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The Space Merchants of Arachne

Page 43

by Wendie Nordgren

  Next, Ambassador Stine called. He was very pleased both that I had made a reference to Bosh, and that I had assured Parvac’s citizens of the good intentions of the Galaxic Militia. We had moved to the floor before the fire. “Well, Phillip, your idea seems to have been a good one.” Not to be outdone by Phillip, Neema demonstrated her ability to hold her head up off of the floor and gurgled. “Look how strong you are! Good girl!”

  Two and a half days later, the brave hunters returned. Yukihyo had enjoyed himself in particular. He had taught Nico how to hunt with him using their bond with great success. “I had never thought to experience a hunt with a brother ever again. I have missed it.”

  “Oh, my, Phillip, I believe we are witnessing manly mushiness,” I said.

  “Lady wife, this is of deep and significant importance to me.” He looked at me with a serious expression. Neema looked at me and grabbed my lower lip firmly.

  “Ow. I don’t understand the allure of hunting. Neema that hurts. Your nails are kind of sharp.” She let go and grabbed fistfuls of my hair instead. “Watch out, Thunderdrop.”

  “Chirp chitter.”

  Yukihyo sat beside me and kissed my now red and slightly swollen lower lip. He blew raspberries on her belly until she released my hair.

  “I see your wife and babe are well. How are mine?” Nico asked.

  “A little better.”

  “Way to go, Teagan. Quaid and I just earned diplomatic commendations,” Eric said as he tapped away at his vid-screen.

  “It was Phillip’s idea.”

  “The reports seemed geared toward inspiring paranoia. She fixed it,” Phillip said.

  “And has made the Hadrian seem as though we are on a mission of mercy to soothe the heart of a homesick Princess.” Eric’s shark grin was back. “It’s about time I got you a new gift. Name it.”

  My mouth watered in anticipation. “I want some of those banana pancakes like your chef made me before. Those were so good.”

  “I was thinking bigger, Teagan.” I nodded imagining a bigger stack, drizzled with warm sliced bananas and honey. “You’ll have it once you’re settled on Kane’s ship.” That seemed long away like Mrs. Jones’ bakery. I sighed.

  “Your mommy wants apple pastries,” Yukihyo told Neema.

  “Papa said he had a surprise for me. Maybe someone opened a bakery. I haven’t seen one in the empire,” I grumbled.

  The next morning, they were ready to depart. I stared at the transport. Looking at it was beginning to make me feel sick. I turned back toward the chalet. “Where do you think you’re going?” Yukihyo asked.

  “I’ll be back.” I entered the transport with a pillow and a blanket. I sat at Abbie’s feet, placed the pillow down, sank my face into it, and covered my head with the blanket. A muffled, “Okay, I’m ready,” came from me. The ride felt like it took forever. However, I didn’t make Kane pull over. By the time the ride ended, Yukihyo, Nico, and Phillip were upset enough with my suffering, so I tried to act like I was fine. They knew I was fibbing. I sank into my bed in relief, grateful it didn’t move. As promised, once I felt better, a stack of pancakes waited for me.

  During the four-day journey to Ephors, I studied ancient Parvac. The earliest civilizations had been warrior based. The strongest warlord controlled the land, and the weak served him for protection. On the second day of the trip, there was an informal gathering of Kane’s senior crew on the observation deck to watch as we passed a moon. Not only did I observe it, but also the strengthening bond between Yukihyo, Phillip, and Nico. I was happy for Yukihyo. His days of agonizing emotional isolation had ended.

  Ephors was similar to Apellan. Tall lush trees and wild life were abundant. A Guard of Honor greeted us upon our arrival at the land port. Ephors was home to a large military base. Fear claimed my heart as I realized the attacks on Malta had most likely originated here, along with the soldiers who had followed us to Arachne. Abbie held Neema, and I clutched Yukihyo’s arm. I whispered, “Let’s stay on the ship. I don’t want to be here.” Without realizing it, I had started to cry.

  “Chirp chirp chirp.”

  “You’re safe. Both of our babies are safe. No one will hurt you or any of us,” Yukihyo said as he tried to calm me.

