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Radiant Violets Book Four of the NOLA Shifters Series

Page 13

by Angel Nyx

  Chapter Eighteen


  The Audubon Zoo was the perfect place to get some amazing photos of nature. When Jacob was invited to go with several of the children from the Pard, Casey decided to take her camera and go along. It was officially fall, the weather was getting cooler, but it was nothing like September in Slatefall. Back home she’d be wearing long sleeves already, but in New Orleans, it was still short-sleeve weather.

  “This place is gorgeous. Thank you, Camille, for letting me tag along.” Camille was the mother of one of Jacob’s new friends and the one who organized the trip to the zoo.

  “It gives us a chance to get to know each other more. Your Jacob and my Calvin seem to becoming fast friends, so it makes sense to me for us to get to know each other.”

  “True. They do seem to be glued to each other whenever we visit the compound.”

  As they wandered around the zoo, Casey snapped a plethora of photos. She knew not every one would be high quality, but that was why she took so many. Mid-afternoon, they were just sitting down to eat when Jacob came to her.

  “Mama, I need to go to the bathroom.”

  “I’ll come with you. I don’t want you going alone.”

  “I gotta go too. Can’t we just go together?” Calvin said.

  “Yeah, me too,” another boy said.

  Casey was hesitant because she worried about something happening but brushed off the fear. They were going as a group. Surely he’d be fine. “Okay – as long as Calvin’s mom says it’s okay, too – but you all go together and come right back. No stopping to look at anything. Understand?”

  She got “Yes, Mama,” from Jacob and “Yes, ma’am,” from the other two boys. Once Camille said it was fine, she watched the trio run off toward the bathrooms and pushed down the unreasonable fear something was going to happen.

  As the minutes passed, Casey’s unease grew. “I’m going to go check on the boys.” Just as she was stepping away from the table, Calvin and the other boy, who’d gone with them, came running back, but Jacob wasn’t with them. “Where’s Jacob?”

  “He’s not here? We thought he came back by himself. He was done first and was s’posed to be standin’ outside waitin’ for us but he wasn’t. I thought maybe he came back,” Calvin replied.

  Casey felt faint. She knew. She knew something was wrong and she’d let him go anyway. “Oh gods.” Her hand shook as she pulled her phone out. “Nikolai.” All she got out was his name when he answered before a sob escaped her. “Jacob’s missing.”


  He’d had a bad feeling ever since Casey and Jacob left to go to the zoo. He couldn’t pinpoint the reason behind it until he heard the fear in his mate’s voice and the words ‘Jacob’s missing’. He wasn’t a weak man – he’d been to hell and back with some of the jobs they’d done for the government – but hearing those words, and the broken sob, nearly brought him to his knees.

  “Nikolai? What’s wrong?”

  Declan’s voice came to him as if he was under water and he turned slowly to look at his Alpha. “Jacob is missing.”

  “Fuck. Where was he when it happened?” Before Nikolai could answer, he was barking out orders. In moments, he had a team together to track down their missing Pack member.

  “They’re at the zoo,” Nikolai finally got out.

  “Then that’s where we’ll begin our search. We’ll find him, Nikolai. You need to get to your mate. Let’s go. I’ll drive.”

  He could have argued with Declan and driven himself, but Nikolai knew that would take time away from getting to his mate, and right now Casey needed him. She was more important than his pride.

  When they got to the zoo and found the small group near the tables, Nikolai went to Casey and wrapped her in his arms. The sob that escaped her nearly broke him. “Shh. We’ll find him, Solnyshko. I promise. We’ll find him.”

  “I knew. I knew something was wrong. I was uneasy about letting him go to the bathroom without me, but he went with two other boys; I thought he’d be safe. It’s all my fault.”

  “Nyet, Solnyshko, you are not at fault. He was not alone; he should have been safe.”

  “Casey, your mate’s right. It’s not your fault. We’ll find Jacob; you have my word. I need to know where he was last seen.” There was a calm sureness in Declan’s voice.

