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The Spirit of the Digger

Page 38

by Patrick Lindsay

  1st Commonwealth Division 234

  First Fleet 32–4

  First French Division 54

  1st Waikato Regiment 38

  Fisher, Andrew 51

  Fisher, Lord 49

  Flannery, Tim

  The Birth of Sydney 35

  France 88, 128

  Fraser, Lieutenant Simon 97

  French Army 54, 87

  Fromelles, Battle of 64, 88, 91, 92–9, 104, 110, 130, 154

  Australian Memorial Park 97

  cover-up 97–8

  Diggers’ graves 97–100

  Pheasant Wood 99–100

  Fukuda, Lieutenant 191

  Fussell, Lieutenant Michael 304

  ‘Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels’ 155, 263

  Gallagher, Corporal Bill 257–8

  Gallaway, Jack

  The Odd Couple: Blamey and Macarthur at War 162

  Galleghan, Brigadier ‘Black Jack’ 186, 188

  Gallipoli 16, 17, 22, 29, 44, 45–84, 124, 154

  casualties 82, 84

  maps 46, 56

  nationhood and 85–6

  Shell Green cricket match 79

  Game, Lieutenant Colonel Sir Philip 90

  Geneva Accords 243

  Geneva Convention 191

  Gerke, Captain Jack 236, 237, 238

  German Army 87, 91, 129

  propaganda leaflets 134

  Germany 126, 128, 130, 229

  World War I 87

  ‘Ghost Battalion’ 162

  Gillespie, General Ken 15

  Glasgow University 99

  Godley, General 87

  Gona 141, 144, 157, 160, 163, 164, 170, 215, 233

  Gordon, General Charles ‘Chinese’ 39

  Gorton, Prime Minister John 269

  Grant, Ulysses S. 28

  Gratwick, Private Percy 175

  Great Depression 125

  Greece 133, 139, 146

  Grey, Jeffrey 37

  A Military History of Australia 34

  Griggs, Private Wayne ‘Griggsy’ 277

  Guadalcanal, Battle of 164, 169, 209–10

  Guam 140, 205

  Gulf War 296–7

  Gusmao, Xanana 292

  Habibie, President 286

  Haig, Field Marshal Sir Douglas 89

  Haking, General Sir Richard Cyril Byrne 89–91, 92, 94–5, 97

  Halsey, Admiral William ‘Bull’ 164, 214

  Halvorsen, Sam xiv–xvii

  Hamilton, General Sir Ian 44, 53–4, 55, 66, 70

  Gallipoli Diary 53

  Hamilton, Private John 74

  Handcock, Lieutenant Peter 43–4

  Hardiman, Major ‘Basil’ 235

  Harford, Barry 259

  Harris, John 33

  Harrison, Lieutenant Roy 64, 70, 73, 74

  Hassett, Lieutenant Colonel Frank 234–6, 237–9

  Hawke government 296

  Heathcote, Lieutenant Charlie 184

  Herring, General 163

  Hill 60 (Gallipoli) 78, 79

  Hindenburg Line 117

  Hiroshima 227

  Hitler, Adolf 126, 128, 130, 133

  HMAS Adelaide 297

  HMAS Bataan 230

  HMAS Brisbane 297

  HMAS Darwin 297

  HMAS Shoalhaven 230

  HMAS Success 296, 297

  HMAS Sydney 297

  HMAS Westralian 297

  Holdsworth, Private Clinton 278

  Hong Kong 140

  Honner, Lieutenant Colonel Ralph 133, 139–40, 146–51, 154, 161, 164–5, 168, 170, 218–19

