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Crack the Whip [Dark Days Ranch 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 10

by Jenny May

  “Join the club.” Damien stared at the picture on his phone. It was the only thing keeping him sane. It was the same one Georgie had on her phone. The moment he saw it, he’d made her message it over. He loved that picture. “We should get back. Last thing we need is someone slipping through while we’re not paying attention.”

  Austin smiled. “First, I have to deliver on my promise to my mistress.”

  “And what’s that?” Damien narrowed his eyes as Austin walked over to him.

  “This.” Pressure gripped the back of his neck and Austin’s lips pressed into his. The need that burst through him was overwhelming. He and Austin hadn’t touched since they’d gotten here. Not sexually, anyway. It wasn’t that it hadn’t been beyond tempting, but Damien had rules he needed to go by. Mates were almost never paired up. If something happened while they weren’t paying attention it could cost them not only the safety of their pack, but also their lives.

  Austin’s tongue swept across his and Damien moaned into his mouth. He could feel his fingers digging into Austin’s back. He broke their kiss, breathing hard. “Fuck, we have to stop. If we don’t it’ll go too far, too fast.”

  “Let me taste you,” Austin begged. We’ll go back over there to the look out and you could keep your eyes peeled while I—”

  Damien pushed his hand against Austin’s mouth. He couldn’t hear the word cock. If he did he would lose it. He’d say fuck the rules and instead fuck Austin’s face.

  “Yes, on the getting back. No, on breaking the rules. That’s a slippery slope to come back from, Austin, and you know it.”

  “Dammit.” Austin growled and leaned his head back. Just then Damien’s phone rang. His eyes got big as he looked down at his phone. Shit, he’d forgotten to turn it off.

  “It’s Logan. Shit.” Damien shook his head. “We’re probably about to be in some deep…” He answered the phone. “What’s up, Lo?”

  “Is that phone supposed to be on?”

  Damien closed his eyes and breathed in. “I was just about to turn it back off.”

  Logan laughed and the sound of music played lightly in the background. “My Myles loves your Georgie. Did you know that? They were best friends in high school. Hell, you learn something new every day. Don’t bother turning off your phones. Get your ass home. Your mate is lost without you. I knew I shouldn’t have pushed for two weeks, but I had to see if your mating took. From the red swollen eyes on Georgina’s face, I’d say you three hit it off famously.” The line disconnected and Damien closed his mouth. He laughed and began to run.

  “Hey!” Austin quickly caught up. “What the hell?”

  “We’re going home, pet. Let’s get our shit and get the hell back to our doll.” Damien pushed himself hard and raced to where they’d been camped out. As he slid to a stop he suddenly realized that something was off. Austin stopped at his side and froze, just like him. On instinct Damien dropped his phone and kicked it toward the rocks. “We’re about to be surrounded, Austin. Whatever you do, don’t fight unless I order you to.

  Damien’s hair was standing up on his arms and he could feel his wolf getting defensive. “There’s a lot of them. All around. I can’t see them, but I can feel them.” He lowered and reached between the rocks, hitting Logan’s number. After a few seconds he stood, knowing his alpha would hear what was about to happen. “We’re going to slowly walk to the car. Maybe we’ll luck out and they won’t attack, but I’m not so sure of that. My guess is there’s around twenty men. Give or take a few. If they think we’re leaving they might just let us go. Logan, tell Georgie…” He paused and Austin took over.

  “That we love her. You tell her we fucking love her, and we’ll be home soon.”

  Damien nodded. “Let’s go, Austin. Walk normal. We’ll get in the car and I’ll call Logan from your phone.” They didn’t make it five steps before people started coming out from behind rocks and the other side of the mountain on The Big C’s side.

  “You know you’re trespassing, right?” Damien glared at the man closest to him. “You’re not a part of Dark Days. What the fuck are you doing on our side?” He made sure he talked loud enough for his alpha to be able to hear him.

  The man walked closer, and with him the others began to crowd in as well. “You’re Damien, aren’t you?”

  “Depends on who wants to know?”

