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Royally F**ked (Royal Bastards MC: Royal Sons CA Book 6)

Page 18

by Elle Boon

  “I know you will. I know you’ll slay dragons for me if I need you to, and I love you for that. If I ask you to let me...stand on my own two feet sometimes, will you let me do that?” she asked in a shaky voice.

  “Baby Girl, if you need to do that to feel strong, then I’ll do that. I’ll stand right beside you or behind you in case you need to lean on me. Whatever you need, I’ll always be there. The only thing I ask is you talk to me. Don’t get quiet or scared to tell me what you want. I can’t read minds. I’m a fucking barbarian, but I’m not a complete dick. Alright, I admit can be an asshole,” he chuckled glad to see her relax in his hold.

  “You said you didn’t believe in fairytales, but you know what? Fairytales can come true. They can for you and me. You know why?” He brushed his thumb over her bottom lip, her breath hitching as he did so.

  “Because you say so?” she said, her tongue peeking out to lick at him, making his dick jerk.

  He shook his head. “No because like you said, I’ll slay every dragon for you, but I’ll also teach you how to do it as well. I’ll stand with you while you claim your place, my little warrior.”

  A smile lit her face at his words. “You’re my very own true love story, Cosmo. I would do the same for you if I could. Slay bad guys or girls,” she explained.

  He scowled, pressing his thumb over her lips. “You will stay tucked safely behind me when it comes to my enemies. My heart couldn’t take seeing you put your life on the line for me.”

  She smiled, opened her mouth to refute his words, but he did the only thing he could to quell the rising panic. He kissed her, lips moving over hers, gently brushing back and forth.

  Pulling back, he took a deep breath. “Come on, you need to get dressed. We’re gonna eat with the others unless you keep distracting me with your tits and pussy,” he said getting up, settling her on her feet.

  She whipped the towel off and turned toward the end of the bed where their things were sitting. “Well we mustn’t keep them waiting.

  Her little teasing laughter had him shaking his head. If he didn’t watch it, she’d have him wrapped around her little finger. Oh, who the hell was he kidding? She already did.

  The next day they hit the road, tension making him on edge. He tried to hide it from Tai, but as they made their way to Miami, he rode up front with Hollywood, checking his email to make sure nothing had changed. His security team had arrived in Miami a couple of days ago. The men who worked for him were ones you don’t want to meet in any alley, light or dark. Alone or with a team of armed men. Cosmo had found them after he’d killed their tormentors. He had wanted to give back to them some of the fuckers’ wealth. However, what he’d gotten was a brotherhood of demon men who worked well together. While he’d found a wealth of calm within the Royal Bastards, his fellow brotherhood hadn’t settled. They had been kept in a facility for a long time, longer than was good for them, and hadn’t been given a chance for freedom like he had when he went back with his father. Cosmo didn’t feel sorry for them. They wouldn’t appreciate it, then or now.

  “You’re awfully quiet, brother.” Hollywood didn’t look at him as he spoke, keeping both hands on the wheel while he navigated through the busy Miami traffic.

  “Trying to work out scenarios in my head is all.”

  Hollywood nodded, flicking the blinker on as he moved the rig over a couple lanes. “I feel you. Shit always looks good on the outside, you know. You always want to have a back-up plan for your back-up plan. You know?”

  Cosmo noticed Hollywood kept looking in the side mirrors. That wouldn’t usually be an issue because they were in traffic, but the other guys were up ahead of them, so they didn’t have any backup at the ready. “We got a problem?”

  “I’m not sure. There’s a van that’s been with us for a while. No windows except for the standard driver and passenger. They’re tinted from what I can tell. Again, nothing that stands out, but it’s the wheels that make it look a little different.”

  He didn’t comment, letting Hollywood explain. Some might look at the other man who was aptly named because of his extreme good looks, but the man wasn’t only book smart, he was street smart. He also was a hell of a fighter and a good friend to have on your side. He could’ve been a model or a movie star; he was that handsome. He was also the first to throw a punch, or the first to shoot, if the need arose. If Cosmo had liked men, he’d have gone for the six-foot-three blond man. Add in the bright blue eyes that one would’ve sworn couldn’t be real, the naturally tan skin, and his friend could pretty much crook his finger and have his choice of date, male or female. From what Cosmo had seen, Hollywood only went for women for a night or two.

