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The Other Half (Door Peninsula Passions Book 1)

Page 17

by Katherine Hastings

  As I panted below him, his hands returned to the side of my head and he hovered above me. Satisfaction and pride collided with the desire swirling inside those azure orbs. After catching my breath, a soft smile lifted my lips, and a desire to give him the same pleasure he’d given me brought my hands to his chest. As I pressed him over, he fell to the side and rolled onto his back. Holding his gaze with my own, I straddled him, pressing myself against the wet boxers that did nothing to hide the sizeable bulge straining against my silk panties.

  Reaching behind my back, I unclasped the hook on my bra. When it slid off, exposing my breasts, his eyes dropped to examine them. I could see his muscular chest lifting with quickened breaths while he took me in. Moving on top of him, I pressed my soaking underwear against him while he closed his eyes and groaned. The friction between us had me already climbing back up the mountain I couldn’t wait to plunge down again.

  “Damn, Cassie,” he breathed while I rocked above him. Certain now he needed me as much as I needed him, I stopped my hips and slipped off the bed to stand before him. Eyes begging for my return met mine. Inch by inch, I slid my panties off my hips and let them drop to the floor. When his gaze fell between my legs, it sent a surge of heat coursing back through me. Leaning over, I took ahold of his boxers and inched them down. When his cock sprang into sight, I bit my lip. The perfection I’d imagined his body held didn’t disappoint when I saw it.

  Reaching out a hand, he took mine and pulled me down into his arms. Our wet, naked bodies tangled together while he rolled over on top of me. The force of his kiss pressed my head back into the bed, and my hands moved to the rigid cock straining against me. Taking it in my hand, I slid up the length of it, feeling it bulge when he growled his pleasure. All I wanted was to feel it inside me.

  Softening our kiss, he lifted himself away, pulling open the bedside table. Emerging with a condom, I waited while he put it on in silent anticipation until he was back between my legs. With a gentle kiss, I felt it brush up against me, sliding through my heat and making me dizzy with desire. As his kiss deepened, I grabbed ahold of his back and pulled, begging him to enter me. When he pressed against my entrance, I pulled harder until he slid inside.

  Our conjoined moans drifted away on mingled breaths. Clinging to his back, I held tight while he moved inside me. The heat between us rose to scalding while he continued to press deeper into my body. Each thrust of his hips sent me farther up the mountain, and the fast tempo of his breath told me he was climbing it with me. Our sweat-slicked bodies slid against each other while we dissolved into one. No longer able to tell where he stopped and I began, I closed my eyes and let the pressure increase until I was sure I would explode again. Digging my nails into his back, I screamed out my release, and his low groan followed. We clung to one another while the last waves of our passion coursed through us. When Jake collapsed on me in a boneless heap, I wrapped my arms around him.

  “Oh, my God.” He panted before rolling onto his back and pulling me into his arms.

  Pressing a kiss to his chest I used as a pillow, I let out a shaky breath while his grip around me tightened. “That was spectacular.”

  “It was so much better than I’d imagined. And I’d imagined incredible.”

  “Right back at you.” I giggled.

  “I’m so glad I pulled my head out of my ass. You’re amazing, Cassie.”

  Cassie. Hearing him say that name yanked me back to the reality in which he held a woman in his arms he didn’t know. Guilt flooded through me. I’d made myself a promise on my way here tonight I wouldn’t pursue things with him until he knew who I was, but I’d lost all my resolve when those lips had touched mine. I needed to tell him the truth. I had to. He’d been lied to enough, and I didn’t want to be another reason he didn’t trust anyone. Now to figure out how to tell him the truth.

  Strong arms held me tighter as I pressed myself along the length of him. Tonight, was about us. But tomorrow I would call Grandpa and explain things, then tell Jake the truth. And I could only hope he would forgive me.



  The morning light shining through the slats in the window landed right in my eyes. Groaning against the unwelcome assault, I clamped them shut harder then rolled over with a grumble. Jake’s arm tightened around me and I sighed when I remembered where I was. And who I was with.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he asked.

