At His Majesty's Convenience

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At His Majesty's Convenience Page 13

by Jennifer Lewis

Jake smiled. Andi really did make gold, at least in his life. “If only people knew that you’re the dark secret behind the salvation of the Ruthenian economy. Sitting up there in your office at your spinning wheel.”

  “They probably figure I must have mysterious powers. Otherwise why wouldn’t you marry a Ruthenian glamour girl?”

  “Those Ruthenian ladies are all a handful. None of them grew up in Ruthenia, either. I’d like to know what they’re doing in those Swiss finishing schools to produce such a bunch of spoiled, self-indulgent princesses. They’re far too much like hard work, and you’d certainly never catch them doing any real work.” And none of them had Andi’s cute, slightly freckled nose.

  She looked pleased. “They can’t all be like that.”

  “The ones who aren’t are off pursuing careers somewhere—probably in the U.S.—and aren’t hanging around the palace trying to curry favor with me.”

  “You could have staged a campaign to invite all Ruthenian expats to come back and compete for your hand.”

  Jake shuddered at the thought. “Why would I want to do that when you’re right here?” He took a bite of a pretzel. “You’ve already passed every possible kind of test life in Ruthenia has thrown at you and proved yourself a star.”

  She blushed slightly. “I wouldn’t say that.”

  “I would.” His chest filled with pride that Andi had managed the big shift in lifestyle with such grace and ease. She’d eased the transition for him in so many ways that he’d probably never even know. No one could deny they were a powerful team. “Let’s drink to us.”

  She took a glass with a slightly shaky hand. “To us.”

  “And the future of Ruthenia.” Which would be a very bright one, at least for him, with the lovely Andi at his side. He’d seen another side of her since her memory came back—a feistier, more independent Andi than the one who’d worked so tirelessly as his assistant. He liked her all the more for being strong enough to stand up to him.

  And the chemistry between them…if that’s what it was. He couldn’t put it into words, but the very air now seemed to crackle with energy when they got a little too close. He hoped she felt it, too—and suspected she did. Her cheeks colored sometimes just when he looked at her, and there was a new sparkle in her lovely blue eyes—or maybe it had always been there and he’d just never noticed it before?

  Obviously he’d been walking through life with blinkers on where Andi was concerned. Thank heavens he’d finally realized what he’d been missing out on all these years.

  After they’d finished eating they packed the baskets back in the car and set off up the grassy slopes on foot. The meadows grew steeper as they climbed, and the view more magnificent. They could see over the ancient forest on the far side of the town, and to the hills beyond, with villages scattered in the valleys, church steeples rising up from their midst. Jake’s heart swelled at the sight of his beautiful country, so resilient and hopeful.

  “Thank you for bringing us up here.” He wanted to touch her, to hold her and kiss her and share the joy that pulsed through him, but Andi managed to remain out of reach.

  After about an hour of steady climbing, they reached a small round tower, almost hidden in a grove of trees.

  “Yikes. I wonder if the witch still has Rapunzel imprisoned in there.” Andi peered up at the gray stones, mottled with moss and lichens.

  “It’s a lookout post,” he replied. “I’ve seen it on the old maps. They would watch for soldiers approaching in the distance, then signal down to the palace—which was a fortified castle back then—with a flag that let them know what was happening. Let’s go inside.”

  He strode ahead into the arched doorway. Andi followed, rather more hesitant.

  “There was probably a door, but it’s gone,” she said as she peered up into the tower. Any ceiling or upper floors were also gone, and the stone walls circled a perfect patch of blue sky. “It would make a great play fort for kids.”

  “We’ll have to refurbish it for ours.” Jake smiled. He’d never given much thought to having children, but the prospect of sharing family life with Andi stirred something unexpected and warm inside him.

  Andi’s eyes widened.

  “Have I shocked you?”

  “Maybe. It’s all just a bit…sudden.”

