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Thisbe An Extraordinary Cat Her Adventures Continue...

Page 8

by Terri Cabral

  Chapter 8: Introducing Duchess

  When the summer theatre season ended, Ana and I were ready to move back to our apartment but Emma became very ill. She needed someone to stay with her all the time. She had children but they were far away and could not come to stay with her. I heard Ana talking to Peter one night at the house. They were speaking softly in our apartment. Emma was now in a downstairs bedroom and a lady dressed in white stayed with her all the time. Peter was talking to Ana.

  “Look, Ana, it’s for a little while. I don’t know how long she is going to live. The cancer is spreading. They need someone to stay here and watch the house.”

  Ana told Peter, “I want to help out the family but I have a home and a job in Kalamazoo.”

  Peter said, “Ana, you are going to live here rent free. You just told me the college has cut back this year. They only gave you a couple of classes for one semester. That’s ridiculous! You were just complaining to me that you were going to have to find another job to supplement so why NOT move in here. The nurse is going to take care of Mrs. Radisson. All you have to do is take care of the house.”

  Ana sighed, “Yeah, I suppose you are right. But I really love that apartment and Thisbe has friends downstairs. I was going to work with one of the other colleges in town on their theatre productions. I mean, it wasn’t finalized but I suppose I can pick up a job here in town and I’ll be saving money on rent. I’ll have to go back to Kalamazoo and tie up loose ends. It would mean once again packing up and moving. Oh Thisbe is going to love this!”

  I sat there listening to this and thought NO I am NOT going to love this. That means we are moving from our home again. I miss my old friends Bronson and Polly. I was looking forward to going home and visiting with them for the winter. The winter will be cold and snowy here and I won’t be able to go outside and play. I’ll be in the house all winter with no one to talk to or to play with. I don’t like moving. I DON’T want to move again!

  Being a cat, I could not voice my opinion so Ana and I went back to our old apartment to begin packing. As she began gathering boxes and belongings, I sat by sadly watching. I’m going to miss my friends downstairs. I have to go down and say good-bye.

  Ana noticed I was watching her pack up her books. “I know Tiz, we’re moving again. I love this apartment with all the fireplaces and my very own studio. I thought we were going to be here for a while but we have to move again. I’m becoming a pro at this moving thing. It’s going to take me about two weeks to pack up and make arrangements so you have plenty of time to say good-bye to your friends downstairs.”

  A couple of days later, Ana left the apartment door open while getting some old boxes in the basement. I saw my chance to visit my friends downstairs. I quietly padded down the hallway stairs and pawed the neighbor’s door, meowing as loudly as I could until Jade opened the door.

  “Well, hello Thisbe, I thought I heard a little kitty voice out here. I suppose you want to come and say good-bye to your friends. Ana told us you were moving. We’ll miss you! Come in!”

  I ran to the bird’s room calling, “Hello Bronson! Polly! Hello Thurston and Lovey!

  Bronson squawked to attention, “Thisbe? Long time no see, girl! We thought you were never coming back.

  I was sad. “Well, I just came to say good-bye. Ana and I are moving. We won’t be living here anymore.

  Polly cried, “You’re leaving? But you only just returned! Why are you leaving again?

  “Ana has to do something there at the house by the river. I’ll never understand humans. She loves this place but has to move again. She’s packing all our things in boxes. I couldn’t watch it anymore. I just wanted to spend some time with my friends before I leave. How is everyone?”

  Bronson replied, “Well, Thisbe, I have some good news and some sad news.”

  “Oh no, what is the sad news?”

  Bronson replied sorrowfully, “Well, the sad news is that Lovey died just after you left for the summer but the good news is Jade brought in a new bird for Thurston. She named her Lovey Too. Thurston was very upset at losing Lovey but has grown fond of Lovey Too. He calls her Helena, as we all do. Thurston? Thisbe is here to say goodbye. She is moving away.”

  Thurston popped his head out of his cage and looked down, “THISBE! Good to see you, old girl, I want you to meet Helena.” The other love bird peeked out of the cage, “Hello…OH a cat? A…pleased to meet you.”

  I was happy to see Thurston was doing well and said, “Hello, Helena, pleased to meet you also. I am glad to see you are doing well, Thurston. Sorry for your loss but it seems Helena is a fine lady. I am glad for the two of you.”

