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At His Majesty's Convenience

Page 11

by Jennifer Lewis

  Her body responded to him like a flipped switch, but then it always had, even back when he saw her as nothing more than an efficient employee. Heat flared in her belly and her fingertips itched to reach out and touch his skin.

  But she’d resisted six long years and she could do it now.

  She pulled her hand back with some difficulty. Her skin hummed where his lips had just touched it. A quick glance up was a mistake—his dark eyes fixed on hers with a smoldering expression that took her breath away.

  But she knew he was an accomplished actor. You had to be to pull off international diplomacy, especially when it involved placating all the outrageous characters he dealt with in Ruthenia.

  “You’re very suspicious.” His eyes twinkled.

  “Of course I am. I woke up from amnesia to find myself engaged to my boss. That kind of thing makes a girl wary.”

  “You know you can trust me.” His steady gaze showed total confidence.

  “I thought I could trust you.” She raised a brow. “Over the last day I’ve learned I can’t trust you. You used me to your advantage, without consulting me.”

  His expression darkened. “I couldn’t consult with you because you didn’t know who you were.”

  “You could have waited until my memory came back and we could discuss it calmly.” Instead you decided to convince me between the sheets. He’d undermined all her inhibitions and drawn her into the most intense and powerful intimacy.

  Too bad it had worked so well.

  “Time was of the essence. Independence Day is coming right up.”

  “And you couldn’t disappoint the people of Ruthenia.”

  “Exactly. I knew you’d understand.”

  She did. The people of Ruthenia and his own reputation were far more important than her feelings.

  Did he even know she had feelings?

  She had three days to put him to the test.


  Andi would have liked to sweep into the dining room and smile confidently at the gathered Ruthenian dignitaries and their snooty daughters, then take her place at the head of the table.

  But it didn’t work like that.

  The toe of her pointed shoe caught in the hem of her dress on her way into the anteroom and she pitched through the doorway headfirst. Jake, walking behind her, flung his arms around her waist and pulled her back onto her feet before she fell on her face into the Aubusson carpet. It was not an auspicious entrance into high society.

  Her face heated, especially when she saw the looks of undisguised glee on Maxi’s and Alia’s faces.

  Jake laughed it off and used the occasion to steal a kiss in front of the gathered audience. She was too flustered to attempt resistance, which would have looked rude and strange anyway, since as far as everyone knew they were madly in love.

  The kiss only deepened her blush and stirred the mix of arousal and anguish roiling in her gut.

  “Congratulations!” A portly older man with medals on his jacket stepped forward and bowed low to Andi. She swallowed. This was the Grand Duke of Machen. He didn’t have any marriageable daughters left, so he was one of the few non-hostile entities in the room. He turned to Jake. “We’re all thrilled that you’ve finally chosen a bride to continue the royal line.”

  The royal line? Andi’s muscles tightened. As Jake’s wife she’d be expected to produce the future king or queen. Which meant that even if it were a marriage of convenience, there would be some sex involved. She’d already learned that making love with Jake touched something powerful and tender deep inside her. Not something she could do as a matter of routine. Could he really expect that of her? It was different with men. They could turn off their emotions and just enjoy the pure physical sensations.

  If only she could do that.

  A glance around the room revealed that not everyone was as thrilled as the grand duke. Maxi’s father Anton Rivenshnell looked grim—salt-and-pepper brows lowered threateningly over his beady gray eyes. Maxi herself had abandoned her usual winning smile in favor of a less-flattering pout.

  “I suppose an American bride seemed a natural choice when you spent your entire life in America,” growled Rivenshnell, his dark suit stretched across an ample belly. “Though this is naturally a disappointment for the women of Ruthenia.”

  Jake seemed to grow about a foot taller, which, considering his already impressive height of six-one, made him a little scary. “Andi has demonstrated her commitment to Ruthenia over the last three years, living and working by my side. She is one of the women of Ruthenia.”

