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His Sugar Baby

Page 11

by Fiona Murphy

  His moans combined with the exotic taste of him excites me so much my free hand edges inside me to assuage the building desire. Then his hand slips through my hair holding me in place, taking over. For a moment I almost choke, until we find our rhythm.

  The taste of him, the feel of him is better than my every fantasy of this moment. I had fantasized often of doing this. I’m glad it’s a reality and something I’ll do again and again. I hum low in my throat. Grant curses as he warns me he’s coming.

  I swallow all of him, proud of the look of bliss on his face. Sitting back on my knees, I watch him slowly come down from the high of his orgasm. When he does, his eyes meet mine, glowing brightly. “Smile now, but when I have you on your knees sucking my cock at all hours of the day, remember you were the one who started it.”

  Sliding off the bed I head for the bathroom. Then look back. “Well, you know how much I prefer to by on my knees being fucked from behind by your cock. On my knees with your cock down my throat is hardly a punishment. I’m already looking forward to it.”

  He follows me into the bathroom. I spend the next few hours doing everything I’ve longed to do with Grant’s impressive cock.


  The next day I’m still very pleasantly sore. I skip yoga and enjoy several hours on the couch in the living room reading. Alice brings in my snack, for me to enjoy. Another nutritionist had been brought in, who I liked much better. She had great suggestions and many of the lunch and dinner menus aren’t different from Grant’s. Some of the snacks are though, with the cheese and fruit plate being one of my favorites, Grant didn’t like it much. I invite her to sit with me while I eat my cheese and fruit.

  “I hope you aren’t too angry with me for calling Grant about you going out. If you are, I’m still not sorry for it. I’m much too happy about it. Not only did Grant go after you, he stayed out. He hasn’t spent a day out in years.”

  “Yeah, I knew you’d rat me out. I expected he’d get cranky with me and he did. He also understood. I’m glad you called him too. I really thought he’d just cart me back home but when he didn’t we had so much fun. He admitted he doesn’t get out much. He said something when we first met, but I thought he was talking about dinner. Does he really, like, not leave the condo?”

  “Eat your almonds dear.” I make a face at the bland raw almonds. I’m not eating them. “All right. I’ll get the smoked ones next time, but only lightly salted. You need a good nut. How about the cashews? Just a moment then. I’ll be right back.”

  While she’s gone, I suck on the mango before chewing. I’ve never had mango before, it’s becoming a favorite. My fruit and cheese plates are mango, strawberries, whole grapefruit segments with my cheeses as muenster, chunks of feta, and gruyere because there was nothing as basic as cheddar in Alice’s kitchen.

  I was supposed to have an exactly counted out number of almonds and other nuts with my snack. I told Alice it was a half cup or I’d go out and get the honey roasted kind. She presents with me a half cup of cashews as she sits down again. I take them happily. “Thank you. You know I like cashews way more than I like roasted almonds, any day.”

  “Yes, I know dear. I’ll do better at switching them up for you. However, the almonds are healthier. Back to Grant, because although I do hate gossip, I do believe it’s important for you to know—yes, he hardly leaves the condo. He goes into the office, but it’s once or twice a month at best.

  “He’s been going in and will likely have to go a bit more in the future. He had to hire a new person to run his office and his programmers. He’ll be wanting to make sure she feels comfortable and everything goes smoothly. There are the egos of others who thought they were a better fit for her position he’s dealing with, too. As I understand it, she’s rather new and young. You know how men get when a woman makes good over them.”

  “Wow, it’s cool Grant hired someone newer and younger...” Wait, is she prettier than me? I’m pretty sure I didn’t say it out loud, but Alice laughs.

  “You have not a thing to be concerned about, Grant adores you. He left the office for you and he stayed out for you. Once, maybe twice, a year Mr. Quinn, Grant’s best friend Marshall, manages to get Grant to a charity event Marshall holds. Marshall also manages to get Grant to his home from time to time, but it isn’t often and rarely more than every few months.

