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His Sugar Baby

Page 6

by Fiona Murphy

  “When you say three times, is that each time I fuck you or every time I take you?” Fuck, she’s panting for me to be inside her. Her hands go around my neck then pull me down to her mouth.

  “Take me.” She groans into my mouth.

  Clinging to my last shred of sanity I ask the last question that matters, “Are you protected? I fuck bare and I want to come inside you.”

  “Yes, yes.” She moans as she presses her breasts against my chest.

  “You’re mine.” It’s not a question. Question time is over.

  Chapter Six

  When he growls the words, “You’re mine,” He tears at something deep inside me, leaving me raw and aching. When his mouth covers mine the burn of his passion sears the wound closed, making my head spin in a dizzy mix of need and fear for how much I need more, need him.

  Somehow, I’m on the edge of his bed and Grant isn’t pressed against me. I become frantic, tearing at his shirt needing to feel all of him against me again.

  “Easy, easy.” He whispers against my throat as he nips at the thudding heartbeat below my skin then licks lightly.

  I hear the zipper then his hands are running over my skin pulling the dress down. Tearing his shirt open I press against him, wanting every inch of him against me. Oh god, the fine silky hair of his chest teases me as the heat of him envelopes me. His mouth covers mine, tongue deep, tasting every inch of me. His breath is mine, the taste of him scorching away the memory of every kiss before him. Until there is only him, only this moment.

  When his mouth leaves mine I moan from the loss. Then liquid heat sweeps over my neck as he whispers my name against my skin. I beg for his kiss again, my hands running through his thick silky hair. He shakes his head as his hot mouth covers my bare breast. The shock of the intense feeling has me looking down to find out I’m naked without knowing how it happened.

  Sucking deeply on my nipple he plunges me into a pool of bliss I’m drowning in. My breasts are often given a lot of attention because of their size. They are sensitive and can be a source of pleasure, but too often they weren’t because hands and mouths were too rough. Grant takes me beyond pleasure into the closest thing to ecstasy I’ve ever felt. I’m begging for him not to stop and then to stop because it’s too much, and yet not enough. Careful, gentle licking followed by Grant sucking painfully hard into the hot hollow of his mouth goes on for so long I’m ready to scream for relief. Then he switches to my other breast and I shake with need as he begins all over again. I open my legs wide in invitation, need, demand, rocking against him, frustrated to find he’s still wearing his pants.

  “Fuck, you smell so good.” Grant moans into the hollow of my breasts. I jump, held in place by his body when his large hand covers me there. “All for me, panties soaked for me.”

  A finger traces the slick lips of me. I should be ashamed of how wet he finds me. I’m not. Especially when I see the satisfaction on his face. Bringing up his hand he brushes his slick finger coating a hard nipple aching for his mouth.

  “Pink, like cotton candy, sweet like the cherries they look like. Beautiful, your whole body makes my cock ache.” His mouth swallows my nipple and sucks hard, unrelentingly. “Delicious.” He whispers against my nipple before he nips lightly.

  His large body is moving up and away from me. I fight to follow. Grant shakes his head as his hands grasp my hips lifting me farther up the bed. His eyes move to the hottest part of me and glow bright. Opening my legs wider, tilting me up to receive him it feels like forever before he presses a kiss full of reverence on my bare swollen mound. Velvet soft, his tongue lingers along the seam of me.

  Now, just his tongue isn’t enough and his mouth covers me as his tongue dives deeper—hungrily—again and again. Two fingers come up, separating my lips, opening me to him. A hot shaky breath brushes against me seconds before he devours me. Tongue deep, he moves inside me deeper and deeper. It’s not enough, not nearly what I want. He captures my inner lips, sucking hotly, lightly then so hard it should hurt but it doesn’t, it makes me crave more.

  Honey, hot, sticky, and sweet is filling my veins until every inch of me is too weak to move. I’m lost in what he is doing to me, unable, unwilling to think beyond the feeling of his mouth on me.