  Ha. Andi couldn’t help loving his spirited defense of her. “I’ve never been so happy as I am here.” The honest truth. She wasn’t going to lie. “I’ve spent every day enjoying the people and the beautiful countryside, and I’ve come to love Ruthenia as my home.”

  “And you fell in love with your boss, too.” The grand duke’s laugh bellowed across the room.

  “Yes.” She managed a shaky smile. Again, it was the truth—but no need for Jake to know that. As far as he was concerned she was just fulfilling her part of the arrangement.

  Andi felt very self-conscious as they were ushered into the dining room by a rather smug Livia. This was the first time she’d attended one of these affairs as a guest, not one of the staff members hovering along the walls ready to serve the diners and tend to Jake’s needs. Livia shot her at least three meaningful glances, though she couldn’t actually tell what they meant.

  At least she managed not to fall on her face on her way to the end of the table, where she was seated far, far away from Jake, probably in between two daddies of rejected girls.

  Jake was seated between Alia and Maxi, just as she’d sat him before she lost her memory. Then she’d done it as a joke, to torment him with his two most ardent admirers and hopefully put him off both of them. Now he must have planned it himself, for reasons she could only guess at.

  Did he intend to have affairs with each of them now that he was no longer on the hook to make one his queen? Surely quiet little Andi wouldn’t object.

  The very thought made her seethe. Still, she didn’t remember Jake ever cheating on one of his many girlfriends. On the other hand, he rarely dated the same one for long enough to get the chance. As soon as a girl showed signs of getting serious, he brought an abrupt end to things.

  Andi had rather liked that about him. He never continued with a relationship just because it was there. He was often blunt and funny about the reasons he no longer saw a future with a particular girl. And it always gave her fresh hope that one day he’d be hers.

  And now he was. At least in theory.

  Irritation flickered through her at the sight of Alia brushing his hand with her long, manicured fingers. Jake smiled at the elegant blonde and spoke softly to her before turning to Maxi. The sultry brunette immediately lit up and eased her impressive cleavage toward him. Jealousy raged in Andi’s gut and she cursed herself for caring.

  “Your parents must be delighted.” The gruff voice startled Andi, who realized she was staring.

  “Oh, yes.” She tried to smile at the white-haired man by her side. Up close she could see he was probably too old to have a jilted daughter, so that was a plus.

  Her parents would be happy if she married Jake. At least she imagined so. How would they feel if she refused to marry him?

  “Have they visited Ruthenia before?”

  “Not yet. But I’m sure they’ll love it here.”

  “I imagine they’ll move here.” His blue eyes twinkled with…was it warmth or malice?

  “They have their own lives back in Pittsburgh, so I don’t think they’ll be leaving.”

  “But they must! Their daughter is to be the queen. It would be tragic for a family to endure such separation.”

  “It’s quite common in the U.S. for families to live hundreds or even thousands of miles apart.”

  “In Ruthenia that would be unthinkable.”

  “I know.” She shrugged. Was he also implying that h
aving such a coldhearted and independent American as their queen was unthinkable? “But they have jobs they enjoy and friends where they live. I’m sure they’ll come visit often.”

  “They’ve never visited you here? How long have you been here?”

  “Three years, but it’s an expensive trip and…” He was making her feel bad, and she had a feeling that’s exactly what he intended. “Have you ever visited the States?” She smiled brightly. Every time she looked up, someone was peeking at her out of the corner of their eye. Including Livia. She was beginning to feel under siege.

  Jake shot her a warm glance from the far end of the table. Even from that distance he could make her heart beat faster. He looked totally in his element, relaxed, jovial and quite at home in the lap of luxury, surrounded by Ruthenian nobles.

  Whereas she felt like a scullery maid who’d wandered into the ballroom—which wasn’t a million miles from the truth. In all her dreams of herself and Jake living happily ever after, they lived happily in a fantasy world of her own creation. While life in the Ruthenian royal palace was definitely someone’s fantasy world, it wasn’t hers, and Jake was clearly making a terrible mistake if he thought this could work.

