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Thisbe An Extraordinary Cat Her Adventures Continue...

Page 5

by Terri Cabral

  Chapter 5: Home for the Holidays

  It was holiday time again! Ana and I shared Thanksgiving dinner with Jade and Jon. This year, however, when Ana placed a small bit of turkey in front of me, she did not get the reaction expected.

  “Here’s your turkey, Tiz. Eat up.”

  Mmm turkey! I love turkey…WAIT A MINUTE! I suddenly remembered meeting a very large bird.

  That big bird I met near our old apartment…he told me he was a TURKEY. That means turkey is a BIRD! I can’t eat BIRDS! How HORRIBLE!!! I’ve been eating a BIRD all these years! I pushed my plate away and sat down.

  “What’s the matter, Tiz? You don’t want to eat your turkey? You love it. Every holiday you devour plates of turkey. Are you all right?”

  I sat there and stared at my plate.

  Oh my! All these years I’ve been eating turkey and I never knew it was a bird! What other animals have I been eating? Will Ana tell me? I sat by my plate and stared in disbelief.

  Ana seemed confused by my refusal to eat turkey. “Uh…Thisbe? Are you feeling okay? You don’t want to eat your turkey? You love turkey! No?” I shook my head. I refused to eat the turkey on my plate. “Okay, I’ll give you your plain old cat food. I don’t know what’s gotten into her. She used to gobble up the turkey every Thanksgiving…forgive the pun. Oh well, I guess her tastes have changed.”

  Yes, my tastes have changed. I used to eat turkey BEFORE I knew it was a BIRD! I don’t want to eat it. I will NOT eat a bird! I don’t know what is in my regular food. I hope it’s not bird. Ana, how could you do this to me?

  Cautiously, I approached my food dish. I sniffed at it. It was my usual plate of nuggets and soft food.

  Okay, I’ll eat this but I hope it isn’t made with bird.

  The day after Thanksgiving, Ana retrieved her boxes of Yule decorations from the storage area.

  Standing in the middle of the living room with her hands on her hips Ana announced, “This year, Thisbe, I’m buying a real tree. I think it’ll look great on this side of the living room opposite the fireplace. I love the smell of a real tree. I’m going down to the tree stand now. They opened today. I’ll be right back, Tiz.”

  Ana returned to the apartment with a huge tree planted in its own pot. It fit perfectly in the living room across from the large fireplace. “I think it will look perfect in here, don’t you Tiz? These twelve foot ceilings deserve a big tree.” She took a deep breath. “Mmm, I love the smell of blue spruce. How about you? This tree is in its own pot so after Yule we can plant it in the yard. ”

  Yes, I love the smell of this tree. It reminds me of being outside. I don’t get to go outside any more so this is the next best thing.

  Ana finished decorating the tree by placing a big star on the top. She turned to me and said “Okay, Tiz, your unbreakable decorations are on the bottom. If you want to play with those, you may but do not try to climb this tree. It will fall down with you in it!”

  I looked at the bottom branches of the tree. Where did Ana put my favorite decoration? It looks like a big floppy-eared dog. He has an eye missing. Oh! There it is! I gave it a mighty whack and it flew off the tree and rolled toward the big chair. Even though I was not a kitten anymore, I still loved to chase balls and play with my toys. I romped around the living room playing with the old, beat-up ornament.

  Ana laughed and shook her head in disbelief “You are one crazy cat! Where’s your catnip mouse? Let me see….ah! Here it is!” Ana found the faded, worn-out mouse under her chair. “You have had this a long time. I think I gave this to you for your…what…second birthday? Time sure flies! Another holiday! Hey Thisbe, stop a minute.”

  I looked up from my ornament toy. Yes Ana? Do you want to play? I batted the ball and began to chase it across the room.

  “Thisbe, would you like to go and visit Aunt Belinda, Grandpa and Grandma for the holidays?” I stopped in mid-run. “Meow? What? Visit Belinda? Sure, let’s go now!” I ran to Ana and jumped into her arms.

  Ana quickly caught me. “TIZ! It’s a darn good thing you’re a seven pound cat! You must really trust me jumping into my arms like that!”

  I purred in her arms and rubbed my head on Ana’s chin. I do Ana! I love you! Let’s go visit Belinda, Grandpa and Grandma.

  “Okay, okay, I’ll take that as a yes. I have winter vacation from school so let’s go see the family. I miss everyone. It’s been too long. I’ll make the arrangements.” I happily purred. I’m going to see Belinda again!

