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The Space Merchants of Arachne

Page 24

by Wendie Nordgren

  “Is it okay if we sit and talk?”

  I shrugged. Phillip helped me sit in a chair in front of the vid-screen and spread a blanket over my legs. He pulled the other chair over in front of me. He sat and pulled my feet up into his lap. He moved his thumbs against the pads under my toes. I leaned my head against the back of my chair.

  “Nothing tragic has ever happened to me involving a pregnant woman, and I’ve never spent much time around babies. I’m overly concerned because you’re my little sister, and I love you. I want to do everything I can to help you. Also, you know how I feel about Yukihyo, and we both know how much you and this baby mean to him. I can’t let any of you down.”

  I scrunched my forehead at him. “Phillip, do that to my heels.” He moved his thumbs down. I yawned. “Pregnant women are supposed to get to eat whatever they want. It’s consolation for being huge, tired, and uncomfortable. You are the only person who disagrees.”

  “Well, if you could have anything you wanted, right now, what would it be?”

  I thought and responded, “Olives and vanilla ice cream.”

  “See. That’s fine. I would just suggest milk over crushed ice rather than ice cream. See?” My vid-screen beeped, and I activated it. Phillip was scanning one of my ankles while pretending to rub my other foot.

  “Daughter, how are you?”

  “Hello, Papa. Phillip was just explaining to me how milk with an ice cube is just as delicious as ice cream.” I rolled my eyes. Phillip turned around to smile at him.

  “I will have a driver waiting for you upon your arrival. Is Yukihyo available? I wish to speak to him.” Phillip moved to get up.

  “No, you keep rubbing. I’ve got this. Watch.” I thought about Yukihyo and wanting him to come to our quarters. Moments later, he appeared. Phillip raised both of his eyebrows. Then, he scanned my other ankle. Yukihyo bowed to Papa. “Papa wants to speak to you. Papa, do you want Phillip and me to leave?”

  “No, my darling. Yukihyo, I hope your business can be completed soon after your arrival. I plan to take my daughter on a trip to Thalassa to see our home there. I am certain she will want you and the others to accompany us. Should you have any extra silk, you will find eager buyers for it there.”

  “I will speak with Hiroshi and Simon at once.” Yukihyo bowed again and left.

  I could see Kaoti outside of my door. “What is Thalassa like?”

  “The picture I gave you of your mother and me was taken on Thalassa. It is a paradise of clear oceans, beaches, and jungles.”

  “Will you show me where you were when it was taken?” He nodded.

  When we landed on Parvac, Papa came for me. It was decided that Thunderdrop, Phillip, and I would go to the palace while the others conducted business. “Chirp! Chirp!”

  “You like the pretty palace. Don’t you?” He perched on my stomach and looked out of the window. I held Papa’s hand all the way there.

  “Did you behave yourself for Phillip on the journey here?”

  “I was as I always am. Did you behave while I was gone?”

  “Yes, I did not order the subjugation of any planetary systems during your absence. I encouraged peaceful relations and allowed construction of a Galaxic Embassy to begin in the merchant district.”

  I kissed his hand. “That’s good news. People can visit here after the embassy is operational. Maybe when there is a Parvac embassy on Scipio, you can visit there with us.”

  “What is Scipio like?”

  “It’s beautiful. Yukihyo and I married there at the Singing Rocks and spent the next day at the Lake of Mist. With the relays in place, I can show you a documentary about it.”

  “Interesting. We can do that while you unpack.”

  By the time we had walked to my wing, all of our luggage had been taken to our rooms. “Where is the crate I brought?” Two crates were produced. One held spider food, but the other had the pictures I had printed and framed for my Parvac home. Phillip found the documentary about Scipio and played it for Papa. I opened the doors to the patio so Thunderdrop could play outside. Kaoti bowed to me.

  “I will watch over him, my lady.” I smiled at his use of the Arachnean form of address and thanked him.

  “Scipio appears to be a planet of beautiful women,” Papa said to Phillip.

  “Beautiful and very friendly. I can’t believe that Felicia got married,” he said as he shook his head.