  Jake beamed with satisfaction as staff poured the coffee. Andi looked radiant at the far end of the table, resplendent in her regal gown and with her hair arranged in shiny curls that fell about her shoulders. Ruthenia’s haughty beauties disappeared into the drapery with her around. He’d tried to reassure them that his marriage was a love match and not a deliberate insult to them and their families. He couldn’t afford to lose the support of Ruthenia’s most powerful businessmen. Noses were definitely bent out of shape, but no one had declared war—yet.

  A love match. He’d used the term several times now, though never within earshot of Andi. He couldn’t say something so blatantly untrue right in front of her—at least not now that she had her memory back. He knew nothing of love. Raised by a succession of nannies while his parents traveled, he’d been groomed for duty and honor and not for family life and intimate relationships. Love seemed like something that happened in poems but not in real life, and he didn’t want to promise anything to Andi that he couldn’t deliver.

  He was hotly attracted to her and admired all her fine qualities, and that was almost as good. Many people married for love and ended up divorced or miserable. It was much more sensible to go into a lifetime commitment with a clear head and a solid strategy.

  Andi seemed concerned about the lack of love between them once her memory returned and she knew they hadn’t been involved. His most important task over the next two days was to convince her they were meant to be together, and surely the best way to do that was to woo her back into his bed. The warm affection they’d shared stirred something in his chest. Maybe it wasn’t the kind of love that inspired songs and sonnets, but he ached to enjoy it again.

  It took some time for the guests to filter out the front door, and he kept half an eye on Andi the whole time in case she should decide to slip away. She looked tense, keeping up her end of every conversation but looking around often as if checking for escape routes. He’d been so busy rebuilding the relationships he’d worked hard to cement in the past three years by dancing with different girls that he hadn’t danced with Andi. There was plenty of time for him to catch up with her after the guests left.

  He kissed Alia on the cheek and ignored the subtle squeeze she gave his arm. He slapped her father on the back and promised to call him to go over some business details. So far, so good. Now where was Andi? She’d managed to slip away as the Kronstadts made their exit.

  Irritation and worry stirred in his gut along with a powerful desire to see her right now. He strode up the stairs from the foyer and intercepted her in the hallway outside her room.

  He slid his arms around her waist from behind—just as he’d done when she dove unceremoniously into their company earlier. A smile spread across his mouth at the feel of her soft warm body in his arms, and he couldn’t wait to spend the night together.

  But she stiffened. “I’m tired, Jake.”

  “Me, too.” He squeezed her gently. “We can sleep in each other’s arms.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” She unlocked her door and he followed her in, arms still wrapped around her. Her delicious scent filled his senses. He twirled her around until they were face-to-face—and noticed her face looked sad.

  “What’s going on, Andi? You did a fantastic job this evening.”

  Her mouth flattened. “We should close the door, for privacy.”

  “Sure.” That was a promising start. He turned and pushed it shut. “Why do you look unhappy?”

  “Because I can’t do this. I don’t fit in here. I feel like an intruder.”

  “That’s ridiculous. You fit in here as well as I do.”

  “I don’t. I felt out of place and people kept going on about me being American. They obviously don’t like the idea of you marrying a foreigner.”

  “Monarchs nearly always marry foreigners. That’s how the British royal family ended up being German.” He grinned. “They used to import brides from whichever country they needed to curry diplomatic favor with. It’s a time-honored tradition.”

  “I don’t think marrying me will get you too far with the White House.”

  “Oh, I disagree.” He stroked her soft cheek with his thumb. “I’m sure any sensible administration would admire you as much as I do.”

  Her eyes softened for a moment and a tiny flush rose to her pale cheeks. But she wouldn’t meet his gaze.