  Nikolai was grateful to his Alpha for speaking to her and trying to calm her fears, as well.

  “The bathrooms. He was by the bathrooms.”

  “I can show you where we were.”

  They turned their attention to the boy who spoke, and Nikolai watched Declan kneel down so he was closer to the boy’s level. “Did you notice anything strange when you boys went to the bathroom? Or anyone who seemed to be watching you?”

  “I did,” another boy said. “Some guy was watchin’ us. I didn’t think nothin’ of it, though.”

  “The man watching you, was this him?”

  Declan showed the boy a photo on his phone and Nikolai knew it was a photo of Garret Michaels. When the boy nodded, he growled. “I will kill him.”

  “No, you won’t. You’re staying here with your mate while we hunt him down.”

  Oh, how he wanted to argue but the way Casey clung to him stopped him. “Find him, Declan. Find them both.”

  “We will. We’ll start our search at the bathrooms. Can you show us where you saw the man?” Declan asked the boy.

  Nikolai watched as Declan, Holden, Steele, Kaige, and several other Pack members followed the boy toward the bathrooms. ‘They’ll find him safe and sound, Krasavitsa. You’ll see,” he murmured while he held Casey close to him.

  “It was Garret, wasn’t it? He knew he couldn’t get him legally so he took him. He kidnapped my baby.”

  “Da. It was him but he will not succeed. We will get Jacob back.” He moved them to a table and sat, pulling Casey onto his lap. He rocked her gently and just held her while they waited for news.


  This wasn’t quite working out the way he’d planned. When he’d decided to take advantage of Casey’s inattentiveness, by grabbing Jacob to talk to the boy, Garret hadn’t expected him to put up such a fight. The boy was like a wild animal, scratching and twisting to try to get away. He’d had to put a hand over Jacob’s mouth when he’d grabbed him, and his hand was now bleeding from being bitten.

  “Stop struggling, goddammit. You’re going to hurt yourself if you keep this up. I just want to talk to you, son.”

  “I’m not your son!”

  “Yes, you are. Your mother cut me out when she was pregnant with you. She refused to let me see you or get to know you. I’ve tried, so many times, but she wouldn’t let me close enough to even talk to you.” He felt the boy’s struggles slowing and hoped it was because of what he’d said.

  “Mama wouldn’t do that.”

  “But she did, Jacob. Haven’t you ever wondered where you got your dark brown eyes and the thick, brown eyebrows from?” He knew Casey and her parents all had blue eyes. He watched as Jacob lifted a hand and chewed nervously on one of his fingers.


  “You got them from me. See?” He pointed to his own dark brown eyes and thick eyebrows for emphasis. You have my nose too. I’m your father, Jacob.”

  “How come Mama did that, then? What did you do to her?”

  “Nothing. We were young, we were both drunk, and afterward she blamed me. It’s been easier to hold onto her story, and her anger, than it would be to admit she was wrong and let it all go.”

  “Where are we?”

  He hadn’t expected that question. “We’re still at the zoo. I talked to your mother a few days ago because I wanted to meet you, and she refused. She had no right to keep me out of your life or to take you from our home without my consent. She could even go to jail for it.” He watched the boy’s eyes widen in fear, but before he could say anything else, he found himself being jerked away from Jacob so roughly he cried out as his shoulder was dislocated. />
  “Jacob. Are you okay? You aren’t hurt, are you?”

  “Of course he’s not, he’s my son,” Garret said to the man who held his arm in a painful grip.

  “I wasn’t talking to you, asshole.”

  The growl in the man’s voice had him paying closer attention to the men who’d surrounded them. They practically vibrated with the need to act and Garret swallowed nervously. He’d found out years ago that Casey was a shifter. He wondered, were these men shifters as well? It would make sense if they were. Didn’t their kind tend to stick together?

  “I’m not hurt. I just want my mama.”

  “I know you do. Holden, escort this piece of shit to the entrance. Cops should be waiting for him there. I’m getting Jacob back to Casey.”

  “Sure thing, Boss.”