  A laugh came from his rival. “Rumors have a way of circling, and from what we hear you’re ready to take on our alpha for The Big C. Is that true?”

  Damien narrowed his eyes. “I don’t know who you’re getting your information from, but I assure you I’m perfectly content here at Dark Days. I’m no leader.”

  “Oh, but you are. We feel it. Felt it for a while. You’ve been spotting this area for months now, and at first we thought it was none other than the notorious Logan Harrison, but no. Once we caught sight of you, it didn’t match the description we had of him. Sure, you both have dark hair and a similar build, but he doesn’t have tattoos. You, my friend, are covered with them.”

  Damien put himself between the stranger and Austin. His mate didn’t seem too happy about it. He could feel Austin’s anger, but at the moment he didn’t care. “I told you where I stand. I’m with Dark Days. Why are you still here?”

  “My name is Jacob. I know you heard the trouble we’re having at The Big C. My men and me have been talking and we want in with you guys. Our alpha needs to go. He’s ruining everything we have going good in the pack.”

  Damien glanced back at Austin to make sure no one was coming up from behind. “What do you mean? Truthfully, I try to stay out of the politics as much as possible. I have no idea what’s really going on with your pack.”

  The men gathered around Jacob. Damien wasn’t stupid enough to think this shit was blowing over. If he said the wrong thing they were liable to attack and ask questions later. An unstable pack only led to trouble. If Sebastian knew they were coming to him and asking this, it’d be the death of them all. That was enough right there for Damien to be wary. The last thing he wanted was to be mixed up with this shit.

  “He’s not a good leader. Look at us, we have no structure. No discipline. The only reason we meet up once a month is so our alpha can celebrate the full moon and try to fuck our mates. He doesn’t have any of his own, so he doesn’t know what it feels like. Seb is out of control. He’s drunk half the time. The fights he’s constantly picking are ending up hurting people. We can’t take much more of this. We’re about to get taken down by McCullen or someone worse. If someone from Toxic ends up taking us over, God help us. It’ll be a blood bath. I don’t know anyone from the pack that would be willing to take orders from those psychos.”

  What the fuck was he going to do? Damien hated that the alpha in him loved the thought of stepping up to the challenge. But that was just his wolf. His creature lived for that shit. Too bad it went against everything in his head.

  “I don’t think you understand.” Damien took them all in. “I would make a horrible alpha. I can’t stand being around people, really. I’m the most antisocial person you’d ever meet. And if I were to lead, you’d hate how strict I’d be. I’ m not a shit taker. No one walks on me and gets away unscathed.”

  “That’s exactly what The Big C needs,” Jacob pleaded. “We’ve all heard about you, Damien. You can do this. We’re begging you. Don’t let us get taken over by McCullen or Toxic. If that happens imagine the trouble Dark Days would be in for. That’s twice the territory either one of those bastards would have. Is Dark Days willing to risk that? What’s going to stop them from trying to take over any of you?”

  Power radiated out from Damien at his anger. The men stepped back and he could feel his wolf pushing against his insides. “Let them try to take over Dark Days. I’ll kill anyone who so much as thinks about messing with the people I care about.”

  Jacob looked down. When he lifted his eyes to Damien he could see the submission of his beast, and his wolf positively ate that shit up. “You’re our o
nly hope, Damien. You’re who we know. We’ve had to deal with your scent now for months. Please think it over. We know you’ll be back in a few weeks. We’ll ask you again, then. That is, if it’s not too late for us.”

  They turned their backs and began walking away. The decision that at first seemed like a no brainer now was beginning to eat at his insides. He walked over to his phone and picked it up. The line was connected but completely silent. “Logan.”

  “We’re here, brother. We heard everything.”

  Damien grabbed his bag and headed for the car. Austin walked quietly next to him. “Is Georgina with you?”

  “I’m here,” she said, quietly. “You’re on speakerphone, Damien.”

  Great. Just what he needed. “I’m on my way home. I’ll be there in about an hour. Bed, Georgie. As for the rest of you, I’ll come to the office in the morning to talk. I need to discuss this with my mates before I decide on anything.”