  “It has a florist shop on the side, but what florist would have big old mud tires and chrome wheels? None, my friend. That van had a sticker slapped on the side so it wouldn’t be conspicuous following someone. What they didn’t pay attention to were the details. I’m a detail man.”

  “Is it him?” Tai asked.

  He grabbed the hand she’d lifted onto his seat by his shoulder, knowing she needed to feel him the same as he did her. “We don’t know, Baby.”

  “Hey, don’t be scared. You got your old man and me, plus those crazy bastards up ahead.” Hollywood pointed a finger toward the truck that had slowed down, the one that had T-Rex and the others inside.

  “I trust you guys to keep me safe.” Her voice shook, but she kept her eyes focused on Cosmo as she spoke.

  They’d told her before, to never look back if issues arose, that would be like waving a red flag.

  Hollywood didn’t change the speed they were traveling continuing on, until they hit the turnoff that would take them to the Miami Chapter of the Royal Bastards. Cosmo smiled when he thought of leading whoever was following them into their territory. While T-Rex was a big bastard, Hatchet, the Prez of the Miami Bastards was close to seven-feet. He almost wished it would be that easy to lead them onto their property. One look at Hatch and his mountain-man-look might scare the piss right out of them. Of course, if that didn’t do it, Cosmo’s security team would be waiting in the wings.

  “I don’t like that look on your face, Cosmo. As a matter of fact, it’s kinda scary. Picture the clown from that fucked up show as he does that freaky dance thing before he kills people, ‘cause that’s what you look like,” Hollywood muttered.

  “Hollywood, you have a sick and twisted mind. I don’t even want to get into how fucked up that analogy is.”

  “Why would a clown do that?” Tai asked.

  “Don’t even ask. If anyone asks you to watch a scary movie about clowns, you tell them fuck no.” Cosmo shuddered.

  “Are you scared of clowns, brother?” Hollywood laughed, stared over at Cosmo, then laughed some more.

  Cosmo lifted his middle finger on his left hand, refusing to answer. Who the hell liked clowns? Fucking idiots, that’s who.

  “The van didn’t take the exit with us,” Hollywood said, his tone going serious.

  “I know. I was watching. I couldn’t see how many were inside. Even the driver’s side was dark as shit.” The fact they’d had the windows tinted that dark was definitely odd for a florist.

  “Did you notice there were also no plates on front or back?”

  He hadn’t looked, which was a fuckup. “Well, I guess unless they double back and do some major speeding, they’re no longer a problem.”

  “Unless they passed us off to another tail.”

  “Ain’t you a bundle of fucking sunshine?” Cosmo glared over at him, watching his friend grin his way. He smiled back, then sobered. Lifting his phone, he hit speed dial for T-Rex. “Notice any vehicles in front of you when you turned off, or behind you?”

  The other truck and trailer had taken the exit a few vehicles ahead of them. Cosmo had been too busy watching the van to notice any other oddities.

  “I didn’t see any, but we’re keeping our eyes open. That van was a tail, and the fact it ducked out means there was a handoff.”

sp; T-Rex didn’t sound worried in the least. Cosmo sat back, putting his hand over Tai’s. “Yeah, we continue on as planned. Hatchet’s aware, so they won’t get onto their property.”

  His phone beeped with an incoming text. “Change of plans. We’re meeting at North Beach Marina.”

  “Ask Gallow if he needs gas ‘cause I do.” Hollywood pointed at a station up ahead.

  They pulled in, Cosmo and Tai staying inside the truck while T-Rex pumped fuel in the other vehicle, and Hollywood filled up their rig. Once done, they jumped back in, hopping back on I-95 for the short trip.

  “Why are we meeting there instead of going to the other clubhouse?”

  He turned so he could look at her, knowing she needed a little reassurance. “I just got a little update on some movement. Our quarry is on the move, and has a boat docked there. If we don’t move quickly, he could be gone and possibly disappear before we get another chance to locate him.” Cosmo didn’t tell her the boat had a dozen or so women on it, who were all likely just like she’d been before they’d met.