  Again, before Garret could protest, he was being roughly dragged away from his son. “This isn’t over! He’s my son and I have the right to see him!”


  Casey was curled up on Nikolai’s lap, clinging to him. Her mind was coming up with all sorts of horrible scenarios, and she was starting to drive herself a little crazy. “You don’t think he’s hurt Jacob, do you? What if they’ve already left the zoo? God, he could take him anywhere.”

  “Shh. You are doing yourself no good worrying so, Krasavitsa. I do not believe he will hurt Jacob.”

  “But if he wanted to hurt me that would be the quickest way. To do something to him.”

  “Nyet. He has already done that by taking him. He will not harm him.”

  “I hope you’re right. Gods, do I hope you’re right.”


  Casey’s head snapped up, from where it was resting on Nikolai’s shoulder, at her son’s voice. A sob of relief escaped her, and she slid off his lap in time to kneel and catch her son when he threw himself at her. “Oh my gods, oh my gods, oh my gods. You’re okay. He didn’t hurt you, did he, baby?” She ran her hands over him to assure herself he really was okay.

  “No, Mama, he didn’t hurt me. But I wanted you and he wouldn’t bring me back. Mama, he said he’s my daddy. Is that true?”

  Casey froze. She wanted to kill Garret. “No, sweetheart. He’s not your daddy. A daddy loves his child, is there every day; that’s not him.”

  “But he said you wouldn’t let him see me.”

  “Oh, sweetie… Let’s get you home and then we’ll talk, okay?”

  “Okay, Mama.”

  “I’ll drive your car, Solnyshko. I do not think you should be driving right now.”

  She looked up at Nikolai and smiled warmly. “Thank you. You’re probably right. I’m not so sure I’d be entirely safe behind the wheel right now.”

  “You do not need to thank me for taking care of you. It’s my greatest joy.”

  His words filled her heart with love for him. It was hard to believe when they first met, he’d seemed like a cold and distant man, when he was quite the opposite. She handed him her keys and turned her attention to her Alpha. “Thank you, Declan, for finding him so quickly.

  “He’s Pack, Casey. We take care of our own.”

  “Where is Garret now?”

  “On his way to NOPD. He’ll be charged with kidnapping and child endangerment. His daddy might hold sway over the legal system in Slatefall, Montana, but here, in New Orleans? His daddy’s connections don’t mean shit,” Declan informed her.

  “Good. I hope he rots there,” Casey growled. She kept her son close as she and Nikolai headed for her car. She wasn’t looking forward to the coming conversation but, in a way, it was good that it came up. Jacob was now old enough to understand what happened and why she’d kept Garret out of his life.

  Casey sat on the sofa with Jacob on her lap and Nikolai at her side. She was trying to get her thoughts in order before she started her explanation. “I was a very shy girl, in school. I was the quirky geek who spent more time looking at the world through a camera lens than I did hanging out with friends. Really, I only had one close friend,” she started.

  “Aunt Sarah?”

  “Yes, Aunt Sarah. At the beginning of every summer, there was this huge end-of-the-school-year bash. It was the summer after my freshman year and Sarah talked me into going to the party with her. Her older brother was supposed to keep an eye on us but as soon as we got there, he disappeared. I felt really out of my element but I was trying to enjoy myself when Garret approached me. He was the son of the mayor, star quarterback, and every girl in school had the hots for him. He knew it, too. I was so surprised he even knew who I was that, when he slid his arm around my shoulders, I didn’t realize he slipped something into my drink.”

  “What do you mean, Mama?”

  “There are drugs out there that can make it so the person taking it is less able to say no. He drugged me and then, while I was in that state, he did some very bad things to me and I got pregnant with you. I don’t know if he really doesn’t see it that way or if he’s just lying to himself. I don’t regret having you, because you are my whole world, Jacob. Don’t ever think differently.” She watched her son’s face as he digested what she said.

  “How come you loved me if he did that to you?”

  “Because, sweetheart, you are my son. You are a part of me, the best part of me.”

  “I’m not like him, am I, Mama? I don’t wanna be like him.”

