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Royally F**ked (Royal Bastards MC: Royal Sons CA Book 6)

Page 15

by Elle Boon

  Tai nodded, smiling back at Keys as she bounced up and down slowly. “He’ll be fine. If he wakes up and needs something, I’ll...I’ll do something.”

  Cosmo tugged her head back with a little pressure on the braid she’d done this morning, kissing her lips before following Keys over to the corner where they could have some privacy. “What’s up?”

  Keys placed his laptop case on the table, pulling the computer he always had with him out. “I was doing a little digging and thought you’d like to know that Dai-tai Zhou has been pronounced dead. Her family had a memorial for her several months back.”

  When the monitor was spun to face him, he felt anger well up in him. There in all their glory were the people who had sold his woman for money to a government that was corrupt, all so they could what? Get out of debt, maybe pad their accounts a little. “They knew she was going to die. They probably knew she’d be raped, beaten, and then suffer a horrific last few days, weeks, or months before ultimately dying, and none of them cared.”

  Keys nodded. “It says here the mother was so distraught she had to be sedated at the loss of her beloved youngest child. The story says she was kidnapped from the market.”

  Cosmo got up, anger burning in his gut. “Did they get something for her loss of life. I mean, something other than when they sold her?”

  “I think they probably did. If nothing else, they got to pretend to mourn and possibly received gifts from neighbors and such for her death.” Keys clicked on the computer again, then turned it back around.

  “What is that?”

  “This is her home, where she lived.”

  He couldn’t fathom what kind of people could do what they’d done to a young woman like Tai, yet from what he could see, they had wealth. “I don’t understand. This doesn’t look like the slums, Keys. She said they all lived together, but she slept off the kitchen. She had no bedroom and was given one meal a day, which was the leftovers after the rest of the family ate.”

  Just repeating what she’d told him had him wanting to take a flight to China and...and fuck! What could he do? He couldn’t go on a killing spree and murder her entire bloodline, even if he wanted to more than he wanted to drink a glass of fine whiskey, and he loved a good bottle of Makers.

  “Trust me, I know exactly how you’re feeling right now. If I can find a way, I’ll make sure they don’t enjoy the fruits of their deceptions.” He hit a few more keys, muttering under his breath.

  “Brother, no offense, but each time you click clack on that device, you give me more bad news. I’m not sure my poor heart can handle any more shit.” Cosmo wasn’t joking either. He had called Keys murdery, when in reality he was the one who was ready to murder an entire village.

  “You said she slept off of the kitchen? From what I can see in the schematics, that was a choice instead of a space problem. Or maybe they had a lot of family under one roof. That still doesn’t make sense unless...well, unless she was outcast.” Keys turned the monitor back around so he could see more images filling the screen.

  “What are those?” Keys clicked on one and then another, continuing until he got to the kitchen. He zoomed in until he thought he saw a pile of blankets off in the corner. “How old are these images?”

  “Google images show two years ago.”

  Two motherfucking years. That pile of shit was where his Tai slept while the rest of the family had comfy quarters. “Is that her mother?”

  “Listen, brother, I’m showing you this because I believe you need all the info going into a situation. We don’t need you to go off on some fucked up mission that will get your hairy ass killed.” Keys spun the monitor back around. “Now this is a recent image of her mother. She appears a little more haggard. I’d say our girl did most of the work around the home, so it has kicked her mother in the ass by getting rid of the free help.”

  He didn’t give a damn what the old bitch was having to do. “Thanks for showing me this, brother. You know, none of us had a Brady Bunch life growing up. I think that’s why we all get along so well. A bunch of fuckups, with jagged edges don’t really cut one another, you know? We can rub together and without fear that we’ll slice each other to ribbons.”

  “Yeah, I get what you mean. My Palmer, she appeared to have the perfect life to everyone looking in. I would’ve sworn on a Bible that her life was a bed of roses. But do you know what all roses have, brother? Well the real ones anyhow?”

  Cosmo sat back with his hands folded over his stomach, listening to Keys. His friend was one of the smartest motherfuckers he’d ever met. “Are there fake roses?”