  A few nights later, Ana said it was Winter Solstice and lit a few candles on the tables and lit the big tree. She began packing her bags. Ana then presented me with a smaller travel carrier saying, “Thisbe, you are going to fly in coach with me. I have it all arranged with the airlines. This smaller carrier will fit under the seat in front of me. We will fly together in the plane. That way you don’t have to fly with the luggage. It’s too cold for you to fly that way anyway. We leave tomorrow morning so let’s get to bed early.” Ana turned off all the lights and blew out the candles. She then walked into the bedroom and placed me on the bed. “Now get comfy, I’ll be back in just a few minutes.”

  I walked around on top of the bed. I’m too excited to sleep. I’m going to fly again. I’m going to visit Belinda and Grandpa and Grandma. This is going to be so much fun!

  Ana returned to the bedroom, turned down the comforter and said, “Now, love, you have to settle down for the night. Good night, Tiz.” She turned the lamp off and snuggled down into the bed. I curled up next to her. I wanted to dream of Belinda.

  The alarm clock rang early. I jumped up as soon as I heard the alarm. We’re leaving today! Come on Ana, let’s go! I jumped off the bed and ran to the door.

  Ana yawned “Okay, Thisbe. I have a few things to do and then we’ll be on our way.”

  Ana set about the apartment getting ready for our trip. She telephoned Jade downstairs.

  “Hi, Jade, it’s Ana. Remember you said you’d take us to the airport this morning?”

  Ana hung up and went down to get the keys. “Good thing I called her! She was sleeping. Stay here, Tiz, I’ve got to go warm up the car and load in our luggage. I’ll be back up to get you in a few.”

  I sat and waited patiently. Soon I’ll be on the plane…ooo…better use my litter box before we leave.

  Finally with everyone and all the bags loaded into the car, Jade took off. I stayed curled up in my smaller carrier. I was wearing my yellow and white striped sweater Ana made for me so many years ago. It kept me warm. The new carrier was much smaller than my other one but I was comfortable and could see Ana.

  Jade dropped us off and helped get Ana’s bags out of the trunk and then gave her a hug,

  “Have a safe trip! Have fun and come back in one piece. Happy holidays! We’ll keep an eye on the house.”

  Ana said “Thanks so much, Jade. I’ll call you when we are going to leave New England.

  Jade replied “Call whenever, okay. Have fun Thisbe. I’m sure your bird friends are very jealous. Bye”

  Jade drove away. Ana picked up her bags. A man suddenly appeared.

  “May I help you, miss? What airline are you flying on? You may check in your bags here with me.”

  “I’m flying on” Ana looked at her ticket, “United”

  “Excellent, miss. I can take your bags and check them in for you.” He took her ticket and then set up her bags. He gave her a piece of paper and said, “Here you go, ma’m, thank you.

  Ana thanked him and put something in his hand. She kept my carrier close to her and said to me, “All set here, Thisbe. Let’s go inside where it’s a lot warmer.”

  The airport was very noisy and busy with many people. I remember how noisy it was the last time I was in one of these places. We walked into the main building. People were rushing everywhere. She lifted the carrier to look at me.

  “Well, now we have to go through security. Let’s head upstairs.”

  We arrived at security. Someone took my carrier from Ana and lo
oked in at me. He said, “Hey there kitty, we won’t put you through the x-rays, okay?”

  I looked at him. X-rays? What’s that? I saw a big machine and bags then there was Ana. My carrier was handed back to her. She was very polite to the man, “Thank you, sir, I don’t go anywhere without my baby.”

  Ana took my carrier from the man and then we walked down a long hallway. There were lots of people rushing everywhere. I was watching everything from inside my carrier. Ana sat down and placed my carrier on her lap “Okay, Tiz, we have to wait for our plane. Soon we’ll be flying back to see Grandpa, Grandma and Aunt Belinda.”

  I could see that Ana pulled out a book to read. I curled up and fell asleep. When I woke up I was already in the plane on the floor in front of Ana. I looked up and saw Ana asleep in her chair. I glanced over and saw an empty seat next to Ana. The next seat was occupied by an older man who was also asleep. It was quiet. I could feel the motion of the plane. The hum of the engines lulled me back to sleep.

  The plane bumped, waking me up. What was that? Ana is awake. It looks like she is getting ready to leave.

  We were one of the first people to get off the plane. We went somewhere and waited for our travel bags.

