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The Space Merchants of Arachne

Page 14

by Wendie Nordgren

  The silver haired official who had conducted the introductory meeting between my Parvac relatives and me approached us with Gina. He explained to us how the peace talks had progressed and outlined the main points of the treaty our governments planned to negotiate. I watched the flames as they curled around logs and was soothed even further by Thunderdrop. I had started to doze when the official startled me.

  "Lady Alaric Montgomery Lee, one of the concessions requested by the Parvac Empire is your presence at the negotiations."

  "My presence?" I looked to Yukihyo whose expression had turned to stone. "Why would I need to be there? I don't know anything."

  He calmly met my eyes and said, "Admiral Valen and others wish for you to attend. You would not be required to make any speeches or anything of that nature. A few public appearances such as the one we now attend would be all that is required of you and would do much to pacify the Parvacs and ease tensions. Young people such as yourself are a commonality between our peoples, binding us together as we move forward into a kinder more tolerant future, a future with less violence and bloodshed." He aimed the last at Yukihyo. "For example, you carry a Laconian, Arachnean, and Parvac child. What better example of peace is there for our peoples?"

  "We will receive more details via a secure channel tomorrow, Teagan," Gina said.

  Yukihyo wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Gina smiled at the official and led him away. I twisted my wrist and watched my diamonds sparkle in the firelight. More pictures were taken that night in various pairings. By the time it was deemed appropriate to go home, Gram and I were drowsing in our transport seats. Unlike Gram, once we pulled to a stop in front of the house, I got carried off to bed in my husband's strong arms.

  Chapter Nine

  I woke up to a blinking Thunderdrop. Yukihyo had removed my ball gown, but left me in my diamonds. I got up and placed them in my jewelry box. While I filled the tub, I looked at my rounding stomach in the mirror. I didn't want to go off to some potentially dangerous meeting. The only things I was really in the mood for were eating and sleeping. I covered my little bump with my hand.

  I wore a soft light green dress and a white cardigan down to breakfast. Once in the foyer, Thunderdrop and I paused as we heard a heated discussion coming from the dining room. It abruptly stopped. They had sensed my arrival. Thunderdrop and I found Yukihyo struggling for calm, a pink cheeked Gina, Ethan with an eyebrow in his hairline, Gram with her lips pursed, Eric with his fists braced against the table, Sydney with her arms crossed, and Sherman who sat with no expression at all.

  "Well, good morning, happy family!" I said. I kissed Yukihyo on his clenched jaw and then went to Eric. I put my arms around him which forced him to take his weight off of his fists and stand up. He was in uniform which I didn't take as a good sign. He hugged me back and kissed the top of my head. "When did you get back?"

  "The Hadrian landed an hour ago."

  "Well, I know Yukihyo and Simon have been working hard to complete your order. Is it ready, Yukihyo?"

  "Yes, I'll call Simon," he said and went toward the foyer with his palm sized vid-screen.

  "Something tells me you weren't all fighting over the last pancake. Gram, what's going on?"

  "The Parvac Empire requests your attendance at the treaty negotiations and there are those of us who do not wish for you to attend."

  "Is there anyone who thinks it would be okay for me to attend?"

  Eric said, "Unfortunately, the gesture of goodwill, should you attend, might contribute to the success or failure of the entire enterprise."

  "Wow, who would have thought a simple reclamation worker would matter to so many foreign dignitaries?" I snorted. "Where are these negotiations going to occur?"

  Eric said, "I have been sent to offer you transport to Amphictyon where the preparations are underway."

  "You? I would get to go on a trip on the Hadrian, with you?" I grew excited. "Would you let me sit in your chair again and go to the firing range?" I frowned and thought about Parvacs being everywhere. "If I would be with you, I would be safe." I was sure I would have Yukihyo, too, unless he were against it. "How long do we have to think about it?"

  "The sooner, the better," Eric said. I filled my plate with eggs and sausage. Then, I looked around and when I didn't see Phillip, I loaded pancakes and syrup on it, too. I ate all of the pancakes first and washed them down with juice just to be safe.

  "Who would go with me, if I were to go?"

