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The Space Merchants of Arachne

Page 26

by Wendie Nordgren

  Papa said, “The Princess needs her sleep. I want to show her the surprise I have waiting for her on Parvac, so we must leave early. Thank you for your hospitality. We have had an enjoyable visit.” Papa shook hands with Finn and Fitz. They bowed to me. I looked at Yukihyo’s eyes. They had fewer veins of color than I had expected.

  When we arrived at the house, Thunderdrop hopped to me and rubbed his feelers against my cheek. “Hello, sweet baby. I missed you so much. Was everyone nice to you while we were away?”

  “Chirp!” I saw the third floor veranda from upside down and swinging from a line of silk. I fainted. Yukihyo picked me up.

  “Teagan, are you alright?” Kane said as he rushed over.

  “Just dizzy.”

  “Time for you to go to bed,” Phillip said.

  Yukihyo helped me to remove my jewelry and change into what passed as a gown on Thalassa. It was shorter than my swim dress and practically see through. “You were surprised when I did not fling your suitor from his own home.”

  “Yes, very.”

  “He was sincere and meant you no ill will. His family is powerful and loyal to your father.”

  “That’s why you were so quiet. You were reading them.” I put my hand on his chest and listened to his heart.

  “All will be well, my love.” Yukihyo soothed my nerves, and I fell asleep.

  The next morning, we watched the sun rise above the ocean as we had a breakfast of fish and fruit on the veranda. Then, the boys abandoned Papa and me. They ran naked into the ocean for one last swim before our departure. I shook my head as their four bare butts disappeared into the waves. Papa chuckled and had coffee brought to the table. “You made an excellent impression on my friends. Thank you. On your next trip, I want to show you Apellan and Naxa. The young men may find those planets far more enjoyable than you will, but you will enjoy the shopping and luxuries. Is there anything you wish to do before we board Kane’s ship?”

  Smiling mischievously, I said, “I’d like to buy Auria a few gowns.”

  “Then, we will stop along the way.”

  I bought several gowns for Auria and a few for Sydney and Gina. Then, I thought I might as well pick up extras for Phillip to give to lady friends. I bought Gram a necklace and matching bracelet of the peach coral. The shopkeeper wrapped it for me. In another store, I saw a red coral necklace that I purchased for Auria. “Oh, Papa!” I put my hands to my mouth.

  “What is it?”

  “Are those real?” Mesmerized, I watched as a man used a brush to spread paint onto a canvas and created a coastline.

  “Yes, would you like one?”

  “They’re for sale?”

  “Yes, I’m sure he would love to sell you any you would like.”

  “Do you think they are very expensive?” Papa shook his head and held the door for me. The artist was surprised when we entered. Thunderdrop chirped excitedly from my head. “Oh, they are all so beautiful. Look, Papa! This one looks like the view from the pavilion.”

  “Do you want it?”

  “Oh, yes! May I?” Then, I saw one of the waves with an orange sky turning darker. “Oh, or this one.” Another painting featured the early morning light as it shone down upon the sparse grass poking through the sand, and shells that had washed up during the night enjoying a rest from the retreating waves. I looked back and forth between the three paintings unable to choose.

  Papa said, “The Princess is too entranced by your art to decide. She will have all three in white frames.”

  “Yes, Emperor Probus. I am deeply honored.” Two other men helped him to frame and box the paintings. While Papa paid the artist, the driver showed the other men where to place them.

  “Thank you, Papa. They are beautiful, and I will cherish them always.” I gave him three kisses and a big hug.

  “Where will you hang them?”

  “On Tora where I will see them the most if that is okay with you.”

  “That is a lovely idea. You will see them and wish to be back home with me.”

  After boarding Kane’s ship and returning to the Imperial quarters, Thunderdrop chirped happily and played with his transport in the sitting area. We called Hiroshi and Simon who seemed tired but financially satisfied. Yukihyo kissed me and rushed off to ensure proper storage of the pineapple shipment he had ordered from Fitz. I was left to speak to them on my own. “Can you two tell me what you think of an idea I have?”

  “Yes, what is it?” Hiroshi asked. I dug in a bag, pulled out a gown, and held it up. Simon coughed.

