Book Read Free


Page 11

by Sandy Kline

  “I don’t know.” Jamarcus replies. “That’s why we’re taking the meeting in the first place. Between the three of us maybe we can find out who is really pulling the strings for First Strike and any weaknesses they might have.”

  Pretty soon Diego joins us so we have to suspend our speculation. And besides it’s time to eat lunch so the four of us go to Barney’s Gourmet Hamburgers. Since Jake is on a special diet he just brings some kind of a homemade protein drink saying he’ll drink that at the restaurant and later have his kind of lunch.

  While at the restaurant three people actually recognize Jake and ask for an autograph. Jake grumbles about the interruption when we’re alone again but I think that secretly he enjoyed the attention. At Jake’s insistence we check out of our hotel and move to Jake’s house. Diego is thrilled to be around Jake so much. Although Jake will be pretty busy during the day, he’ll come home around six and he and Diego can get plenty of time to hang out. The next morning at nine the three of us leave Diego to his cartoons and we make our way to the park to do some recon. Jamarcus discovers a perfect place to spy on us. There’s a little diner that has a window that faces the north end of the park. We sit and have coffee and bagels and talk until 10:45 am. Then Jake and I take our leave and walk to the duck pond. I have no idea what to expect from this little meeting. I’m pretty sure it’s not going to be a pleasant one. The sooner we can get this finished the better.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The Interview

  As Jake and I make our way to the park we’re on high alert. To my mind, every person out here from the four year old on the play structure to the octogenarian on the park bench knitting is a suspect. By the time we’re sitting on the bench on the north end of the duck pond I am sure I’ve seen ten support people that are trying to blend in. I sit down next to Jake and take his hand in mine.

  “Relax Christine,” He admonishes. “You’re vibrating like a giant…vibrator. It’ll be fine, I promise.”

  “This just doesn’t feel right Jake. Something is wrong here.”

  “Now you’re just being paranoid. How many guys with guns did you spot on the way between the diner and here?” He asks.

  I have to laugh. “About twenty.” I reply.

  “There you go. You’re just too hyped up. You’re not used to this clandestine stuff. Some corporate guys are going to meet us and ask me to sign a contract; not some super spy or hired contract killers.”

  I look across the park to the diner. I can see Jamarcus sitting there drinking coffee. He raises his cup in a toast to me. I nod and give him a little wave. I feel a little better now. I look at my watch. It’s three minutes before eleven. I begin scanning the area around us. Any second I’ll be able to see them. My first scan produces nothing. I look at my watch again. Ninety seconds till the meet. Suddenly I notice a man in a suit and briefcase walking along the path towards the duck pond. I elbow Jake in the ribs.

  “Ouch! What was that for?”

  “Look, three o’clock, a man in a suit headed our way.”

  Jake looks, then nods. “Yup, that’s gotta be him.”

  I sit up straight and plaster a stern expression on my face. I’ll meet with them but they can’t make me happy about it. I glance up at Jake. He’s frowning and watching the guy. My heart’s beginning to pound. The man gets to the bench across from us and suddenly just stops, looks around him then sits down.

  “What?” I hiss to Jake. “Can he not see us sitting here?”

  “Strange huh?”

  “Maybe we’re supposed to approach him.” I say as I start to stand.

  “No.” Jake replies as he holds my hand down preventing me from standing and walking over there. “They’re supposed to initiate contact.”


  I watch him for another minute but he just opens his briefcase and takes out what appears to be a sack lunch. When he pulls out a sandwich it convinces me that this guy is not our man. I look past him to the left and Jamarcus is still at the diner. He must be bored to death because he’s slumped back in his seat resting his head on the back of the seat. I point him out to Jake.

  “Well at least someone’s not worried about our safety.” I say. “So much for our lookout.”

  “Uh…Christine…does he look comfortable sitting like that?”

  I look again squinting this time. He does look like he is a little weirdly positioned. I look around us again but I don’t see anyone.

  “Christine look!”

  He points to Jamarcus again as he starts to stand. I look back to Jamarcus again. Several people are standing around him looking at him, talking amongst themselves. One person appears to be talking on a cell phone.

  I jump up from the bench. “Something’s wrong! Oh no Jake, they’ve done something to Jamarcus!”