  Jake shrugged. His changed relationship with Andi felt surprisingly natural, as if it had been in the cards the whole time without him knowing it, almost in the same way he was destined to return to Ruthenia.

  But one thing still pricked at him. She’d been planning to take off—to abandon him and Ruthenia in search of…what? “Why were you going to leave?”

  She startled slightly. “I already told you. I didn’t see any future in my job and I felt it was time to move on.”

  He frowned. He couldn’t help but feel there was more to it than that. “What were you going to do, back in the States?” He walked toward her. Sunlight pouring through the open roof illuminated her hair with a golden halo and cast sunbeams over her slender form.

  “Um, I was thinking of starting my own business.”

  Shock and hurt surprised him. Her leaving still felt like a personal betrayal. “Intriguing. What kind of business?” She could start her business here.

  “Event planning. I intended to find a job at an event-planning company, then gradually branch out on my own.”

  “You’ve certainly got the experience for it.”

  “I know.” She lifted her chin. “I must have planned hundreds of events over the last six years.”

  She wanted to be independent, in charge of her own destiny. He admired that. “As queen you’ll have significant responsibilities. You’ll be an important person in your own right. People will request your presence for events I can’t attend.” He knew she’d find it fulfilling.

  “It’s hardly the same.” She lifted her chin. “I’d still be working for you.”

  “Working with me.” He took a step toward her. “As equals.” Another step. She hadn’t moved. He reached out and took her hand. His skin hummed as their fingers met.

  “You shouldn’t,” she breathed, tensing at his touch. “I really was planning to leave, and I still might.”

  His chest tightened, though he didn’t really believe her. “You’ll have a wonderful life here. You already know that. You’ll never be bored and you can run all the businesses you want, as well as being queen.” He stroked her hand with his thumb. Her skin was so soft.

  “I still don’t believe that staying is the right thing to do.”

  “I’ll convince you.” Pride mingled with emotion coursed through him as he raised her hand to his mouth and pressed his lips to her palm.

  She gasped slightly and tried to pull her hand back, but he held it fast.

  Her lips quivered slightly as his moved closer. Her delicious scent tormented his senses. He eased toward her until their chests were almost touching. She still hadn’t moved. He could see in her darkening gaze that she felt the same fierce attraction he did. She wanted him every bit as much as he wanted her, despite her foolish worries and reservations. He’d just have to prove to her that her future should be right here, with him.

  His lips closed over hers in a single swipe that drew them together. She arched into him, and he felt her nipples tighten inside her blouse as her fingertips clutched at his crisp shirt. She kissed him back hard, running her fingers into his hair and down his collar.

  Jake sighed, reveling in the glorious sensation of holding Andi tight in his arms and kissing her doubts away.

  She shuddered as his hand slid over her backside and down her thigh. Her knees buckled slightly as he touched her breast with his other hand, squeezing gently through her soft blouse.

  No denying the energy between them. It had a life force of its own and drew them closer and bound them more tightly together every time they touched.

  She shivered as his hand roamed under her blouse and his fingers brushed her taut nipple through her bra. At the same time
his tongue flicked hers in a way that made her gasp.

  Jake grimaced. He’d grown painfully hard. The sheer pleasure of kissing Andi was rather undermined by the powerful urge to strip off her clothes and make mad, passionate love to her right here, right now.

  But he didn’t want to drive her away. He’d already pushed too far too fast and he needed to let her come to him—to leave her wanting more.

  He eased his mouth from hers and left her blinking in the half light of the tower as he pulled back. “Let’s not get carried away. It’s not too comfortable in here.”

  When he took things further, he needed to be sure she’d say yes. It was a delicate dance and he didn’t entirely want her to know how much power she had over him. She could use it against him. The last nights alone had been painful and he had no intention of prolonging the torment by coming on too strong. He couldn’t risk losing her now.