  “This is an example of what the women of Thalassa wear to sleep. I bought bunches of them, but I want you to buy bolts of this fabric. We can make our own and sell them. I think they would be very popular on Scipio. What do you think?”

  “I think even if the women did not buy them, the men would,” Hiroshi said gruffly.

  “I know where to purchase that fabric,” Simon said. Thunderdrop and Cass spotted each other and chirped back and forth.

  I had steak, fish, and pineapple cake for dinner. “Papa, are you friends with any ice cream hunters or olive farmers?” He smiled at me. Luckily, Yukihyo knew I was joking. He had told me how proud he was of me for not panicking and throwing up at the Jiri house.

  The next day I wore a long white dress, my narwhal and opal necklaces, and a pink and yellow silk shawl. Kane’s crewmen had transferred the pineapple cargo to Tora in minutes. We arrived at the palace where I hugged Hiroshi and Simon. “You both should have come with us to Thalassa. It’s beautiful there, and then I wouldn’t have had to worry so much about the two of you.”

  Hiroshi’s eyes glittered. “Perhaps, little sister, but I made more credits while here than I made in a year on our Malta route.” Phillip and Yukihyo appeared stunned and rather wide-eyed. “Yes, you both did as well as Simon and I. Little Akachan no Yukihyo will want for nothing,” he said as he rubbed my stomach.

  While they talked business, I enlisted the aid of Rolf and Otto to wrap presents. We wrapped Auria’s gifts with red ribbon, Gram’s with blue, Sydney’s with cream, and Gina’s with sage green. “Phillip, what color bows should we wrap these in?” I held up a gown.

  “Who is that for, Cupcake?”

  “I thought you gentlemen were doing well in bringing gifts to your friends on Malta. Do you think Kahra will like this, Kaoti?” He nodded. “I’ll just put this bag here, and you boys can pick out gifts and wrap them yourselves. That’s more thoughtful.” The four of them were intrigued. I sat on one of my white chairs and put my feet up. My back was tired.

  “Princess, General Cassian wishes an audience,” Rolf said. I froze. I looked around the room.

  “Please, send him in,” I said.

  “Stay calm, lady wife.”

  Rolf opened the door for the blonde giant. Slowly, I stood and walked over to him. I curtsied. “Good morning, General Cassian. How are you?” Thunderdrop blinked at him from my shoulder.

  “I am well, Princess Teagan. Thank you for admitting me.”

  I blushed. “Sir, I don’t believe you have met my husband, Lord Yukihyo Alaric Montgomery Lee, my cousin, Lord Simon Montgomery, my brother-in-law, Captain Hiroshi Lee, or Dr. Phillip Svenson.” They bowed to one another. “May I offer you some tea?” I was very proud of my new manners and glad I had been paying attention. I wasn’t sure I was doing it right, but I was trying.

  “Thank you, Princess Teagan.”

  Otto appeared with a tray and served us cups at the table near the Naxan Bison rug the general had given me. Then, Otto served tea to everyone on the other side of the room. General Cassian looked down at my bare toes on the rug and then up to my eyes.

  “I regret causing you any distress. You are unlike any woman I have ever met, and I do not know how to speak to you.”

  “What are most of the women like that you have met?”

  “Most of them are bossy, greedy, and promiscuous.”

  “Well, I’m glad I’m not like that. Thank you.”

  “You a
re sweet, kind, and fragile, but have an inner strength. Then, there is your beauty. I feared I had ruined my chances of ever speaking to you again.”

  I looked down. “I was and am still in shock about the idea of women having more than one husband.” I felt my face turn to flame.

  “There is no reason for you to rush to any decision. I only beg your forgiveness and that I might have some small hope of one day earning your regard.”

  I smiled at him. “I forgive you. Papa is all to blame. He should have explained things to me sooner, but I can’t be angry with my sweet Papa. I love him too much to be unhappy with him. It was very nice of you to give us the steaks. The baby and I like them very much.” General Cassian gave me a smile transformed by joy.

  “I am glad I have pleased you.” He went down on one knee upon his rug and kissed my hand.