  “Do you think he’s the same man I met in China?” She shivered, making him wish he could put her in a safe spot until this was over.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Cosmo looked over at Hollywood, watching the deft way he handled the big truck with the trailer attached. They had thought they’d have a chance to ride their bikes on the long ass trip. With the new timeline and information, they would now be driving into what could be a complete shitshow.

  “We’ll know once we arrive. When we get into the marina, we’ll drop the trailers and leave Gallow to watch over them.” He wouldn’t mention he’d also have a couple of his security guys watching from a distance, making sure nobody got the drop on his MC brother.

  “You seem to think that crazy ass brother is gonna be cool with sitting this shit out,” Hollywood mused.

  Gallow got his nickname because he’d killed a man when he’d been sixteen. He’d been tried as an adult, even though the fucker had been an abusive fuck. The man had been his mom’s alcoholic boyfriend, who had beaten her one too many times. He’d gone to prison where he’d had to fight to stay alive, honing that killing ability like a sharp blade. The dozen tear drops next to his eye were the number of men he’d killed in lock-up. He said he didn’t get one for the fucker who’d beat on his mom. Gallow became the name they called him. If you fucked with him you were sentencing yourself to death, just as they’d done in times past when criminals were found guilty. He was the judge, jury, and executioner.

  “He’ll do it because we need him there. If anyone can handle himself if shit comes at him, he can.” Any of them could, but he was like a wraith blending into his surroundings. It was creepy as fuck if he wasn’t on your side.

  “Are you talking about the same guy driving the other vehicle, the one who just gave me some gum?” Tai asked.

  Cosmo nodded, staring ahead while occasionally looking at the side mirrors.

  “Are you sure you’re talking about the right...guy? I mean, he’s so nice and quiet. He even gave that dog his water back at the station.”

  He snorted but didn’t say a word.

  “Tai, I have a group of my security guys meeting us at the marina. They’re going to take you with them until we can eliminate the threat.” He had thought long and hard about taking her with them, and in the end, he couldn’t do it. If they’d been going to the clubhouse, he was going to leave her with them. Now that they were on the fly, his team and plans were shifting.

  “I don’t know them, Cosmo. I can’t go with men I don’t trust. Please just let me go with you. I’ll do whatever you say, move when you say, anything, just don’t make go anywhere without you. Please,” she cried.

  “Fuck,” he muttered.

  “You’ll be all twisted up no matter which way you go, brother. If she’s with us, surrounded by us, at least you’ll have eyes on her. We’ll make sure she stays safe. Ain’t no way I’ll allow a single piece of her to be hurt. On my honor.” Hollywood stopped the vehicle in the lot, holding his hand up.

  Cosmo looked at Tai and her tear streaked face, then at Hollywood. He slapped his palm into his brother’s hand. “I know, man. I’d do the same for you and your ole lady.”

  Hollywood closed down, opening his door. “I’ll never have an ole lady. It’s why I’m good at protecting all you fuckers’ women. Hang tight while I unhook the trailer.”

  “Why won’t he ever have a woman? Is he gay?” Tai whispered, looking out the side window to where Hollywood talked with T-Rex.

  “Nah, he’s got his own demons he’s fighting. You sure you don’t want to stay here with Gallow and the other rig?” They were all loading up in one truck, leaving Gallow with his truck and the two trailers.

  She shook her head, her hands busy braiding her hair.

  “Move over, Baby.” He got out so he could get into the back with her. As soon as he did, he felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up. He pressed a button on his phone, alerting first his security guys, then Hollywood that something was off. “Tai, get on the floor and lock the doors. Don’t open for anyone but me,” he whispered without moving his lips.

  Whatever had his inner alarm going crazy, he hoped like hell his guys were ready.

  “Yo, Hollywood, you ready to ride or what? I’m tired from that long ass ride of being cooped up inside a cage, brother.” He shut the door hard, rocking the truck.

  “Me too, man. Let’s unload our bikes and ride.”