  They walked a little higher up the mountain, then decided they’d scaled lofty enough heights for one day and turned for home. A bit out of character for him. Normally if he started something he had to take it as far as it could go.

  In the car on the way back he realized he was going to forfeit his bet. Yes, he could seduce her on a whim—her reaction in the tower proved that. But he no longer wanted to. He wanted her heart and mind entwined with his, not just her body, so winning a bet seemed meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

  It was a sign of maturity to forfeit a battle in order to win the war. He kissed her good-night with chaste tenderness, and watched her walk away to her own room with regret and desire singing in his blood.

  Andi couldn’t help a tiny twinge of guilt when she awoke in the morning and remembered that she’d made him lose his bet.

  The kiss in the tower had shocked and scared her. How easily she fell into his arms, panting and moaning and letting him know just how easily her control evaporated around him. If he hadn’t broken off the kiss she’d probably have made love to him right there on the moss-covered stones.

  All that talk about their children and her future as queen had mingled with his powerful touch to throw her into a swoon of excitement, and at that point she might have agreed to anything just to feel his body against hers.

  Not good.

  She needed to think with her head, and not with her heart. Or any other parts of her body. Jake was still Jake—all business, all about Ruthenia, practical and not personal. He’d never for one instant hinted that he loved her. He was too much of a gentleman to lie about something like that.

  She shivered, despite the morning sun. Why did she have to be so crazy about him?

  It was the last day before the Independence Day celebrations turned Ruthenia into a countrywide party. She knew they’d both be flat-out busy today making last-minute plans and it should be easy to avoid him.

  At least until tonight.

  A tiny ray of pride shone through her anxiety. She’d managed to resist him after all, which meant she could still be clearheaded about her choice to stay or go. After the kiss in the tower she hadn’t been so sure.

  She showered and dressed, hoping she could manage not to be alone with him too much today. Her schedule—so recently abandoned—was packed with things to organize for the festivities. Plans made long before his crazy idea of marrying her, and which she couldn’t really trust to anyone else.

  Or that she didn’t want to.

  “Hey, Andi.” A voice through the door made her jump. Not Jake’s voice. Livia’s. “Want me to take over for you so you can spend the day with His Majesty?”

  “Not at all. I have everything covered.” She hurried to the door and pulled it open, glad she’d painted on her usual business face. “I’ll run through the guest list and make sure plans are in place to receive all the dignitaries arriving today. If you could check the menus and make any adjustments based on availability, I’d appreciate that.”

  A smile pulled at Livia’s mouth. “You don’t have to do all this stuff anymore, you know.”

  “This is the biggest occasion in Ruthenia’s history—since independence, anyway, and I intend to pull my weight.” And keep as busy and as far away from Jake as possible.

  “I can handle it.” Livia crossed her arms.

  “I’m sure you have plenty of other things to handle.” Would Livia offer to handle Jake, as well? Andi felt sure she’d be happy to take charge of his very personal needs, if requested. A twinge of jealousy tweaked her. “I have some phone calls to make.”

  She spent the day running from her office to the various meeting rooms and dining rooms, making last-minute changes to travel schedules and setting up tours of the local area for the visitors. Around lunchtime, visitors started to trickle in, arriving in their diplomatic cars and in hired limos, and she welcomed them to the palace.

  Of course she welcomed them as Jake’s fiancée, and the congratulations rang painfully in her ears as guest after guest remarked on how happy they were for the royal couple.

  Jake looked rather pleased and proud, but then maybe he always looked like that. Twice he managed to slide his arm around her in situations where it would have been embarrassing to resist. Once in front of the French ambassador, and another time while greeting the Taiwanese cultural attaché. She cursed the way her skin hummed and sizzled under his touch, even through her tailored suit.

  The big ring glittered on her finger, like a sign saying, Property of the Palace.

  But Jake didn’t own her. She hadn’t agreed to marry him, simply to stay until after the celebrations.

  At least that’s what she tried to tell herself.