  “Aside from his Monday squash game, Grant rarely leaves the condo at all. Which is why I am so happy. You’ll both be getting steak tonight. Even though I know he was probably bad and had something fried and loaded with grease while he was out.”

  She sees my blush and laughs. “We had fish and chips. I regret nothing.”

  “A treat every now and then won’t hurt him. I’m glad you got him out of the condo and into the sunlight. I had a feeling he felt differently about you from the first day. Give him time, be patient, he might be a genius, but where feelings come in he’s as dumb as any man can be.” With a pat of my knee she’s gone.

  I’m glad I’m alone again. It’s been a month, four weeks; four weeks that seemed like a dream, still just four weeks. Alice was reading way too much into the other day. So am I. I’m not even sure what I want from him. We have a whole year to go. I have time to figure it out.

  Grant joins me for lunch where we go over the pictures I took from the Shedd yesterday. He gives his praise freely, telling me I might have found my new career. I shake my head, “You can’t really make a living as a photographer, can you?”

  “It wouldn’t be as hard as you think. There are websites selling stock photos you could sell these shots to. You also did a great job with these shots of the buildings on your way there. Selling these to tourists here in the city would be easy, and you can do the stock photo thing with these as well.” Seeing my hesitation, he drops the subject with a kiss on my brow as he feeds me asparagus.

  The doorbell rings, which surprises me and Alice. Grant, however, smiles, giving me a light kiss on my lips before he gets up, taking my hand pulling me with him.

  He opens the door to two very large, formidable-looking men. Their plain black suits with a white dress shirt beneath and black tie are of different brands yet seem oddly like a uniform. My grip tightens on Grant’s hand. “It’s okay, sweetheart. These two men are your security team from now on.”

  Grant steps back, his arm sliding around my waist allowing the two men in. “Please, gentlemen, come in. I’d like to make sure Anne feels comfortable with you both. I’m guessing you are Emilio De Jesus,” He says to the man with the dark olive tone.

  The man nods, stepping inside and shaking my hand. He’s shorter than Grant by an inch or two yet he’s broader, with an almost body builder amount of muscle bulging beneath his suit. “It’s good to meet you, Ms. Thomas. Please call me Emilio.”

  My hand is lost in his. “Please don’t call me, Ms. Thomas. It makes me feel very old. Call me Anne.”

  The other man is less muscular below his suit, yet still daunting in size. He’s of mixed race, a very light skin tone with startling hazel eyes, and his hair shaved close. When he speaks his voice is a melodious bass. “Joshua Walters, Miss Thomas. Please feel free to call me Joshua or simply Walters. I will always call you, Miss Thomas, that is a requirement for us.”

  He doesn’t offer his hand. I look at Grant, overwhelmed at the two men in front of me. With a reassuring squeeze at my waist Grant guides me to the more formal sitting room we hardly ever use.

  “I don’t want you to feel caged in the condo, but you are not roaming this city alone. Either one of them will be here every day for when you would like to leave the condo.

  “Both of them are used to being security for people who aren’t happy about having security. They know how to maintain a distance you are comfortable with while also being close enough to keep you safe.”

  I want to argue this is crazy. Until I remember the look in his eyes at the Shedd. “Ok.”

  Grant’s hand around the back of my neck squeezes gently then runs down my ba
ck. “Good. They will be trading off days. One of them will be here from ten in the morning until eight, or however long it takes to get you home. With or without them, I don’t want you out after dark. When the time change happens and it’s dark by six, we’ll reevaluate.”

  “Okay.” I kiss his cheek in agreement. “For today though, I have no interest in going out.” Whispering in his ear I’m too sore to go out today. “Tomorrow you can come back.”

  Grant shows them out while I stay in the sitting room. When he comes back he runs a finger down my cheek. “Thank you for not arguing. I’m sorry you’re still sore.”

  “You’re welcome. If it makes you happy I’ll put up with having shadows. I’m not sorry I’m sore. I like it when you make me sore. I’ll have another bath later. Today, I think I’ll just finish the book I’m reading.”

  “You look comfortable, stay. I’ll go get your tablet.”

