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Spirit of the Towers

Page 28

by Jamie A. Waters

  Valentina frowned. “Kin? OmniLab calls us Drac’Kin. That’s where it originated from? We’re kin of the dragons, and we share your same abilities?”

  Inna nodded. “Within the restrictions of your current form, yes.”

  “Whoa, wait a minute,” Kayla said, holding up her hands. “Are we restricted if we’re not in our current form?”

  “Which form would you like?”

  Ariana gaped at her. “We could be dragons, couldn’t we?”

  “If that is your wish,” Inna agreed. “You three may take the appearance of such, but it will not be a true form.”

  “Holy shit,” Kayla muttered. “I could really be a dragon.”

  Valentina considered Inna for a long moment. “What are you not telling us?”

  “Nothing is free, daughter,” Inna said gently. “Transmutation is a great ability but also carries a heavy cost. You will be nearly invincible compared to your more fragile human form, but you will not be able to share the ability with your mates. The energy cost is also very dear.”

  “That’s why you’ve been sleeping so long,” Valentina guessed. “You were regaining your strength.”

  “In part, but it is also a form of protection while we wait for another cycle to begin. Each form carries its own set of benefits and drawbacks. In times past, we’ve freely walked among you.”

  Valentina tilted her head. “That’s how you met Zabava, isn’t it?”

  Inna nodded and lowered her gaze. “We were friends, in the same way other human girls form friendships. I shared my secrets with her and taught her our ways. When people witnessed Zabava using her new abilities, they began hunting her. I took on the dragon form and flew away with her, protecting her from those who wished us harm.”

  Valentina frowned. “That’s where the stories came from about dragons kidnapping princesses and stealing them away. They would have assumed you were evil, not protecting her.”

  Inna nodded, and Valentina could see the pain in her eyes. “I cannot blame them for their suspicions. I knew enough of humankind to recognize their inability to accept her new gifts, but Zabava saw her abilities as a way to help her people. When they turned on her in fear, I intervened. I took her to safety and did my best to protect her, but I could not reunite her with her family.”

  Ariana blinked back tears. “That must have been so hard for you. It sounds like you cared for Zabava very much.”

  “I did,” Inna said quietly and lowered her head again. “She taught me a great deal.”

  Valentina swallowed, both touched and dismayed by what had happened. She couldn’t erase the past, but she might be able to ease Inna’s sadness.

  Taking a step toward her, Valentina said, “The stories my grandmother told me were different than the ones heard by other children. They’d been passed down from her mother, and her mother’s mother beyond that, going back generations. In these stories, the dragons were friends with the heroes, never the enemies. Zabava must have told her children about you, because my grandmother made me promise I would tell my own children one day about the heroic dragons.”

  Inna was quiet for a long time. “Thank you for your kind words, Valentina. The opinions of other mortals never troubled me much, but Zabava was different. I sense within you the same spark she possessed. I’m glad you finally arrived. I’ve wanted to meet you for a long time.”

  Alec frowned. “You mentioned the explorer visiting you, but no one else. Have you been alone all these centuries? The only dragon surrounded by humans?”

  Inna turned toward Alec. “I never said I was the only one.”

  Kayla’s eyes widened. “How many dragons are there?”

  “Four in total. But the others, like myself, retired from the world and have been sleeping for the past several centuries.”

  Valentina tilted her head. “They’re your bondmates, just like Sergei, Nikolai, and Yuri are mine.”

  Inna smiled at her. “You are very perceptive, Valentina. Yes. We share a bond, but not quite the same as yours. Ours exists in a different dimension, but the connection remains. We each share a different elemental alignment, strengthening one another. If you want our help in revitalizing your world, we will need to awaken each of them.”

  Valentina’s head was spinning. It was hard enough to imagine one dragon, but the idea of four of them existing in the world unnoticed for centuries was surreal.

  Inna turned toward Brant, studying him thoughtfully. “You are questioning your purpose in all this?”

  Brant hesitated. “It’s more curiosity than anything. You’ve spoken about alignments, but there’s been no mention of Shadows. I’m not sure how we fit into this.”

  “Shadows? That is what you call yourself?”

  Alec frowned. “Brant’s my half-brother. He has the ability to negate abilities, but he does not possess his own.”

  Inna paused for a long moment. “Do you wish to be more like your brother?”

  Brant’s head jerked in surprise and then he frowned. “I honestly don’t know. I never really considered it before. I’ve used energy when Kayla shared hers with me, but I’ve also found merit in not having my own. I can suppress other people when they’re out of control or going too far. I’m not limited by any particular alignment. The only ones I lose effectiveness with are Kayla, Ariana, and Valentina.”

  “It sounds as though you’ve already discovered your purpose,” Inna said gently. “Without your aid, the bond between Kayla and Alec wouldn’t have broken. Without you leading other Shadows, Kayla would have turned the towers to dust in an earthquake. You also helped unite your brother with his rightful bondmate and taught Valentina the healing skill she needed to save Sergei’s life when he was stabbed. Do not minimize your importance. There is balance in all things, and you are critical to maintaining it.”

