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Deceit (The Vindicated Series Book 1)

Page 8

by Addison Jane

  Rushing forward, I attempted to see if there was any way I could enter the club to check for survivors, but there was no way anyone could have survived that blast, not even Roberto.

  He was dead.

  And I had failed.

  After Kace’s kiss last night it’s safe to say I didn’t sleep much, and when I did it was filled with dreams of him kissing me all over again. I just don’t understand why he’s gotten so under my skin. I know nothing about him. Other than these facts—he’s ridiculously fit and gorgeous, works for the Mafia, and is completely mysterious—I know nothing. But he has some sort of profound hold on me, some strange magnetism that keeps me wanting to be near him. A hold that keeps drawing me to him, even though every part of me—especially after seeing him banged up, again—is telling me to steer clear.

  He is dangerous that much I know.

  I shovel another spoonful of Fruit Loops into my mouth as I flick over the channel on the television. The cartoons are annoying me so I turn to the news.

  “Kingpin Mafia leader Roberto Cavaleri was killed last night in a yet to be explained explosion at Club Menace in downtown Washington DC. Police and forensics are on the scene investigating and are so far unable to determine the cause of the blast. It is said that along with the Mafia Kingpin a further fourteen people died with another twenty-four taken to hospital with various injuries. We will report further as more information comes to hand.”

  Swallowing hard, I almost choke on the Fruit Loops in my mouth. Shaking my head and inhaling a deep breath, I place my bowl on the coffee table.

  “Holy shit.”

  No wonder Kace looked so banged up last night. He must have been caught in the explosion? Or maybe he was the cause of it?

  I don’t like where my thoughts are taking me. I’m so confused about Kace and who he is. Is he the good guy or the bad? I have no idea because he won’t talk to me. I have no clue what I’ve gotten myself into with him. I feel the need to speak with him, but now seeing this, I’m scared about what he’s actually involved with. Whatever it is it’s obviously deep, and I’m not sure if I want to follow him into the abyss. I’m not sure I have the strength.

  This is doing my head in.

  Picking up the remote, I flick off the television and stand up running my hands through my long blonde hair. Forcing a long breath out of my mouth, I nod my head.

  I need to let off some steam, and there’s only one way I know how to do that.

  I need to run.

  After changing into my activewear and sneakers, I stretch my arms across my body and jog on the spot for a moment to warm up before heading to my door. My heart races a little faster as I click closed the door behind me and stride out into the hall, wondering if Kace might be already out here or step out while I’m here like he’s done before. Walking past his door, I can’t help but look at it wondering if he’s inside and what he might be doing. But I can’t think about that right now, I need to let off steam because of him, so stopping now would be pointless. I turn my head forward and start the jog down the hall toward the exit.

  Making my way out onto the street, the cool air brushes my heated face, and I smile for the first time today finally feeling like I’m free of the drama that is Kace Colt. The orange hues of the leaves in the trees let the sparkles of daylight through their branches as my feet pound the dusty pavement. The hum of morning traffic and the people walking and talking as I pass them makes me feel more like myself as I take in my surroundings.

  However, even though I feel more at ease being one with Mother Nature, something is off. Even though I’m used to the fact that Washington DC looks different since the attack last month. Now the streets are filled with a consistent haze, everything is gray except for the trees, and the dust seems endless. There’s a chill up my spine, the hairs on my neck are standing up on end making me more aware of the fact that something feels—not quite right.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I look behind me to see if someone or something is following me as I continue running down the sidewalk. Suddenly, my body slams into a hard and firm object. And as I fall back in shock, I turn my hands and he reaches out to catch my fall. Gasping from the contact, I notice a tall guy, very muscular in appearance, with short dusty blond hair, blue eyes, a dashingly cheeky smile with dimples on each cheek, and he is… Drop. Dead. Gorgeous! I choke slightly and start coughing as he grins at me holding me upright and helping me stand even though my knees are shaking slightly.

  He is really, really, good looking.