  The tears that slid down her son’s cheeks tore at her heart. She pulled him closer and wiped the tears away. “No, sweetheart. You are nothing like him.”

  “But he said I have his eyes and nose. Maybe I am like him?”

  “Oh, honey. No. You’re a good boy and you will be a good man.”

  “Your mother is right. And do you know why?”

  She watched as her son turned his attention to Nikolai and shook his head.

  “Uh uh. Why?”

  “Because your mother is a good woman and she will teach you how to treat others. Those are things he did not have. His mother and father did not raise him to be a good man. You are not, and never will be, like him.”

  “Will you teach me, too?”

  She saw the surprise in Nikolai’s eyes at Jacob’s question. The fact that her son wanted that connection with Nikolai made her heart swell with pride for the man who was her mate.

  “Da. I will teach you to be a good man, as well.”

  Casey locked eyes with Nikolai. ‘Thank you’ she mouthed to him. “Come on, kiddo. Why don’t we get you a snack and you can take it to your room to go color?”

  “Okay, Mama.”

  Ten minutes later Jacob was upstairs in his room with a plate of carrot sticks and ranch dressing, and Casey was tucked up against Nikolai on the sofa. “Thank you, for keeping me grounded while they were looking for Jacob earlier. I don’t know how I would have gotten through that without you.”

  “I will always be there when you need me, Krasavitsa. This I promise you. As much as I wanted to hunt him down and tear him apart for taking Jacob, I knew you needed me more.”

  “Besides, if you’d done that you’d be facing prison and that’s just not acceptable, Nikolai.” His chuckle made her smile.

  “Mm, true, it is not. I could not hold you and love you, then.”

  “That’s the second time you’ve used that word. Love.” She scooted back enough to tilt her head up to study his face.

  “Da. It is. I am very much in love with you, Casey. You and Jacob have become my entire world.”

  Her vision blurred from tears and she had to blink several times to clear it. “Do you mean it?”

  “Da. With everything I am, Solnyshko. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” She let the tears fall as she curled against him. There was still so much to deal with. She knew she would have to relive the night of her rape when she gave her statement, and relive the fear she’d felt when Garret kidnapped Jacob, but as long as Nikolai was with her, she could face it with her head held high.

  Chapter Nineteen


sp; Sitting outside the courtroom, waiting to be called in to testify in the rape case against Garret, was hell. His lawyer had tried, unsuccessfully, to get the case moved to Montana. Due to the many instances of interference, with the justice system, by his father’s political influence, they’d gotten the case moved to New Orleans instead. Casey was fairly certain Declan had pulled a few of his own strings to make it happen and if he did, she was grateful. Now she just wanted it to all be over. She wanted her life to go back to normal. The worst part was having to sit there alone. She knew Nikolai was inside the courtroom, along with a large number of the Ghostpoint Pack, to lend their moral support, but that did little for her while she waited. At least the kidnapping case was already settled. She was the last to testify and kept reminding herself it was almost over.

  “Casey Owens.”

  She took a deep breath to settle her nerves and followed the bailiff inside. She kept her head up and her eyes focused in front of her as she made her way to the witness stand.

  “Raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?”

  “I do.”

  “You may be seated.”

  She sat and tuned everything else out. Her sole focus was on the attorney in front of her.

  “Miss Owens. I know this is difficult for you, but will you please tell the court what happened to you on the night of June 15th, 1996?”

  “My best friend, Sarah Peterson, talked me into going to the end-of-year school party that was held every year…” As she detailed the night, and the events that led to her becoming a mother before she was fifteen, she locked eyes with Nikolai, to keep from feeling like she was lost in a turbulent sea. He was her anchor, her strength, and his presence there kept her grounded.

  Then came the questions from Garret’s lawyer. The prosecuting attorney warned her the man would be brutal. He dredged up anything and everything he could, including her current relationship with Nikolai. He tried his best to paint her to be the whore of Babylon, but there wasn’t enough ‘dirt’ in her past for him to succeed. Then he went in for the kill.


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