  Thurston replied, “Thank you Thisbe. I heard you were moving away. We will miss you, old girl. How’s that ghost feller? Seen him lately?”

  I laughed, “No, not since the last time he was here. But I do have some adventures to tell you guys. It was a very interesting summer. I met another big bird, an eagle and we flew…”

  For the duration of the afternoon, I visited with my friends. I knew I would never see them again.

  I heard Ana’s voice in the kitchen. It was getting dark outside

  “Hi Jade, is Thisbe down here?

  Jade laughed and said, “That is a big yes, girl! Please come in and stay for dinner. You are leaving soon and we want to say good-bye. Let’s have our last party together.”

  Ana and I stayed for dinner. I ate with my friends in the bird room. The cats never showed up but Spot came by to say goodbye. The other big dog they called Dobby never introduced himself to me. Spot told me he hated little cats so it was best that I never met Dobby.

  Not too long after our goodbye dinner, Ana and I returned to Emma’s house. She put most of our belongings in the two huge buildings they called garages. Ana could put her car in one of them it was so big. She brought some of her furniture into the house. Emma had moved from her upstairs bedroom to a smaller room downstairs. The lady in white, Ana called a nurse, stayed in the room next to Emma. Ana took over Emma’s old bedroom upstairs. Our old in-law apartment door remained closed.

  Ana was in the kitchen eating her lunch one day when I wandered in to nibble from my food bowl. She said to me, “Thisbe, Peter has to go out of town for a long time and has asked me to dog-sit for him. You’ve never met Duchess but she is a wonderful little cocker spaniel. She has spent a lot of time with me at the theatre this past summer and, like you, was in a play. I think you two will be really good friends and you’ll have some company for the winter. How about that?”

  Wow, a new friend? Will she like me? Ana says she’s nice so she must be. Things are looking up!

  That night, Peter brought Duchess to the house. She trotted around the living room but stopped short when she saw me. She cautiously approached and said, “Hello. My name is Duchess. What are you?”

  I replied, “Hello, Duchess, I’m a cat. My name is Thisbe. Welcome to the house. You’ll like it here.”

  I guess Duchess wasn’t quite sure what to say so she blurted out, “I’ve heard of cats but never saw one. You won’t hurt me, will you? I met a skunk once. It sprayed me. That burned my eyes. You don’t spray, do you?”

  I smiled. “No, Duchess, I don’t and I won’t hurt you. We can have lots of fun here. I have some friends out in the woods. I’ll bring you out there someday.”

  “That sounds like fun, Thisbe. I think I’ll like it here. There is a big yard outside.” She glanced out the floor-to-ceiling living room windows and saw all the trees. “It looks like there is a lot of space to play out there. I can’t wait to go outside with you.”

  I said, “Follow me and I’ll show you around the house.”

  We wandered off to explore the house.

  I heard Peter tell Ana, “See, Ana, it looks like Duchess and Thisbe will manage just fine.”

  Ana laughed, “Oh, I’m sure. Thisbe gets along with any animal. I’ve seen her hang out with parrots and cockatoos. She’ll make friends with anything! Let them explore the house
. Do you want something to eat?”

  I showed Duchess the sunroom, the living room, laundry room, the old plant room and the small room with the special pet door that lead to the outside.

  “See, Duchess, this is how we get outside but we have to be careful. Ana doesn’t know about it and I don’t think she would want us running around outside all the time. She thinks something bad will happen to me or something but I’ve been out a lot. If it’s a nice day tomorrow, we’ll go out when Ana goes to work.”

  “Sounds good, Thisbe. Peter lets me play outside a lot. I used to run around the theatre yard. I’m hungry. Do we have our food in the kitchen?”

  “Yes, Duchess, that’s where our food bowls are. Let’s go.”

  We ran back to the kitchen and found our food bowls full. As we ate I could hear Peter and Ana talking.

  Ana was telling Peter, “I don’t think she’ll last the night, Peter. She’s pretty bad. What do they want me to do when she’s gone?”

  Peter said in a quiet voice, “I think they want you to stay on until they decide what they want to do with the property. It’s the end of October. Nothing sells in the winter so you’ll stay here for the winter. They’ve arranged for snow plowing and have paid all the bills. Just keep the place clean and ready for the spring.”