  “You still have the bountiful Becca,” I snickered.

  “I’m happy to be the one to tell you this, Cupcake. Currently, you are much more bountiful than Becca.”

  I scowled at him. “Yes, and it’s not very comfortable. Papa, maybe you should have a documentary made of the prettiest places to visit on Parvac and have lots of bare chested muscular men prancing around with charming smiles on their faces. Then, maybe the ladies will voluntarily vacation here!” I laughed and wiped at my eyes.

  Papa looked at me in all seriousness. He had the calculating dangerous expression he had worn during moments on Amphictyon. “Excellent idea, Princess. Phillip, come with me. You will show this documentary to my cultural liaisons.” Phillip offered no resistance and dutifully followed.

  “Good idea taking Phillip. Attracting pretty women is his specialty.” Papa gave Phillip an appraising look as they walked out of my sitting room. I began placing family pictures on my tables. One of the butlers in charge of my wing came in with a tray. “Thank you, Otto.” He bowed and poured me a cup of tea.

  “Princess, General Cassian desires an audience with you,” Rolf, the other butler, informed me.

  “With me? I don’t even know him. What should I do?”

  Rolf inclined his head to me and said, “To turn him away would be an insult, Princess.” I frowned. Why would some old general need to see me? I didn’t have any power.

  “Will you both stay if I see him?” Otto and Rolf bowed. I went to the patio. “Kaoti, I need you. Thunderdrop, come here, baby!” Thunderdrop bounced to me and crawled up to my shoulder. “Kaoti…” He stopped me.

  “I heard.”

  “What do I do?”

  Kaoti examined my face with his empty dark eyes. “Offer him refreshments and let him speak. Then, he will leave.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  Rolf bowed and went to find General Cassian. Kaoti stood at attention with his back to the wall. Rolf led a six-and-a half-foot blonde giant into my sitting room. General Cassian wore full dress uniform but was unarmed not that it mattered. General Cassian looked like he was a weapon in his own right. He bowed to me. I curtsied. He had thick blonde hair but the same dark eyes as Papa, Kaoti, and my butlers. He wasn’t old like I had expected. General Cassian didn’t say anything.

  Unsure of what to do, I asked, “May I help you?” General Cassian stepped closer, and I placed a protective hand over my baby.

  “Princess Teagan, thank you for allowing my visit. I am Nico Cassian. You are more lovely than the views Apellan rewards us with of the moon on summer nights. I had heard of your beauty and seen you from a distance, but nothing could prepare me for the awe you have inspired in my heart.”

  I grinned at him. “Shame on you! You are such a flirt. I know why it is I remind you of this moon of which you speak, Nico Cassian. Now, may I offer you some tea?”

  “Princess, I assure you. I am most sincere, and Apellan’s moon is breathtaking.”

  “Yes, and I am as round as this moon. I am sure.” I laughed. Nico Cassian pulled out my chair and then sat while Otto poured us tea. I could tell from the general’s expression that I had thrown him into a mild state of confusion, and I found it delightful. Thunderdrop crawled down from my shoulder and moved off to play with a transport. I sipped my tea and waited for my guest to regroup. “Now that we have exchanged pleasantries, what is the purpose for your visit?”

  The large blonde general turned serious. Sweet words might elude him, but he knew how to gain his objective. “I came to see you. I intend to make you mine.”

  Shocked, I said,
“I’m happily married and pregnant. You’re too late.”

  “I disagree.”

  “With which part?” I asked.

  “I’m not too late. You only have one husband.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” I felt my cheeks begin to burn.

  “Parvac does not hold with the customs of the Galaxic Expanse. Parvac women may have as many husbands as they wish.” I felt my face grow an even fiercer shade of red. “I have embarrassed you. Forgive me. I must be the first to offer myself to you. Princess Teagan, you are beautiful, fertile, and the Emperor’s daughter. I came to you today to introduce myself. I hold the rank of general, am the eldest son in the Cassian line, own plentiful lands on Apellan, and would do anything to please you.” Nico Cassian snapped his fingers. Servants entered with a large crate. “Please accept a humble gift, Princess Teagan.” He moved from his chair and knelt in front of me to kiss my hand. He stood, bowed, and walked toward the doors. Papa and Phillip returned as he was leaving. Nico Cassian came to attention and saluted Papa who saluted him in return. Then, they clasped hands and the general left.