  Hopkins, Corporal Mathew 304

  Hore, General 41

  Horii, General Tomitaro 144, 157–8, 160

  Horner, David 165

  Crisis of Command 127, 129, 130, 131–2, 165–6

  Horton, Dick 210

  Houston, Air Chief Marshal Angus 6–7

  Howard, Prime Minister John 285, 286, 298

  Howse, Captain Neville 42

  humour 19

  Hunt, Dr Bruce 17, 195, 196

  Hunter, Governor 33

  Hunter-Weston, Major General Aylmer 67

  Hurley, Lieutenant General David 7

  Hussein, Saddam 296–7, 298–9

  Hutchins School Hobart xii

  Hutchinson, Major Arthur 96

  Hutton, Major General E.T.H. ‘Curly’ 40

  ICE (IED Countermeasures Equipment) 12

  IEDs (improvised explosive devices) 6–15

  adaption to countermeasures 12

  anti-IED task force 12

  combat casualties from 10, 11

  detection 10–11, 12

  effect on morale 8, 9–10

  JIEDDO definition 12

  ‘own goals’ 8

  vehicle-borne (VBIEDs) 9

  Vietnam War 254, 260

  Imbros 54, 84

  Imperial Bushmen 40, 42

  Imperial Light Horse 39

  Imperial War Office 40

  An Impression which Will Never Fade 84

  Inchon 231

  Indigenous Australians 34

  Indo-China 229

  Indonesia 229, 272, 275, 276, 283–5, 288, 295

  Interfet (International Force) 2, 249, 284–6, 288–92

  TOPIC 290

  International Monetary Fund 286

  International Red Cross 99

  Ioribaiwa 159–60, 165

  Iraq 2, 9, 12, 13, 296–7, 298–301

  Irish Republican Army (IRA) 7, 9

  Iron Curtain 229

  Irresistible 49

  irreverence 20

  Irvine, Lieutenant 113

  Isurava, Battle of 17, 141–2, 144, 146, 149–54, 157–8, 160, 167, 170, 216, 217, 218, 225