  Two fingers slide into me deeply, not blindly, with a mission and they find it. I scream as he rubs the sensitive spot few men even care about finding, let alone know how to use. Firmer now, he rubs then his mouth covers my clitoris and I’m lost. No more, it’s too much, no, no. My entire body explodes into a ball of fire, leaving me a shaking mass of smoldering ash.

  “Are you ready for me?” The air hot in my ear makes me whole all over again, just for him. I nod. “Good, because I need to fuck you now. I’m going to fuck you hard and rough. I’m too damned on the edge for anything else. I won’t always fuck you like this, I promise, but right now this is what my cock needs.”

  The word rough should scare me, it always has. I’ve always refused rough, scared of what it meant to the man. I’m not scared of Grant. I need him too much to deny him anything. My hips rock into his still clothed and covered cock urging him to give me what we both want.

  Closing his eyes, he rolls off me and stands at the edge of the bed. I watch as he undoes his pants and pushes them down with boxer briefs. My breath catches at the sight of his cock, thick, long, and hard. He’s so hard it’s almost touching his lean muscled stomach. He’s leaking, and it makes the mushroom tip head of him glisten. I wonder what he will taste like. The thought shocks me. I’ve never wondered what a man tastes like, because the idea of going down on a man has never once appealed to me.

  The one horrible time a man had forced himself into my mouth ensured I would never let another man do that to me again. Yet Grant moves closer and the desire to know the taste of him is so strong I reach out to pull him closer.

  Grant catches my wrist, bringing it up over my head. I try to touch him with my other hand. Catching my other hand, he holds them easily in his large hand with a grip just short of painful. I’m open, on display for him and he likes what he sees. A thumb from his free hand brushes against my lips. “Open your legs wider, sweetheart.”

  Desperate to please him, to have him where I need him most, I do as he commands. His eyes cling to my glistening pussy weeping for him to be inside me. Grasping his cock, he runs the head down the slit of me, over and over, teasing me until I’m begging for him to fuck me. Finally, he pushes inside then stops, only the head of his cock is inside me. I shudder from the feel of him. It’s not enough, not close to what I need.

  “Please.” I whisper. Blue glowing eyes capture mine and hold as he thrusts into me and we are skin to skin. I fight to maintain his gaze drowning in the feeling of him deep, thick, filling me full. He’s searing into me, every ridge, and every vein with every throbbing beat of his heart. This feeling, this moment tearing away everything I was and leaving me feeling like I’m a raw open wound. Only Grant can assuage what he’s created. Then he does, with every thrust deep into the heart of me, utter bliss consumes my entire being. Again and again, now he’s fucking me as hard and rough as he promised.

  One hand presses my wrists into the bed, the other is at my head. His weight is behind his every thrust deep into me. Taking me higher, closer to the sun burning too brightly yet not enough. He feels it, his movements, deeper, grinding once, twice, again and again and I’m coming. I’m coming, the words are ripped from my throat as I’m pulled under a crushing wave of pleasure, leaving me trembling and floating with the current.

  I can’t move, can only lie beneath him as he continues moving inside me. He thrusts deep, swelling inside me as he comes with a shaky whisper of my name. Too soon he pulls out of me and collapses on his side. He’s close enough to touch. I turn into his heat. He catches me and pulls me tight into the heat of his body. I’m no longer floating free, I’m safe now, tied to the heat of Grant. The pounding of his heart below my ear is the last thing I’m aware of as I fall asleep in his arms. I
don’t stir as he wipes the tears away under my eyes.

  I wake up to the room faintly lit by dark blues and pinks of the early morning. Grant’s is suckling gently at my breast. A hand shapes and toys with the other breast. Moaning at how good he makes me feel, my hands go into his hair to hold him to me.

  “I’ve been waiting for you to wake up for what feels like forever.”

  “Mmm... forever?” I moan, as I run a hand down his back in awe of the knot of muscle beneath my roaming hand and lord his ass is hard. Dear lord, he is just so hard, everywhere.

  “Forever, three minutes, same thing.”

  I laugh as I pull his mouth back to my breast. Moaning at what his mouth does to me. “Your mouth is addictive.”