  Brant stared at Inna, a look of wonder on his face. “I’d never looked at it from that point of view.”

  Inna walked over to Lars and opened her hand to reveal a green pendant. “Your mother and Alec’s mother shared a bond that surpassed the normal boundaries of sisterhood. They shared a womb and a connection until the day they died. They both protected Kayla from harm so she could fulfill her purpose. Your mother’s last thought was of you and your sister. She loved you well. I promised her I would return this to you one day. The thought gave her some peace in the end.”

  Lars accepted the pendant, running his thumb over the green stone and staring at it sadly. “I never thought to see this again.”

  After a long moment, Lars lifted his head and looked over at his cousin. “I want you to take this, Alec. You gave me your mother’s pendant without ever knowing for sure if we would find this one. Inna’s right. Our mothers were closer than normal sisters, and you’ve always been like a brother to me—even when I didn’t want to believe it.” He looked down at the pendant again. “I think she’d be pleased to know your future wife was wearing it and that it would be passed down to your children.”

  Alec nodded, but Valentina could see the impact Lars’s words had on him. There was no doubt in her mind Alec cared deeply for him. Alec accepted the pendant and said, “I’m glad you’ve come back to us, cousin.”

  When Lars nodded, Alec placed the necklace around Ariana’s neck. She blinked back tears and walked over to embrace Lars. “Thank you.”

  Lars hugged her tightly. “We’re family now, Ari.”

  Ariana nodded and kissed his cheek. She turned back to Inna and said, “I know Edwin was responsible for the earthquake years ago, but we’ve been plagued by earthquakes several times over the past few days. Do you know what’s causing this?”

  Inna nodded. “It was me.”

  Kayla gaped at her. “You caused it? But why?”

  A suspicion formed in Valentina’s mind. “The first one happened when we initially used the dragon figurine.”

  Inna nodded. “The merging of your powers awakened me rather abruptly.”

  “The next time was right after Sergei was sh
ot,” Valentina murmured. “I felt the bullet penetrate him through our bond, and the ground started shaking almost immediately. Lena targeted me next, but the earthquake prevented her from firing again. You saved me, didn’t you?”

  Inna inclined her head but remained silent.

  Sergei wrapped his arms around Valentina. “Thank you, Inna. That’s at least three times you’ve helped Valentina, with the third being right outside this cavern. If there’s ever anything I can do to repay you, I’m at your disposal.”

  “You’ve protected her well for a long time, fire wielder,” Inna said with a small smile. “If you need training to remain by her side, I will offer it. Valentina will require your help when it comes time to awaken my siblings.”

  Nikolai frowned. “Siblings? Not bondmates?”

  “You cannot hold me to your same human standards, earth shaker. I am as intertwined with my bondmates as you are with yours. Your names and titles matter little to me. We are connected. Their strength is mine, and my life is theirs.”

  Nikolai bowed briefly. “You have my apologies if I’ve offended you. I believe I understand. I love Valentina dearly, but it’s not the same type of love Sergei feels for her. It cannot be measured. It’s simply different.”

  Inna nodded. “Qualifiers are a human design. They limit and confine relationships but rarely encompass true emotion. You do not need to adhere to those standards. You each possess alternative ways to express yourselves.”

  Kayla lifted her head to look up at Carl. “I’ve never felt limited in communicating with you, only by my ability to express words.”

  Carl smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear. “You’ve always excelled at showing me your feelings without words, sweetheart. I don’t have any complaints.”

  Kayla wrapped her arms around Carl’s waist and leaned against him. Valentina couldn’t help but smile. They were well suited, strengthening one another, and defending against the other’s weaknesses. She lifted her head to regard Sergei. He’d always done the same for her, encouraging her to keep true to herself. It took a special sort of person to accept one’s flaws and still be willing to stand by their side.

  Sergei’s gaze softened. “Valechka, when you look at me like that, I would move heaven and earth for you if asked.”

  She cupped his face and pressed a light kiss against his lips. “I would do the same for you, Seryozha.”

  Alec put his arm around Ariana. “I’d like to invite you back to the towers, Inna. Whatever you need from us, we’ll happily do our best to accommodate your wishes.”

  Inna inclined her head. “I wish to stay near Valentina and her bondmates, if you do not mind. I would also ask that you do not share my identity with the others within the towers.”

  Alec frowned. “Of course. Valentina has been staying in Lars’s quarters, but I’m sure he’d be willing to offer you one of his rooms.”

  “Absolutely,” Lars agreed. “I have plenty of space. The room next to Valentina is available. If there’s anything else that would make you more comfortable, please let me know.”

  “Access to a source of water will be necessary.”

  Ariana smiled at Inna. “We can definitely accommodate that. There’s a pool you can use as often as you wish.”