  I stay, the couch is pretty comfortable. I snuggle into the throw pillows. Grant returns with my tablet and soft throw, that he lays over my legs. “Thank you.” Feeling cosseted and enjoying it. I pull him close for a kiss he ends too soon.

  “You’re sore and I need to get some work done.”

  Watching him go, I sigh. Well, it’s highly doubtful a trip like the one to the Shedd will be repeated now that I have my own security. I stare at my tablet until the words blur. I wipe my tears and call myself an idiot.


  After a week of having shadows, I get used to them. It isn’t quite as bad as I thought it would be. I hate to admit it, but they’ve come in handy more than a few times.

  For the first time in forever, I wake up while Grant is still in our room. I hear him in the closet. “Grant?”

  “I don’t think I like the way that was a question, sweetheart. Get your ass in here.”

  I go happily to find him with only his boxer briefs on. I’m wondering when I’ll stop getting wet at the sight of him without shirt on. “You were just going to leave me to sleep.”

  “Mmm... I was being nice after keeping your ass in the air for over an hour last night. Take my cock out,” I do with a caress of his hard length. “On your knees and open your mouth.” His order makes me wet. I’m on my knees instantly.

  His hands go into my hair, there is none of the tasting of his cock I love to do. Grant forces his cock deep down my throat in a rough push. I clutch his hard ass, his rough handling making me so wet I can’t stop touching myself.

  “Look at you, just weeks ago you were saying no cock sucking. Now me fucking your mouth has you with your hand in your pussy. Naughty, dirty, and loving every minute, aren’t you?” Pulling out his cock he slides the tip over my parted lips. I moan as I lick his cock, wanting him back in my mouth.

  “Yes,” The answer is pulled out of me honestly, shockingly. Sucking a man’s cock is wrong and dirty, something only bad girls do. Which makes it as much of a turn on as doing it because I like it for the way I can give Grant pleasure. Then when Grant ordered me to do it, as if I had no choice, the excitement increased even more.

  I’m rewarded for my answer when Grant allows me to suck him back into my mouth. He begins to fuck my greedy mouth before sliding back down to my throat. I moan long and low and Grant comes with a curse.

  Swallowing, with a last moan of enjoyment, I allow Grant to slip from my throat. He slides the tip of his cock over my lips. I give him a final lick before he steps back. “Hmm, my sweetheart likes naughty and dirty.”

  Blushing, I go as Grant pulls me up by my hair. When he’s rough, it makes me as wet as when he talks dirty. Honesty pulls the words out of me. “When you do it.”

  “I’ll remember that.” He whispers as he wraps his arms around me. I lean against him, loving the feel of him against me. He’s so hot, hard, yet still soft and silky. For a long minute we stay this way. “Where are you off to today?”

  “I was thinking of the planetarium and barbecue today. Walters introduced me to a place called Smoke Daddy and I’ve been thinking about it ever since.”

  “How are you doing with them?”

  I shrug, “I’m fine, they are nice. They have come in handy a few times.” I hesitate to admit what I was going to say.

  Grant pulls back to look down at me. “What?”

  Lying isn’t an option when he looks at me like that. “It’s nice sometimes, not doing things alone like going to see a movie or eating out. They are both nice enough they don’t leave me feeling weird for having them as company. It’s never uncomfortable or anything.”

  His jaw clenches as his hold tightens. “I’m not worried about them making it uncomfortable. Both men were picked for their lack of interest in women. Does it bother you going out with only them?”

  For the first time, ever, I don’t hesitate to lie. This is all still too new, we are too new. I’m not willing to compromise it by being honest that I would much rather he was with me. Squeezing him tight, I look up and smile. “Of course not. I’m used to being alone. It’s just nice that they are there sometimes.”

  When I move to step back his arms tighten around me. His jaw is still clenched, his whole body is stiff with tension. I don’t know what he’s looking for. I’m not willing to back down from the lie. The idea of Grant annoyed by me sounding needy sends me up onto my tiptoes to bring him down to me in a kiss meant to wipe away all doubt I’m not happy with the way things are.

