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Crack the Whip [Dark Days Ranch 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 14

by Jenny May

  “You doubt me?” Sebastian burst out laughing. “Really? Holy shit. Buddy, I could whoop your ass on my drunkest day.”

  Damien’s fist flew out so fast it looked like a blur. It connected with Sebastian’s nose. Blood began to pour out all down his chest.

  “You fucking hit me.” Sebastian’s eyes were wide and anger was quickly taking over. “For your information, I just opened this bottle and am far from drunk. I was trying to let you walk out of here in one piece, but now you just pissed me off. You really think you can take this ranch from me? ‘Cause I got news for you, partner. You can’t beat me.”

  Damien tilted his head. “No? You don’t think so? I do. Actually”—he stepped forward, directly inches from Sebastian’s face—“I know I can beat you. That’s what’s pathetic about this whole situation. I thought you were going to be a challenge, but you know what, you’re not.”

  A growl came from Sebastian’s mouth.

  “Oh, does that make you mad? Well, let me tell you what makes me mad.” Damien pulled off his shirt. “I don’t like drunk piece-of-shit alphas that abuse their power. And that’s all you, isn’t it? You like to mess with people’s mates, and hurt them because you can?”

  Austin could feel Sebastian’s wolf getting more and more built up. He glanced around. Knox was now standing beside him, and Jack had walked completely around to the far side with Logan. All of their people were crowded out for as far as he could see back. If Damien was going to fight Sebastian, there sure as hell wasn’t anyone that was going to be able to get to them to interfere. Not unless they came out of the house. He turned to Knox. “I think we should have people crowd on the porch. My guess is that the house has a back door anyone can get into, and there’s no telling who’s inside.”

  Knox’s eyes flashed in the direction. “Great call, kid. I’ll have some of my men get on it.” Damien’s brother turned around and whispered orders to a man standing beside him. Slowly, the pack began to block Damien and Sebastian in. As the men circled each other, they all began stepping back and making the area bigger so they’d have more room.

  “So, how about it, Sebastian? You going to pussy out on me, or what?” Damien unbuttoned his jeans, and Sebastian did the same thing. They knew where this was going. A fight was inevitable now. If Sebastian didn’t step up, he’d look weak to his pack, and from the words Damien was using, there was no way he was stopping without a fight.

  Their pants hit the ground and Damien exploded into his wolf. Sebastian seemed to hesitate as he looked around. Blond hair quickly turned into a light-colored wolf. Their sizes were almost identical as they growled and snapped at each other. Austin’s whole body was shaking as he scanned the crowd again. The last thing he wanted to do was get so caught up in the fight that he missed someone trying to break through.

  Blond lunged out of the corner of his eye and he quickly turned as Sebastian’s beast connected with Damien’s. His mate held steady on his back legs as he used the power of his teeth to throw Sebastian clear across the circle. Sebastian slid against the dirt, and got quickly back to his feet, racing to Damien at full speed. The moment he saw his mate run forward to meet him Austin quickly took in the surroundings again.

  People were beginning to push their way through the crowd. Whether it was to watch or join in he wasn’t sure. Knox’s hand came to his arm. “They won’t get past Gabe and his men. I think they just want to see.”

  Austin nodded and took in Logan and Jack. They were both alert to their surroundings, too. Damn, it was getting tense. As he turned back to check on his mate he prayed this would be over soon. And hopefully in Damien’s favor.

  * * * *

  All Damien could see was a dark tint over his vision. Sebastian was every bit as strong as he knew he’d be. Even when he goaded him in front of everyone, he didn’t believe a single word of what he was saying. He wasn’t sure at all if he could beat this man. They were so evenly matched up power-wise that it wasn’t even funny. The only thing Damien had going for him was the fact that he’d been better trained, and he had mates to live for.

  Fire raced down his arm from Sebastian’s teeth. The man’s laughter filtered through his head. Didn’t see that one coming, now did you?

  Damien refused to talk back to him. All talking did in a fight was distract you. He didn’t need a single thing that could deter him from winning.