  Smiling, I rolled back over to see those sparkling eyes staring at me. “Nowhere now.” I pressed a soft kiss to his lips, but he slid a hand behind my head and deepened it to one that got my pulse racing once again. “Three times last night wasn’t enough?” I quirked an eyebrow.

  A mischievous smile curved his lips. “Not even close.”

  Laughing, I looked over and saw Poppy curled up in his other arm.

  “Don’t say anything,” he warned when he saw the enjoyment on my face.

  “Don’t say anything? You’re snuggling with Poppy. It might be the cutest thing I’ve ever seen in my life!” The excitement in my voice stirred her and her snores softened while she peeked open one big eye.

  “Shhhh. You’ll wake Muskybait,” he whispered. With a big yawn, Poppy snuggled deeper into the other nook of his arm, mirroring the one I was in on the opposite side. We both burst out laughing when a loud snore rippled through the room and she fell back asleep.

  My heart swelled to bursting seeing my tiny dog safe in the muscular arms wrapping around us both.

  “Could you be any more perfect?” I sighed and pressed my head into his chest, placing a soft kiss on the chiseled pec that made a perfect pillow.

  “I’ll be even more perfect after I get done whipping you up my famous omelet.”

  “I thought you didn’t cook?”

  “I’ve got a few things in my kitchen arsenal. Meet me on the porch and we’ll have breakfast out back.” After kissing the top of my head, he gently lifted still-sleeping Poppy and set her down beside Hank who was passed out at our feet. Like a limp rag doll, Poppy didn’t budge even when Hank pulled her in tighter with his nose.

  The bright sunlight finally gave me the full effect of Jake’s naked physique. He walked to the closet, and I watched from beneath the covers until his perfect ass disappeared beneath the jeans he tugged up. When he headed out of the room without a shirt covering his impossibly chiseled abs, I smiled. Breakfast would be even better sitting across from that.

  After a long stretch, I climbed out of bed and looked at my still-soaked bra and underwear crumpled on the floor. There was no doubt the rest of my clothes scattered through the house like crumb trails to our lovemaking were likely water-logged as well. I walked to the closest and fingered through the t-shirts all lined up on hangers. Settling on the one I thought he’d appreciate most, I pulled it over my head and giggled when it fell almost to my knees.

  Drowning in the camouflage tent, I headed downstairs and found him in the kitchen cracking eggs into a bowl. The sight of his shirtless body in the kitchen had me ready to yank him back upstairs to bed. He turned to look at me, and a wide grin appeared when he looked at my getup.

  “Now that is a good look for you!” He laughed, and I gave him a little twirl. “I can’t imagine a better t-shirt for you.”

  He gestured to the photo of the antlers across the chest with the words “I Love Big Racks” written beneath them.

  “I thought you’d appreciate it.” I smiled and padded across the tile then slid my arms around his waist.

  “I do love big racks.”

  “Is that so?” I arched an accusatory eyebrow and peeked up at him.

  “Well, I love your big rack. And only your big rack.”

  “That’s better.” Rising on my toes, I gave him a kiss before heading out to the porch. I saw my purse still sitting on the desk, so I stopped to grab my phone and check my messages before heading outside.

  Three missed calls and a barrage of texts awaited me. I didn’t need to look to
see who’d been messaging me in the middle of the night. For the past four days Donovan, Liza, and the rest of my former “six-pack” had been hounding me wondering where I was. I had hoped by now they’d just replace me and move on, but late-night cocktails and drug-induced ragers had them calling me to their side.

  Liza: Bitch, where are you????

  Donovan: Baby! Are you in rehab or something? Why aren’t you answering us???

  Liza: Party in Rio THIS WEEKEND! You need to come! Cassandra! Where the hell are you?

  The string of texts went on, each inquiring about my whereabouts and trying to entice me out of hiding with promises of parties and adventure. There was a time when I would have been hopping on the next jet to join them, but not anymore. Now I couldn’t think of anywhere in the world I would rather be than right where I was. With Jake. For the first time in years it felt like my world was finally right-side up again.