  Ana said to me, “We got lucky today, Thisbe, our bags came off first. Now let’s go outside and see if Grandpa is here to pick us up.”

  We walked outside into the cold winter.

  “Brr...I think it’s colder here in Boston than in Kalamazoo! Oh look, there’s Grandpa.” Ana waved to Grandpa as he drove his car closer to us. I was glad Ana put my sweater on me. It was very cold outside. I saw Grandpa get out of the car to help Ana with her bags.

  He said to her, “Hi honey. Did you have a good trip? Here, let me get your bags. Just get in the car. I’ve got the heater on. It’s toasty in there.” Ana sat in the front seat and held my carrier on her lap. It was much warmer in the car.

  Grandpa got in the car and asked Ana, “Okay, sweetie how was your trip?”

  Ana yawned, “Oh excuse me. It was a nice snooze. Very smooth.”

  “It’s good to have you home for the holidays. I’ve missed you. Hello Thisbe, long time no see! Welcome back!”

  I purred loudly “Good to see you too, Grandpa!”

  Then he asked Ana, “What’s been happening?”

  Ana placed my carrier in the back seat. I could hear Ana and Grandpa talking but I soon fell asleep.

  When I woke up I looked out the carrier door and could see Grandpa’s house. Ana was walking up the stairs to the house. She placed my carrier on the kitchen floor, opened the door and said, “Okay, Thisbe, your food and water bowls are in their usual place. Grandpa even put down a special blanket for you near the kitchen radiator. Go explore your old home. Thanks Dad for getting her a litter box and all.”

  Grandpa Max just waved his hand. “No bother at all…she needs a toilet, too!”

  Ana called out, “Mom? Are you in the living room? Hello!”

  “I’m out here Ana. Welcome home!” called Grandma Rita from the living room. Ana walked out there.

  I looked around the kitchen. I saw my food and water bowls in the usual place. I then wandered about the house remembering my time spent there. Nothing had changed since I left there so long ago.

  Christmas Eve was a festive night. Grandpa brought something called lobster sandwiches home. Ana gave me a taste. It was very good. It did not taste like turkey so I figured it wasn’t a bird. I did not know if it was an animal. Ana never told me. The family opened some gifts and Ana gave me a new toy and some kitty treats. I was very happy. Early the next morning I heard voices in my sleep. I was barely awake. I was upstairs sleeping on Ana’s bed. I must have slept through Ana’s alarm. Wow! It sounds like everyone is up already. I’m hungry. I better get breakfast. Ana’s sister, Becky and her brother, Frank along with Ana were in the kitchen helping Grandma.

  Ana noticed me walking into the kitchen. “Well, good morning sleepyhead. We’ve been up for hours. Your breakfast is in the bowl. It’s your favorite – linguica and eggs – yes, Thisbe, we’re back in New England. Guess what? Your favorite person is coming to dinner today. Grandpa is going to go and pick up Aunt Belinda in a little while.”

  I was excited. Oh good! Belinda will be here soon. I can’t wait to see her. I finished my breakfast and curled up on the warm blanket in the kitchen to wait for Belinda and watch all the activity.

  When she walked in the front door, I heard Belinda call out, “Where is my little querida? I know she is here!”

  Hearing the familiar voice, I came running out to the front door from the kitchen. I leapt into Belinda’s arms.

  “Meow! Hello Belinda! I have missed you! How are you? Meow!” I rubbed my head all over Belinda’s face.

  “Oh! Hello! My goodness, Thisbe! Happy Holidays to you my darling. I am well and happy. I have done lots of traveling and I am still gardening. I miss your help in the garden.” She kissed me many times on the head. “I see you haven’t gained a pound since I last saw you. I wish I could say the same for me!” Holding up a red and green bag, she continued, “I brought you a couple of presents.”

  Purring loudly, I acknowledged my gifts. “Thank you Belinda. I love you.” I rubbed my head on Belinda’s face again.

  While still holding me, Belinda turned and kissed Ana on the cheek. “Hello my love. You look well. I am so glad you came home for the holidays. You must come to the house one of these days and we’ll have lunch. Thisbe must also attend the luncheon.”

  Ana replied, “Don’t worry we’ll be over in a few days.”

  I was carried by Belinda throughout the house while she greeted the rest of the family. Not until she settled down for dinner, did she release me.

  “Okay, querida, I am going to enjoy this lovely meal. You do the same. See you after dessert.”