  “They came to hurt us not long ago on Naxa.” Nico hovered near me with a stern expression. Eric and Quaid watched me. Two commanders approached us. “Yukihyo, please. Take Neema.” I began to panic. Nico moved in front of us.

  “General Cassian, we are honored to serve as hosts of the Princess’ diplomatic tour and are eager to show Ephors to our guests.”

  Kane placed himself in front of Abbie and Neema and asked her if she would stand behind Yukihyo. When she saw my face, she seemed shocked and complied. “Our visit here may be short. My wife is afraid to be here.” Steal had entered his voice making it sound unfamiliar to me.

  “General Cassian, the duty of every man here is to protect the Princess.”

  Nico moved slightly to the side. “My duty is to protect my wife and child. Her continued fear isn’t healthy. Twice she has been attacked by soldiers from this base.”

  Yukihyo tried to calm me and showed me images of the sincere and ashen faced commanders.

  “Yes, sir, General Cassian. The base has had visits from Emperor Probus and Admiral Valen. Inquisitors purged all subversive elements and reevaluated the command structure. Please allow us the opportunity to prove ourselves to the Imperial family.”

  “We shall see. Anyone who upsets my wife will find himself before a firing squad. Be sure they know.” They saluted Nico. He turned his back to them and wiped my tears. “Princess, are you able to give this a try, or do you want me to take you back to the ship?” He had bent down and placed a hand under my chin.

  “I want Neema to be safe.”

  “The Imperial compound is close. You are surrounded by men who love you and will keep you and Neema safe. Can you visit it long enough for a cup of coffee while you decide what you want to do?” Nico asked. I nodded.

  When we were safely inside the compound, Phillip made me sit with my feet up. Eric held my hand. “I’m sorry. We should have skipped this place. I didn’t put it together until I saw all of the soldiers and….”

  “Teagan, it’s okay. No one would dare hurt you or anyone in our party. Emperor Probus would not have allowed you to come here if he thought it wasn’t safe,” Eric said.

  Kane brought me a vid-screen. I cried some more when I saw Papa. Eric blotted at my face. Neema started to cry, too.

  “What is this? Both of my darlings are in tears?”

  “I really think we should leave,” I said.

  “You will do whatever you wish, Daughter. The soldiers on Ephors live in shame and have since the day genetic scans proved you to be my child. Their shame doubled when you were attacked on Naxa. It affects their families as well. Know that if you leave now, our citizens will look at them all in disgust, and the stigma will follow them for generations. I assure you. Every soldier on Ephors is innocent of treason. Your uncle made sure of it.” Kane took the vid-screen away but continued to speak to him. Yukihyo gave Neema to me, and Eric turned away to allow us privacy.

  “What do you want to do?” Yukihyo asked. He sat on the couch, put my feet in his lap, and began rubbing my ankles.

  “What do you think we should do?”

  “I think we should stay the three nights we planned to stay.” Reluctantly, I agreed to stay.

  Nico told me that the commanders had arranged a tour of the base. “I’m not going. Neema and I will stay here. They can be satisfied I didn’t run screaming back to the ship.” Abbie and Phillip stayed with us. I found myself missing Kaoti. While they were gone, I was too frightened to take a nap, and reason did nothing to rationalize my fears. I continued to be nervous until Yukihyo and Eric returned unharmed. Nico and Kane hadn’t come back with them. When they did return, it was with a big box with a bow from Papa full of pastries. A bakery existed on Ephors. So far, it was the only good thing
about being here. The next day Nico convinced me to visit the building on base containing the infirmary, a study room with chair mounted vid-screens, a game room, and one of the commanders’ offices. I hadn’t allowed Neema to come. She was safe with Yukihyo and Phillip. I kept Nico’s arm hugged to me, and I didn’t care if they all thought I was a coward. Kane stayed directly behind us the entire time for which I was grateful.

  Once we returned to the compound, they began talk of a hunting trip on Ephors. Involuntarily, my imagination flashed to being shot at by all of those soldiers in the forest. Yukihyo pulled me into his lap and held me.

  “Cupcake is emotional.”

  “No, I’m realistic.”

  “You weren’t afraid on Daphoene.”

  “I was too busy throwing up.”

  Phillip scanned me. “Let’s at least see something of this planet other than a military base,” he complained.