  Memorial 154

  spirit of the Digger 154–6

  Italy 126, 128

  Iwo Jima 227

  Jacka, Albert 17

  Jackson, Lance Corporal Frank 184, 185, 187–8, 188

  James, Lawrence 37

  Warrior Race 36, 107–8, 109

  Japan 126, 129, 140, 145, 227, 274–5

  surrender 227

  Japanese Army 142, 150–1

  attitude to POWs 183

  Nankai Shitai (South Seas Force) 144, 157, 160, 169

  144th Regiment 152

  Jenkins, Private 138

  Johns, Vera 61–2

  Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) 11–12

  Josselyn, Henry 210

  Jungle Training School 262

  jungle warfare 142, 260, 264

  Jury, Bill 177–8

  Kandahar Province 3

  Kanlisirt (Bloody Ridge) 47, 71–5

  Kapa Kapa Track 162

  Kapyong 30, 232

  Karkawici, Lieutenant 187

  Kavieng 207, 208, 209

  Keating, General Michael 289

  Kemal, Lieutenant Colonel Mustapha 65–6, 83

  Kemp-Welsh River 159

  Kennedy, Donald 210, 211–12

  Kennedy, John F. 212–13

  Kenney, General George 215–16

  Keysor, Lance Corporal Leonard 74

  Kilitbahir Fortress 50

  King George V 104

  Kingsbury, Bruce 17, 152–3, 154, 217

  Kirby, Private Grant 305

  Kirby, Second Warrant Officer 269

  Kitchener, Field Marshal Lord Horatio Herbert 41, 49, 53, 87

  Knyvett, Lieutenant Hugh 95

  Koepang 276

  Kokoda Track ix, x, 17, 29, 124, 141–71, 215, 226, 263

  map 143

  Kolambangara Island 213

  Korean War 30, 228, 229–39, 243

  Australian casualties 239

  Krithia 67

  Kumbarum 223

  Kumusi River 160

  Kuwait 296

  Laffin, John 52–3, 109–10

  Digger 22

  Lalor, Captain Joseph Peter 62–3

  Lalor, Peter 62

  Lancashire Fusiliers 67

  Lang, Jack 90
br />   Larcombe, Sapper Jamie 305

  Lark Force 144, 213

  larrikinism 19, 52

  Lavarack, Major General 129

  Le Hamel, Battle of 115–16

  leadership 26–7, 106, 108, 149, 170

  Leaf, Munro

  The Story of Ferdinand 206

  League of Nations 126

  Legacy 122

  Lemnos 54, 84

  Lewis, Major General Duncan 294–5, 296, 299, 300, 301–2

  Libya 7, 131, 133–4, 146

  Ligertwood, Captain Bill 175–6

  Lille 88, 89, 94

  Little, Sergeant K.M. 52

  Locke, Sergeant Matthew 303

  London, Brian 24

  Lone Pine 47, 70, 71–5, 79, 80, 81, 84

  Memorial 74

  Long Tan, Battle of 30, 264–7

  Lord Haw Haw 138

  Love, Colonel Ted 28, 263

  Ludendorff, General 116, 117

  Luxembourg 129

  Lyons, Joe 126

  MacArthur, General Douglas 160, 161–4, 166, 169, 227, 230–2

  McAuley, Lex

  The Battle of Long Tan 265–6, 267, 269

  McCallum, Corporal Charlie 17, 155–6, 158

  citation for Distinguished Service Medal 156

  McCarthy, Dudley 167–8

  South West Pacific Area – First Year 172

  McCarthy, Signaller Sean 303

  McCay, Major General James Whiteside 96–7

  McDermott, Colonel Mike 24, 244, 245, 261

  McFadzean, Private Jim 236, 237

  MacFarlan, Sublieutenant Don 210

  McGregor, Major Sandy 27, 242, 253–4, 256, 257, 258–9

  No Need for Heroes 258

  Mackay, Major General 129

  Mackell, Lieutenant Austin 136–7

  MacKinney, Lance Corporal Jared 305

  McMahon, Private Matthew ‘Macca’ 278

  Macquarie, Governor Lachlan 34

  Madhi, the 39

  Mafeking 41

  Magarey, Major Rupert 155

  Malaya 140, 229, 246

  Malone’s gully 62

  Manchester, William 164, 227

  Manchuria, invasion of 126, 142

  Manefield, Captain E.T. 116–17

  Mao Tse Tung 229

  Marchant, William 212

  Marine Corps 32, 34

  Marks, Lance Corporal Jason 303

  Marne, Battle of 87

  Marshall Plan 229

  Maryang San, Battle of 30, 234–9

  Battle of Maryang San, The 234–5

  Mason, Lieutenant Lindsay 170–1

  Mason, Paul 209–10, 214

  mateship 16–17, 62, 72, 85, 154, 185, 194–5, 201

  rescues of dead/wounded 95–6, 255

  Maugham, Barton 179

  Mauku 38

  Maygar, Lieutenant Leslie 42

  Medal for Gallantry 1, 2–3, 301

  Medal of Australia 248

  Mediterranean Expeditionary Force 53

  Mehmet II 50

  Mentioned in Despatches 223, 224, 239

  Mentoring and Reconstruction Task Force (Afghanistan) 6, 304

  Menzies, Prime Minister Sir Robert 128, 133, 230, 244, 261

  Metson, John 17, 158–9

  Meuse River 87

  Middle East ix, 109, 130, 132, 145

  Military Cross 106, 245, 248, 249, 268, 287

  Military Medal 106, 152, 171, 217, 224, 226, 227, 239, 269

  Militia, the 126–7, 129, 131, 142, 144, 145, 151

  Mills, Dr Roy 17, 196