  “Yeah, they got some hybrids that they’ve made all people friendly and shit. But the real ones, the ones that have stood the test of time. They all have thorns, my friend. While we all might think this person or that person must sleep on a bed of roses, we need to stop and remember, what’s underneath those roses might lay a shitton of thorns as well.” Keys stood up, slipping his computer back into his bag.

  “I’d de-thorn every rose for my Tai.” Cosmo got to his feet, looking over to where Tai sat with a now awake Lucas while they played with a ball.

  “Yeah I’d do the same for my ole lady. That’s when you know you’re in love.”

  The door opened, a fresh-faced Palmer stopped in the doorway, her blonde hair hanging loose. She smiled as she saw her son, then she continued looking around until she found Keys. “See that right there, that’s why I’d kill. That look, that smile, that woman, and that boy. I’d kill anyone stupid enough to try to hurt one hair on either of their heads.”

  Palmer reached them as he spoke, rolling her eyes. “He is always so eager to kill. If I didn’t find him so darn sexy, I might be a little worried.”

  “I’m glad you find me sexy, Sassy Girl. Let’s go get our boy so they can get on the road. They have a long trip ahead of them.” Keys wrapped his arm around her, his voice going low.

  “You’re lucky you don’t have a little boy who gets cranky after the first few hours.” Palmer kissed Keys chin, tapping Cosmo’s arm. “My advice to you is books on audio for the adults and movies for the, well I was going to say the little ones but, yeah, never mind. Be careful and bring our girl home safe and sound. You hear?”

  “I hear,” he said, mimicking her southern accent, jumping back to avoid her little fist. “Keys, get your ole lady.”

  For the next couple of hours, he and the guys loaded up their bikes and other things they’d need, while the ladies got Tai’s things together. Thank fuck he’d sent Talena shopping for her, otherwise she’d be wearing his T-shirts and borrowed clothes from the other women. He hadn’t minded seeing her in his things, but he’d known she needed things of her own.

  “Another one bites the dust,” Gallow sang the lyrics to the iconic song, totally killing the tune, dancing out of Duke’s way when the other man tried to punch him.

  “You’re just jealous ‘cause we’re getting the good pussy on the regular, while you’re sitting around waiting for one of the club bitches to notice your ass.” Duke held his hand up, slapping Traeger’s palm. “Did you pack an extra bottle of lotion, brother?” He made a jacking off motion with his right hand, which earned him the middle finger from Gallow.

  Cosmo sighed, shaking his head. “Man, you’re so going to get your ass kicked one day.”

  “I’ve heard that before. Luckily, my soon to be father-in-law is a doctor,” he growled.

  They all knew Duke and Lennox’s dad still hadn’t made up completely, but they were talking.

  “You guys done fucking off or what?” King strolled out of his office, his hand wrapped around Ayesha’s neck from behind, both had a lazy smile playing on their faces.

  “Yeah, we’re good. Thanks for all the help.” Cosmo slammed the door on the trailer with his and Hollywood’s bikes. Since they were traveling quite a distance, they’d decided to use the enclosed trailers for several reasons. Weather could be a fickle bitch was the main one. They’d driven their bikes across country
many times, some riding, some hauling, and switching places throughout the long miles. Cops sometimes took a shine to pulling them over to fuck with them because they could. Cosmo wasn’t taking any chances with Tai’s safety.

  “Man, it sucks to be cooped up in a cage for days, mile after mile. You guys want Frog to come along? He can drive some of the way or Hell the entire way, and you guys can fuck or whatever,” Traeger said, grinning like the Cheshire Cat as Frog jumped down from the barstool.

  “Oh, yeah. I’ll do that,” Frog looked from Cosmo to Hollywood and Gallow, then to Tai.

  The sound of a Harley interrupted Cosmo before he could tell Frog, hell to the no. T-Rex, the biggest bastard out of all of them, rolled up, a duffel strapped to the back of his Hog like he was preparing for a trip.

