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Creative Casanova: A Hero Club Novel

Page 13

by K. Street

  When I came out, Zeke wasn’t in his room. Panic tore through me, and then I heard his cries from the other end of the house.

  I found him outside our parents’ closed bedroom door, smacking his tiny hands against the wood.

  “Mama! Mama, ’et me in!”

  “Ryder? Are you all right?”

  I blinked away the haunting memory, allowing the concern in Presley’s voice to pull me from the past.

  “Yeah.” I focused my attention on Zeke, who sat across from me. I eyed the food on his plate. “That looks good, bud. Did you remember your manners?”

  He shyly glanced up at Presley through his thick lashes. “Thank you, Presley.”

  “You’re welcome, sweet boy.”

  Presley and I ate as we took in the party around us.

  Zeke, who was in a rush to get back to Brucey, inhaled his food before running off and joining the other kids back in the pool.

  Presley and I sat in companionable silence for a while, watching the kids play.

  I stole a glance at her. “Penny for your thoughts.”

  She shrugged. “I was just thinking”—she paused, as if trying to find the right words—“this is nice.”

  “What is?” I feigned ignorance, wanting more. I needed her to dig deeper. To give me the words that would tell me exactly how she felt. How this was nice.

  She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth.

  “Come on. Don’t get shy on me now.”

  “Being here with you like this. Hanging out with your friends and Zeke. Feeling welcome. Like I’m a part of something.” She sounded almost hopeful. Vulnerable. “It’s nice,” she quietly added.

  Words were perched on the tip of my tongue. The truth of how much I liked her being here. In my space. In my life. How much I wanted her to be a part of it. Despite my past and my single-minded determination not to let anyone in, she was already under my skin.

  I swallowed down the unspoken words and reached for her hand, clasping it in my own. “You’re right. It is nice.”

  We sat there, hand in hand, her fingers intertwined with mine, and a feeling washed over me. One so foreign that it took several minutes for me to identify it.


  I rubbed the pad of my thumb over the back of her hand.

  Abby and her husband, Rob, waved as they left with their kids. Soon, the crowd dwindled completely.

  Carter and Kendall came over to join us.

  “I was thinking about setting up the net for a friendly game of pool volleyball. You guys in?” Carter asked.

  My gaze darted to Presley, who was grinning wide.

  “What do you say, Pres? Think we can take them?”

  She looked Kendall and Carter over. “There’s only one way to find out.”

  Carter clapped his palms together, rubbing them back and forth. “Hell yes. Game on.”

  Presley got to her feet, and Kendall stepped over to her side.

  “Not so fast, boys,” Kendall said as she linked her arm through Presley’s. Then, she leaned over to whisper something in her ear.

  Kendall’s smile grew as Presley whispered something back to her.

  “Ladies”—Carter tsked—“there are no secrets among friends. Out with it.”

  “All right.” Kendall crossed her arms over her chest. “How about girls against guys?”

  Carter and I shared a glance. One that silently asked, Is she serious?

  Eyeing his wife, Carter asked, “You’re sure that’s how you want to play this, Perky?”

  “Definitely,” Kendall shot back. “In fact, how about a little wager? You know, to keep it interesting.”

  “What are your terms, ladies?” I asked.

  Presley and Kendall quietly conferred with each other before throwing down the gauntlet.

  “If we win, you have to arrange for a sitter, make us a dinner, and clean up afterward.”

  “And if you lose?” Carter asked.

  “I’ll wash and detail your car,” Kendall told Carter.

  My eyes met Presley’s. “What about you, sweetheart? My truck is”—I paused for effect—“pretty damn big.”

  “I’m sure I can handle it.” She injected confidence into her tone despite her pinked cheeks.

  “While wearing a bikini?” I challenged.

  My words hit their mark as Presley’s blush deepened.

  Does she have any idea how fucking sexy she is?

  She held my gaze for a beat before holding out her hand. “You’ve got yourself a deal, DeLuca.”

