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Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao c1-1294

Page 11

by Flying Alone 孤单地飞

  Years ago, Ling Dong Xing also used to be a favored, proud genius, an all-powerful existence within the clan. If it was not for the destruction of his Spirit Base, someone like Ling Zhong Kuan would be nothing in his eyes.

  “Heng, he dared to bully my son! If I don’t beat him to the point that he has to be bedridden for a month, then my surname isn’t Ling!” He said ruthlessly, eyes cold.

  ‘So my old man is also someone who would cover for his own people!’ Those words were very much to Ling Han’s liking.

  Ling Han spoke with his father for a moment longer before leaving.

  As the head of a large clan, Ling Dong Xing naturally had many matters to deal with. Moreover, he still had to go and thrash Ling Zhong Kuan, that old dog who dared to take advantage of his absence to bully his son.

  Ling Han had no interest to see that old dog being helplessly and mercilessly thrashed by Ling Dong Xing. He returned to his room to start considering the direction he should take in the future.

  Cultivation would definitely require the support of alchemical pills, and the reason he had reached Heaven Tier in a mere two hundred years in his last life was because he himself was a genius alchemist. However, even a clever housewife cannot cook a meal without rice; although he now had in his hands all kinds of knowledge about alchemy, he still needed the ingredients for concocting pills.

  And the higher the grade of the alchemical pill, the more priceless and valuable the ingredients needed would be. Actually, if someone were to compare the Ling Clan’s wealth with the cost of these ingredients… the results could be summed up with only one word: poor!

  He had to do something. Otherwise, the speed of his cultivation would definitely be unable to achieve the expected standard.

  To put it simply, he had to earn money. Ling Han currently managed to think of two ways.

  Firstly, sale of cultivation techniques and martial arts skills. In his last life, he had accumulated a staggering number of top-rate secret arts; should he take any one of them to an auction, he’d definitely earn an astronomical wealth. However, this was not appropriate.

  Because, the current Ling Han was simply much too weak.

  If he still had the cultivation level of Heaven Tier, then even if he released a Heaven Grade cultivation technique, others naturally would not dare to have any evil ideas. However, if he did something like that now, he would only become a target for others to force him to hand over even more cultivation techniques.

  If he really did have to sell any cultivation techniques or martial arts skills, he could only sell those that were not too far from his current martial arts skill level. Moreover, he couldn’t sell too many at a time.

  Then that left only the second method, which was to sell alchemical pills.

  This was his original profession. Besides, alchemy was a very respected profession. Whoever dared to disrespect an alchemist could easily cause public outrage, so there would definitely be serious consideration before anyone attempted such an idiotic thing.

  Within the current Rain Country, at least eighty percent of the country’s alchemists were involved with the Heaven’s Medicine Pavilion, while the remaining twenty percent were esteemed guests of the various great clans and factions. The alchemical pills concocted by them would thus only be used by members of these great powers, without any possibility of them being sold in public.

  Lastly, there were a few alchemists who were loners, and were not working for any kind of power. If they lacked money, they would simply concoct alchemical pills for sale. Thus, they were completely free from any obligations.

  For example, in Grey Cloud Town, the supply of high-grade alchemical pills and medicines would only be found in the Heaven’s Medicine Pavilion, so those who wanted to buy them could only choose to go there. Low-grade alchemical pills would be distributed for sale in batches by Heaven’s Medicine Pavilion, offered to the the two Great Clans in the town. Thus, there would be mutual benefit for both the two Great Clans and the Heaven’s Medicine Pavilion. After all, the two Great Clans were very influential in the area.

  The two Great Clans referred to Ling Clan and Cheng Clan. Both clans would be able to obtain fifty percent of the total low-grade alchemical pills from the Heaven’s Medicine Pavilion respectively.

  However, although the two Great Clans only obtained very little profit when compared to the Heaven’s Medicine Pavilion, in terms of alchemical pills, they could be said to have gained an overwhelming profit.

