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Spirit of the Towers

Page 10

by Jamie A. Waters

  Sergei grinned and sat up, and she gripped the bottom of his shirt, tugging it over his head and tossing it aside. He fisted his hand in her wet hair and drew her even closer, scattering her thoughts with his kiss. Valentina met his passion head-on, pushing him back down onto the bed and taking control again. His scent and taste surrounded her, drowning her with need, but she wasn’t willing to surrender yet.

  She lightly raked her fingernails over his chest before reaching up to unhook her damp bra. Sergei’s eyes darkened with desire as he cupped her breasts, rubbing her hardened nipples with his thumbs. Without warning, he sat up abruptly and took one of her nipples into his mouth. She gasped at the erotic sensations coursing through her.

  She threaded her fingers through his blond hair as he licked and sucked on one of the most sensitive parts of her body. The feel of his mouth on her breast and his hardened length pressing against her was nearly consuming. As though sensing her impending surrender, Sergei wrapped his arm around her and drew her even closer.

  Knowing she needed to regain control now before she succumbed to her desire completely, Valentina grabbed his hands. Using her bra as a makeshift restraint, she quickly bound his wrists together. It wouldn’t hold, but she didn’t intend for it to deter him for long.

  He arched a brow and studied the restraint. “Interesting tactic.”

  “Stay still or I’ll get something you can’t escape from,” she threatened and nipped at his lower lip.

  “Do you have any idea how hot you are right now?”

  Valentina crawled down his body, trailing her fingers and lips over his skin until she reached his abdomen. Gripping the edge of his pants, she unfastened them and started to slide them off. “Not as hot as I’m about to make you.”

  “Fuck,” he muttered, looking down at her with unmistakable need. “You’d better hurry because in about two minutes, I’ll break out of this restraint, flip you over, and fuck you until you can’t move for the next six hours.”

  She grinned and withdrew the knife from his ankle sheath. Trailing the flat of the blade up his body until she got to his chest, she teased, “Only six, Seryozha? You used to boast much more about your skills. Don’t tell me you’re losing your touch.”

  Valentina was tossed on the bed less than a second later. And a second after that, her panties had been ripped off and Sergei was inside her. The knife in her hand disappeared to whereabouts unknown. Gasping at the unrelenting pace he set, she gripped his arms tightly, unable to do anything but hold on as the sensations built within her.

  The bond between the two of them flared to life, and her energy rushed outward and into Sergei, and he responded in kind. Energy, emotion, and thought all swirled together in a kaleidoscope of unrestrained passion and need. Everything about Sergei was wild and unpredictable, and it was beyond thrilling.

  He’d burned her before, but he’d also taken her to heights she’d never imagined were possible. And after having a taste of him and experiencing everything he was, no one else could ever come close to eliciting the depth of feeling she had for him.

  Sergei shifted his angle, and she tossed her head back, scoring her fingernails into his skin as he deepened his penetration. Valentina cried out as energy and ecstasy slammed into her, catapulting her to new heights. Sergei’s thrusts became more fervent, and he gripped her hips, yanking her even closer and intensifying the sensations coursing through her.

  Wrapping her legs around him, she moved with him, wanting everything he offered. His thrusts became even faster, quickly sending her spiraling toward the peak. It was too much. He was everywhere, surrounding and within her until nothing else existed. Brilliant white energy, a combination of their power, flowed outward and into each other. Every nerve ending was afire and in tune with his. Valentina knew intuitively that he was reading her body as well as his, and he was close too.

  “Seryozha, now,” she pleaded, arching her back and begging with her energy. He was too much. Too potent. Too everything. She couldn’t do it.

  “With me, Valechka,” he demanded.

  “Yes!” she screamed, gripping him even tighter as their bodies and energy climaxed together in a blinding wave of light, color, and sensation. He collapsed on top of her a moment later, breathing just as heavily as her.

  Her eyes fluttered shut, too spent to even consider moving. “I may not be able to move for longer than six hours.”