  T-Rex brought his bike to a stop next to the second F-350, his feet planting on the pavement, wraparound shades shielding his eyes. Most people would see the huge man wearing a leather jacket with his patches, the rocker clearly showing he was in a MC, and take a step back. And then he stood up, his bald head gleaming, his six-feet-five-inch frame without shoes was already intimidating, but then he put on a pair of shitkickers, and the fucker was so damn tall, men and women alike tended to quake and run. “What’s up, brothers? Looks like I’m just in time. Frog, help me load Lucy.”

  And then there was that. He named his bike a damn female. Nobody had the balls to say a word about it, at least to his face or his back. Nope, Cosmo had never heard a single person say so much as a sideways comment about Lucy.

  “Sure thing, T. I...I didn’t k...know you were g...going,” Frog stuttered.

  He had to turn away to keep from laughing. Poor Frog was still scared of T-Rex from when he was a prospect. The man had a reason of course, but yeah, he was going to need to man up, or T was never going to respect the kid.

  “Come on, Baby Girl. You and I are riding with Hollywood. Gallow, Clown, and T-Rex are taking the other rig.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Tai woke when the vehicle stopped moving, blinking several times at the vision in front of her. “Where are we?”

  “Tampa. This is one of the Royal Bastards’ Chapters. Come on, they’re expecting us.” Cosmo got out, extending his hand inside for her.

  During the 3 days it took them to drive from Santa Clarita, California, she and Cosmo had gotten closer. She’d learned a lot about him and his brothers. It had seemed strange at first hearing the men refer to one another as brothers when only King and Duke were blood related. However, she had come to realize, thanks to her connection with Cosmo, that blood didn’t make a person love you. She’d learned that the hard way with her own family. Most of the men had family, but their chosen family was part of the club. Although the women weren’t technically able to be a member of the MC, Cosmo had told her that the club cherished an ole lady as much as they did their men. Again, she’d thought the term had been derogatory, until he’d explained it to her. She’d also witnessed the love and affection the men had for their women, which made her want to be Cosmo’s everything, if he’d let her. He’d said she was, but he hadn’t made anything official. She wasn’t even sure if there was a ceremony, or if he just said she was his and that was it.

  “You’re looking pensive, Baby Girl. I told you these guys are cool. Stay by my side and don’t worry.” Cosmo looped his arm around her shoulder.

  She hadn’t been worried about this club, assuming they’d be the same as the guys back in California. “Won’t they accept me, or are you worried they’d hurt me?”

  T-Rex walked up behind them, clearly hearing her fear. “Ah, darling, I can promise you, ain’t nobody gonna hurt one hair on you or pretty boy. That’s Hollywood back there in case you were wondering.”

  “Hey, what about me?” Cosmo asked.

  “Nah, you’re a mean son-of-a-bitch. Ain’t nobody gonna hurt you on account you’d bite them back twice as hard. You’re like a nest of baby rattlers. You know why they’re more venomous than full grown rattle snakes, Tai?” T-Rex stood next to them, looking toward the clubhouse that had been described as a bunker.

  “Uh, no?” She’d learned that the big biker didn’t talk a lot, but when he did, he was very intelligent. He also didn’t mince his words. She liked that about him.

  “Well you see, little rattlers are generally together, so if you’re gonna get bit by one, you’re probably gonna get bit by many. Plus, they say, and some may argue, that a baby or even a juvenile, will bite you and unload their entire venom sack because they don’t know how not to. Of course, big rattlers have larger sacks, but they supposedly don’t want to waste all their venom in one bite. My theory is they think why risk it, right? If you ask me, I think the little rattlers are more dangerous, just like little ladies like yourself. You know why?”

  She shook her head. She knew some self-defense, and if push came to shove, she was pretty sure she could get out of a lot of situations. However, and this was a huge how-the-fuck-ever, she was at least a hundred pounds lighter than most of the men she’d met. She didn’t see any way she would ever be more dangerous than any of them.

  “Because all you little women get us twisted around your tiny little fingers, that we open ourselves to heartbreak. Take care with your weapons, Dai-tai.” T-Rex tapped her on the nose. “Now, these boys inside here, they’ll have to go through me and Cosmo if they put one foot wrong. I guarandamntee you, ain’t none of them seen the likes of one of us pissed off.”