  "I will be attending, along with Lady Ling," Gina said. I nodded.

  "Gram, if you would agree to go, we might be able to convince grandmother to meet us there." I stared down at my plate as my eyes began to fill. I wondered what it would feel like to hug her, my own grandmother. I wondered if I could feel what it might have been like to be hugged by my own mother through her arms. My throat ached. I felt Yukihyo's hands on my shoulders and felt calm from him wash over me, loosening the knot in my throat.

  "I did not realize how much you want to see her," he said. I shrugged.

  "Well, I suppose we could call her and ask," Gram said in a nervous voice.

  "Really, Gram? Do you mean it?" I asked as the tears I had tried to hold in spilled over.

  "There is a chance she will say no," Gram said. I followed her to the large vid-screen. Gram placed the call.

  Eventually, Uncle Kagan appeared. "Hello, Uncle Kagan."

  "Hello, Teagan. Are you alright?" Concern clouded his features. I wiped at my face. Again, I was struck by how much I looked like him.

  "I'm okay. I guess. I was invited to attend that meeting, and I'm trying to decide if I can handle it."

  His forehead wrinkled, "Are you and the baby alright?"

  "Yes, sir."

  He appeared relieved and smiled at me. "Your grandmother has told all of the family, the servants, and all of her friends. Is there anything with which I can help you?"

  I nodded. "I hoped maybe you could convince grandmother to go. If she will go, then Gram will go. Then, I could see her." A sob escaped me and tears started to fall in earnest. Yukihyo handed me a silk square. "I really want to meet her in person. Is she there? Can we speak to her?"

  "Of course, niece. I believe she is in the garden. I will go find her." Uncle Kagan stood, turned, and walked out of the frame. His back and legs were corded in muscle, evident even through his clothing. He returned a short time later with his arm around his mother. She seemed frazzled.

  "Grandmother, hello," I tried to give her a sweet pretty smile. I was afraid she wouldn't agree to go. I didn't think she would go on a starship just for me, but she might if it meant seeing Gram, too. I felt the end of my nose begin to tingle, and I bit my lip. Gram squeezed my hand. I knew Yukihyo tried to help me, but never having my own mother or a grandmother, my need to see her was overwhelming. It was hard to get past a lifetime of being unloved and unwanted. I didn't think I could speak.

  "Hello, granddaughter and sweet sister. It is so good to see you both."

  I had to be brave enough to ask, she might reject the idea, but it was all I could do. "Grandmother, I so very much want to meet you." I looked down at my feet and took a breath. "There is a meeting I'm supposed to go to, and it's far from home. I'm not sure if it's halfway between us or not. I was wondering if there was any way you might be willing to meet Gram and me there?" I tried to prepare myself for the rejection. Grandmother's face had gone pale. Unconsciously, my hand went to my stomach. Her pale blue eyes followed my motion. Uncle Kagan rubbed her back. She nodded.

  "If it means seeing you, I'll do it. I'll go."

  "Really?" Now, my tears were from gratitude. "Thank you. This means so much to me." Gram groaned and when I managed to look up, Uncle Kagan's face held an expression of complete shock. "Oh, grandmother, I can't wait to see you. Maybe we can sneak out of the meeting and go to a cafe or something. Tell me what sizes you and Mrs. Valen wear, and we'll bring you bunches of silk dresses!" I looked from grandmother to Gram. They both looked a little sick. I sniffled
. "What's with you two?"

  "How long is the trip?" grandmother asked.

  "It will be a little over a week," Yukihyo answered. They paled even more.

  "I just don't understand how the two of you can possibly be afraid. I love being in the stars. Uncle Kagan, do you have any fighter ships?"

  He grinned at me and said, "Yes, niece."

  "Maybe if you took grandmother for a flight, she would see how much fun it is. My cousin took me out in one of his, and I've never had so much fun." They both groaned.

  "I find the experience just as exhilarating. Mother and Aunt Emma do not share our passion, however."