  Sergei chuckled and pressed a kiss against her neck. Wrapping his arms around her, he rolled over and took her with him. “We’ll see. If not, I’ll have to try again.”

  Valentina smiled and nuzzled against his chest. “I’ve missed you, Seryozha.”

  He gently threaded his fingers through her hair and whispered, “You hold my heart completely, little dove. You always have.”

  A warm hand on her back awakened Valentina. She made a small noise acknowledging its presence but had no intention of moving.

  “Are you planning to sleep all day, Valechka?” Sergei whispered in her ear.

  She turned her head, burying her face against his chest. He was always so warm. With a sigh, she wrapped herself around him and started to doze again. He chuckled and ran a hand down her naked back. “I’ve missed this.”

  “Quit talking,” she grumbled, shifting herself so she was sprawled halfway on top of him. He must have already gotten up at some point because he was fully dressed. She slipped her hand underneath his shirt to touch his heated skin.

  Sergei placed a kiss against her hair. “Nikolai got a call from Alec earlier. He said you spoke with Ariana this morning at the pool and arranged to visit Hayden’s club. I can tell them you changed your mind, if you wish. I rather like the thought of keeping you in bed with me.”

  She made a noncommittal noise and burrowed deeper against him. He laughed—a deep, throaty laugh that made her blink open her eyes. His gray eyes shone with amusement, and she was momentarily overwhelmed by him. “You should laugh more often, Seryozha.”

  He smiled down at her and brushed her hair away from her face. “I’ve been doing much more of that lately.”

  Valentina shifted, lifting her hand to trace over the features of his face. They were masculine yet beautiful to her. It had always been that way. Everything about him captivated her. He squeezed his eyes shut as she explored his face and then down his chest. In a soft voice, she whispered, “I love you, Seryozha.”

  He opened his eyes, and the love that filled them was staggering. There was no doubt in her mind how he felt about her. He pulled her tightly against him and kissed her. “Every time you say that, I have to convince myself it’s real.”

  Valentina rested her head on his shoulder and traced a pattern over his chest. “What time is it?”

  “Almost five. You’ve slept most of the day, but considering we got to bed around mid-morning, that’s not unexpected.”

  “Hmm. I met Kayla this morning,” she said, partially surprised she’d slept such a long time and so well. Sergei had always had that effect on her though. “Ariana brought her to the pool.”

  He ran his hand over her arm, the movement a gentle caress. “What did you think of her?”

  “She’s interesting. They both are. The two of them want to go to Hayden’s club tonight with me.”

  Sergei paused. “I don’t think Alec’s going to be pleased with that idea.”

  With a yawn, she sat up and stretched. “I have a hard time imagining he’ll be able to stop them. I thought about trying to deter them this morning, but I don’t think there’s much point. They’re both too strong-willed and determined.”

  Sergei chuckled. “I suspect you’re right. I have a feeling that backroom is going to be crowded with people observing all three of you. They should be safe enough.”

  Valentina stood and lifted her shoulder in a half-hearted shrug. She needed to take a shower and get dressed. Hopefully, Lars still had some of the tea she preferred. “I don’t think much will happen. Ariana said there’s a VIP area. I may be able to le
ave the two of them there while I interview people. They’re both too recognizable for me to be able to stay by their side.”

  Sergei stood and wrapped his arm around her from behind. He swept her hair over her shoulder and kissed her neck. She leaned back against him and closed her eyes, basking in his warmth for a few more moments. “Ariana and Kayla are curious about you.”

  “Ah, yes.” He chuckled, trailing his hand over her stomach. “They’re most likely just as curious about you. I can’t say I blame them though. You’re very alluring.”

  She turned around and wound her arms around his neck. “Does Kayla know about us sharing a bond with Nikolai and Yuri?”

  “Yes. She didn’t grow up here, though, so she doesn’t have the same preconceived notions as many of the Inner Circle members.”