  “Well, Nico. Your timing is perfect. I am about to surprise my little princess with a gift. Please, join us.” The general helped me to rise from my chair and handed me over to Yukihyo with a deep bow. Papa smiled at me and kissed my forehead. He walked out onto the patio and motioned for us to follow him. “Look out there.” He pointed to the lake.

  “Oh, they are beautiful! Are they swans? They won’t fly away?”

  Papa laughed. “Yes, those are swans but not your gift. Here it is.” A long flat-bottomed boat with a clear waist high plasti-glass wall around it came into view. It was solid white. “Come. We will all go for a ride, and you can tell me what you think.” The boat docked.

  “Wait, I’m not wearing shoes.” Yukihyo picked me up and kissed my nose. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Thunderdrop and Cass chirped excitedly. Papa led the way onto the barge. I looked at Phillip who winked at me.

  “See what eating your vegetables can do, Cupcake?”

  “I thought this would be comfortable for you, Teagan.” Papa indicated a circular couch that rose in the center with cushioned backrests. From the couch’s position in the center of the deck, a person could enjoy any view. A white curtain went from its center to the roof and could be untied to fall around the couch for privacy. Groups of chairs and couches were scattered about the deck. A small bathroom and kitchen were located at the back of the barge. The captain’s area was at the front. I gazed about in awe. Yukihyo placed my feet on the deck.

  “Are you saying this is for me?”

  “Yes, do you like it?”

  “Like it? This is amazing. This is just for today, right?”

  “No, this is yours to keep. Here of course.”

  “As in this is mine? You’re giving this to me? It’s a floating house. We could live on it. Now, I have my own camp in my own forest and my own home on a lake.” Simon put his arms around me.

  “Are you okay?” Simon asked.

  “I really won’t ever be homeless again, Simon.” I hid my face in his chest. He rubbed circles on my back.

  I heard Hiroshi say, “Do not be alarmed. My baby sister cries when she is truly happy.”

  Simon handed me a silk square. I wiped my eyes. “What the hell?” It was green with white cocooned bundles on it. I laughed so hard I had to sit down.

  “Daughter,” Papa said. I froze and put my hand to my mouth. I had said a bad word in front of Papa. I blushed and turned. General Cassian sat smiling. “What is on that fabric?” I handed it to him. He looked puzzled.

  “Our spiders hunt for us and give us their prey.” I looked around for Thunderdrop who played with Cass up in the roof supports. I shuddered and whispered, “They usually give me large, warm, dead, cocooned rats. I have to pick them up and hand them over to one of the butlers and pretend it isn’t gross. Spiders have sensitive feelings.” I peeked over my shoulder and up at them.

  Papa helped me to sit more comfortably and scooch back. He handed me the silk square and ordered the captain to take us around the lake. When we neared the mountains, the air grew cooler. Yukihyo stared out at them with evident longing. “On your next trip, perhaps you will have some time to explore them,” Papa said.

  “I would enjoy that. However, I do not believe my lady wife will permit it.”

  Papa looked at me. “He’s right. That looks way too dangerous.” I pretended to listen to the baby. “What, baby? No, don’t worry. Mommy won’t let daddy do anything stupid. You have been out voted, husband.” I shrugged. Yukihyo sat beside me and held my hand. I felt a flutter of movement and placed his hand over where I had felt it. He kissed my nose. Simon sat to my other side.

  “What are those things on the mountain,” Simon asked as he pointed.

  “Goats,” Papa answered.

  “What if they fall off?” I asked in concern.

  “They won’t. They love to jump. Watch.”

  I did. It was nerve wracking. Yukihyo chuckled. I watched the trees and water instead. Hiroshi and Kaoti spoke quietly at the rail. The water made a gentle lapping sound against the sides of the barge, and the soft breeze ruffled the hem of my dress. Simon chuckled. I woke up and blotted at Yukihyo’s shoulder with the dead rat patterned silk square. I blushed that I had drooled on my husband in front of everyone.

  “I’m sorry, my love,” I whispered. He grinned at me. A man brought us all coffee. I looked around for Phillip. I was elated to see him snoring on a couch. I whispered, “Please don’t wake him up until my second cup.”