  Everyone ate, talked, laughed and had a happy Christmas day. I ate my dry cat food nuggets. I did not want turkey. I sat with Belinda after dinner. She rubbed my ears and neck as she talked to the family.

  A few days later, Ana bundled me up in my present from Belinda, a new blue winter sweater, and placed a warm blanket in my carrier.

  “Okay Tiz, let’s go see Aunt Belinda,” said Ana cheerfully.

  I nearly flew into my carrier. Oh good! Let’s go! I want to see Belinda and maybe I’ll see Arturo and he can talk to my friends and family for me. I miss them so much.

  When Ana arrived at Belinda’s, she parked Grandpa’s car out front and we made the long walk to the front door. Belinda was expecting us. She flung the door open.

  Smiling, Belinda said “Welcome home, Thisbe. Hello my dear Ana, come in and get warm.”

  Ana placed my carrier on the floor and took off her coat. She finally let me out of the carrier. Happily I stretched and rubbed up against Belinda’s leg.

  “Meow…hello Belinda. It’s so good to be here…meow.”

  Belinda picked me up and hugged me. As she took off my sweater she said, “I have missed you so much, querida. I am glad you are doing so well. I still have your favorite furry rug in front of the fireplace so feel free to curl up. Ana, I do have a fire going but I have lunch for us in the dining room. Come on in and we’ll chat. You must tell me all about your classes at the college.”

  “Oh, Aunt Belinda, I do have some news to tell you. I hadn’t had a chance to call or write with finals and all but Miss Thisbe was a star on stage in a play at the college.”

  “No, do tell! Which play?”

  “It was ‘Bell, Book and Candle’ and Thisbe played Pyewacket. She was brilliant!”

  My two favorite people wandered into the dining room talking about Ana’s classes and my performance. I wandered over to Arturo’s chair. It’s still here in the same place. I wonder if he is …

  Suddenly I felt a familiar chill. Arturo? He appeared in his chair.

  “Hello, little gato, how are you? It has been a long time. It is so nice of you to come and visit us!”

  “Meow…Arturo, you are
here. Can you see me in my new house? How about Chipper and Muffin and Mama? Can they see me? How…”

  He laughed. “Thisbe, please, one question at a time! Yes, we can see you and watch you from this side wherever you go. I just like staying close by here and watching over my Belinda but I am not here all the time. Perhaps I will stop in your new home and surprise you some day. Chipper, your Mama and Muffin are here with me and they all say hello. Wait…your Mama tells me that she likes your new house…si, Chipper…she tells me that she likes your new bird friends…and she is happy you don’t eat turkey anymore.”

  “Me too! I didn’t know turkey was a bird until I met a turkey.”

  “Thisbe, your friend, Muffin, says she was very upset when that little boy put you in that box. All of your friends on this side, including myself, helped Ana find you. Please be careful.”

  “Oh I will. Arturo, will you stay a little longer? I want to talk to you and my friends.”

  “Thisbe, my little gato, I will stay as long as you want so you can visit with your friends and family. Your Mama sends her love and says that your sisters are doing well. They now live in a place called Rhode Island. None of them have had the exciting life you have had.

  “Did you see me in the play? I had so much fun.”

  Arturo laughed, “Yes, Thisbe, we all watched your performance. You were magnifique! Your Mama and Papa were extremely proud of you. Muffin likes your new dog friend, Spot but she’s not too sure about the other dog. He seems to be a very grumpy dog and does not like cats. She says please watch out for him.”

  I nodded, “Thanks Muffin, I will. Grandma’s house hasn’t changed since I was there so many years ago. Do you still visit there?”

  Arturo seemed to be listening then he said, “Sometimes Muffin visits. While you are there visiting, she is also there. Do you feel her, little gato?”

  I nodded again, “Oh yes, all the time. Hello Chipper, I’m glad you like my new bird friends. They are really big birds compared to you.”

  I enjoyed the afternoon talking with my friends through Arturo. I was very careful to be quiet so Ana and Belinda would not hear me and think I was talking to myself.

  Ana and I left late that night. It was so nice to see Arturo, talk to my old friends and spend time in my old home. It was far too cold to go outside and visit my friends at the pond. I’m sure Butch, the dog next door and my friend, Duke, the dog across the big road were inside nice and warm.

  Our vacation went by quickly. Ana had to get back to work. I really didn’t want to leave but we had to go.