  Blond circled around him again and Damien swept low and sunk his teeth into Sebastian’s shoulder. It’d been the second time he’d injured the wolf so far and also the second time he’d tasted what the man was made of. Bloodlust hit hard. He could feel his wolf wanting to go crazy with tearing the man apart, but there was one bad thing that came from giving himself over to the sensation. And he couldn’t risk any mistakes that might bring. It was better to play safe than to play off of wild greed. Greed in a fight could get you killed.

  Sebastian limped and snapped in his direction. He was hurt pretty bad, but the wolf wasn’t willing to go down that easily. No alpha was. It was to the death. Those were just the rules. But Damien wasn’t sure he was okay with that. Did this man truly deserve to die? He was a bad leader. So what? There were bad leaders everywhere. The question was, ultimately, if he let him live, could he get the alpha to submit to him and become one of his men? And not just a drunk piece-of-shit one. He’d have to become elite. A soldier. Damien saw the perfect shot line up, and took it.

  The power that thrummed inside him as Damien’s wolf embraced the role he knew he was going to have was surreal. Sebastian’s throat was suddenly before him and he felt his teeth sink in. Just when he knew the pressure was too much, he slammed the wolf down and held him there.

  Submit to me right now and I will spare you. If not, all I have to do is snap my jaws together and your life will be over as you know it. Join me. Be one of my leading men, and let me make The Big C thrive the way it’s supposed to.

  Sebastian’s essence coursed into Damien as blood oozed into his mouth. The readings his wolf got from what type of man he held down was clear. Sebastian may have had a punk-ass-kid mentality, but his intentions were good. He could be made to submit and obey. But would he?

  You want me to look weak in front of everyone, and let you rule me? On my own land?

  Damien growled. You already look weak to them. You lost their respect long ago. I’m taking over this pack right now. You can either join me, or you can die. Pick one. The pressure Damien put against his wind pipe had Sebastian kicking his legs from lack of air.

  I’ll serve you.

  This will be our only fight. You defy me at any time and try to step back up, I will kill you. Do you understand?


  Yes, what? Damien growled. You say my name after I ask you a question. It’s a sign of respect, and something you’ll learn to do every time you address me.

  Yes, Damien.

  Good boy.

  Reining in his beast was a hell of a lot harder than Damien thought it would be. The new alpha in him wanted to finish off the fight. But a good leader knew when to back down, and Sebastian had potential. They would need men out on the field like him.

  Damien stepped back and let his human form take over. He walked over and picked up his jeans, sliding them on. Knox’s men ran to Sebastian as his wolf disappeared.

  “You let him live?” his brother asked, in shock.

  “He’s agreed to submit. I felt it in his blood. He doesn’t want alpha. He hasn’t for a while. He’ll go to the lines, and make a damn good soldier.” Austin was nowhere to be seen. Damien searched the large group of people feverishly looking for his mate.

  Movement in the far back caught his attention, and Damien was barely aware that men were trying to talk to him. Logan grabbed his arm and he snapped his attention to his former alpha.

  “Calm. Austin’s over there dealing with your new men.” Logan pointed in the opposite direction that he was looking. Relief washed through him at Austin’s gaze connecting with his. The strength in his legs a
s he jogged to his mate was still powerful from the mixed blood.

  Arms came around him hard. “I knew you could do it.”

  “I’m glad someone did,” Damien said, laughing. “I wasn’t so sure. He’s a hell of a fighter. He’s going to make a damn good person to have on our side.”

  “How’s your shoulder?” Austin pulled off his shirt and pressed it against the wound. As he patted it over the blood, it revealed a jagged wound. “Definitely going to leave a scar.”

  Damien nodded. “It’ll go perfectly with the ones I got on my stomach right before the Hidden Hills fight.” He pulled Austin back to him and pressed his lips against his mate. “Now I can tell you again, and you don’t have to fear it’s because I’m going to die. I love you, Austin.”

  A big smile came to his face. “And I love you. What do you say you get acquainted with your new wolves, alpha, and I’ll go get our Georgie?”