  “You should know, I like it extra soapy.” My palm swallowed hers as I shook it.

  Presley pulled her hand free and poked me in the chest. “And you should know, I don’t plan to lose.”

  “Perky, what do you say?” Carter asked. “Are you going to wear a bikini for me too?”

  “Who am I to deny you your frat-boy fantasy?” Kendall grinned at her husband.

  Carter lifted his hand for a high five. “Let’s do this.”

  In no time at all, the net was set up. The boys played in the shallow end of the pool, out of harm’s way from flying hands and leaping bodies.

  Later, after Carter and I kicked the girls’ asses in not one, but two games of pool volleyball, we cleaned up the pool and deck area while the girls put away the food and cleaned the kitchen before rejoining us outside.

  Kendall placed a tray containing brownies and Rice Krispies treats on the small patio table and took the seat next to Carter, and Presley sat in the chair beside me.

  “I made popcorn and put a movie on for the boys. That should keep them occupied for a while,” Kendall said.

  “Thanks.” I reached for the crispy rice square and popped it into my mouth, and then I followed it with a brownie.

  Carter stretched and then slid his arm around his wife. “They played hard today. They’ll probably fall asleep.”

  “Definitely,” I agreed.

  Over the next hour, the four of us managed to demolish the tray of snacks while talking and laughing our asses off.

  Presley’s mouth hung open as Carter told the story about the time Kendall had gotten arrested for indecency in a foreign country.

  “Oh my God.” Presley slapped her hand over her mouth.

  “It’s funny now, but back then, it was terrifying. You know what else was really funny?” Kendall looked at Carter and started laughing. “Remember that night we were down by the lake?”

  A wicked gleam flashed in Carter’s eyes. “How could I forget? I had to run through the dark in the buff.”

  “What happened to your clothes?” Presley asked.

  “Someone had stolen my pants. And my underwear.”

  Presley laughed so hard that tears streamed down her cheeks. “Oh my God. Are you serious? Who swindles someone’s pants and underwear?”

  Kendall shrugged. “Someone desperate to impress the ladies. Pilots are hot.”

  Carter pulled Kendall in for a kiss and then got to his feet. “Anyone want anything from the kitchen? I’m going to go check on the boys. They’re a little too quiet.”

  “Nah. Thanks, man. We should be going anyway.” I stood and then offered a hand to Presley.

  She slipped her palm into mine. I gently tugged her upright.

  Carter led the way into the house, the rest of us falling into step behind him.

  “I’m going to get my stuff from the guest bathroom,” Presley told me before heading in that direction.

  I followed the Clynes into the living room, and there on the floor, in front of the television, were Zeke and Brucey, fast asleep.

  I eyed Zeke’s sleeping form, not recognizing the clothes he was wearing. “Is that what he packed?” I asked Kendall.

  She shook her head. “I let him borrow a pair of Brucey’s pajamas. I figured he’d packed his own bag. He had two shirts, a pair of underwear, and nothing else.”

  I chuckled. “I probably should have checked.”

  Kendall sighed and placed a hand over he
r heart. “Aren’t they the sweetest?” She looked from the kids to me as Presley came back into the room. “Ryder, why don’t you let Zeke spend the night? He’s already asleep.”

  I looked from Kendall to Carter, who grinned like the cat who had eaten the fucking canary.

  “Give yourself the night off, DeLuca,” Carter agreed with a wink. “I’m sure you can figure out something to do with your free time. He’ll be fine.”

  “You’re sure?” I asked Kendall.


  “All right. I guess I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Kendall stepped forward and patted my arm. “Not before ten.” Then, she gave me a hug before turning to Presley.

  “Thank you so much for having me. I had a wonderful time,” Presley told Kendall.

  “You’re so welcome. Thank you for coming.”

  The girls exchanged a hug.

  Carter clapped me on the back. “It was good to see you, man.”

  “Same, bro.”