  Valentina nodded. That’s what she’d guessed, but it was always a good idea to confirm such things. She ran her hands down his chest. “Go away before you distract me again. I need to shower and get dressed. We’ll never leave this room if you keep touching me.”

  Sergei grinned and kissed her nose before releasing her. “Nikolai has some of the security footage queued so you can familiarize yourself with the environment in the club before you go. I may be able to offer some suggestions based on my observations while I was there.”

  She paused. “You have copies of the floorplans?”

  “Yes, Yuri is reviewing them now. Brant’s on his way here with Hayden to go over the security detail for tonight. They’re being cautious in light of what happened last night.”

  She nodded. “I’ll hurry.”

  He headed out of the room, and she quickly went into the bathroom to prepare for the evening. Whatever they found in the towers would only help them to a certain degree. They also needed to focus on tracing down the supply.

  Even though she was still inclined to end his life for harming Sergei, Viktor had the most extensive network of contacts in the area. It would be ideal if she could access his network without involving him. Unfortunately, she knew Viktor well enough to know he’d guard the identity of his contacts until the very end. For all his other failings, that was one thing she admired about him. It didn’t matter though. Sergei, Nikolai, and Yuri would never agree to her working with Viktor again, and she had her own reservations. She wasn’t sure she trusted herself not to kill him for trying to kill the man she loved.

  With a sigh, Valentina shut off the water in the shower and wrapped a drying cloth around herself. As usual, the water helped focus her thoughts. She’d need every ounce of clarity to ensure the Coalition’s weapons stopped circulating through the towers. The sooner this was resolved, the sooner she could focus on finding the people within the Coalition who were responsible for the deception—and prevent Sergei from taking the fall.

  Chapter Seven

  Valentina took a few experimental steps in her heeled shoes. They had possibilities. She flexed her foot, debating on how much pressure would be required to puncture someone’s chest cavity.

  “You look stunning!” Seara clasped her hands together.

  Valentina blinked at Kayla’s mother and managed a demure smile. “Thank you. I appreciate your kindness in helping me dress appropriately. I don’t want to cause any offense.”

  Seara beamed a smile at her. “It’s my pleasure. I’m going to see about convincing Kayla to try on a pair of heels. You’ve taken to them like you were born to wear them.”

  As soon as Seara left the room, Valentina opened her bag and selected a couple of her smaller knives. The very short, sparkling red dress was made of even less fabric than the last dress Sergei had admired. This one left most of her midsection bare and had even less options for hiding weapons.

  She smoothed out the dress and studied her reflection in the mirror to make sure there was no sign of them. Someone knocked on the door, and Ariana entered a moment later wearing a more conservative, pale-blue dress. She smiled shyly. “I think we may need to rescue Kayla.”

  Valentina frowned. “Is there a problem?”

  “Not exactly,” Ariana admitted. “Seara pulled out some shoes for her to try on, and I think Kayla’s about to panic.”

  Valentina picked up her bag of weapons and followed Ariana into Kayla’s bedroom. Seara had laid out almost a half-dozen shoes and was making suggestions based on the style of her green dress. Kayla’s eyes were wide in horror.

  “You… you can’t be serious,” Kayla sputtered. “Those things are deathtraps.”

  Seara gestured to Valentina. “It just takes a little practice walking in them.”

  Valentina put her bag on the ground and walked over to Seara, gently placing her hand on the older woman’s arm. “The selection you’ve offered is lovely, Seara. Perhaps Kayla just needs a few minutes to make a decision?” She lowered her gaze a fraction and added, “We’re both adjusting to all these new changes. It’s quite different than what we’re used to on the surface.”

  Seara nodded and looked over at Kayla with obvious affection. “Of course. If you prefer, I can find some other shoes that might be more comfortable. I’ll see what I have in my closet.”

  Seara headed out of the room, and Kayla fell back onto her bed. “Shoes. The woman is mad over shoes.” She gestured toward a closed door on the far side of the room. “She’s filled my closet with enough clothes to outfit everyone who’s going to be living in this new tower. Every time I open the door, things I’ve never seen before jump out at me.”