  “Then I accept,” Inna said with a small smile. “I would also ask that you allow me to teach what you will need to know. Your abilities are vast, but you’re all deficient in your knowledge.”

  Hope shone brightly in Ariana’s eyes, and she nodded. “I would appreciate such guidance. I’ve spent years going through our archives trying to understand my talents better, but our knowledge is limited.”

  Valentina frowned. “I would be grateful as well, Inna, but I would like to know your expectations in exchange for this knowledge.”

  “Only your assistance in helping awaken my siblings,” Inna admitted. “I know that may sound trivial, but it will not be an easy feat. I need to ensure all of you are as strong as possible before the endeavor. To that end, I will share information no other human knows, and once our task is complete, you may do what you wish with this knowledge. However, our time is limited, and if we are to repair your world, we need to act soon.”

  Ariana frowned and looked up at Alec, who appeared equally worried. “Why is our time limited? Are we in danger?”

  Inna gave her a small smile. “No, Ariana. Not from this. But travel will be difficult once your little ones are born.”

  Ariana’s eyes widened, and Alec moved even closer to her. “Ariana’s pregnant?”

  Inna shook her head, and her eyes took on a faraway look. “Not yet. But soon enough. Twins. A boy and a girl. We must be well on our way before then. Shortly afterward, Valentina’s child will be born.”

  All the blood rushed from Valentina’s head, and Yuri began a coughing and choking fit that left him wheezing. Nikolai slapped him on the back as he doubled over trying to breathe.

  Sergei placed his hand protectively over her stomach and turned to Inna. “A child? We’ll have a child together?”

  Inna nodded. “Yes. A girl. She will be bonded with Ariana’s son.”

  Ariana’s eyes shone with emotion. “Then we’ll be sisters in truth.”

  Valentina swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry. “You’re sure about this, Inna?”

  “Yes. You will have a girl within months of Ariana’s children being born. Kayla’s child will follow later and shall be bonded with Ariana’s daughter.”

  “What the fuck?” Kayla demanded, her eyes wild with panic. “Oh, hell no. No kids. What the hell are you thinking? Take off this woo-woo curse.”

  Inna studied Kayla for a long moment. “This is not something for me to decide. If you as the Fates have decreed it, so it shall be. You control your own destiny, Kayla. Nothing will happen until you are ready and prepared, but I suspect you will change your mind in the years to come.”

  Kayla frowned and relaxed, but her eyes were still suspicious. “Years?”

  Inna nodded.

  Carl turned Kayla around in his arms. “Neither one of us knows how we’re going to feel about kids in a few years, sweetheart. I’m not ready for a child right now either. We’re still learning about each other, and I’m happy just treasuring every day with you. Maybe this is something we’re willing to explore one day. But there’s nothing to run from. No one is pressuring you to do anything. You have options, sweetheart.”

  Kayla stood on her toes and pressed a kiss against Carl’s lips before turning back to Inna. “Is this set in stone? Or is Carl right?”

  Inna smiled. “Kayla, you know better than anyone that you always have options. Fate may guide you, but it’s ultimately your choice.”

  Kayla nodded and leaned against Carl again. “Okay. I can handle that.”

  Valentina swallowed and lifted her head to look up into Sergei’s eyes. “We’ve never talked about children.”

  Sergei grinned and wrapped his arms around her. “No. I was planning to wait until after we were married to convince you about children. I figured you couldn’t get away by then. I expected it to take another year or so to convince you after we were married. Nikolai thought it might take a bit more time. Yuri thought I’d have to get sneaky.”

  She blinked at him. “You all discussed this?” Whirling around, she caught sight of Nikolai’s guilty expression and Yuri’s smirk. Valentina blew out a breath. “I cannot believe you.”

  Sergei chuckled and turned her back toward him. “If I played by the rules, Valechka, I never would have gotten you to agree to marry me so soon.”

  Valentina reached up to cup his face and pressed a light kiss against his lips. “Sometimes, I’m glad you’re such a troublemaker, Seryozha. And I always planned to marry you too.”

  I don’t believe this is the end of The Omni Towers. If you enjoyed Spirit of the Towers and would like to read more books in this series, please consider leaving a review and let me know. I’m currently working on a new series, but I use your reviews to determine which b
ooks to work on next. Thank you!

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  About the Author

  Jamie A. Waters is an award-winning science fiction and fantasy romance author. Her first novel, Beneath the Fallen City (previously titled as The Two Towers), was a winner of the Readers’ Favorite Award in Science-Fiction Romance and the CIPA EVVY Award in Science-Fiction.

  Jamie currently resides in Florida with her two neurotic dogs who enjoy stealing socks and chasing lizards. When she’s not pursuing her passion of writing, she’s usually trying to learn new and interesting random things (like how to pick locks or use the self-cleaning feature of the oven without setting off the fire alarm). In her downtime, she enjoys reading, playing computer games, painting, or acting as a referee between the dragons and fairies currently at war inside her closet.

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