  The transport we loaded into had a few seats that reclined into beds. I was helped into one near a shielded window with a pillow and a blanket. I watched as Nico held Neema and Abbie played peekaboo with her. We traveled with a military escort. I kept expecting a tree to fall on us. “Hey, relax. Everything’s okay,” Phillip said as he zapped me in the arm.

  “Phillip! You promised to stop doing that.” He pulled the blanket up to my chin. I woke up in a big fluffy white bed. The wall across from the foot of the bed contained a massive white stone fireplace with a vid-screen above it. To each side of the fireplace were floor to ceiling windows overlooking big trees that belonged to an extensive forest. A white baby bed was in the corner nearest me to my right. I could sense Neema sleeping in it.

  “Feeling better?”

  “You drugged me.”

  “Yes, you were about to have a panic attack. Stress is dangerous for you and the baby.”

  Getting up I found the magnificent bathroom. When I returned, I asked where we were. “Apparently, this estate is a gift to you from your Papa. He was pleased with your behavior on Daphoene, and your talk with the reporters.”

  “I threw up all over Daphoene.”

  “Yes, it seems that is the perfect way to announce a pregnancy to a military base. Quaid’s father is pleased that his son’s presence here is a personal favor to you.”

  I sighed and leaned against the pillows. “Where did they all go?”

  “They went hiking, Abbie is taking a nap, and guards are at duty stations ready to defend you and regain their honor.”

  “Where is my spider baby?” Phillip pointed up. “There’s my good boy.” He had perched on the strange little roof at the top of the bed’s headboard. Folds of white fabric floated down from its sides.

  Phillip nodded toward someone at the door. A man entered. “May I be of service, Princess?” I turned to Phillip.

  “Are you hungry?” I nodded. “What would you like?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe some soup.” The man bowed to us and left. “Have you explored this place yet?”

  Phillip grinned. “Would you like to see the presentation?” He pointed a controller at the vid-screen over the fireplace. The place had the same amenities as the Alaric estate, but was laid out differently. The white stone abundant to the area had been used for flooring. The same stone had been used to create the indoor pool that ran the length of the back of the house. The foyer of the house was enclosed, had two guards, and a second door that security procedures required them to open. Directly behind the foyer was a lift to the left and stairs to the right. In each far back corner of the first floor was a restroom. The front left area was the living room with couches, chairs, and a fireplace with a vid-screen above it. The front right area had a dining room with seating for twelve. The far right side of the floor had a kitchen, laundry room, storage room, and at the back a dressing room complete with lockers for the pool.

  The second floor contained nine bedrooms. Mine was twice the size of the others and was above the pool at the back of the house. All of the rooms opened up to a central rectangular space and the lift and stairs. The lift, stairs, and pool had security settings to prevent children from gaining access. “Wow, let’s call Papa, so I can thank him.” Phillip navigated the menu for me.

  “Do you like your surprise?” Papa’s dark eyes twinkled at me. He sported a crisp new haircut.

  “Yes, very much. I’m stunned. I thought the pastries were my present.”

  “I have years of not spoiling you for which to make up. I hear you have not been feeling well.”

  “No, I think, when I went through this with Neema, that I stayed put for a few weeks.”

  Phillip patted my hand. “You did. However, this time, you are suffering from motion sickness.”

  “Stay and enjoy your new home. I assure you. You are very safe. The soldiers there will do anything to prove their loyalty to you.”

  “I’ll be happy if they don’t attack us.” A knock at the door sounded, and the man returned with a tray. I scooted up more against the pillows.

  “Phillip, please continue to see to my daughter’s care.”

  “Yes, sir.” He winked off of the screen.

  Phillip pulled up my history class, and we did some reading. The others came back as night fell. The property surrounding the house Papa had given me was quiet and still, but for the sounds of wildlife and insects. Stars glittered in the black night sky. Papa had hired retired soldiers to run the house. I had a cook, domestic assistant, and grounds keeper aside from the two lethal guards I had seen. Phillip told me there were more guards outside. Neema woke up for a while to play and have her needs seen to. Then, she had gone back to sleep. I was comfortable in a gown and robe, but Abbie convinced me to go downstairs for a short time. The chef had prepared a meal.