  “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going and then I ran into you by accident. I’m such a klutz, and honestly, I didn’t mean to bump into you. I really am so terribly sorry to ruin your day. And… oh golly, look at me babbling on. I need to stop. So I’m just going to… stop.” My cheeks flush red hot as I look away, and he chuckles slightly.

  His hands finally drop away from my arms and even though he is drop dead stunning, I can’t help but notice when he touches me there’s no spark or chemistry like there is when Kace touches me. In a way, I wish there were because that would make life so much easier.

  “Don’t worry, it was my fault. I noticed you weren’t looking and should have stepped out of the way sooner. You haven’t ruined my day… not at all. In fact, it’s looking all the brighter for you being in it,” he says. I glance up to see him smiling at me, his left dimple more prominent than his right.

  I chew on my bottom lip and nod. “Well, thank you. I’m still sorry, though. I better let you get on with your day.” I attempt to walk off, but he steps in my way. It’s not in an intimidating way, more of a ‘he doesn’t want me to leave yet’ kind of way.

  “Are you from around here?” he asks.

  I raise my eyebrow tilting my head and smirk. “Umm… yeah. I live in the apartments over on McArthur Street.”

  He nods and steps closer to me. “So you were born around here then?”

  “Well kinda. I grew up in Stafford County, but moved to DC to become a vet.”

  He smiles wide and relaxes his stance. “You’re a vet? That’s so cool. I adore animals. I’d love to get a dog, or maybe a horse.”

  I giggle and shake my head. “There’s kind of a big difference between a dog and a horse.”

  He chuckles. “Well, if you get a big enough dog you can ride them too, right?”

  I grin widely not knowing if he’s joking or being serious.

  He laughs and bumps his shoulder into mine. “Kidding… kinda. Those Irish Wolf Hounds are pretty big, though, right?” he asks, and I smile and nod.

  “They sure are. But not sure they’d hold your weight.”

  With a giant smirk, he purses his lips rubbing his stomach, which I’m sure contains washboard abs. “You saying I’m fat?” he quips.

  Chuckling, I furrow my brows and nod my head faking a serious look. “I think you could lose a few pounds.”

  He brings his hand up to his chest and feigns shock as he gasps. “Why, I’ve never been so insulted.”

  “Lucky you have a pretty face to hide all that flab around your tummy then,” I say and then gasp at my own words.

  He chuckles and nods. “I like you, you’re cute. What’s your name?”

  I smile sticking out my hand for him to shake. “I’m Lily, nice to meet you.”

  “I’m Bradt, like Brad but with a T at the end. Nice to meet you, too.” He shakes my hand, and I tilt my head.

  “Odd name, but it suits you.”

  He smirks again, and there’s something in that smirk that unsettles me. “It really does suit me. Well, I best be off, Lily. Was great to meet you. Have a good run.”

  “Thanks, Bradt. See you round.”

  He nods and steps off without looking back. I furrow my brows, chewing on my bottom lip wondering what that was all about, but I take a deep breath and look forward, planting one foot in front of the other as thoughts of Kace flood back into my brain at full force.

  My run was good, it’s cleare
d my head. And even though I had that strange encounter with Bradt, it’s helped ease the tension from my body. Walking down the hallway toward my apartment, I step past Kace’s door and stare at it. My chest tightens and my breath quickens as memories flood my mind of the incredible kiss we shared.

  I can’t do it.

  I just can’t.

  I don’t need his kind of drama in my life.

  I need more than he can give. The bullet, the mystery, it’s too much drama for little old me. So I continue to walk toward my door as I hear Daisy begin to growl inside Kace’s apartment. Stopping in my stride, I look back at his door wondering why she’d be growling and think whether or not I should knock on his door to make sure everything’s all right.

  Her growling intensifies, my heart rate quickens. My feet move before I think whether this is a good idea or not. I knock on his door three times quickly and softly lean against the door to listen, but all I can hear is Daisy as she switches from growling to barking.