  And then we’re both sprinting through the park, past the duck pond and to the sidewalk where we’re forced to stop until traffic clears. It seems like it takes fifteen minutes for a few cars to pass us by. Jake is the first to jump into the street. I can’t believe something’s happened to the old trainer. I’m only half way across the street when Jake sets foot on the sidewalk. He runs to the corner and then he’s in the diner. I put on a burst of speed just as a man steps in front of me and there’s no way I can even slow down. I hit him headlong and we both go down hard on the sidewalk.

  “Look where you’re going asshole!” I shout at him as I scramble to get to my feet.

  “Bitch!” He shouts at my back.

  I throw the door of the diner open and charge in. There’s like ten people gathered around in a semi-circle. I push my way through. Jake is kneeling at his side checking him over.

  I kneel down next to him. I wanna ask if he’s alive but I’m terrified of the answer I may get. I look up at Jake’s face. From his expression it can’t be good.

  “Is…is he…”

  “He’s alive…barely.”

  “What happened?”

  “Someone said a man came and sat with him and they just talked for a minute or two then the man left. There wasn’t any argument or anything. He just got up and left and then they saw Jamarcus sitting there barely breathing.”

  “Oh my god…oh no how could this be happening?”

  In the distance I can hear a siren. At first it starts out faint, barely audible. Then it slowly gets louder and louder and then it’s upon us. I can’t believe it’s happening to us. Someone tried to kill Jake’s trainer. The crowd parts and a pair of paramedics appear with a gurney. Jake steps back giving the medics room to work. I pace around the diner full of nervous energy. When they finally get him packaged up Jake asks them what is going on.

  “It’s hard to tell right now.” Says a medic. “Could be a reaction to medication. Was he on any meds?”

  “I don’t know,” Jake replies. “He’s always been very healthy. He’s been my trainer for almost twenty years and I’ve never known him to be sick and certainly not collapsing like this.”

  “Well he’s seriously ill. Did he take any illicit drugs that you know of?” The medic asks.

  “Are you kidding?” Jake barks. “No way was he on drugs. I know what you’re thinking too. A black man collapses and you’re thinking crack head automatically. He valued the healthy lifestyle and wouldn’t let any of his fighters take anything stronger than aspirin. No way the guy took drugs himself.”

  “Alright, well we’ll get him fixed up. We’re going to Cedars Medical Center. Feel free to join us there in the ER.”

  Jake and I walk back to my car. Jake is silent but I can tell from the set of his jaw and his clenched fists that he’s raging inside. We continue on in silence until a terrifying thought strikes me like a kick in the gut.

  “Diego! Oh my god what if they’ve gotten to my son too?”

  “Stop Christine! I’m sure he’s fine. I was the target today. They went after my trainer to isolate me and drive me into their arms. I’ll call for a taxi. You just get in your car and go home. I’m sure he’ll
be sitting there watching Sponge Bob or Regular Show or something.”

  “Yeah…I guess you’re right. We’ll stop by the hospital in the morning. Call me the second you hear any news alright?”

  “I promise.”

  I take off at a run towards my car. Despite Jake’s words there’s just no way I can relax. Minutes later I’m in my car speeding down the road watching for cops. Five minutes later I catch sight of flashing lights in my rearview mirror.

  “Oh crap!”

  I slow back down to the speed limit. They couldn’t have got me on radar from that far back. A couple minutes later I can see a red and white rescue vehicle followed by at least two cops. They go flying by me code three. Please don’t turn…please don’t make a right turn at the light. I plead silently.

  I hold my breath watching and fearing the worst. Just when I think I’m safe all three vehicles slow down and then disappear around the corner…the left corner. Whew, that was close. Jake’s house is up there but you turn to the right to get to his house. They turned left so who knows where they’re going. I slow down to a normal speed and when I come to the intersection I turn right. I get about three blocks from Jake’s house when from a side street come two cops and an ambulance. My heart sinks into my shoes. This cannot be happening. I speed up and pull over in front of Jake’s house. I look at the emergency vehicles as they begin to slow.

  “Keep going…keep going…” I whisper out loud.

  I turn off the engine and open the door. I’m just opening the door when the first cop pulls up and stops in front of me and my whole world collapses around my ears. As sirens blare around me I begin to scream.






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