  Valentina smiled. She bent down and picked up a pair of shoes, dangling them from her fingertips. “You should try these.”

  Kayla opened her eyes and scowled. “Those are the worst of the ones Seara brought out. I thought you, of all people, would understand the situation. No one should wear anything like that.”

  “Mmhmm,” Valentina agreed and turned the shoe over, checking the durability of the heel. “But almost anything can be used as a weapon. If you look at these shoes in a different context, I think you’ll find yourself much more amenable to your mother’s suggestions. For example, the physical impact of the heel in a sensitive area of the body could be quite a deterrent.”

  Dangling the shoes from her fingertips, Valentina tilted her head and gave Kayla a slow smile in challenge. “Sexuality can be just as much a weapon, especially given the preference for such attire in the towers. Adhering to certain expectations, but understanding you’re not confined to them, can be very… disarming. I prefer to embrace all the weapons at my disposal.” She held the heels out to Kayla. “What will you decide?”

  Kayla’s eyes lit up, and she grabbed the shoes. She studied the design and said, “You’re a genius! I bet we could even retrofit these shoes to incorporate an actual weapon. Maybe something hidden so only the wearer would know it’s there.”

  Valentina arched a brow, intrigued by the possibility. “You should speak with Yuri. He’s designed many of my weapon harnesses, including this one.” She lifted her skirt to show them the weapon sheath affixed high on her inner thigh.

  Kayla’s eyes widened, and she leaned forward to examine it. “I’ve got to get one of those. I never would have known you were wearing it if you hadn’t shown us.”

  Ariana laughed. “I’m not sure OmniLab is ready for your idea of fashion.”

  Valentina smiled and smoothed her dress back down. “If you’re interested, I could introduce you both to some different unobtrusive weapons.”

  “Hell yeah,” Kayla agreed immediately. “We didn’t have access to a whole lot in the ruin rat camps, but we excelled at hand-to-hand and brawling. Mack, a good friend of mine, taught me a lot of different moves.”

  “Perhaps you’d consider exchanging knowledge?” Valentina asked, curious about the tactics they used in the ruin rat camps. Her training was much more formal, but learning new techniques could be advantageous in a number of situations.

  Kayla nodded, sitting down to put the shoes on. “Absolutely. Ari kicks some serious ass in the energy department. Between the three
of us, we could be an unstoppable trio.”

  After taking a few wobbly steps, Kayla practiced “stabbing” someone with her heels. Valentina watched her for a moment with a small smile, but a carved figurine sitting on the dresser caught her attention. She walked over and picked it up, admiring the unusual greenish stone. “This is extraordinary. Where did you get it?”

  Kayla paused and lifted her gaze. “Oh, yeah. That’s a dragon. I found that artifact when I was scavenging in the ruins. I didn’t know what it was at the time though.”

  Valentina tilted her head. “You didn’t know what a dragon was?”

  Kayla shook her head. “Nope. I met Alec a few days later and tried to sell it to him, but he gave it to me instead, saying some cryptic thing about how it was suitable for me to have it.” She snorted. “Sometimes I think he says vague things like that just to provoke a reaction from me.” She looked over at Ariana and winced. “No offense. You guys are great together, but he made me crazy.”

  Ariana grinned. “None taken. He’s said similar things about you.”

  Valentina ran her finger over the dragon’s snout and across its wings. It really was beautiful, and the stone seemed to almost warm in her hand. “My people have stories about dragons.”

  “We believe we’re descended from dragons,” Ariana admitted, taking a step toward her. “I’m not familiar with your people’s stories though.”

  Valentina replaced the dragon figurine and turned toward Ariana. “There are several. One of my favorites was a story my babushka told me when I was a child. It was about a famous three-headed dragon called Zmei Gorynich. It loved the water but could also breathe fire, and it lived either in a cave or atop a mountain.”


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