  Smoke billowed out down the road to the ranch and Damien froze as he watched a white Audi with dark-tinted windows breach the main gate.

  Logan stomped forward, and his mate was right next to him within seconds. “What the hell is Myles doing here?” He turned toward Ty. “You have the most stubborn mate I’ve ever known.”

  “She’s your mate, too,” Ty said, laughing at him.

  The first thing that caught Damien’s attention was blonde hair. He cursed under his breath and shook his head. “That’s Georgie driving, dammit. That woman is in so much trouble, she doesn’t even know.”

  The car was still hauling ass and Damien was sure his heart was going to stop as the car slowed down a little and suddenly power slid to a stop. “I’m going to spank her ass like she’s never had it spanked before.”

  Austin started laughing. “She learned to drive like that from you.” He ran forward and Georgie, Myles, Lynna, and Daniel piled out of the car.

  “Where’s Damien?” Her eyes were hectic as she looked around. The moment she connected with his gaze her head lowered, but she moved forward. Oh yeah, she knew she was in trouble. She didn’t look up until she was directly before him. “I couldn’t stay away. We’re meant to be together. Always. Even in times like this.”

  Damn if he couldn’t be mad at her. He pulled her into his arms and saw her wince as she took in his wounds. It meant so much having his two mates here with him at their new home. This would be their life. He could prove himself as the alpha he knew he was. Georgie could work with the horses, and Austin would be at their side through it all. It was perfect.

  Georgina’s breast pressed into his chest and he felt his fingers grip against her side. “You’re in trouble, you know that right?”

  A slight smile came to her face as she peered up to him. “Yes, Damien.”

  “And you think you can take your punishment?”

  Her eyes glanced over to Austin as he walked up, but settled back on him. “I don’t think. I know.”

  He smiled. “We’ll see here shortly. Now stay close to Austin while I get things situated.” Damien headed over to Sebastian. The guy was a bloody mess, but not injured critically. He was definitely going to feel it in the morning, though.

  The crowd that surrounded the former alpha parted as he made his way through. Silence overcame the members of The Big C and he could feel their eyes on him. It was risky. Would any of them try to attack out of revenge for taking down their leader, or friend? Damien wasn’t going to risk dropping his guard for a second. The first few weeks would be the hardest. He knew that, but he’d make sure he was prepared, too.

  A presence pushed against his back and Damien didn’t have to turn around to know that it was Knox and Rogue, backing him

  “We need to go over arrangements.” Damien let the power of his wolf lace his words. It was best if they all got used to his authority now. It’d save the misconception, down the road, that they could think of him as more of a friend, versus their new alpha.

  Sebastian nodded. “The house is yours. Can’t stand the thing. Too many bad memories of my father. I’ll camp with the men from now on in the bunk house. Pass out there most of the time, anyway. Feel free to do whatever you like here. You rule now. Burn the whole place down. I don’t give a shit, truthfully.”

  At his words, Damien felt his eyes narrow. Whatever had happened to Sebastian throughout his life was something worth finding out. The guy obviously had a lot of built up anger. It would be wise of him to find out why. That could happen with time, though. Getting his mates set up in a safe location was his top priority. Right now, he wanted them out of harm’s way until he got to feel everyone out.

  “Thanks. The Big C has amazing potential. I’m going to try my damnedest to make this place thrive. I think if everything goes smoothly, I should have no problem.” Damien looked around at the surrounding crowd. He couldn’t even see how many there were they fanned out so far back.

  Sebastian grabbed a bottle from one of the men and took a long drink. The way his shoulders were straight, he looked a lot lighter than when they’d appeared. No doubt he was happy that he’d been spared his life, not to mention, less stressed about being relieved of his responsibilities. The role had done a number on him, considering he was chugging down that bottle in between breaths.

  “Before I get situated, I want to know if there’s anyone who opposes this change. If so, I’m right here. Go ahead and step forward now.”

  Heads turned from side to side, but everyone remained quiet.

