the ones found out,

  Who wish’d to net a princess, netted are,

  Who pray’d to find her, find themselves now prey.

  And why? Because the one who thinketh least

  Hath thought with appetite and not with mind.


  Since fault of thought hath got us to this place,

  Let us be calm, and reason our way out.

  Canst thou reach my lightsaber, Han?



  [Han Solo tries but cannot reach the lightsaber.


  [ aside:] Once more it lies in me to save these men.

  Mayhap a fall upon their rears shall serve

  Them well. Now quickly to thy work, my blade!

  [R2-D2 begins to cut the net.


  R2, dost think that wise? ’Tis far to fall!


  Down, down, we fall!




  —O, R2!




  Safe from the net, yet hard upon the ground.

  Although my mind is grateful for the help,

  My back doth cry for vengeance on the droid

  Whose foolish act hath knock’d us flat.

  Enter EWOKS , including TEEBO, surrounding the others.


  —But look,

  How many furry beings are there here!

  O brave new world, that has such creatures in’t!

  [Teebo points his spear at Han Solo.


  U jabbeh, jabbeh,

  Ussah stabbatheh,

  Unoh muvva,

  Gabbeh, gabbeh.


  Avaunt, thou scruffy flea-infested imp—

  Point not thy spear toward my angry self,

  Else thou shalt know the scourge of blaster fire.


  I prithee, patience, Han—all shall be well.


  E hura hura,

  Heeno scura,

  Heesa tempurr,

  Gura, gura.


  Chewbacca, give thy crossbow unto them.

  Let them believe they have the upper hand,

  And we shall see of what the beasts are made.


  [ rising from the fall:] Alas, my head! What pains I must endure.

  But O—what creatures do surround us here?


  U hadoo, hadoo,

  Heesa gadoo,

  Heesa mytee,

  Gadoo, gadoo.


  A treeto treeto,

  Meesah greeto,

  Houdi dootee,

  Seeto, seeto.


  C-3PO, dost comprehend their tongue?


  Indeed, my master Luke! Recall that I

  Am fluent in more than six million forms—


  Less prating, more explaining, droid. What didst

  Thou say to them, when thou didst speak e’en now?


  “Hello,” methinks. ’Tis possible I am

  Mistaken. They employ a primitive

  And ancient dialect, but it appears

  They think of me as like unto a god.


  [ aside:] O heaven help us all. C-3PO

  Already thinks himself divine, and needs

  No congregation further. [ To C-3PO:] Beep, squeak!




  O Lord most high and reverent, thou gold

  And stainless deity, call on thy pow’rs

  And godlike charms, and straight divine us all

  A way beyond this situation. Aye?


  Nay, Gen’ral Solo, ’tis not proper.



  You shall for sure discover what is right

  And proper, when I blast apart thy frame.


  Lo, ’tis forbidden, Gen’ral Solo, for

  E’en droids aren’t masters of divinity.


  Thou fickle spirit! Deity or not,

  I shall a spiritual experience

  Enjoy as I do tear thee limb from limb.

  [The Ewoks surround and threaten Han Solo.


  Na goo, na goo,

  Heesall na doo,

  Heesall beest ill,

  Ya doo, ya doo.


  Pray pardon, jolly beasts. Nay, fear me not—

  ’Twas but a jest, for he is my old friend.

  [The Ewoks bind Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and R2-D2 and take them to their village, with C-3PO enthroned.


  Now are we ta’en unto their simple homes—

  Plain huts of wood with branches for their roofs.

  A simple tribe are these, yet wise as well—

  With neither guns nor lightsabers they snar’d

  A pilot skill’d, a Wookiee brave and strong,

  A Jedi Knight, and two most earnest droids.

  ’Twas quite a catch for such a humble net.

  And now, like spits upon a fire we’re hung.

  But what transpireth next? We’ll see anon.


  My feelings are o’ercome with thoughts most dire:

  They ready for a feast, but where’s the food?

  Do they not know I shall a poor meal make?

  No supper may be cook’d from Han’s firm flesh,

  For smuggler meat is all too hard and tough.