  He moved forward, taking the lead. They’d discussed how they’d enter and leave places. T went first with her and Cosmo following. Hollywood and Gallow picking up the rear. It had been easy to forget the danger they were about to face while on the road, until she was faced with the guys becoming warriors right before her eyes.

  “Well sheot,” Hollywood muttered. “Never heard him speak so damn eloquently in my entire life. I might need to be a little nicer to him.”

  “I think he’ll still slit your throat in your sleep, brother.” Gallow jangled the keys in one hand before hooking them onto one of his belt loops.

  “Aren’t you just a ray of fucking sunshine. Come on, let’s go say hi before they think we’re casing the place.” Cosmo slipped his arm from Tai’s shoulder, taking her hand into his. “Ignore what most of the guys say and remember just stick by my side or T’s. Ain’t nobody gonna fuck with you if one of us are by you.”

  “Hey, what about me? I’ll have you know I’m every bit as scary as he is.” Hollywood tossed his head as if he had long hair.

  Tai couldn’t help but laugh at his antics. She’d seen the way his eyes had taken in their surroundings and was aware Cosmo wouldn’t have brought him along if he didn’t trust him.

  “Come on, Ken, let’s see if your Barbie is inside,” Gallow said, shoving Hollywood forward.

  She found out why it was described as a bunker as they descended. Tai wasn’t sure she wanted to keep going, but with T-Rex leading and Cosmo nearly carrying her along, she put her trust in another man, this time it was Cosmo, her heart.

  Cosmo felt the tension in Tai. He wanted to reassure her again as they went down into the clubhouse. They’d made it through the gate without a problem. He’d spoke to Nycto earlier who said he and his ole lady would be waiting for them.

  What he hadn’t told Tai was that Nycto and his boys had been the middleman for a sex trafficker. King and Duke hadn’t liked it, not one little bit, but as a chapter of the Royal Bastards, they just rolled with it, sort of like the backwater cousins you didn’t cop to being related to. That all changed when Nycto found Eva and her sister on one of the boats they were supposed to be delivering to the fuck of a sex trafficker. From what Cosmo heard, Eva was head ole lady in charge.

  As soon as they entered, it took him a moment to adjust to the dim lighting. He’d known Nycto wasn’t a fan of the light. But damn, the fucker took it to a whole other level. He grinned, liking the set up since both King and the others had safe suites built beneath all of the homes that we
re permanent residences on the compound property. Cosmo knew if he and Tai decided to move onto the land, he’d have a place built along the lines of King’s place, only as he let his eyes take in his surroundings, he was already making some modifications.

  “Come on in, fuckers.” Nycto walked up to them, his leather cut telling them even if Cosmo didn’t know who he was.

  “Nycto, thanks for letting us crash here for the night, brother. This is my ole lady, Tai.” He kept his arm around her while he introduced her, knowing she was still nervous around new people. At her swift intake of breath, he pulled her around to face him. “What is it?”

  “You called your ole lady,” she whispered.

  Her green eyes were filled with tears, shining up at him like he’d hung the moon. What the hell? “Of course, I did. You’re mine, Tai.”

  She nodded, her body shaking, and then she was in his arms. “But you ne...never said that. I didn’t know if...if I had to go through something. I’m so h...happy.”

  Nycto lifted his arms in the air, eyes wide as he mouthed something that Cosmo thought was ‘You fucked up, bro.’

  “Hey, girl. I’m Eva, but my ole man calls me Chiquita. You can call me Eva, and this is my sister Ivy. That guy over there—" she pointed at a guy sitting on the sofa—“that’s Void, he’s Ivy’s. Why don’t you come over to the bar while I get the guys a drink, and you can tell me and Ivy about yourself, and they can talk.”

  “See how she takes over?” Nycto grabbed Eva by the back of the hair, pulling her head backward, making her gasp. They kissed, long and hard.

  They watched the ladies go back to the bar before he looked at Nycto. “Thanks again, man. I needed to let her get out and chill for a night before we go any further.”

  Nycto sat back, his drink in one hand while he stared at Eva. “She looks fragile, but like my Chiquita, I see steel in her. Where’d you find her?”


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