  “No one’s going to challenge you,” Sebastian said, lowly. “You’re the best damn thing that could have happened to them. They know this. They’re not stupid. All I’ve heard them talking about for the last two days is Damien this, and Damien that. They didn’t think I could hear, but I did. They’re excited. And I have to admit, I’m curious to see where you’ll take us. I never wanted to be alpha. My place was always in the hills. My father forced me into this role before he died. If anything, I guess we’ve all kind of been praying for someone like you to come along. My pride and my wolf just wouldn’t allow this to happen until I knew you truly deserved it. And you do. You’re stronger. Better. And you’ll lead us well.”

  Damien wasn’t sure what to say. He couldn’t believe they were all embracing this as much as they were. It was no secret that some of the men had wanted him, but he at least thought there’d be a little negativity at him taking over. Now that he knew there wasn’t, he felt a lot better. But not enough to let his guard down. He’d never do that. It was too risky, and an open shot for someone to see it as a weakness and try to take him out.

  “You have my word that I will do my best. And I expect the same from each of you. We can go over that later. I’m going to get set up, and I expect all of you to be ready for a meeting when the sun goes down. We’ll go over rank and everything else we need to. If there’s anyone missing, best to let them know what’s going on. Any questions?”

  At the silence, he nodded. “Okay, I’ll see you all tonight.” Damien turned and gave his brothers a smile. “Thank you both for the support. You know I’ll always have your back if the time ever comes.” He turned to Rogue. “Especially with you. I know you’re about to have your own adventure. Just know that I’ll be there the moment you give the word.”

  “Thank you. Nikolas will be the biggest challenge of my life. Getting to him at all will be almost impossible. Especially with all the illegal activity that he’s mixed in with. I’m sure he has people watching over Triple Z at all times. I’m just going to have to take one day at a time.

  “Just call and I’m there.” Damien slapped his shoulder and headed to his mates. Austin had his arm around Georgina and they were talking with Logan, Myles, and Ty. They turned to him as he joined.

  Logan shook his head, laughing. “Hell of a fight. Congrats, brother. I’m happy for you.”

  “Thanks.” He couldn’t help the pride that surged through him. Holding the status of who he was meant to be was surreal. He never thought it would ever happen, and here he was. He almost couldn’
t believe it. “Are y’all going to hang around for a while? I need to go in and get things set up for Georgie.”

  Logan nodded, but Myles shook her head and threw him a look. “I wish we could, but I have to get to work. Plus, I’m sure you want to spend some time with your mates to celebrate your victory.” Logan seemed to catch the hint and smiled.

  “She’s right. I almost forgot what it’s like with the whole bloodlust thing. Right. So, we’re taking off. Don’t have too much fun.” He laughed. “Hell, what am I saying? Go celebrate the right way. With your mates. Just give me a call whenever and we’ll meet up for coffee or some shit.”

  Damien laughed. “You got it.” He grabbed Georgie’s and Austin’s hands and could feel himself edging them back toward the house. “Thank you for the support, Logan. You’re a great friend, and alpha. You know I’m here for you.”

  The way Myles kept tugging him, it wasn’t long before they were loading up, and Damien was practically pulling his mates up the stairs and through the front door. It was time to explore their new home, and for him to bring in his new role, right. With the two people he loved more than life itself.

  Chapter 15

  Steam rolled out from under the bathroom door, catching Austin’s attention, as he lowered to his knees. The few gashes Damien had weren’t too bad. Nothing the supplies they found in the first aid kit couldn’t take care of. Now that he was washing all the blood off, and was ready to punish Georgina when he got out, she was in full mistress mode. Her timing was limited and she wasn’t wasting a second trying to get her demands in before Damien came back to dominate them.

  “You’re going to crawl over here and lick my pussy. I want to feel your tongue fucking me so good that I can’t help but come all in your mouth.”

  “Yes, mistress.” The wood under Austin’s hands and knees was cool from the central air conditioning. For it being over a hundred degrees outside, you’d never know it.


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