  Papa was complimenting General Cassian on the steaks and told him how many I had already eaten. Yukihyo complimented him on the skill it required to hunt the large beasts. Then, they began making plans to go hunting. Yukihyo caught me rolling my eyes. “Wife?”

  “It’s fine. I like the bison a lot more than the ice bear. Ice bear is kind of wild tasting, but then I’ve never tried it with olives and lemon icing.” Then, they began talking about hunting ice bears, and Hiroshi joined the conversation. I cuddled up to Simon and watched the scenery.

  Papa invited General Cassian to stay for dinner. The boys were all calling him Nico and were planning a hunting trip for our return. I whispered to Papa, “You aren’t going. Are you?”

  “You do not want to go hunting, Teagan?”

  “No, way. The baby doesn’t want to go either.”

  “I’ll keep you company, Cupcake. I don’t enjoy hunting.”

  “Thank you. Maybe we can play games or bake.” We planned to leave in the morning, but remain for a longer visit on our return trip. Nico said goodbye to his new friends and bowed over my hand. He looked up into my eyes and then risked a kiss against my fingers. “Good bye, Nico. I’ll see you in a few weeks.” He gave me a sparkling smile and saluted Papa before leaving.

  Once we were finally alone in our room, I said, “Well, you all seemed to enjoy General Cassian’s company.”

  “He is a skilled hunter and is in love with you to the point of distraction,” Yukihyo said. Turning serious eyes to me and holding my gaze, Yukihyo said, “Nico has power, intelligence, and great wealth. He and his family are loyal to your father. If you must choose from them, you should choose wisely. Marriages in the Parvac Empire are more business negotiation than anything else. They attract mates through wealth, power, and physical prowess.”

  “Great, if I have to pick one, you can help.” I imagined running off someplace far away in Tora and leaving the massive problem behind. However, then I would never see my Papa, grandmother, uncle, aunt, or cousin again. I frowned. I just wanted Yukihyo and our little family. I didn’t want to be some piece in a political situation I’d probably never even ever understand. If my father was the emperor and my mother was half Parvac, I thought Papa should be perfectly happy with a son of Yukihyo’s and mine.

  “Teagan, this society insists the ruler have a Parvac father. There is no way around that.”

  “This situation doesn’t seem as troubling to you as it does to me.”

  “It is pointless to become agitated about something that is a common and expected practice in your culture.”

  “I wasn’t raised in their culture. It’s all new to me, and I think it’s w
rong.” Yukihyo held me.

  “Let’s go to sleep. You will have plenty of time to sort this all out on the way home.”

  Papa rode with us to Tora. Hiroshi directed the palace servants as they brought our things to the cargo bay. Our cold storage unit was full of prepared meals featuring bison and fish. Hiroshi told me that a pineapple fizzy water option had been added to our beverage dispenser. Several soldiers watched our departure.

  Papa said, “General Cassian has come to bid you a safe journey.” He looked deeply into my eyes with his dark ones. Kaoti held the door for me and helped me to stand slowly, so I wouldn’t get dizzy. When he followed, I hugged and kissed Papa.

  “I’ll miss you until I see you again.”

  “I will call you just as I did during our previous separation.”

  “Okay, I love you.”

  “I love you, Daughter.” General Cassian had walked toward us and stood at attention. Papa smiled and held his hand out to him. “Nico, have you come to wish my daughter a safe journey?”

  “Yes, Emperor Probus.” He bowed to me. Yukihyo said this blonde dark-eyed giant was in love with me. I curtsied. “I know we said goodbye last night, but I wanted to see you again.”

  “That is sweet of you, Nico.”

  “I don’t want to forget your face.” I blushed.

  “There is a simple solution for that, Nico. Have someone take a picture of you, me, Thunderdrop, and Papa.” He gave me his huge pleased smile. Nico motioned a Parvac starship captain over to take our picture. I linked my arms with Papa’s and Nico’s and tried for my sweetest smile. The captain showed us our picture. I did have a pleasant expression and Thunderdrop looked cute. I looked like a tiny child standing between the two men. “Papa, will you send me a copy of our picture?”


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