  Putting my phone on airplane mode to keep them from interrupting my time with Jake, I shoved it back in my purse then made my way toward the back porch. Hank and Poppy trotted down the stairs side by side, so I held the door while they scampered out into the yard.

  The smell of the fresh air up here still shocked me every time I stepped outside. And today it smelled even sweeter. It was something I’d never realized I was missing until I came here. That and stars. In Door County, at night the sparkling light of a million stars sprinkled the sky. According to Jo, the absence of city lights is what made them so visible here. Whatever caused it, it was something I was grateful for, and I hoped they would never stop making me stare at them in awe.

  Settling onto the chair at the table on the porch, I tucked my knees up inside the t-shirt. I wrapped my arms around my legs and smiled while I stared out over the yard at the sparkling water that greeted me. I could get used to this. To Door County. To this house. To waking up next to Jake every day. For the first time in as long as I could remember I felt peace. True peace.

  “Coffee, baby?” Jake said from behind me.

  “Oh, yes!”

  He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and a cup of coffee in the “I’m a Hooker” cup appeared. Bursting into laughter I tipped my head back and looked up to see him beaming at me. Jake leaned down from behind me and planted a kiss on my lips. “Here you go, Hooker.”

  “I’ve got a nice rack and I’m a hooker. You are one lucky man.”

  “The luckiest.” He kissed me once more before I took the cup of coffee. “Eggs will be out in a minute.”

  With a happy sigh, I settled back against the chair and sipped my coffee. This was happiness. There wasn’t a better way to spend my life than right here with him. But just as I envisioned learning how to bake in this house while our dogs raced around the yard, and maybe someday children, I felt my happiness flutter away.

  I still needed to tell him who I was. The struggling bartender was actually an heiress set to inherit billions of dollars. The girl driving around in the rusted-out beast normally traveled by private jet. That property he had asked about, the one he loved so much, was mine. Or would be someday. I still had a company I was set to run. A company in New York. Jake never wanted to leave here, and now... neither did I. But I also wanted to take up my mantle in our company. There were so many obstacles standing in our way. I could only hope we could find a way to balance out our two lives. That was, if he could forgive me for the lies.

  “Breakfast is served!” he said triumphantly as he appeared.

  When he placed the plates on the table, I forced a smile back onto my face.

  “Fresh veggies from the garden, and eggs from my friend’s farm down the road.”

  “It looks amazing, Jake.”

  “Let’s hope it tastes good, too.”

  Taking a small bite, I closed my eyes and moaned. “Yummy!”

  “Yeah? It’s okay?”

  “Better than okay! This gives Nancy a run for her money.”

  “Who’s Nancy?” he asked, then took his own bite.

  Struggling to swallow after I realized my slip, I coughed then bided my time while I chased it with a swallow of coffee. I couldn’t tell him Nancy was my private chef in New York. “Um, Nancy is a friend who used to make us breakfast a lot. Who taught you to make omelets?” I changed the subject immediately.

  “My mom. She said every man needs to be able to make at least three things well. Omelets were one of my specialties.”

  Grateful he’d dropped the Nancy conversation I took a deep breath, then another bite.

  “Do you want to go boating with me today? I don’t have any charters. You, me, Hank, Muskybait all go out for a little relaxing lake day?”

  “That sounds perfect, Jake. I just have to be back for work at five.”

  “No problem. A boating day it is.” He beamed.

  He was lighter today. Like the weight he’d been carrying around on his broad shoulders fell off in the night. The dark cloud that seemed to hover over him faded away, and instead he radiated warmth and light. It felt like a side of Jake reserved for me and me alone. I only hoped that he would still radiate it after I told him what I’d been keeping from him.

  We finished breakfast, and I kissed him goodbye so I could go home and change for our boat day.

  “I’ll pick you up in an hour.”