  They walked to the back of the vehicle, side-by-side. Cosmo was glad he’d worn his shades, giving him a chance to look around his surroundings without being obvious. With the sun not quite set, it didn’t appear strange for Gallow or him to have their sunglasses on.

  “A night ride down here is gonna be a little different than back in Cali, brother.” Gallow clapped him on the shoulder. “Clown is in the backseat laying low. With the tinting of the windows, we’re hoping they can’t see him,” he whispered without moving his lips.

  “I heard it’s nice. We ain’t got much time before we meet up with the others, but damn it feels good to stretch my legs again.” Cosmo made a show of shaking his arms out to his side, his leather jacket hiding the fact he was armed.

  At the back of the trailers he and Gallow met up with T and Hollywood, slapping hands in their usual greeting as if nothing was out of the normal.

  Gallow and Hollywood started to unlock the trailers. Cosmo stepped away, walking toward the front of the truck with T at his back. Whatever they were walking into, he didn’t want to be very far away from Tai.

  There was no warning that shit was going to go down. Not even a shift in the wind before several things happened at once. A bullet whizzed above his head, barely missing a fatal shot. If he hadn’t dropped his phone, that bullet would’ve nailed him in the head, followed by several vehicles coming toward them from three directions. He and T-Rex dropped to the ground and rolled under the bike trailer. He hoped like hell his other brothers found cover.

  The sound of gunfire, one that had his gut clenching, rang out. Nobody wanted to hear rat-a-tat-tat unless you were the one holding the gun.

  “Shit. How the fuck did they know we were coming here?” he asked. The gnawing suspicion they had a mole burned in his gut.

  “Fuck if I know, but when we get out of here, I’m gonna make the sonofabitch wish he was already dead,” T-Rex promised.

  His security team were men he’d saved as young men, men he’d done all he could to raise up out of pile of shit they’d been in, and give them a life worth fighting for. They might not live a life in the outside world, but they’d chosen what they wanted to do, and he’d helped them. Had he screwed up so bad in trusting them? He called them his demon soldiers, but he’d been sure they were good at the core. They were like his family. They didn’t get together and have fucking Christmas and shit, but they were family. The five men were closer to one another, than him, and he was fine with that. He was...their father
of a sort, or that’s what they said, even though he was only a few years older than them.

  “You know who sold us out?” T-Rex asked without any censor.

  “I...I don’t know, but I will.” He wouldn’t lie. These were his brothers, his family.

  More gunfire, getting closer. “We gotta move. You armed?”

  T-Rex lifted a brow at his question, which was clearly his answer. “I don’t see Hollywood or Gallow on the ground, so that’s good. Nor do I see anyone from those vehicles, rushing at us.”

  There was a question in his statement that Cosmo had been wondering himself. Whoever was shooting could be holding them back. “On three, I’ll roll out on this side, you on yours. Light ‘em up and head for the passenger door of this rig. I’ve got a set of keys.”

  “We leaving Hollywood and Gallow?”

  “Don’t ask stupid questions. I know for a fact Hollywood had his truck kitted with bullet proof windows and the body was fabricated with armor you’d need special bullets to go through. I’m going to swing this bitch around to see what we’re facing with a little protection. Out here we’re sitting ducks,” he growled, then began counting.

  Cosmo pulled his gun out, wanting to be ready when he began. At the count of three, he rolled, figuring T-Rex would as well. As he came out, he brought his weapon up before he got to his feet, holding shooting in case Hollywood or someone on his side happened to be there. His blood froze when he saw who stood there, her face pale, tears streaking her beautiful cheeks.

  “Let her go,” he said utterly calm. There was no inflection in his voice, knowing what the bastard holding her would do if he thought Cosmo felt anything.

  “Oh, but you see, I want her.” He ran the tip of his gun down Tai’s temple to her jaw. “Tell me, is she a good fuck, Mr. Luciano?”

  “I would think she wouldn’t be your...type, Bronson. You know, since she’s over the age of consent and all. Ah, I see it now. It’s in the eyes. You’re the truly perverted type.” He locked his jaw to keep from speaking, bile making his stomach roll.


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