  He placed his hands on either side of her waist. She had a lovely figure, a slender hourglass that the dress emphasized in a way her stiff suits never could. The tailored bodice presented her cleavage in a dangerously enticing way, and a single diamond sparkled on a fine chain between her small, plump breasts.

  A flame of desire licked through him. “You were the loveliest woman in that room tonight.”

  “You’re sweet.” There was no hint of sparkle or a smile in her eyes. She didn’t seem to believe him.

  “You know I’m not sweet.” He lifted a brow. “So you’d better believe me. Every minute I danced with those other girls, I wished I was dancing with you.”

  But you weren’t.

  He’d danced with those women because it was good for the nation’s economy to keep their families on his side. Maybe he’d desired them, too, but that wasn’t why he twirled them around the floor. Andi knew that business would always come first with Jake. She’s always known that, and admired it. But now that she contemplated the prospect of spending the rest of her life with a man who didn’t love her, it seemed like a mistake.

  Mostly because she loved him so much.

  The press of his strong fingers around her waist was a cruel torment. Her nipples had thickened against the silk of her bodice, aching for his touch. The skin of her cheek still hummed where he’d brushed his thumb over it.

  She even loved him for the fact that he’d marry a woman he didn’t love just for the sake of his country. That kind of commitment was impressive.

  Unless you were the woman he didn’t love, and had to watch from the sidelines, or even under the spotlight, while he gave his heart and soul to Ruthenia and its people.

  His presence dominated her room, with its neat, impersonal decor. He was larger than life, bolder, better-looking and more engaging than any man she’d ever met. Wasn’t it enough that he wanted to marry her?

  Why did she think she was so special she deserved more than he offered? Maybe it was the independent-minded American in her who wanted everything. It wasn’t enough to be queen and have a handsome and hardworking husband—she had to have the fairy-tale romance, as well.

  Jake leaned in and kissed her softly on the mouth. Her breath caught at the bottom of her lungs as his warm, masculine scent—soap and rich fabrics with a hint of male musk—tormented her senses. Her lips stung with arousal as he pulled back a few inches and hovered there, h
is dark gaze fixed to hers.

  Her fingers wanted to roam under his jacket and explore the muscles of his back and she struggled to keep them still at her sides. If she let him seduce her she was saying “yes” to everything he offered.

  Including sex without love.

  Yes, they’d had sex once already, but at the time she’d been under the delusion that he loved her and had proposed to her out of genuine emotion. Which was very different from the business arrangement he’d presented to her earlier.

  His lips lowered over hers again, but she pulled back, heart thumping. “Stop, Jake. I’m not ready.”

  His eyes darkened. “Why not?”

  “It’s all happening too fast. I still barely know who I am. I can’t think straight with you kissing me.”

  “Maybe I don’t want you to think straight.” A gleam shone in his seductive dark eyes.

  “That’s what I’m worried about.” She tugged herself from his embrace, and almost to her surprise, he let her go. “I don’t want to rush into this and realize a year or so from now that it was a huge mistake.”

  “I’ll make sure you never regret it.”

  “I think that’s quite arrogant of you.” She tilted her chin. She’d never spoken to him like this before and it scared her a little. How would he react? “You seem to think you know exactly what I feel, and how I’ll react.”

  “I know you very well after six years together.” His warm gaze and proud, handsome face were dangerous—both familiar and alluring.

  “But those were six years together in a professional relationship, not a marriage.” For a start, he’d never barged into her room with his arms wrapped around her waist.

  “I don’t really see the difference.” He looked down at her, slightly supercilious.

  Indignation surged inside her, battling with the infuriating desire to kiss his sensual mouth. “That’s the problem. It is different. As your assistant I have to follow certain rules of behavior, to always be polite and not express my opinion unless it’s directly relevant to our work. To be on my best behavior and keep my emotions to myself. Maybe I’m not really the person you think I am at all.” Her voice rose and she sounded a little hysterical.


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