  “Got it,” Logan said. “I’ll have Rogue do a sweep of the house before he drops Georgie off. They have the alarm on, but we’ll play it safe. Drive careful, brother.”

  “Will do.” Damien disconnected the call and slid the phone in his pocket. He popped the trunk on the M3 and threw his duffel bag inside. “Austin.” His mate paused from opening the door.

  “Yes, Damien?”

  “Do you think I should do it?” He couldn’t believe he was actually asking. It was so out of his character, yet he couldn’t deny that it was imperative that Austin and Georgie be on board one hundred percent.

  Heaviness seemed to be on Austin’s shoulders as they sagged. “I honestly don’t know.”

  Damien got in the car and took off down the dirt road. He let what the men said go through his mind. “If you were me, would you take on the challenge of leading a pack?”

  “I felt sorry for them. They were pleading to you for your leadership. As much as I want to help them though, I worry about Georgie. Dark Days is her life, Damien. If we try to take that away, how will that affect her?”

  “I don’t know.” Damien hit the highway and jumped up to eighty. There was so much to think about and consider before they made their decision. Yes, he was worried about the way his mate would feel about the decision more than anything, but he also couldn’t let his rival’s pleas go. The wolf in him not only wanted to lead, it wanted to help. Damn. This was such a big decision, and he wasn’t sure at all what he should do.

  Chapter 11

  The house was brightly lit up as Austin and Damien pulled into the drive. A dark SUV was sitting in front of the house and at Damien’s groan, he knew it had to be the brothers he’d been telling him about. Apparently, they didn’t get along too well.

  The car alarm beeped as Damien set it, and Austin followed him inside, not sure at all what was going to happen. The majority of the drive was ridden in complete silence. He knew Damien had a lot on his mind. But so did Austin. If Damien took this, and Georgina actually consented, they were walking into the unexpected. Austin would have to keep on alert twenty-four-seven against enemies coming after his mate.

  “Brother.” A large man with a shaved head came up and gave Damien a hug. The scars on his neck were the first thing that caught Austin’s attention, but it didn’t last when he saw the dark tribal tattoo going down his arm. That was awesome work. It was much like Damien’s.

  “Knox. Good to see you.” Damien pulled back and flashed him a smile. “I thought you’d be long gone to Rogue’s by now.” Austin looked over at the couch where Rogue was sitting. His eyes looked everywhere for Georgie, but he didn’t see her. “I had to stay to talk to you.” Knox took a deep breath. “You have to take The Big C, Damien. I didn’t want to take Hidden Hills at first either, but it has to be done.”

  Damien’s head tilted and that smile Austin had come to know washed across his face at his brother’s demand.

  Knox held up his hands. “That came out wrong. Let me phrase this better. Damien, we need you to do this. If you take The Big C, we’re practically securing Dark Days. I know this is where we felt our calling, but we have mates now. If you pull the alpha card, you’re securing their futures. The future of your unborn children. You have to put your mates first.”

  A growl came from Damien’s throat. “Do you forget what happened to us, brother? Our future wasn’t so secure, was it? My mates are my top priority. You want me to drag them into a fighting hellhole where one of them might get hurt? They’re safe here at Dark Days. They’re happy. This is their home. Do not preach to me about what I should do. I know the ups and downs of a pack. You taught me that.”

  Knox dropped his hands and stepped away. “Ultimately, the choice is yours. I just hope you make the right one.”

  “What about Rogue,” Damien snapped. “Let him do it. He doesn’t have mates. Not yet anyway.”

  Rogue stood from the couch. “You want to know why I don’t take it?” The power of his wolf burst through the room. “Because they have bigger plans for me, brother. Triple Z has been out of control long enough. McCullen came to Logan asking him for help on taking Nikolas down. He wants to ally with us if we can find a suitable alpha. Guess who that is? Me. Now stop your bitching and man up. We might not all like it, but this is what we were made for. Who we are. Your mates might not understand, but they have to realize that there’s no getting around it. Alpha is in our blood whether we like it or not. Our father and mother died to protect their pack. It’s the responsibility that comes with our genes. Now step up and take it.”