  After lots of hugs and kisses, we were on our way back to our home. The plane ride was easy. I slept for most of the trip. We settled back into our apartment for the winter. Ana put away all of the holiday decorations but she left the tree in the living room. She didn’t take the little white lights off of it. She lit it every night. Ana said she wanted to wait until spring to plant the tree in the back yard. Ana began working in her dance studio and I couldn’t wait to go and visit with my friends downstairs to tell them all about my trip.

  We were back for a few days when Ana brought me down to my friend’s apartment.

  “Knock, knock your friendly neighborhood cat is here for a visit” Ana called out through the closed door. As usual, she was greeted by a chorus of barking dogs.

  Through the door, I heard Jade tell the dogs “Get back you nut cases! Go on…SIT!” She opened the door. “Hi! Come on in you two. Thisbe, you’ve been gone for a long time. I think your friends thought you forgot about them!”

  Ana said, “Thanks, Jade. Thisbe loves to visit with her friends. However they communicate, I’m sure she wants to tell them all about her vacation. You don’t mind her staying down here, do you?” I have to head off to class. Semester starts today.

  Jade laughed, “Of course not! Now run along to your students. Thisbe will have a fun day with her friends. I have NO idea what they all do in there but you should hear the noise that comes out of that room. See ya later. Come and have dinner with us tonight. It’s Italian night. We have plenty of spaghetti and meatballs.”

  Ana kept talking with Jade. I just wanted to get down and go visit with my friends but Jade still held onto me. Ana smiled, “Great, I haven’t had a chance to pick up groceries since we’ve been home. I’ll pick up the wine and garlic bread on my way home from work. Would you like some spumoni from the little Italian shop in town?”

  Jade squealed “Oh…that stuff is to die for…YES! I love you!” I jumped. I didn’t know why she was so excited but she squeezed me a little harder.

  Ana laughed “Great! I’ll pick it up on the way home. See you later, Jade. You’re the best. Bye, Thisbe, have fun with your friends. I’ll see you later.” Ana ran out to her car.

  Jade closed the door. “Brrr…it is cold out there today. Okay, Thisbe, Let’s go wake up the birds.” Jade took me to the bird’s room. As she walked into the room, she said “Time to wake up, my darlings, your friend, Thisbe, is here.” She placed me on the floor in the middle of the room.

  Bronson was the first to open his eyes. He yawned. “Squawk! Well, hello, Thisbe. Long time no see. Squawk! How are you?”

  Jade shook her head. “It’s like you kids talk to each other. Have fun Thisbe!” Jade turned and left the room.

  I looked up to Bronson. “Hello Bronson, I had a great time. I went back to the houses I used to live in and saw people I hadn’t seen in a long time.”

  All the birds began to wake up. Polly opened her eyes at Bronson’s squawk. “What is going on? Oh Hello Thisbe! Good to see you again. How have you been?”

  “I’ve been great Polly. Hello Thurston and Lovey!”

  The two love birds looked over the edge of their golden cage. They said in unison, “Hello Thisbe! Where have you been?

  I laughed, “I FLEW back to my old home and visited with people and friends I haven’t seen in a while”

  Bronson quickly heard the word ‘flew’ and jumped into the conversation. “What do you mean…flew? You can’t fly! You’re a cat!”

  “Yes, I can fly…Ana flew with me. I flew out here by myself when I first came out here. It’s a flying machine called an airplane. It goes fast and way up high in the clouds. On the way back here Ana held me up to the window and we were flying OVER the clouds! It was very cool!”

  Bronson rolled his eyes upward. “Oh well! Humans have beaten us...they can fly!”

  Thisbe continued, “I talked to my Mom, Muffin and even my old friend Arturo. He...”

  Polly cut her off in mid-sentence. “Wait a minute! Didn’t you tell us your mom died? And this Muffin character…wasn’t that a dog you knew that died? How do YOU talk to them? When something dies…it dies, right?”

  Thisbe smiled. “Well, their spirits talk to me through a man who died. His name is Arturo. Let me see if I can explain it…animals can’t come through and talk to us on this side…the living side… they have to go through people on the other side but only living animals can see the dead people…and…”

  Bronson let out a large squawk. “WAIT a minute! STOP! SQUAWK! My brain hurts…too much information…stop!”

  I laughed. “I know. I said the same thing many years ago.”I suddenly felt a cool breeze by my right ear. I looked up and there was Arturo standing next to me.

  I was very excited. “Arturo, you came!”