  Phillip looked at my face and said, “What happened?”

  “Phillip, that man…. I’m too shocked to say!”

  Papa turned to Kaoti and asked, “Did General Cassian behave inappropriately with my daughter?”

  “No, Emperor Probus.”

  “What? What do you mean no? Am I crazy or did that man just ask me to consider marrying him?” I asked Kaoti.

  “Yes, he offered himself to you.”

  “What is in the crate?” Papa asked. I stared at him with a befuddled expression. “May I?” he asked indicating the box. I lifted my hands and shrugged.

  “Papa, what do I do? I told him I’m married and pointed out the obvious that I’m pregnant. He was like, yes it’s great you’re fertile.” Papa opened the crate and pulled out a large animal hide. Kaoti looked impressed.

  Papa smiled and said, “Cassian is an experienced hunter to bring down a Naxan bison. They are large dangerous beasts but very good to eat.” Under the hide were several packages of meat. My stomach growled. Papa heard and grinned at me. “Prepare some steaks for our lunch.” Two servants took the crate away. Papa held the hide out to Rolf who arranged it on the floor in front of a table near the entrance to my wing.

  “Shouldn’t I return that to him?”

  “Why would you do such a thing?”

  “Well, obviously, I’m not marrying him or anyone else. I have Yukihyo.”

  Papa turned his dark eyes to me. “I do not suggest you tell General Cassian that.”

  Confused, I asked, “Why?”

  “It would place your husband in danger. It is rather ridiculous for you to have only one husband. You did realize Parvac is a polyandrous society? It has always been so. A few wisely selected Parvac males would serve as a further guarantee of Yukihyo’s safety, and you would only be required to allow your husbands one opportunity a year to impregnate you.” My eyes were in danger of falling out of my head to the shiny white floor.

  “Does Aunt Seyla have another husband other than Uncle Kagan?”

  “She did. He died. We were friends.”

  “Did my mother have any other husbands?”

  “No, she belonged only to me.”


  “I needed to provide the empire with a male heir. However, your mother has provided me with a beautiful daughter. My Laconian grandchild, if male, will not be allowed to rule. Only men of the best bloodlines and most powerful families will attempt to win you. If you provide one of them with a son, the child will become the next emperor.” All of the blood had drained from my face. Phillip helped me sit. “Do not be alarmed. No one will interfere with your choices or expect for you to change your lifestyle. However, daughter, you would be wise to accept the gifts presented to you and consider the men who offer themselves as mates. A good strategy would be to accept one of them at most a few months after the birth of my grandchild.” Phillip and I exchanged shocked looks.

  Rolf returned with lunch. He placed steaks and vegetables out for us and for Thunderdrop, too. That evening when everyone had returned, I asked Rolf and Otto to close the doors to give us privacy. Then, Phillip and I called a family meeting. Simon was livid. Yukihyo examined the animal hide and pulled up videos of Naxan bison on the large vid-screen in the room. They were large mean looking beasts.

  “What if we simply left and declined to return?” Hiroshi asked.

  “They would consider her even more desirable and as a challenge,” Kaoti answered.

  “This is a common practice here? Women having several husbands?” Phillip asked.

  “Yes, I have five fathers. However, with the Princess her husbands would wish to know with certainty which of them had fathered her child. Much honor would be bestowed upon his family.”

  “If my sweet cousin were to select another husband, would he allow her to leave?” Simon asked.

  “The Princess will be denied nothing. However, if she were to carry a male heir to the throne, she would be honor bound to remain on Parvac, and I do not believe either the child’s father or the Emperor would allow him off world.”

  “My life was simpler as an orphan. We can put off worrying about this for several months, right? Maybe they would be satisfied if I donated some eggs or something.”

  Kaoti laughed. We were all shocked to hear it. “Princess, you are viewed as the most desirable prize in the Empire and not just for your eggs.” Yukihyo remained silent.

