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The Curious Case of Jacob's Hallow

Page 39

by Patrick Walsh

  “Shouldn’t have to!” He began strolling down the dock and into town. “Now tell me, what exactly happened here?”

  While Gretel hurried off after him, Aza and Han were escorted onto the ship. They were taken under the quarterdeck and to an extravagant looking dining area used for meetings between fellow Paladin leaders. Each sat down at either end of the main table, guards against every wall, while the Vice Admiral began asking them what had happened. He listened intently, bombarding them with question after question whenever he found something that could be an inconsistency or too extraordinary. The former came up relatively infrequently, but the latter almost every other sentence. It got particularly bad when their story got to the necropolis. They had taken Han’s bag, as well as his sword, and, upon mentioning how he didn’t recall getting the book, men were sent to find it.

  This went on for the remainder of their day, not even stopping when food was brought in. Han and the others ate it up, but Aza didn’t even touch it. He wasn’t hungry, or even sure that he could eat it if he was. It didn’t escape the Vice Admiral’s notice and he received a bombardment of questions about that as well. Eventually, at sundown, some more soldiers reported in and things were drawn to a close. The necropolis had been found, the witch's lair raided, and some form of order returned to the village. Both Han and Aza were escorted onto the deck, followed by Canthus. To their surprise, one of the men was holding out the Nightman’s sword, now in a new sheath. Han just looked from it to the Vice Admiral as if it were a trap of some kind.

  “Take the thing. As far as I can tell, it is your property now.” He impatiently motioned to the object.

  Han took it. “Thank you, sir. I did not expect to receive it.” He looked to the other men. “Do you have my bag?”

  “That and its contents are evidence in an ongoing investigation. They will likely not be returned to you or your academy. The only reason you are getting your weapon back is that, based on our current understanding of events, we have no claim to it other than wanting it. I could seize it if I stretched the boundaries of a few niche rules but I choose not to...for the time being at least. If I see that weapon leave its sheath at any point during the voyage then I will confiscate it myself.”

  “It will not sir.” He took the thing, only for the weight of the hilt to shift it out of his grip and clatter onto the ground, along with the blade itself.

  He rolled his eyes. “There are two straps, it would be best if you use them.”

  While Han hastily slid his weapon back into its new home, Aza looked on in confusion. “Voyage?”

  “Yes. The weapon you found is one of the most powerful in creation. It has been determined, by those with more authority than myself, that you two be taken to Elysium. There, your stories and events will be further reviewed, alongside what new information the forces we leave behind will uncover.”

  “Oh…” Aza was stunned, and unsure what to say. He was somewhat relieved to leave the town, but this was too sudden. Though he also guessed that they didn’t have any say in the matter.

  “You will be escorted to Vice Admiral Tsuku’ Rina’s vessel. She and a few other ships will escort you west, around Telikos and Alvoya Transyl. From there, you will meet with some of the northern forces and they’ll escort you the rest of the way.” He began waving them to the gangplank but groaned when he saw people at the bottom. “I almost forgot. Finch has generously allowed ‘goodbyes’ on behalf of the pink haired woman.”

  Both Han and Aza looked down to see Gretel standing there in the darkness with Tom and Desmond on either side. Around them were guards forming a circle of lanterns, with the other Vice Admiral's forces just on the other end of the dock.

  “I heard you two are off to the big city.” She smiled at them as they approached her. “Well, at least according to them. Elysium? Think they said it was their capital.”

  Aza laughed. “We just found out a few moments ago. Elysium could just be another Jacob’s Hallow for all we know.”

  “Oh.” She shrugged. “Well, should be better than here at least.”

  He nodded. “You got everything taken care of?”

  “Oh, the best it can be considerin everything. The Paladins have taken over much of the medical care, so that should speed things right along. Me, them, an some others worked out a deal that should help pull things back together for the long term.”


  “Yeah.” She still couldn’t believe it. “They’re sealin off that big crypt and are gonna help rebuild the town. In return, we gave them free rein to build a fort of some kind out where the tip of the east leviathan used to be. They’re gonna station some ships there, more men here. Lotta big plans, I couldn’t quite keep straight in the rush.”

  “Well, it sounds like you got a lot ahead of you.”

  She gave a loud, amused laugh. “Oh kid, you have no idea. Though I didn’t bring ya out here to boast or get all wishy washy.”

  “A Beldrum scoffing at sentimentality, I’m shocked.”

  “Oh, bah.” She waved her hand at him, but then took a much more serious demeanor. “Before he died, Gregory wanted me to tell you a few things. He said that he loved you...and was proud of you. He also said to remember the fireflies or something to that effect. I don’t know what that means, but I assume you do.”

  He nodded and closed his eyes. “Yeah, I know what he was talking about. Thank you.” With that, he smiled and held up his hand. The two shook, feeling some bit of closure on this whole mess. “Good luck and may the loa smile upon you.”

  “Same to you.” She broke away and held out her hand for Han.

  He was surprised but shook. “May you have Odin’s blessing as you sort this all out.”

  “Just try not to get Aza killed.”

  The scholar couldn’t determine if she was serious or joking, so just smiled and nodded.

  Aza looked to the other two, noticing that Desmond had De Vone’s old hat and cane. “You here to say goodbye as well?”

  “Yeah. Jack and the rest are busy at the church or one of the infirmaries.” He sighed and looked to the dark sky above. “I just wanted to say goodbye on behalf of them, as well as myself.”

  “Thank you.” Aza nodded, hearing the sadness clinging to the ends of his words.

  “I’m sad...and...regretful that Luke couldn’t be here to see this, but, despite everything, he died for a noble cause. It isn’t much, but brings some bit of solace.” He looked down at Aza, who met his gaze. “I can’t think of anyone else whose side he would have rather died by.”

  “I wouldn’t be here. This whole town wouldn’t be here without his sacrifice.” He watched as the mournful brother nodded. “So, I assume you’ll be pretty busy then.”

  He laughed. “Oh, like you wouldn’t believe. Just about everyone in charge of anything got replaced by some Paladin. Not this undertaker though. Then again, I really wouldn’t expect anything different.”

  Handshakes were exchanged, and all eyes fell to Tom. He just shrugged.“I already said that I was wrong. I’m actually here for Han.”

  Now everyone looked to the scholar, with no idea what he could mean.“Oh, really?”

  “Yeah.” He looked back to the town and then to Han. “I can’t bring myself to thank you given what all happened, but...what you said helped. It showed me something that I had been blind to for a very long time.”

  “Sometimes the simplest choices are the hardest to make.”

  Tom nodded and everyone looked around at each other one last time. All was said and all was done. Three headed back to the town; two were escorted to one of the other docks and onto a vessel that would take them far away from here. As they departed, the two made their way to the bow of the ship and looked off into the night. The was darkness there, but temporary. For the first time in Aza’s life, when day broke the night would truly be gone.

  “I know you asked me this, but wanna know your take. When they’re done asking questions...where do you want to go?” Aza loo
ked from the stars to his friend. “If they can sort out what the box did, do you still wanna go back to Dellathorn?

  Han just stood there, pondering it himself. “Ha. I don’t know honestly. “ He looked back to his friend. “We can go anywhere.”




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