  He laughed, “Yes, my little gato, I see your friends are having some difficulty understanding.”

  Suddenly all of the birds saw the white-haired man standing next to me.

  Bronson shouted, “Squawk! Hey you! How did you get in here? Who are you? Wait a minute! YOU can talk to animals?”

  Thisbe looked up. “Can you see him, Bronson? This is my friend, Arturo. He came to visit me here. Now do you understand?”

  Bronson stammered, “You mean he’s a ghost?”

  I laughed, “I guess you could call him that!”

  Suddenly Jade appeared in the doorway. She must have heard all the noise. “
What is going on in here? Are you guys THAT excited to see Thisbe? Brr…it is cool in here. Let me check the temp in the house. Is that why you guys were all upset? Sorry about the cold.” Jade turned and left.

  Arturo apologized, “I am sorry, little gato, and I hope I have not disturbed your little visit. I just wanted your friends to understand and I wanted to say hello to you in your new home. Hello beautiful birds! Oh wait…Chipper tells me to tell you that Chance is here with her now. They say ‘hello’.”

  I was elated. “I am so glad you are together again, Chipper.”

  Polly and Bronson looked at each other then looked at me. Polly was first to speak.

  “Chipper is the dead bird friend, right? How come we don’t see her?”

  “I told you…living animals can’t see dead animals…it takes too much energy for the dead animals to appear… right Arturo?”

  “Perfecto, my little gato, you are very smart. Wait! Is there a Polly in here?”

  Polly squawked, “YES! That’s me! What is it?”

  Arturo continued, “I don’t want to bring you bad news but your mother is here and she says for me to say ‘Hello’. Did you know your mother passed over?”

  Polly was quiet for a moment then she said softly, “No, I did not. Hello mother! Are you happy and well?”

  The room was silent for a moment then Arturo spoke, “She says that no one, either animal or human, suffers when they die. She is happy and flies in beautiful jungles all day long. There is always food to eat and no other animal or human harms one-another. She is well and happy and is glad you are here safe and happy…she wishes you could fly in the jungles with her…someday…she said…but not too soon…stay here and have fun with your friends.”

  Again there was silence in the room. The sun poked out from behind a cold-blue winter cloud and brilliantly illuminated the room with a warm yellow glow. Polly quietly said, “Thank you, mother, you will always be in my thoughts. Fly safe and be happy! I love you!”

  Thisbe turned to Arturo and said, “Thank you for coming, Arturo. Is there anyone else there with you who would like to say anything?”

  Arturo was quiet for a minute as if listening to the animals on the other side. Then he replied, “Just your mother, Thisbe, who says she is so proud of you. She loves all of your friends.”

  The room remained still then all the birds began to shout, “Yeah Thisbe! Thisbe is the BEST!”

  I was a little embarrassed. Quietly I said, “Thank you, I love you all.”

  “Well, little gato, I guess that is all for now. Good bye all. Perhaps I’ll visit again.”

  The entire room erupted in cheers and goodbyes. I sat down and looked up to my bird friends and said, “Now do you understand? Arturo also told me we would only be able to see our dead animal friends when we are just about to die.”

  Bronson and Polly flew down to the floor to be with me. I continued to tell them of my visit to my old home.

  A few weeks went by. One day, Ana received a telephone call. We were sitting on the sofa in the living room. I heard her say, “Oh Gail, I am so sorry. Thisbe and I were both looking forward to your visit. I’ll tell her the sad news. My heart goes out to you. If you want, you can still come out here this summer, okay? Love you, girl…Okay, goodbye, Gail, take care.” Ana hung up the phone. She picked me up and hugged me. “I have some sad news to tell you.”

  Ana looked very sad. “Meow? Yes? What is it?”

  “Your old friend Thomas passed away last night. Gail had plans to come out this summer but Thomas got sick suddenly and died in his sleep last night. I’m sorry. I know you and he were real close a long time ago.”

  Tears came as I shut my eyes and remembered my young romance with Thomas. I remembered our days in the park, sitting on the windowsill and there was one cold day during my second winter… a long time ago…Well Thomas, you are happy and with my other friends now. Maybe you can hear now. Arturo says no one is sick or broken on the other side. When I talk to Arturo again, I’ll be able to talk to you. Ah Thomas, you are now with Mama and my friends. You were so very sweet. I still love you very much. Are you looking in on me as Arturo looks in on Belinda? You have my heart…always.


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