  Ana said, “Well that should be easy. I got a job in town at the radio station and as long as they are clearing the snow from the half-mile drive, I’ll be fine. Thisbe has a companion for the winter. What will we do in the spring?

  Peter laughed, “I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. I’ll be in London all winter working on some shows. I’m trying to work out a new theatre deal back in Massachusetts back at our old Alma Mater. Maybe that will be ready by the spring. We’ll do summer theatre there in May.”

  I had begun to understand humans now that I was older but they still used strange words that sometimes didn’t make sense to me.

  That evening the nurse called Ana and Peter to Emma’s room. Duchess and I followed.

  The nurse whispered to Ana, “You’d best say your good-byes now. Miss Emma told me she’s leaving tonight.”

  Ana nodded, “Thanks, Mary”. Ana and Peter stood by Emma’s bed.

  I whispered to Duchess, “I don’t think Emma is going to be here much longer.”

  Surprised, Duchess asked, “How do you know?”

  I looked to the corner of the room. “Do you see that man standing over there?”

  Duchess looked. “Yes! Who is he? How did he get in here? How come Peter doesn’t see him?”

  I calmly walked over to the older gentleman. Duchess followed close behind.

  He smile at me and said, “Hello Thisbe. I’ve seen you here this past summer. I am Mr. Radisson. I am waiting for my lovely wife. She will soon join me.”

  I felt comfortable around this man. I told Duchess. “Ana and Peter can’t see him. Only we can see and talk to him. He’s waiting for Emma. That’s Mr. Radisson.”

  Emma spoke softly to Ana and Peter. I couldn’t hear what she was saying. Then Ana picked me up and placed me on the bed next to Emma’s face. She touched me softly and whispered, “You were a great nap partner, Thisbe. I see my husband waiting for me. I know you do too. He just smiled at you. Take care of Ana. Thank you for being such a great friend.”

  I purred and rubbed my head affectionately against Emma’s hand then hopped down from the bed. I heard Emma take a few deep breaths and then I heard no more. The room was silent. Both Ana and Peter bowed their heads. Then I noticed Emma standing next to her husband. She looked beautiful and younger. He placed his arm around her. They smiled at me, waved goodbye then disappeared. The nurse covered Emma’s face with the sheet and everyone left the room. I explained to Duchess that Emma just passed on to another place where she doesn’t hurt anymore. Duchess was a little confused. I later explained it to her the best I could. I think Arturo would have been proud of me.

  The next few days were very hectic around the house. Emma’s daughters arrived with their families. There were many people coming and going in the house. Peter told Ana he’d stay a few extra days to help out and attend the service.

  I told Duchess, “We have to get out of the way. There are too many humans running around this house. Let’s use the special door that leads outside where we can escape from all this activity.” Duchess followed me out the pet door. I took Duchess on the grand tour of the surrounding gardens and woods.

  “Come this way, Duchess, through the garden here. The squirrels showed me a shortcut to the river.”

  We trotted down the path towards the river’s edge. Mrs. Eagle soared above. I saw the shadow and looked up. I saw her above. Mrs. Eagle swooped down and landed on the ground in front of us.

  “Hello, Thisbe, good to see you again. And who is this?”

  “This is my new friend and housemate, Duchess. She has come to live here for a while.”

  Mrs. Eagle nodded to Duchess, “Welcome Miss Duchess. Thisbe knows the area well and will show you all the best places. Enjoy!” She then flew off high into the air.

  Duchess was impressed. “Wow! Thisbe that was a REALLY big bird! She was very nice. What is down by the river?

  “I want to show you the beaver’s dam and introduce you to the turtles. There is a lot of life down by the river.”

  “Beavers? Turtles? I don’t think I have ever met those animals. What kind of bird was that big one?

  I smiled, “That, Duchess, is an eagle. She’s a mighty hunter.”

  Duchess replied “Thisbe, you know so much. Are you old? I heard Peter tell someone that I was eight years old. Is that old?”

  Thisbe laughed. “I celebrated eleven years this past summer. It seems like I’ve lived a very long time. I’ve lived in so many places and met so many animals. My best friend for a while was a little bird named Chipper. I had a dear cat friend a long time ago. His name was Thomas. I’ve had all sorts of animal friends and people friends. You are not old, Duchess. You have a long life ahead of you. Come this way. We’re almost there.”