  E krandeh krandeh,

  Thessah mandeh,

  Thessah kuukah,

  Gandeh, gandeh,


  Ad toyum toyum,

  Lessum goyum,

  Nossah dootis,

  Noyum, noyum.


  —Prithee, tell me, droid, what did he say?


  O, it is rather an embarrassment

  Good Gen’ral Solo. It appears that thou

  Shalt be the main course at a banquet in

  My honor. I am quite asham’d, good Sir,

  And promise I shall not enjoy the meal.



  [Ewoks begin playing drums.


  [ singing:] A gunda gunda,

  Thissa funda,

  Thessa burna,

  Kunda, kunda.





  —O, my heart! My precious one!

  My Leia! Now may I go up in flames,

  Since I have seen thee safe and well again,



  —Royal Highness!


  —What is this

  That doth transpire here? Luke and Han bound up?

  [Leia approaches but is stopped by Ewoks.

  [ To Ewoks:] Nay, do not hinder me, my newfound friends.

  These goodly men are dear to me, they are

  The closest that I have to family.

  Pray, still your doubtful, cautious minds, and I

  Shall show ye that these people mean no harm.
  C-3PO, thou somehow art enthron’d,

  Which doth suggest thou hast some sway o’er them.

  Serve thou as translator, and tell these imps

  To free our brave companions from their bonds.


  [ to Teebo:] I rooktah rooktah,

  Nowyee looktah,

  Lessem freeum,

  Booktah, booktah.

  [The Ewoks continue their preparations for the feast.


  It seemeth that thy kingly words did fall

  Upon their peasant ears a little less

  Than royally.


  —Good 3PO, relay

  To them that if they shall not heed thy words,

  Thou wilt astound them with thine anger fierce,

  And ply thy magic on them.


  —Magic, Sir?

  I know not what you mean. I have no magic!


  I prithee: argue not, but tell them now.


  [ to Ewoks:] No gosh, no gosh,

  I yami bosh,

  I uzzee prahnkh,

  E boomabosh.

  [The Ewoks stop momentarily and then resume their preparations.

  O, see’st thou, Master Luke? They paid no heed,

  As I suspected they would not, the brutes!


  [ aside:] Now Force, come flow within, around, above.

  Raise up the droid upon his wooden throne,

  And let these creatures think he is their god,

  A’raging in his anger. Let them shrink

  And cower in their fear, and be so mov’d

  That they shall do his every command.

  C-3PO lifts up above the ground

  And is quite terrified to be so high.

  But frighten’d as they are, they do not see

  Their god is yet more petrified than they.

  They scatter to and fro and up and down,

  For here’s a sight they ne’er have seen before:

  A being flying sans the use of wings.

  O work thy power, Force, be thou my aid

  And constant strong companion in our need.

  Success! The creatures now are quite convinc’d,

  And move with haste to free us of our bounds.

  C-3PO doth lower into place,

  And now we all are free—O thank the Force,

  That mov’d in me so I could move the droid,

  And move these creatures to release us all.

  [The Ewoks unbind Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca. An Ewok frees R2-D2 and R2-D2 shocks the Ewok. The Ewok runs away.


  [ aside:] Now come ye back, ye scurvy, furry things,

  I’ll shock ye all for your abuse of us.


  O mistress mine, to see thee brings me joy!

  Draw nigh and plant upon my lips a kiss.


  Luke hath secur’d your safety with his ploy—

  No sweeter meeting can I wish than this!

  [Han Solo and Princess Leia kiss. Wicket approaches R2-D2.


  W’goodo, goodo,

  Whoosah yoodo,

  Yoosah speccul,

  Hoodo, hoodo.


  [ to C-3PO:] My gratitude profound, C-3PO.


  Forsooth, I never knew ’twas in me, Sir.


  These little creatures may have value yet

  If they our allies in this fight become.

  I need thine aid now to convince them so—

  I prithee, 3PO, make known to them

  Our dire adventures ’gainst the Empire vile.


  I know not, Master. I am not a bard

  Who can with skillful tongue his story tell.


  But try, C-3PO—the tale relay

  In their own language.

  [The Ewoks gather and listen.