  Milne Bay 158, 161, 170

  Mission Ridge 158

  Missouri 227

  Mobile Strike Force Battalion 246–7

  Moerland, Sapper Jacob 6, 304

  Monash, General Sir John 107, 114–15, 117

  Monash Gully 68

  Mont St Quentin 102, 116

  Montagnard tribes 244

  Montgomery, Lieutenant General Bernard 172, 173, 179

  Moor, Captain Hatherly 40

  Moore, Lieutenant 170

  Morant, Lieutenant Harry ‘Breaker’ 43–4

  Morlancourt 106, 115

  Morshead, Captain Leslie 62, 134, 178

  Mouquet Farm 102, 104–5

  Stormy Trench 104, 105–6

  Murray, Colonel Don 79

  Murray, Corporal Vic 181

  Murray, Joan 78

  Murray, Lieutenant Colonel Henry William ‘Harry’ 104–5

  citation for Victoria Cross 105–6

  Mussolini, Benito 126, 130, 133

  Nagasaki 227

  Nago Island 208

  NCOs 24

  Nek, the 70, 72, 75–7, 80, 84

  Netherlands 129, 276, 283, 295

  New Britain Island 207, 215

  New Georgia Island 211

  New Guinea ix, x, 143, 144, 215–26 see also Papua New Guinea

  New Ireland 207

  New South Wales Corps 37

  New South Wales Lancers 39, 41

  New South Wales Medical Corps 42

  New South Wales Mounted Police 38

  New Zealand Air Force 285

  New Zealand Divisions 87

  New Zealand 161 Battery 267

  New Zealand Maori Wars 38

  New Zealand volunteers in World War I 52

  Ngaiterangi Tribe 38

  Nicholas, Private Joshua ‘Nicko’ 277, 281

  Nicholas II 53

  Night Watch 33

  Nitua, Ivan 154

  Niville, General Robert 87

  North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) 229

  North Beach (Gallipoli) 82

  North Korea 230, 232

  North Vietnam 243

  Northern Ireland 9

  Norway 129

  Nui Dat 264, 266

  Nusatenggara Timor province 276

  Nye, Captain Claude 170

  Obama, President Barack 12

  Ocean 49

  O’Daniel, Lieutenant General John ‘Iron Mike’ 234

  O’Dea, Gerry 218, 219

  Odgers, George

  100 Years of Australians at War 266

  Ogilvie, Sergeant Angley 182

  Okinawa 227

  O’Neill, Robert 233

  Operation Catalyst 300

  Operation Commando 234

  Operation Crimp 254, 257, 258

  Operation Desert Storm 297

  Operation Falconer 300

  Operation Slipper xi, 2

  Operation Warden 285

  Oruzgan Province 13

  Owen, Lieutenant Colonel Bill 144

  Owen Stanley Range 141

  Pacific Islands 205–6

  Pacific War Encyclopedia 163

  Packbot, the 12

  Page, Cornelius ‘Con’ 207–9

  Palestine 109, 129

  Pallier, Lieutenant Nolan ‘Noel’ 216–26

  Mentioned in Despatches citation 223

  Pallier’s Hill 223, 224, 225, 227

  Palmer, Private Scott xi, 304

  Pamponito 200

  Papua New Guinea 141, 142, 144–5, 154, 206, 275, 283 see also New Guinea

  Paris 87, 88, 109, 130

  Payne, Warrant Officer Keith 246–8

  citation for Victoria Cross 247

  peacekeeping missions 294–302

  Pearce, Trooper David 303

  Pearl Harbor 140, 144, 205, 207, 276

  Pears, Lieutenant Maurie 236, 238

  Petersen, Captain Arthur Barry 244–5

  Philippines, the 140

  Phillip, Governor Arthur 32, 33

  Pita, Simogan 214

  Plugge’s Plateau 65, 84

  Poland 128, 229

  Popkin, Sergeant Cedric 113

  Port Jackson 32

  Port Macquarie 100

  Port Moresby 132, 141, 144, 145, 157, 158, 165, 215, 216

  Porter, Selwyn 156–7

  Portugal 276

  Pottinger, George 220

  POWs 139, 181–204, 205

>   Australian and British, comparison 192–3, 194

  Pozières 98, 101–4

  Presidential Unit Citation 234, 268

  Pyongyang 231, 232

  Queensland Mounted Infantry 40, 41

  Rabaul 144, 145, 207, 208, 209, 213, 214, 215

  Rafferty, Lieutenant Arthur 78, 79

  Ramos-Horta, José 284, 290, 292

  Ranaudo, Private Ben 304

  Rats of Tobruk 17, 135–9

  Raws, Lieutenant John 92, 101–2

  Read, Jack 209–10

  Reconstruction Task Force (Afghanistan) 303–5

  Red Baron, the 113

  Rencher, Private ‘Pom’ 267

  repatriation post-World War I 120–1

  Returned Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Imperial League of Australia 122

  Rhee, Dr Syngman 231

  Rhoades, Snowy 210

  Rhoden, Colonel Phil 153, 159–60, 169–70, 173, 216, 219

  Ridgeway, General Matthew 232

  River Clyde 67

  River Lys 88

  Roberts, Pat 174

  Roberts, Tom 174

  Will We be Disappointed – After? 174–6, 177–8

  Roberts-Smith, Corporal Ben 1–5, 248

  citation for Medal for Gallantry 3

  citation for Victoria Cross 4


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