  “I’ll be waiting,” I said, dissolving back into his arms. It was only an hour, but already I missed him.

  After one last kiss goodbye, I drove home and collapsed on the couch. Knowing I couldn’t keep lying to Jake, I pulled out my phone and dialed Grandpa.

  “Davenport residence,” Eleanor’s voice greeted me.

  “Hi, Eleanor! It’s Cassie.”

  “Cassie? Oh! Cassandra! Oh, hello sweetheart. How are you?”

  A happy sigh started the sentence. “I’m amazing, Eleanor. So very happy.”

  “I can’t tell you how good it is to hear that. Your Grandpa said you’ve been doing great. We’re so proud of you, honey.”

  “Thank you. That means so much to me. I’ve learned so much here. And I’m happy for the first time in longer than I can remember. This was so good for me.”

  “Good for you, Cassandra. You deserve it.”

  “Hey, is Grandpa around? I need to talk to him about something.”

  “He’s in board meetings all day today. But he’ll be home around five.”

  “Shoot. I work at five.”

  “Work. It’s still shocking to hear you say you have to go to work!” She laughed.

  “I’m finally over the shock,” I said, joining her laugh. “Now I kind of like it!”

  “Well, good for you! A hard day’s work is good for the soul.”

  “Well, I miss you. And Grandpa.”

  “We miss you, too. I’ll tell him you called.”

  “Please do. I really need to talk to him tomorrow.”

  “I’ll make sure he calls.”

  “Take care, Eleanor.”

  “You too, Cassandra.”

  We hung up, and I groaned. I was hoping to discuss my situation of keeping the truth from Jake so I could tell him on the boat today. But without Grandpa’s blessing I didn’t dare break my promise. I’d let Grandpa down enough already. Just one more day and I knew I could convince Grandpa lying to Jake wasn’t right and get him to agree. I’d come so far, letting Jake, and maybe Jo, know who I was wouldn’t send me backsliding to the life I’d left behind. The one that paled in comparison to the one I was living now.



  “Everyone in?” I asked, glancing over to Cassie who held Poppy in her lap beside me. Hank was lying by my feet where I stood holding the wheel of my center-console.

  “We’re all in!” she answered. The hot July sunshine lit up her golden hair, but it was her smile shining the brightest.

  Pushing the throttle forward, we started slowly out of the marina until I got out past the ‘No Wake’ zone. As soon as we cleared the last buoys, I pushed the throttle forward. The bow of t
he boat lifted, and the wind whipped through our hair while we cruised out of the harbor. Cassie’s smile only grew and matched mine. It was rare that I boated for pleasure and not fishing, but today I wanted to enjoy the weightless feeling Cassie had given me. And there was no better way for me to soak in the joy she’d given me than a day floating beside her on the lake.

  Since succumbing to my desire last night, the battle waging inside me was over. Even though I’d thought happiness and love weren’t in my future, one night with Cassie had changed it all. One kiss, one touch, and I knew she was worth the risk. Not that I could have resisted her even if I’d tried. This was one battle I’d lost before it even started. It was lost the first time I looked into those emerald eyes.

  As we cruised along the shore, I pointed out all the landmarks dotting the landscape. As busy as things got in Door County in July, there was always a reprieve when I was out on the water. Having spent my life out here, I didn’t pay much attention to the impressive sights. They had become part of my daily scenery. But seeing Cassie’s eyes devour every inch of them had me pausing to remember the true beauty of this place. It was almost as beautiful as her.

  “What’s that?” she called over the wind. Her finger pointed to the top of the white lighthouse jutting out from the small clump of trees on the island.

  Pulling back on the throttle, the boat settled into the water until we bobbed on top of the soft waves. “Cana Island Lighthouse.”

  “It’s so cool!”

  “It’s over one-hundred-fifty years old. That lighthouse has steered ships around Baileys Harbor for over a century.”

  “It’s awesome.”

  “We can climb it sometime. They open it to the public all summer long.”

  “Really? I would love that!”


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