  Alchemy was an extremely high-paying profession—this was also one of the reasons why alchemists would be regarded as esteemed guests by the various great powers. If the various clans and factions did not have their own alchemists, then their purchase of alchemical pills and medicines would incur a horrifyingly astronomical expense.

  In this life, Ling Han did not plan to exert too much effort in the path of alchemy. Thus, he only wanted to become a lone alchemist. If he lacked money, then he would concoct a few pills—it was enough as long as he had sufficient funds at his disposal.

  ‘Then it’s decided, I’ll use alchemy as a support for my martial arts.’

  However, now that Ling Dong Xing had returned, Ling Han’s freedom was also restricted. His old man was rushing him to immediately go to the academy.

  Naturally not Hu Yang Academy, but Grey Cloud Academy.

  Hu Yang Academy was established by the imperial clan of Rain Country, and while Grey Cloud Academy was also established by the government, there was no way to compare the two academies’ resources. After all, the disparity was simply too large. However, Ling Dong Xing still had hopes that Ling Han could become an overnight celebrity in Grey Cloud Academy. All fathers naturally wanted their sons to excel and become successful people.

  Ling Han naturally would not want to disappoint his father, so he could only agree to go to the academy. He didn’t have much to do anyway, so he’d just go to the academy for a few days and show off a bit to satisfy his father’s ambition. This way, Ling Dong Xing wouldn’t see any need to restrict him further.

  Moreover, he also wanted to realize his predecessor’s long-cherished wish and clear his reputation of being a piece of trash.

  When he departed, Liu Yu Tong naturally was beside him, and the both of them arrived at Grey Cloud Academy. However, it was not very appropriate for Liu Yu Tong to accompany him even during classes, so she could only walk around in the academy. Her prowess also meant that she had no fear of anyone trying anything funny with her because of her extreme beauty.

  Ling Han walked slowly. It was not a must for him to attend classes. It was more than enough to just come to the academy. The reason why he was here was only out of respect for his father; he would not blindly obey Ling Dong Xing’s every single word.

  Just as he came to the Martial Training Court, he could not help but pause in his steps as a strong pounding rose up within his body, causing him to, for some reason, turn and head in the direction of the Martial Training Court.

  This was an obsession originating from his predecessor.

  HIs predecessor had in total two matters that he could not let go of. The first was naturally his father, and the second was a woman within this Grey Cloud Academy. If he had not come, it would not have affected him, but now that he was here, this obsession immediately became incomparably heavy.

  His predecessor had once liked a woman by the name of Shen Zi Yan. She was a student of Grey Cloud Academy, and the entanglement between the two of them was an extremely complicated one.

  Seven years ago, when Shen Zi Yan was just a little girl at the age of ten, she had already displayed a surprising beauty. Ling Dong Xing acted quickly and arranged an engagement contract between her and Ling Han.

  Because the Ling Clan was one of the two Great Clans in town and Ling Han was the son of the clan’s Clan Head, the Shen Clan naturally had no objection and gladly agreed to this match.

  However, when Ling Han was twelve, through examination, his Spirit Base was confirmed to be Five Ele
ments Disarray Spirit Base. If it was just this, then according to the power of the Ling Clan, the Shen Clan would still not dare to have any wild thoughts. The problem was that Shen ZI Yan had a high level Earth Grade Spirit Base!

  Moreover, Shen Zi Yan was also extremely gifted in martial arts, so she managed to live up to such an excellent Spirit Base. As her cultivation level soared, she was regarded as a treasure by the higher-ups of the academy, who always meant to send her to Hu Yang Academy because they believed that only there would her talent truly blossom.

  As the two of them grew up, and the gap between Shen Zi Yan and Ling Han’s cultivation levels widened ever further, she finally requested the Ling Clan to break the engagement contract.

  Ling Dong Xing naturally did not want to agree. This would not only be a blow to the pride of the Ling Clan, but would also break his son’s heart. Yet his predecessor agreed, because his affection for his woman was bone-deep.