  Feelings of foreboding and guilt, that she’d let down the entire country as well as Jake, gathered in her chest like a storm. Could she really leave?

  If it meant escaping a lifetime of heartache, yes.


  This was it, his last chance. Jake eyed Andi from the far end of the long table, over the sparkling crystal and polished plates of the state dinner. Tomorrow was Independence Day and he could feel in his gut that he still hadn’t convinced her to stay.

  Why was she so stubborn?

  She knew how many women would give a limb to be in her position, but she didn’t seem to value the role of queen at all. Andi wasn’t interested in wearing inherited diamonds or dressing up in silk and lace. She didn’t care about dining with international luminaries or being called Your Majesty. She cared about people, regardless of whether they were important or not.

  All of which only made him like her more.

  And then there was that face. Curious and intelligent, with that active mouth and slightly upturned nose. Those sharp blue eyes that never missed anything.

  And her slim but strong body, which beckoned him from beneath her fitted golden dress. Tonight he would claim her and sleep with her in his arms, assured that she’d never leave him.

  He danced with her three times—heat crackling through his veins—while the jazz quartet played in the ballroom. In between, while dancing with other women, he barely took his eyes off her.

  “I’m afraid Andi and I must retire,” he announced, after the shortest decent amount of time. He didn’t want to give her a chance to escape. “We’ve got a big day tomorrow, so I’m sure you’ll excuse us.”

  He strode toward her and took her arm, then swept her out of the ballroom. She stiffened once they exited the soft lighting and sensual music, and entered the gilt-trimmed hallway.

  “I’m exhausted,” she murmured, avoiding his gaze.

  “No, you’re not.” Not yet. He slid his hand along her back and saw the way her nipples peaked under the fine silk of her gown. A flush spread from her cheeks to her neck.

  Desire flashed through him at this fresh confirmation that she wanted him as badly as he wanted her.

  And he was going to make sure neither of them was disappointed.

  “You’re coming with me.” He tightened his arm around her waist and marched her along the hallway.

  “You can’t make me.
” She whispered while her flushed cheeks and dark, dilated pupils argued with her words.

  “I’m not going to make you do anything.” Her hand felt hot in his, and desire whipped around them, distinct and intoxicating. It had been building all day. All week. For the past six years—though he’d been too wrapped up in business to notice it until now.

  He opened the door to his suite and tugged her inside. Then closed and locked it. Her mouth opened in protest, lips red, and he kissed her words away.

  She struggled slightly—a token resistance he’d expected—before she softened and her arms closed around him as he knew they would. Once again he felt her fingertips press into the muscle of his back—claiming him—and he grew hard as steel against her.

  Andi’s soft body felt like a balm to his aching soul. Her mouth tasted like honey and sunshine, and her skin was warm and soothing. His fingers roamed into the silk of her hair and down over her gentle curves.

  She writhed, and a gentle sigh slid from her lips as he cupped her breast. He could feel the connection between them, invisible and powerful, and he knew she could feel it, too, when she let down her resistance.

  Her dress came off easily, via a simple zipper concealed behind a row of false buttons. Pleasure rippled through his muscles as the luxurious fabric pulled away, revealing soft lace and even softer skin.

  Groaning, he settled her onto the bed and pressed a line of kisses over her chin and neck, then down between her breasts and over her belly, which twitched as he roamed lower, burying his face in the lace of her panties.

  He felt her fingertips in his hair and heard her low moan as he sucked her through the delicate fabric and enjoyed the heat of her arousal. Her legs wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him closer into her and he licked her to a state of silky wetness before slipping the delicate lingerie down over her smooth thighs.

  “You’re so beautiful.” He murmured the words as his eyes feasted on her lush nakedness. All wide, blue-eyed innocence, her gaze met his for a second before she reached for him and pulled him over her, kissing him with ferocity that snatched his breath and tightened his muscles.


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