  Having listened in on the entire conversation, it came as no surprise to Eric that Yukihyo, Gram, and I would be accompanying Gina to the peace talks. That Gram had agreed to go did. He and Yukihyo drove us to Simon's warehouse. Gram and I, with a designer's assistance, made dresses for my grandmother in every shade of blue Simon had. We made dresses in several different styles and colors for my aunt, Mrs. Valen. Much to our embarrassment, we didn't know her name. While we made dresses, Eric's order was loaded into a large land transport for delivery to the Hadrian. Simon told us he would handle the details with the purchaser. I asked Eric if it was okay to make Uncle Kagan and Kane each a protective shirt, since, after all, they were Parvacs. He kissed my nose and told me it was fine. Yukihyo agreed and suggested I give them a sample to test. He said if they liked the fabric, we could sell it to them at a two hundred percent markup. I just looked at him, but I enclosed a few sample yards. I had dyed the fabric the same black as their uniforms. After our presents were boxed, wrapped, and bagged, Yukihyo and Eric took us home to pack. Eric called his ship and ordered three staterooms to be prepared.

  While we packed, Phillip insisted on speaking to Eric's chief medical officer. Phillip was only satisfied after sharing every detail of my medical history, along with every scan, test, and intimate detail of which he could think. The medical officer assured Phillip that he would perform daily scans, check my vitamin levels, and send Phillip detailed reports. Yukihyo nodded in approval.

  Sherman brought Gina to the house with her bags. He was staying to oversee the business knowing his wife would be too preoccupied to miss him. He and Simon shared knowing glances and felt sorry for anyone who didn't see things her way. I packed Thunderdrop's toys and went to the kitchen where Jorge had already packed an aluminum crate with spider food and bowls. He carried the crate to Eric's transport. Then, Jorge helped with the luggage and bags Eric and Yukihyo were bringing down in the lift.

  The silver haired official, who I had finally learned was Ambassador Stine, expressed gratitude on behalf of the Galaxic government for my cooperation. I didn't tell him that I was really going because I wanted to meet my grandmother. Gina knew, though, and smirked at me. I smiled sweetly at Ambassador Stine and told him that I couldn't deny my dear cousin Captain Alaric any request. Gina raised an eyebrow at me.

  I wore my pink and blue diamond necklace and the gifts Uncle Kagan had given me. I wore a soft blue floor length dress with an empire waist. Sydney and Gina had several variations of the style made for me. Thunderdrop clung to my shoulder. I hugged Auria, Sydney, Ethan, Eliot, Hiroshi, Simon, Sherman, and Phillip before allowing Yukihyo to seat me in the transport. Gram was a bundle of nerves.

  "Gram, how long has it been since you hugged Ettie? Did you think you would ever see her again?"

  My questions focused her thoughts. Gina winked her approval at me. Eric was thrilled that he would have Gram on his ship for two weeks and however many days the talks lasted.

  "Thank you, Teagan. My superiors thought it would take a great deal of convincing to get you to attend. I will probably get a commendation just for getting you on board the Hadrian." Eric flashed a grin at me. I winked at Gina. The red carpet had been rolled out yet again. As Eric drove us aboard, I noticed three other Galaxic Militia starships preparing for departure. "We will be safe, Yukihyo," Eric told him.

  Once aboard Yukihyo, Gina, Gram, and I received ambassadorial quarters on the deck right below the command deck. We had private dining, an exercise room, a small pool, and a meeting room with wide windows that remained closed while on land. Thunderdrop seemed pleased with our accommodations and selected a quiet corner of our quarters for his toys. I knew he planned to build a web in the corner. "Yukihyo, you are going to be so bored. You won't be spending the day on the bridge when we leave orbit. Whatever will you do?" He turned and locked the door, grinned, and stalked me.

  Eventually, I convinced him that we should put our things away. Gram and I had split the bags full of boxed dresses between us, and I stored my half in a long cabinet. Yukihyo refused to let me put anything else away. He allowed me to sit on the bed and supervise him as he did so. He challenged me to a stones game on the medium sized corner vid-screen in our room. Two comfortable chairs were in front of it. I thought I felt the moment when we left Arachne's surface. "Did we just leave orbit?"

  "Yes, lady wife." We did not have a window in our quarters.

  "Do you want to go to the meeting room and see?"