  “I feel the same way about your pussy, sweetheart.”

  His hand moves down my back slowly before clutching my ass. God, his hands are so big and hot as he kneads my flesh again and again before he pulls me closer. He pulls my leg up over his arm as he slides his hard cock into me. Side by side, we face each other. I get lost in his eyes, how can eyes so blue be so hot and full of fire. His slow thrusts are a sweet, heady difference from last night. He captures my mouth in a gentle, deep kiss. I’m lost in his body, in the exotic feel of him inside me. I have no idea how long he moves before suddenly he tilts me up to him. This time when he thrusts into me he brushes against that perfect spot.

  I gasp his name, clinging to him. Grant chuckles, “I’m right here, sweetheart. I’m ready to come and I need you to be, too.”

  His thrusts are shorter, more powerful. What feels like only seconds later I’m coming with a body-shuddering moan. Hearing it, feeling it, his thrusts are faster now. It isn’t long before he comes inside me. I’m still boneless, still under his control. Dimly, I feel him lower my leg from over his arm and slide it over his hip. Grant rolls me into his arms and I fall asleep, sinking into the heat of him.

  The next time I wake up I’m alone and the room is awash in the glow of late morning sun. I roll over to find a bedside clock telling me it’s after nine-thirty. Sliding off the high bed, there is no sign of Grant. The door going out to the condo is closed while the bathroom is open with the light still on.

  In the bathroom I look around in awe. It’s a gorgeous bathroom. It’s a five piece with a huge shower as big as the entire bathroom of the condo I’ve been staying in. I lose count of how many heads there are. Although it looks like it will be nice, it’s too much for me to deal with this morning. I make my way to the jetted tub instead.

  I’m sore, very pleasantly sore. A long, hot soak is very appealing. It’s been almost two years since I last had sex. After ending things with Frank, I wanted to go slow. I wanted to have a nice, normal boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.

  The man I finally picked was a cute coworker. Scott spent months chatting me up, then there were weeks of carefully planned dates. Then he was done with me the morning after we had sex. The sex had been great, if a lot more work than he thought he’d have to put in on me. All I could do was sit there frozen as he went on about how I was lucky he’d been willing to fuck me, as he wasn’t a chubby chaser. Stumbling into the shower, beneath the extremely hot spray trying to wash the whole thing away I decided I had had enough sex to last a lifetime.

  In the years after Frank and before the ho-hum Scott I was just fine without it. My resolution wasn’t difficult to maintain. No man had interested me in the slightest. While orgasms were nice, I’ve been content to make my own, masturbating once or twice every few months.

  Last night had not been nice, for the first time, I finally understood what ecstasy really meant. It made every orgasm I’ve had until last night pale in comparison—alone or with a man. Even the two clients who could make me wet and give me pleasure the way none of the other clients ever did didn’t even come close. Frank, although unselfish in bed, had never once made the world disappear like it did last night.

  The first time I came with a client wasn’t until my fifth client, and it was a shock not to pretend. A shock I was sure made me a full scale whore, leaving me shaking and crying. Fumbling, tearful, I tried to quit. Even though I didn’t have nearly enough money or other options besides what I was doing. Eighteen years of indoctrination were still deep enough for me to be terrified at the idea of becoming a hooker who actually liked sex. It was one thing to be paid for sex because I had to do it. It was something else entirely, to enjoy sex.

  Tabatha talked me out of it by sending me home with a vibrator. She told me to use it until I was able orgasm alone. Then call her when I was done. Her instruction was necessary because it wasn’t something I had ever done before. It took almost an entire day for me to be able to finally have an orgasm. Lying there, I realized I had never had an orgasm until the client.

  I had never touched myself, having been told it was evil. With a house full of people, there was never a moment to try even if I wanted to. Billy didn’t care if I came, so I never did. Sex was something I never looked forward to with Billy. After moving to Las Vegas, there was too much stress to think of something as trivial as sex. The few times I was actually aroused, I simply refused to acknowledge it. As I had for years.