  —All the world’s at war,

  And all the rebels in it are the heroes;

  They have their battles and their skirmishes,

  And rebels in these scenes have play’d their parts,

  Their story being seven ages. First,

  Our princess that was captur’d was then sav’d,

  But Alderaan did pay the costly price.

  And then the Death Star battle, with its guns

  And awful loss of life, like speeder bikes

  We flew unto the final vict’ry. Then

  To Hoth, so barren, with a woeful ballad

  Compos’d for our lost comrades. Then to Bespin,

  Full of strange imps and fearful twists of fate.

  My master fac’d Darth Vader, quick in quarrel,

  While Lando, Chewie, and the princess just

  Escap’d the cannon’s mouth. But then our Han—

  In fair trim belly with good humor lin’d,

  With eyes severe and hair of scruffy cut,

  Full of harsh tongue and modern instances—

  Was plac’d in carbonite. The sixth age shift’d

  To Tatooine, a lean and lonely place,

  With Jabba there to give us all a fright.

  The sarlacc vicious was a world too wide

  For us to spend eternity within.

  We turn’d again to Master Luke, who with

  The Force did save our lives. Last scene of all,

  That ends this brave eventful history,

  Shall be the Empire’s fall t’oblivion,

  Sans pow’r, sans hate, sans fear, sans ev’rything.

  [The Ewoks discuss the story.


  What do they say?


  —I do not know.


  [ aside:] —I sense

  The keen nobility within their hearts;

  These small but mighty creatures shall yet be

  Our help as we make battle ’gainst our foes.


  Na doonga doonga,

  Tymee soonga,

  Weesa hilpuh,

  Loonga, loonga.


  ’Tis wonderful! A sign of deep respect

  The group has given us, for we have been

  Made members of their honorable tribe.

  Moreover, they shall aid us in the fight

  Against the Empire and its bunker here.

  [All embrace, and an Ewok hugs Han Solo.


  ’Tis verily a dream come true for me.

  [ Aside:] And now, unhand me, teddy, ere I scream.


  Beep, whistle, squeak!


  [ aside:] —This joyous scene doth stir

  My soul, for since my presence here is but

  A danger to my friends, I must depart.

  [Exit Luke Skywalker.


  But wherefore doth Luke flee when we should all

  Be celebrating? I shall follow him.

  [Exit Princess Leia.




  —So the proverb says, Chewbacca: “Help

  That is but short is better than no help

  At all.” Though how the furry beasts will help

  I cannot yet imagine or conceive.


  The Ewok chief reports the scouts shall show

  Us to the place that generates the shield

  For the new Death Star. There we may fulfill

  Our plan: deactivate the shield anon.


  Well done, C-3PO, now quickly heed

  Mine every command: first have them tell

  Us how far distant is the place. Then be

  Thou sure that, second, thou dost ask for fresh

  Supplies. And fin’lly, get our weapons back.

  But wherefore dost thou wait, thou simple droid?

  Unto my tasks—I shall not wa
it for thee!

  [Exeunt Han Solo and Chewbacca.


  He cannot wait, but will not let me do’t!


  Enter Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia on balcony.


  I prithee, say: what is the matter, Luke?


  Between who?


  —Nay, the matter on your heart.


  Say, dost thou of thy mother yet retain

  A memory? I fain would hear thee tell.


  But little, Luke, for I was all too young

  When she departed to her resting place.


  Yet what dost thou remember? Wilt thou share?


  ’Tis mostly images I see within

  My mind when I do think on her, just as

  The reds and oranges that one doth see

  When one hath look’d upon the shining sun.

  She was a woman of great beauty who

  Was kind, yet nurs’d some sadness deep within.

  Now tell me, wherefore dost thou ask me this?


  No mem’ry have I of a mother’s touch,

  Nor kindness, sadness, smile, or any speech.

  ’Twas not until but recently I thought

  Upon my state of being motherless.


  What troubles thee, dear Luke?


  —Darth Vader’s here,

  E’en now, upon this very forest moon.


  How dost thou know?


  —I felt his presence here.

  He cometh seeking me, for he can feel

  When I am near. This is why I must leave:

  As long as I remain I do the group

  And our good mission put at risk. Instead,

  My destiny it is to face the man.


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