  "You are not attempting to forfeit our game, are you?" He was winning.

  "No, we can leave it just as it is and come back." Gina had beaten us to the meeting room and sat in a chair watching the stars. "It has been too long since I have seen this, husband." I twisted my wedding ring on my finger and kissed him.

  "It doesn't make you nervous?" Gina asked.

  "No, I love it up here. I feel free of everything that trapped me on Earth. Tora liberated me. Where is Gram?"

  "The doctor gave her a mild sedative. She is taking a nap."

  "Do you think she will be okay?" Yukihyo asked.

  "Yes, the doctor assured me he has plenty of sedatives."

  "How about some lunch?" I asked. Unfortunately, Phillip had conspired against me with the chief medical officer. I had sautéed vegetables and chicken for lunch with a glass of chilled fizzy water. In our quarters our game had timed out while we were gone. I smiled sweetly at Yukihyo and started it over.

  The next morning, we were permitted to move more freely about the ship. Gram said that she was content to work on her embroidery and for us to go explore, but to be back for lunch. Yukihyo and I went to spend the morning with Mary and her friends. A few of their husbands asked Yukihyo to spar with them in the gym and seeing that I was occupied learning to change a diaper, he agreed. We met Gram and Gina for lunch. Gram seemed to have her panic under control. I told her about all of the babies she could play with in the morning if she came with Mary and me. She seemed interested. Gina stayed busy on her communications device, mostly with Ling who traveled on one of the other three starships.

  I had invited Mary to come play in the pool with me that afternoon. Yukihyo supervised from a chair, and Thunderdrop played with a transport. Mary confided, "I haven't been feeling very well."

  "What's wrong?" She shrugged. "Well, we might as well go make sure you aren't getting a cold because if I start throwing up again, I don't know what I'll do." I shuddered. We dried off, changed, and went to the medical bay. Yukihyo and Thunderdrop came with us. A doctor took Mary off into an examination room. We sat and waited for her. While we waited the chief medical officer came over and scanned me a few times. Then, he shot me in the arm with more vitamins. Paul, in uniform, rushed in without noticing us. The chief medical officer showed Yukihyo a scan of our baby. I had to tug on his arm to get a turn. I thought our baby looked more like a large bean than either of us. A short time later, a grinning Paul led a stunned looking Mary out of the medical bay. "Oh," I said.

  Yukihyo and I returned to our quarters with Thunderdrop and had a nap. That evening we all had dinner at the captain's table. Either Gram was improving, or she really enjoyed the sedatives. Eric was thrilled to have some of his family on his ship. "Yukihyo, I plan to spend some time on weapons practice in the morning. Would you like to join me?"

  "Yes, thank you."

  Eric winked at me. "T
he medical reports contained good news today," he said. Yukihyo and I laughed.

  "You should have seen Mary's face! I knew exactly what she felt like. It's kind of hard to believe. I hope our children are friends, just as we are. That would be so cute," I smiled.

  Eric aimed his assault blaster at the target. He fired and hit the center. He repeated with five more perfectly aimed blasts. He powered the blaster down and waited for Yukihyo to do the same. "How are you doing with this?"

  "I will manage. For her sake. You all felt, as I did, her anguish."

  "There are a few things you need to know." Yukihyo turned to Eric. "The miners who kidnapped Teagan were found on their new mining colony. Their identities were confirmed after they were pieced back together. Whoever did it started with their fingers and toes and moved on by inches."

  "Was it Kagan or Kane?"

  "Times of deaths combined with the intense scrutiny they were under while in our system eliminates them as suspects. Either of them could have ordered it done, and we would have no way of knowing."

  "What it the other thing?" Eric stared into Yukihyo's eyes, carefully judging his reaction.

  "Nathan Green was not Teagan's father."

  I woke up and stretched across the bed. I had the entire thing to myself. Eric had invited Yukihyo to go shoot targets this morning. I got dressed and followed Thunderdrop to the dining area. The cook gave Thunderdrop his food and water bowls. I gave the cook my sweetest smile. "You are one of the finest cooks whose food I have ever enjoyed. Thank you for all of your hard work." He smiled.


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