  With my body still trembling from my orgasm I realized I wasn’t numb from my son’s death anymore. After going for months on autopilot, I surfaced to a world where the idea of pleasure wasn’t a horrible, evil thing. I’d already been reading to learn all the things I’d missed, should have learned growing up. This was something to add to my long list.

  I had already been raised to be prepared to trade my body for security as a wife. The difference now was I was trading my body for money to pay for my own security on my terms. Finally getting it together I called Tabatha and apologized. I assured her I would be available any time a client called for me.

  I can’t stop wondering why last night had been so different than any other night of sex. As the hot water covers me, soothing me, my inner muscles flex. The memory of Grant inside me flashes hot and bright, leaving me trembling. I try to fight the thoughts swirling in my mind as I watch the water fill, only they won’t stop.

  It wasn’t simply my orgasm, it was what lead to it and the moments after. Never before had I felt the desire to sink into a man’s skin until there was nothing separating him from me. Enough wasn’t enough of Grant. The scent of his body gave me a high. The feel of his skin below my fingertips sent electricity through me in a hum. Then there was the feel of his body over mine, the feel of his cock inside me as if he fit only to me. As if there had never been anyone before, would never be anyone after.

  What the hell was going on? Was it a turning thirty thing? Was it because it’d been so long since I’d had sex? This is crazy. It needs to stop, and stop now. It’s only been one night. I need to get my head straight. If I keep this up he is going to freak out and end it before we begin. The worst thing a sugar baby could do in an arrangement is get emotional.

  There is a knock at the open door of the bathroom. Grant is leaning against the door frame. He’s dressed in a black polo and jeans hanging low on his hips, barefoot. “Good morning.”

  Suddenly, I’m shy. “Good morning.”

  “I called down to a boutique in the building and they sent over some clothes for you. They just arrived. I wasn’t sure what you wanted and I didn’t want them to wake you. I had them put them in the free bedroom.”

  “Thank you. They could have put them in here.”

  His eyes darken, “I’m trying to remember you might be a little sore after this morning. I was inside you for so long I lost track of time. My apologies about that, you felt too damned incredible.

  “Keeping this morning in mind, I’m going to stay right here. Even though I would really like to climb into that bath with you and fuck you again. I’ll go get the clothes now. Later on today we can get your stuff from your Airbnb.”

  “I am a little sore. That’s why I’m in the bath. I’ll take another bath tonight though, before bed.” He gets the message and smile
s as he leaves.

  Alone again, I hurry to get cleaned up. Thoughtfully, there are clean washcloths on the edge of the bathtub along with yummy smelling body wash. Getting out, I dry off and put the towel in a hamper.

  Walking through to the closet, I find Grant hanging up the clothes. There are four dresses and as many shirts; many of them loose and stretchy. I’m happy to find there are a few maxi skirts, I adore how long and comfy these things are. I don’t find any jeans or shorts. “Are these the type of clothes you want me to wear?”

  The question surprises him. “Well, I would like you to not wear anything. However, since you naked would make it hard for me to get any work done, I want you to wear what you want to wear. It’s a small boutique, these are what they thought would fit you comfortably. This is going to be hard to believe, but it was an honest mistake forgetting to order panties and bras.”

  I love his answer. I smile as I shrug, “Naked is, for the record, totally acceptable for me. I don’t actually like lingerie. Even though I know I’m going to regret it when I’m older I hate bras and only wear them when I have to leave the house, same with panties. Normally, when I’m home alone, I wear just a long stretchy shirt or a stretchy camisole with silky pajama bottoms and nothing else. I love these skirts for when I need to leave the house.”

  He closes his eyes and shakes his head. His words are a growl. “Come here.”

  I go, loving the way his eyes roam over my naked body. My breasts are heavy, throbbing, nipples pouting, begging for his mouth. Roughly, he grabs me and sets me on the island in the middle of the huge closet.

  His kiss is hungry, as if it were weeks rather than hours since our last kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck, loving the feel of him against me. His hands are roaming over me, one teasing a tight nipple as the other runs over my stomach. When he ends the kiss I moan my dismay.


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