  My mind flashes to all types of possibilities and endless questions as no one answers the door. The main one being—is Kace hurt inside and can’t answer the door?

  I race back to my apartment and fling open the door. The door frame shudders as I slam the door shut behind me. I run out to my balcony and look over to Kace’s balcony to see a man climbing over the edge, then stand up and reach for Kace’s door.

  I’m stunned. I recognize the clothing and then the face of the man straight away. My chest heaves as my breathing diminishes. After the initial shock wears off, I pick up a flowerpot and throw it at him full force hitting him on his shoulder. Soil and the orchid fall to the tiled floor as the ceramic pot shatters all over the balcony. He grunts as he turns to face me, while I pick up any random object I can find and start hurling it at him.

  “You…” I scream out.

  “Lily… stop!” he calls out while Lily hurls another pot plant at him. But he dodges and weaves away with a skill and accuracy like I’ve never seen before.

  “You followed me,” I scream out incredulously. “Who are you, Bradt?”

  The back door to Kace’s apartment pulls back, and Kace rushes out just as I throw a half-empty cup at Bradt. Again he dodges it with extraordinary skill. Furrowing my brows, I huff. I wish he would stop doing that.

  “Luca? What the fuck is going on?” Kace asks.

  I jolt back in surprise as Bradt smirks at me and chews on his bottom lip.

  “Luca? Your name is Bradt?”

  He shrugs and tilts his head. “Umm… about that… Bradt isn’t my name. I made it up. Bradt is a surname of Dutch origin, and it means deceit and fraud.”

  I furrow my brows and shake my head, while I stand here in total shock wondering what the hell is going on.

  Kace rolls his eyes and huffs. “Fuck my life. What the hell have you done now?”

  While glaring at Bradt, or Luca, whatever the hell his name is, I slant my posture to the side placing my hand on my hip. “Well? Are you going to explain?”

  He looks from me to Kace and his smile drops from his face. He exhales loudly. “No… I’m not.”

  As anger washes over me, I throw my hands into the air and huff. “Seriously Kace? Your friends are a mystery, too?” I squish my eyebrows together and continue, “Listen here… Kace fucking Colt, I don’t know who you think you are, but this is a load of bullshit. First, I’m removing bullets—”


  “Then you’re fucking working for a Mafia lord—”


  “Burning buildings. People dying. Weirdo’s climbing onto your balcony—”

  “Hey, I’m not a weirdo!” Luca butts in.

  Kace glares at Luca sternly furrowing his brows. “I’m coming over.”

  “Screw you, Kace!”

  “I kinda like her,” Luca mumbles.

  “Shut up!” Kace and I both yell at the same time.

  “This isn’t done, Lily,” Kace calls out.

  I open my eyes wide and shake my head. “Oh… it’s done! Over. Finished. Gah…”

  He glares at me, and I shake my head flipping up my middle finger at him.

  “I’m sick of this shit,” I yell as I turn and storm inside.

  “I’m kinda turned on,” I hear Luca say as I walk in and pace the living room floor. My heart’s racing as a bead of sweat drips down my temple. I’m so worked up, I want to rush over there and punch him myself. I hear a click, and turn to see Daisy running up to me, then I look up and watch Kace storming in toward me.

  My chest heaves as I point at him. “How did you get in, the door was lock—”

  Suddenly, his lips are on mine. That buzz, that charge, ignites straight away. But I’m mad as hell, so I go to push him off. Instead, he grabs my arms and pulls me to him kissing me even harder. I fight as best I can, but my defenses are dwindling. The tingle shooting through me sends goose bumps over every inch of my skin, which in turn is setting me on fire.

  Kissing him is an experience all new to me. Sure, I’ve kissed guys before, but nothing has ever had an effect on me like kissing Kace does. And as I give in, I close my eyes and sink into his body then open my mouth and allow his tongue access kissing him back, allowing myself to be swept into the dark.

  He’s a scary place for me, an unknown, but what I do know is kissing him is the only thing that feels right in my life at the moment. This right here is worth all the uncertainty, because even though he’s in the dark, this is lighting up my life.