  Although they were now no more than strangers, his predecessor was still very much in love with the girl and kept on secretly paying attention to her all this while.

  The strength of his affection was so big that, even though his predecessor had already died, the body’s instinctive reaction was to follow it, affecting the current Ling Han.

  ‘I need to get rid of this obsession… otherwise, in the future, this may become my inner demon and affect my progress,’ Ling Han thought. As someone who used to be a warrior of the Heaven Tier, he naturally knew the danger an inner demon represented. ‘Then I’ll go to see her once more. After this, there will no longer be any relation between the two of us!’ Ling Han thought, as if negotiating with his predecessor.

  Chapter 15

  Translator: _Dark_Angel_ Editor: Kurisu

  Ling Han walked into the Martial Training Court and saw a beautiful young girl practicing martial arts skills in the center. She was wearing a white warrior dress and her movements were as graceful as a deity’s. Around her was a number of young men and women who had gathered to watch. The young women’s gazes were heated whilst the men wore intoxicated expressions as they observed her practice.

  That young girl was Shen Zi Yan. Everyday, she would be cultivating in this location.

  She truly was very beautiful, but when compared to Liu Yu Tong, her beauty fell short. Moreover, Ling Han had long been used to seeing remarkably stunning beauties in his last life, so naturally he was not moved.

  His predecessor was a hopeless romantic. However, now that he was dead, the one in charge was he who had once been a warrior of the Heaven Tier!

  Ling Han took a deep breath. He felt the last remnants of his predecessor’s obsessive feelings vanish into thin air. Now he was finally the one and only owner of this body.

  His predecessor had two things he could not let go of. One was his father, and the other was Shen Zi Yan. Now that these two obsessions have been completely neutralized, the predecessor could finally and completely “depart”, and no longer have the slightest bit of effect over this body.

  In truth, his predecessor knew very well that he and Shen Zi Yan could never be, so he had only meant to secretly admire her from afar. Otherwise, if this obsession was something like wanting to marry her and no one else, Ling Han would be in big trouble.

  “Get out of here!” It was at this moment that Shen Zi Yan stopped her movements and shouted these words coldly at him.

  How overbearing, did she think that her family owned the Martial Training Court?

  Naturally, Ling Han didn’t want to even bother with this kind of condescending, arrogant girl who thought the whole world revolved around her. After all, the obsession had vanished, and in his opinion, Shen Zi Yan simply could not be considered incomparably beautiful, nor was she shockingly talented. She really didn’t even have the qualifications for him to consider her for one moment longer.

  For the sake of his predecessor, he did not react to her insulting words, and turned away, intending to leave.

  “Stop right there!” A young man dressed in embroidered clothing sprang out and, with a few steps, rushed in front of Ling Han, blocking his way. He said, “Didn’t you hear Younger Sister Disciple Shen’s words? She told you to roll out of here. You don’t use your legs to roll.”

  His name was Cheng Hao, and he was the second son of the Clan Head of the other Great Clan in Grey Cloud Town. He was also one of Shen Zi Yan’s admirers. However, Shen Zi Yan had never treated him any differently from the others. Now, he had finally found an opportunity to show off in front of her—teach Ling Han a hard lesson in order to obtain Shen Zi Yan’s favor.

  Moreover, this was not the first time he had bullied Ling Han, because among the people he could bully, Ling Han’s status was the highest and thus bullying him gave him the most satisfaction.

  Ling Han’s eyes automatically turned severe. The images of his predecessor being bullied by Cheng Hao played vividly before his eyes. Originally, he would not have bothered had Cheng Hao remained a simple face in the crowd, but now that he had spotted Cheng Hao, even if the latter had not provoked him in this manner, he had no plans of letting matters rest.

  “Are you looking to die?” He said in a murderous voice.

  “Hahahaha, Ling trash, are you threatening me?” Cheng Hao gave a laugh, yet very quickly his gaze turned severe, “We haven’t seen each other for just a few days, and now you’ve grown so brave that you actually dare to talk back to me?”