  We made our way down the muddy path when we spied two turtles creeping towards us. I recognized them as two I met a few weeks ago. I named them Tobey and Bodey. I love to give my friends a name, if they don’t have one. I ran up to them, “Hi guys! I want you to meet my friend, Duchess.”

  In an automatic response they both retracted into their shells as they saw the dog come bounding down the path. Duchess stopped short in front of the two turtles and began to bark “HELLO! COME OUT AND PLAY! I WANT TO MEET YOU!”

  Quickly, I said, “Hush, Duchess, you have to be quiet. You scared the turtles.” Duchess sat and quietly watched the two turtles until they slowly came out of their shells.

  Bodey spoke up in a slow drawl, “Hey dog, don’t scare us like that! The last dog we met nearly ate us!”

  Duchess apologized, “I’m sorry I’ve never met a turtle. This is all new to me!”

  I laughed again. “Tobey, maybe you should teach Duchess about turtles.”

  “Well okay, Thisbe, I’ll do it but only because you are our friend. All right, Duchess, we are turtles. We walk slowly, we don’t like loud noises, we like to swim and if you poke your nose near us, we’ll bite you.”

  Duchess nodded her head. “Thank you. I will try to be quieter. I promise I won’t poke my nose near you.”

  Duchess and I stayed and talked to the two turtles for a little while until they looked tired.

  “Come on Duchess, I think it’s time to go. Good-bye Tobey and Bodey! See you again soon.” I called out as I bounded down the path. Duchess scrambled after me.

  “Good-bye turtles, nice to meet you” echoed Duchess.

  We spent the rest of the day discovering the river’s edge and meeting more of my squirrel friends. It was getting dark when we began our trek back toward the house. I heard some rustling in the brush. I stopped short. Duchess nearly ran into me.

  “Thisbe, what’s up? I almost banged into you.”

  I whispered, “Shush, Duchess, quiet. There is something in the bushes over there.”

  We heard the brush rustle again. I looked up. WOW! That is the BIGGEST animal I have ever seen. It almost stepped on me until it noticed me at its feet. Startled, it jumped back and bounded back into the brush. I was fearful. Oh my, I can see two large, brown eyes peering at us. Oh no, there two more eyes and two more. What are these animals? The three animals cautiously came out of the brush and stared at us. Duchess and I stared back. They were big, brown and covered in white spots. The one closest to us had two small brown bumps on his head.

  I was the first to speak up, “Hello, we’re going to the big house over there. My name is Thisbe and this is Duchess. We live in the house. What kind of animals are you?”

  The largest of the three stepped out and answered, “Hello, we’re a family of deer that live here in the woods. I am…Big Brother and this is my sister, Little One and our mother. We were looking for some food. The human that lives in the house leaves bits of food but we haven’t seen any food for a long time. We are now looking for berries and leaves.”

  I replied, “The older lady just died. We live there with my human mom, Ana. Maybe she will leave you food if you come to the house. Please visit us sometime. There are many people at the house now because of the woman’s death. In a little while they will be all gone then it will be just my mom and the two of us. We’ll welcome your visit.”

  Big Brother replied, “Thank you Thisbe. We will come to visit.”

  As suddenly as they appeared, Big Brother and his family disappeared into the woods. We watched the tips of their white tails bounce away into the thicket of trees.

  I turned to Duchess and asked, “Have you ever seen deer?”

  Duchess shook her head.

  I continued, “I’ve never seen them either! Wow! They’re the biggest animals I’ve ever seen! Come on, Duchess, it’s getting dark. We have to get home. Race ya!”

  We raced home arriving at the door out of breath. I slipped in first and Duchess followed.

  “Be very quiet. Ana has not discovered our special door. Let’s go and get on our blankets in the other room.”

  We crept into the laundry room and curled up on our blankets. It looked like we had been sleeping there all day.

  Ana came into the room and noticed us, “There you are! We’ve been looking all over for the two of you. Where have you been? I could have sworn I looked in here. Very well, dinner is served. Come on into the kitchen, kids.”

  I smiled at my new companion. Duchess returned the grin. I knew we were going to be great friends.


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