  Oh god, I might have started the kiss but Grant takes over almost instantly. It’s hot, hard, demanding until I’m clinging to him to stay standing. Then I’m up and he’s carrying me back to bed. Tearing his mouth from mine he leaves me gasping, my lungs frantic to take in air. His eyes are bright, “How do you feel about missing the planetarium today?”

  I pull him back down to me and whisper against his swollen lips. “Yes, please.”

  We spend the rest of the day in bed. In between the very hot intense sex Grant asks about all the places I’ve been in the city and outside of it and where I still want to go. Grant shares his favorite cities and I am very jealous at his long list of cities and countries he’s been to. When we end the night together in the jetted tub I try not to pinch myself from feeling like the day has been a dream I hope won’t end.

  Chapter Nine

  It’s pouring as I get out of the cab. I’m wet to my fucking underwear by the time I get inside the club. Marshall is waiting, wearing an outfit from the club. He sees me and nods. No way around buying something, unless I was good with running around in wet underwear, which I’m not. “At least put our names down for a court while I find something.”

  “I already did, after I got out of my own cab. This weather is fucking nuts. April showers, May flowers can kiss my white wet ass. It rains all weekend and today. I read it was supposed to stop today. Doesn’t fucking look like it to me.”

  “And it’s fucking cold today. If I get sick, this is on your ass.”

  “You aren’t going to get sick, you big damned baby. Speaking of babies, how are things going with yours?”

  “Ah, man, haven’t I thanked you enough? Don’t you think you’re getting a little smug, bastard?”

  “I like being a smug bastard, it fits me well. At least, that’s what my father tells me. How is this whole security thing you got going with her? I still can’t believe you thought she needs security.”

  “She’s five foot five and looks as fragile as china. She’s a walking target to anyone who wants her phone or purse. Personal taste notwithstanding, she’s fucking gorgeous. Hell no, she’s not going out all by herself in this city. Did they ever catch the rapist in Wrigleyville? All it takes is a small window of opportunity.” I refuse to think about how wrecked I get at the idea of anything happening to Anne. It’s not going to happen so it’s a waste of time to even go there.

  The woman at the desk lets us know a court is clear. “I guess. How’s she doing being stuck in the house the last few days?”

  “She’s okay right now. She can veg out on the couch and binge watch wit
h the best of us, she’s just someone who likes to get out of the house. Considering the way she was practically a forced shut in with her parents and then her last man, I’m not mad at her. I understand. Just because I don’t like to leave the condo and would rather punch out code than roam around the Field museum doesn’t mean she should be stuck at home.” I’m still feeling edgy knowing Anne would rather it was me with her. She hadn’t been able to hide her thoughts from me as much as she tried to the other day. Only it wasn’t going to happen, I need to work. It wasn’t like we needed to be together twenty four hours a day. Even if that day had been pretty damn amazing. “What’s up with Rachel, is she still blowing hot and cold on you?”

  Marshall stops where he is, “Fuck man, she’s driving me fucking nuts. For over six months we’ve been cruising along, no problems, and now from one day to the next I don’t know what the hell is up with her. I ask her to spend the night and she flips out on me. She starts throwing up the damned contract about no spending the night.”

  “She’s spent the night before, though, right?”

  “Fuck yes, the first few times by accident. You know, it was too late for her to go home, or we fall asleep after some intense fucking, no big deal. Lately though, everything with her is a big deal. This shit is exactly why I started with the sugar baby thing. If this keeps going I’m going to cut the contract short and cut my losses.”

  “Damn man, I like Rachel, she’s a sweet kid. Give her some time before you cut her loose. She is pretty young, she might not have all the shit down yet. Didn’t you say she’s never done this before? How old is she again, you said, like, twenty-three?”

  “Yeah, she’ll be twenty-four next month. There are times when it seems like she’s older, then there are times it’s like she’s a kid again. I guess. I don’t really want to cut her loose. She’s the best fuck I’ve ever had, like ever.”

  “Are you serious?” Marshall had fucked his way through fourteen countries. He called himself a connoisseur of women. I called him a manho.


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