  My palm found the small of Presley’s back as we strolled to the front door.

  Then, I took her hand as we headed into the warm, dark Florida night.



  Ryder put the key in the ignition, but he didn’t start the truck right away. Instead, he positioned one hand across the top of the steering wheel and looked my way. “Spend the night with me.”

  My belly swooped and swirled. “What?”

  I hated the way that single syllable had come out. Breathy and wanting and teeming with the hope that he wanted me the way I wanted him.

  “Spend the night with me,” he gently repeated. Not a request, but not a demand either.

  “Are you sure?” I asked.

  This wouldn’t just be sex for me, and I knew from previous conversations that it wouldn’t be for him either.

  He raised the center console, angling his body toward me. “Come here.”

  I shifted across the seat, moving closer.

  With one hand, Ryder cupped my cheek. Moonlight spilled through the windshield, illuminating his face and catching the tiny flecks of gold in his eyes.

  He brushed the pad of his thumb across my bottom lip, his mouth hovering above mine. “Presley?”

  The warmth of his breath tickled my face.


  “I’ve never been surer of anything in my life.”

  Ryder brushed his velvet lips against mine, eliciting a whimper from me.

  I slid my hands up his chest, over his shoulders, and around to his nape, burying my fingers in his hair and tugging him closer.

  He dipped his tongue into my mouth, gliding it over mine. He tasted decadent and sweet, like chocolate.

  Several long minutes passed with the two of us tangled up in each other, still parked in his friend’s driveway, until Ryder’s phone chimed.

  We pulled apart at the sound, and he dug his cell out of his pocket. Then, he tapped the screen and chuckled.

  “What?” Curiosity filled my tone.

  “It’s Carter. He wanted to know if I was going to take you home or make out with you in his driveway all night. And I’m definitely taking you home.”

  Heat rushed to my cheeks as Ryder started the engine and backed out of the driveway.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” Ryder asked as we stepped inside his home. He dropped our bags near the door just inside the entryway and flipped on the lights.

  “I’m good.”

  Turtle barked and danced around our feet.

  I crouched, giving him love. “Hey, boy. How are you? Did you miss me?”

  He wagged his tail.

  “Come on, Turtle. Let’s go outside.”

  Turtle barked his agreement and followed Ryder to the glass doors at the rear of the kitchen. After the dog did his business, Ryder let him back inside, then closed the door.

  “Are you sure I can’t get you anything?” Ryder asked as he made his way back to me.

  He had this way of making me feel brave. Like it was okay to ask for what I wanted. And the only thing I wanted right now was him.

  I rested my palms on his chest and then lifted my gaze to meet his. “Just you.”

  Ryder laid his forehead on mine. “God, Presley, I want you so fucking much.”

  “Then, have me.”

  Those words were all it took to sever the tight hold Ryder had had on his self-control.

  He wrapped one arm around my waist while he cupped my nape with his free hand. Then, he captured my mouth in a searing kiss. Full of fire and passion. All-consuming and freeing at the same time.

  Ryder kissed his way across my jaw.

  I tilted my head, exposing my neck to him.

  His supple lips moved down my neck. He trailed the tip of his tongue from the hollow place at my throat and slowly across my clavicle until he reached that sweet, sensitive spot where my neck and shoulder met.

  “Ryder.” His name came out on a whispered moan as he nipped my flesh.

  His mouth returned to mine. Our tongues glided against each other.

  I clenched the material of his shirt in my palms.

  No matter how deep he kissed me, it wasn’t enough.

  I released the cotton balled in my fists and slid my hands upward, over his hard pecs before grasping his nape, palming the back of his head and pulling him closer.

  I took control of the kiss. Tangling my tongue with his. Showing Ryder just how desperate I was for him.

  Heat pooled between my legs as our mouths fought for dominance.

  My knees wobbled, and my lungs screamed for oxygen.

  Seconds later, Ryder broke our kiss.