  Damien snatched the beer out of Rogue’s hand and finished it off. “I’ll see you two in the morning. You’ll find out my decision then.” He glanced toward his room. “I haven’t seen my mate in eight days, and she’s in there waiting for me. Good night.”

  As Damien walked them to the door, Austin felt massive amounts of stress pouring from his body. The door shut and Damien grabbed his hand and headed for the bedroom. The moment the door opened, Austin nearly crashed into Damien’s back from his sudden stop.

  Candles were lit all over the room. Georgina was centered in the middle of the bed with her head down, on her knees, in a black, lace camisole with matching panties. Her blonde curls cascaded over her breasts. A moan came from Damien’s mouth, and his grip tightened painfully against Austin.

  “Heaven,” he whispered. “Look at our mate, Austin. She’s the epitome of a perfect submissive.” Damien pulled him forward. “Look at me, doll.”

  Slowly, Georgina’s head rose and pure seduction masked her face as she connected eyes with their master.

  “Fuck. Come here.” Damien held out his arms and Georgina stood and threw herself against his chest, straddling his hips. “Damn, we missed you so much.” Their kissing was deep and passionate. Georgina’s hand was blindly reaching for him, and Austin smiled as he locked his fingers through hers. She turned and pulled his mouth to her. The taste of beer and something altogether sweet swept over his senses. He drank her in like there was no tomorrow.

  “I missed you both too, so much.” She pulled Austin closer and wrapped both of her arms around their necks, pulling them into her. “Logan said y’all never have to be gone that long ever again. Thank God. I was at the end of my rope.”

  Damien laughed. “I think we all were.” He looked over. “Poor Austin wouldn’t stop talking about you the whole time we were there. Just when the pain would ease, he’d mention your name and it would start all over again.”

  “Aww.” Georgina pulled his mouth to hers. The moan that came from deep within him had Austin’s body tingling.

  “I hate to leave you so soon, doll, but Damien and I are filthy. Lay down and wait for us. We won’t be long.” Georgina crawled back on the bed and came to rest in the middle. Muscles flexed in Damien’s stomach while he pulled the shirt over his head. Austin followed him into the restroom and stripped down. He was sure that was the quickest shower of his life. Getting back to Georgina was top priority for both him and his mate.

  Austin ran the towel
over his body and quickly dried off. He rushed into the room and paused by the bed as he looked down at Georgina’s sleeping body. The light color of her hair and pale skin stood out in contrast to the dark covers and night clothes she wore.

  “Poor Georgie.” Damien came to stand next to him. “She must have been exhausted. I know she wouldn’t have fallen asleep if she could have helped it.” He looked over at the clock on the nightstand. “It’s after three in the morning.”

  Damien’s eyes raked over Austin’s nude body. The unadulterated lust being directed at him was obvious. A dark smile came to Damien’s face, and Austin felt a shiver go all the way down to his toes at the meaning.


  And there it was. Austin led the way and came to rest at the bottom of the stairs. Since the first time they’d come down, the room was completely transformed. The dungeon, as Damien referred to it, was full of furniture and mechanical sex toys. It was an erotic playground and Austin was hard just thinking about what ride Damien would have him get on first.

  “Get in the sling.”

  “Yes, Damien.” Austin looked at the completed bed. Before, he thought it was just a regular one, but now that the headboard, footboard, and joining top rails were attached, it was completely different. Large round hoops hung from the top corners. Attached to them were drooping chains that met up to a sling for Austin to hang in. He climbed in and Damien started strapping his hands and legs into the cuffs descending from the chain. His body fit comfortably, molding into the leather. It even had a small pillow for him to rest his head against.

  “Now, you can suck my cock.” Damien adjusted the chain and brought him lower on the bed. His mate kneeled on the firm mattress and grabbed the back of his head, pulling it forward. Austin opened his mouth willingly, ready to take Damien as deep as he could. Pre-cum was already starting to bead on the head of his tip as he brought it past his lips. A moan came from Austin’s mouth as the essence of his mate took over.


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