  While I changed into a long dress, floor length sweater, and the boots Yukihyo had given me, Phillip set the vid-screen above the fireplace to monitor, so we could watch Neema from the dining room. The domestic assistant asked permission to assist Thunderdrop in guarding Princess Neema while I was downstairs. Yukihyo accepted. “I know their minds, lady wife. Do not worry.”

  “Please, call for me immediately if you need anything. I hope you aren’t planning to stand the entire time. Please, have a seat,” I said indicating the chair by my bed that Phillip had vacated earlier.

  The chef had done his best to prepare a delicious meal. My new baby wasn’t quite ready to allow me to enjoy it, so I tried not to breathe too deeply. Kane held a chair out at the end of the table for me. Shocked, I met his eyes. “I wouldn’t feel right sitting there, Kane. At home Ethan and Sherman sit at the ends of the table, so Yukihyo and Nico should here.” I indicated the chair next to it, and he pulled it out for me instead. After I weakly sat, Kane sat beside me. Abbie sat at the other end by Nico. I was grateful when the chef began bringing me dishes of bland foods unlike what he had prepared for the others.

  “We thought we might do a bit of exploring tomorrow, if it is okay with you,” Eric said with dimples.


  “Oh, that way,” he said pointing.

  “I’ve been hearing lots of animal noises at night. Will it be dangerous?”

  Kane snorted. “Do you think two captains, a general, and two full-blooded Laconians can’t manage in the woods with bunnies and foxes?”

  “Do you think it would be better for me to worry about all of you or rest? Wouldn’t you rather play cards?” I asked innocently.


  Sighing, I asked, “When will you be back?”

  “Tomorrow by dinner,” Yukihyo answered.

  That night I received simultaneous shoulder and foot rubs. When I woke up alone the next morning, I understood why. They were trying to alleviate their guilt for abandoning me. After breakfast, Phillip, Abbie, Neema, and I played in my gorgeous white stone pool. Then we got bored. Abbie and I had Phillip to investigate nearby shopping.

  “Chirp chirp chirp!”

  “Yes, we will visit a toy store, shoul
d we find one.”

  My domestic assistant appeared and asked, “May I be of help, Princess?”

  “Yes, however, first, how do you wish for me to address you?”

  “My name is Ira, Princess.”

  “Ira, we have something in common. On my brother-in-law’s ship, I am the domestic assistant.” I smiled, but Ira seemed scandalized.

  “You are the Princess of the Parvac Empire.”

  “I am many things. If this is my home and you are my domestic assistant, I would prefer to be called Teagan. We have decided to go shopping. Are there any guards who can make sure we are safe as we do so?”

  “I will see to it immediately, Teagan.”

  “Thank you, Ira.”

  Papa had given me a beautiful home, but other than furniture, it had no decorations.

  “Abbie, will you please help me pick out some things to make this place seem more homelike?”

  Smiling brightly, she said, “I’d love to!”

  Ira pulled a white transport around to the front. While Phillip loaded Neema’s pram, and Abbie fastened her into her seat, I reclined back, and placed my shawl over my face. Phillip chuckled at me. “Shut up, Phillip.”


  “Thank you, baby. I love you.”

  Phillip parked alongside a white stone sidewalk. There were four blocks of shops. “This is nice,” I said.

  “All of the shops are owned and operated by retired soldiers and their families,” Abbie told us.

  Seeing other women as they shopped, along with groups of Parvac and Galaxic Militia soldiers began to put me more at ease. “We’ll look around until you get tired,” Phillip said as he helped me situate Neema in her perambulator. The first shop sold hunting gear. We walked through it to be polite. I bought a pair of glasses that allowed both telescopic and night vision.

  Abbie said, “For what will you use those?”

  “Looking out the windows at bears and birds.”

  The next store sold weapons, and I wasn’t taking my babies in there. When we turned the corner, the stores improved. Entering a clothing store, I purchased a white and blue sweater which I wore out of the store having forgotten my shawl in the transport. We found a store selling pillows, blankets, and other textiles. All of my couches and chairs were white. Thinking about Yukihyo’s favorite colors, I selected merchandise in yellow and orange shades. The father and son who owned the store offered to load my purchases into our transport.


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