  Everyone in the area started laughing. Ling Han’s identity as a piece of trash was well-known throughout the whole academy, so these words naturally seemed like the greatest joke in the world to them.

  Ling Han smiled coldly and walked towards Cheng Hao.

  “What is it now, are you going to beg me to spare you? If you’re going to beg, then make sure you speak loudly enough,” Cheng Hao said nonchalantly.


  It was at this moment that a sharp, crisp slap was heard, causing everyone’s laughter to suddenly stop.

  Cheng Hao covered his face with one hand; his face expressed his utter disbelief. Just now, he had actually been given a slap by Ling Han… given a slap by a piece of trash!

  How great a humiliation was this?!

  He immediately entered berserk mode, and blue veins popped up all over his forehead as he said thickly, “Are you tired of living that you actually dare to hit me?”

  “I can’t hit you?” Ling Han said calmly. His predecessor had been bullied by Cheng Hao numerous times. He was only getting back a little interest now.

  “How dare you!” Cheng Hao never thought that Ling Han would not only not beg for his life out of panic, but actually dared to talk back to him. He was originally already extremely furious, so how could he hold himself back now. He immediately raised his hand which flew towards Ling Han.

  The current Ling Han was in the fourth layer of Body Refining Tier. Even though that was still two layers lower than Cheng Hao, they were both in the middle stage of Body Refining Tier. With Ling Han’s battle experience as someone who had once wielded the power of the Heaven Tier, how could he possibly lose?

  “Pa!” Cheng Hao had just raised his hand, but Ling Han had already reacted accordingly and his right hand flew out. Although he acted later, he reached his target earlier and, once again, another solid slap landed on Cheng Hao’s face. With the great strength behind this slap, Cheng Hao staggered, causing the hand he raised to only hit empty air.

  “Trash!” Ling Han said in a calm tone, shaking his head.

  Everyone was silent. This label of “trash” originally belonged to Ling Han, but now no one could find it in themselves to laugh, for Cheng Hao had indeed been slapped twice.

  If the first time could be considered to be the fault of Cheng Hao’s carelessness, then the second time could only be Ling Han’s display of ability.

  But how was this possible? Wasn’t Ling Han the publicly acclaimed biggest piece of trash in the whole academy?

  Meanwhile, Cheng Hao had been enraged to the point t
hat both his eyes had turned red. With a great roar, he threw himself at Ling Han.

  However, the difference between himself and Ling Han was much too large.

  “Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!”

  No matter how he attacked, Ling Han somehow managed to act later yet hit first, each slap causing him to stumble; his attack power naturally subsided by itself.

  “I see now, Ling Han’s power is actually not as strong as Cheng Hao’s, it seems to be only somewhere around fourth or fifth layer of Body Refining Tier. However, his sixth sense is too terrifying. Every time Cheng Hao makes a move, it’s as if he already knew where Cheng Hao would attack, and make the necessary adjustments in advance.”

  “Fourth or fifth layer of Body Refining Tier? That can’t be, he has the Five Elements Disarray Spirit Base, so even if he wants to break through to the middle stage of the Body Refining Tier, he would only be able to achieve that at least after he’s twenty.”

  “No matter what his cultivation level is, just his skill in reading attacks is scary enough!”

  After watching for a period of time, the students in the area too discovered this “secret”. The “secret” was actually something very simple—Ling Han would predict all of Cheng Hao’s attacks and react accordingly in advance to compensate for the gap between their cultivation levels.

  Meanwhile, Cheng Hao was completely slapped silly. There was a persistent buzzing in his head and his face was scarlet and swollen, turning it into a pig’s head. Only the fury he felt kept on supporting his continuous attacks, but all of it was pointless effort.

  He was finally scared, and no longer dared to make any move.

  But how could Ling Han just let matters go like this?

  “Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!”

  He kept up a furious litany of slaps, and Cheng Hao’s lip very quickly was split. Fresh blood was spilled, and he looked extremely pitiful.


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