  “Kace, I’m sorry man, but we have to go,” Luca announces.

  Kace’s lips softly leave mine. He rests his forehead against mine, and he clenches his eyes together tightly like he’s really annoyed. “Fuck!” Kace groans.

  “No… not again. Kace, what the hell is going on?”

  He opens his eyes and looks right at me, his piercing blue eyes staring completely into my soul. It makes my knees weak, and I stumble on the spot slightly.

  He holds onto me and takes a deep breath as he exhales and shakes his head. “I’m sorry.”

  Gritting my teeth, I huff and take a step back in annoyance. “You promised you’d tell me!”

  He winces and rubs the back of his neck.

  “Kace, we gotta go. I’m sorry bro—”

  “Luca, just give me a minute—”

  “I have… we have to go. Now. Boss is calling us in.”

  I furrow my brows in confusion. “Wait, who’s your boss? Didn’t he die in the explosion?”

  He frowns and sighs taking my shoulders in his hands and looking right into my soul again. “All is not as it seems, Lily. I will tell you when I can… but I have to go. Can I leave Daisy with you as a promise I’ll be back to talk to you about this?”

  Shaking my head as I step back from him and exhale. “Fine. Whatever. Just… go.”

  “I’ll be back, Lily, I promise. Just keep Daisy with you.”

  I nod, and he winces, as he takes in my annoyed expression. He looks over to Luca whose joker attitude has gone and has been replaced with a serious stern-faced man.

  It’s unsettling.

  “I will be back.”

  “Just go, Kace,” I reply, and he leans in kissing my cheek. The usual spark jolts right from my cheek all the way down my side and straight between my legs, but I’m mightily pissed off to act on that right now.

  Kace rushes out the door along with Luca without a second glance back. My chest tightens as the door closes, and I huff folding my arms over my chest in utter annoyance.

  At least Daisy will be here to keep me company.

  I pull the door shut behind me, clenching my fists tightly at my sides. I want to go back in, to ease her mind and tell her everything.

  “You know you can’t tell her, right?” Luca states, staring at me like I’ve completely lost it. I can still feel the taste of her on my lips. She’s soft and sweet, everything I crave but know I can’t have.

  “Shut up, Luca,” I snap, forcing myself away from her door a
nd heading for the stairs.

  He jogs to catch up to me. “It’s a shame really, I kinda like her. She’s feisty.”

  “What happened with you and Lily?” I ask him as we push out the front doors and walk to Luca’s car. We both climb inside and he starts the engine, pulling away from the curb.

  “I ran into her while she was out. I may have given her a fake name.”

  I roll my eyes and look over to my friend. “You just happened to run into her.”

  He smirks. “Okay, so I may have been testing her to see if she’s any good for you. But like I said, I like her… she’s hot both in body and temper. But you know drawing attention to her is only going to get her killed.” When I don’t answer, he flicks his eyes from the road to me. “Right?”

  I sigh, leaning my head back against the headrest. “Fuck. I know. But there’s something about her, I just can’t stop being near her. Everything inside me tells me to watch over and protect her.”

  “Then it’s best you stay away,” Luca says gravely. “Because the biggest threat to her right now… is you.”

  I dig some dog toys out of my closet and stay on the sofa, tossing a ball for Daisy and smiling as she retrieves it, covering it with her slobber and dropping it back into my lap.

  I scratch behind her ear, and she pants happily. “You look all tough, but really you’re just a big softy aren’t you?”

  Trying my hardest to keep Kace out of my head, I focus my attention on her. Just when I think I might have figured him out, he throws another curve ball and my mind once again is reeling.

  I need answers.

  And he isn’t giving them to me. Part of me wants to dig deeper, to see what I can find out about him on my own. But the rest of me wonders whether I’m prepared for what I might find.

  I shake off all thoughts of Kace. “Where’s the damn remote when I need it?” I mutter, looking around me, hoping to use the television as a distraction.


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