  We went to my room where I held tightly to him. I felt panicked and afraid. “Please don’t leave me anymore for business. Let the others take care of it. I wish we were at home in our tent. Yukihyo removed my gown and bent his head down to my breast. He licked his tongue up my nipple and then sucked it into his mouth. He found me with his hand and moved his fingers against and inside of me. I began to spasm around his fingers, and he filled me with himself. He moved in short, powerful strokes, and I struggled to deepen them. Yukihyo’s mouth moved to my other breast. I gave up trying to get him deeper and relaxed. Yukihyo quickened his thrusts. All I could do was moan. I felt myself clamp down around him as I spiraled out of control with pleasure. He deepened his movements and touched me where he knew I wanted to feel him. I cried out as a stronger wave of ecstasy flooded my awareness. I laid panting under him as he emptied himself into me. Carefully, he moved from me and curled himself around me. Yukihyo rested his hand over our child. “What are we going to do?”

  “Sleep,” he said.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The next morning Otto and Rolf packed our bags for a trip with Papa to the planet Thalassa. Kaoti and Phillip planned to accompany us, but the others were staying on Parvac. Hiroshi was making more credits than ever before, and we hated to tear him away. Papa assured me that he and Simon would be safe. Uncle Kagan promised me that he would protect them. We were travelling on Kane’s ship. Yukihyo, Phillip, Thunderdrop, Kaoti, and I were sharing private quarters with Papa.

  Once we had boarded, Kane led us through his ship and down a corridor. We entered a sitting area. To the right was a dining room and kitchen. To the left was Papa’s apartment. Along the back of the space were five guest rooms. Yukihyo and I were placed in the room nearest Papa. He told us it would only take a day and a half to reach Thalassa. We got settled into our rooms. Yukihyo convinced me to be still.

  “Lady wife, I must insist you lean back against the pillows in bed and rest. You are severely agitated.” After he had me arranged how he wanted, he went for Phillip. I felt like my heart was going to thump out of my chest.

  “Cupcake, what’s the matter?” The scans began. “Your stress levels are very high. Can you tell me what’s wrong?”

  “You were there yesterday. You know what’s wrong.” I put my hand to my mouth, and Phillip helped me get away from the bed and to the waste unit.

  “Can’t you calm her down?” Phillip asked.

  “I have been keeping her ca
lm since last night. This is me keeping her calm.” My stomach heaved.

  “What? I have to marry a Parvac soldier to keep the man I love from being targeted, and I’m expected to provide a male heir? How would you feel if you had to marry a scary Parvac? Oh, shit. Sorry, Yukihyo. You did. Didn’t you?” I threw up again. Phillip held my hair and patted my back. Yukihyo went to answer our door.

  “Are we all ready for lunch?” I heard Papa ask. I dry heaved. “She is ill?”

  “My lady is highly agitated.”

  My stomach finally stopped, and Phillip wiped my face with a cold wet cloth and helped me rinse my mouth. Then, he picked me up and put me back in bed. Yukihyo held me, and I cried. Afterwards, I felt a little better, but my stomach decided I was having fizzy water for lunch. I couldn’t hide the shaking of my hands as I drank. Kane found out from Yukihyo what had me so upset. Kane smiled at me from his seat.


  “You are such an adorable little prude. Next, you’ll tell me your husband is the only man you’ve ever kissed.” Yukihyo kissed my hand. Phillip coughed. “Surely you joke.” Thunderdrop chittered at Kane.

  “You will not tease the Princess. It would displease me to have Neema’s nephew flogged,” Papa said.

  I sipped my water but started crying again. Yukihyo handed me an ugly orange, purple, and yellow plaid silk square. I frowned at it. “This is hideous. Who did this to Arachnean silk?” I hiccupped. Yukihyo shrugged. I wiped my eyes. Kane spoke to a soldier at the door. A chef entered with a tray and presented me with a piece of lemon cake and a milkshake. I looked at it and my mouth watered, but then I remembered Phillip. I looked at him and then began to cry much harder.


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