  Our panted breaths, the pounding of our hearts, and the ticking of a wall clock were the only sounds in the room.

  Ryder hooked his finger under my chin and gently lifted, forcing my eyes to meet his.

  Seconds passed as we wordlessly held each other’s stare.

  Insecurity and doubt mingled together like old friends.


  He placed a finger over my lips, cutting off my words.

  Hunger and hope burned bright in his green irises as he cupped my cheeks.

  The next words he spoke were the last ones I’d expected to hear.

  “If I take you to my bed, there’s no going back for me. Tell me you want this.”

  I wanted him more than my next breath. “Yes.”

  “Not just sex, Presley. I can’t do casual with you. There are strings, and it’s going to get messy.”

  I rested my palms on his pecs. “Maybe I don’t want casual either. And in case you forgot, I’m a kindergarten teacher. Messy doesn’t scare me.”

  He lowered his forehead to mine. “Then, tell me. Tell me you want this. Tell me you want … us.”

  And just like that, Ryder DeLuca slayed me with a single word. Because the us he was talking about wasn’t me and him.



  I lifted my forehead from hers and held my breath, watching Presley’s face as she processed my words.

  Her eyes fell shut, and she filled her lungs with air, as though she were gathering her courage. When her lids fluttered open, her chocolate irises brimmed with unshed tears.

  “Ryder, I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anything more in my life. It scares the hell out of me, but the idea of walking away from this, from whatever”—she motioned between us—“this is between us, it terrifies me more.” Presley held my cheeks and continued, “So, yes, I want this. I want us. And I want you. Both of you. I don’t know what the future holds, and though I might get my heart broken, I can’t walk away.”

  I peered into those gorgeous brown eyes. Open and honest and so fucking vulnerable.

  People often compared life to a game of chess. But what we were doing here wasn’t a game. The time for contemplating every possible outcome was over. Sometimes, you just had to make your move.

  “You’re worth the risk.” She held my gaze and qu
ietly added, “You both are.”

  Presley’s words were the ones I’d been so desperate to hear. An acknowledgment that this wasn’t just about the two of us, and if things went south, we wouldn’t be the only ones caught up in the fallout.

  If this funny, intelligent, kind, and beautiful creature before me was willing to take a risk, then so was I.

  I crushed my mouth to hers while my hands traveled down her sides and over the perfect swell of her ass. With my fingers curled, I bunched the downy cotton material of her dress, gripped the backs of her thighs, and lifted her into my arms.

  Instinctually, her legs wrapped around me.

  “Ryder,” Presley whimpered my name as her center aligned with the hard length of my cock through my shorts. She shifted her hips, searching for friction.

  It had been too long, and her rocking into me felt too good.

  My fingers dug into her ass. “Keep that up, baby, and this will be over before we even get started.”

  Sealing my lips to hers, I carried Presley through my open bedroom door, kicking it shut behind me. I fumbled with the light, turning it on before striding over to my king-size bed and lowering her onto the mattress.

  With my body looming over hers, I took in the flush of Presley’s cheeks. Her lust-filled gaze. The way her body seemed ready to detonate even though all we’d done was kiss.

  I wavered between wanting to take my time to worship her and wanting to strip her bare to bury my cock to the hilt.

  In one fluid motion, I peeled my shirt over my head.

  Presley bit her bottom lip as she took in my naked torso. A tiny hum reverberated in her throat—a sweet, sensual sound that had me reaching for the edge of her dress.

  She sat forward, lifting her arms, helping me to free her. Next came her bra, followed by her panties.

  I grazed the pad of my thumb over her cheekbone. Down the column of her throat, feeling her pulse hammer beneath my touch.

  Long, thick lashes framed her brown eyes.

  I swept her hair off her shoulder and then tipped her chin to expose her neck. I leaned in close, my mouth hovering over the sensitive spot just below her earlobe. Inhaling deeply, I filled my lungs with the scent of her.


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