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Thisbe An Extraordinary Cat Her Adventures Continue...

Page 14

by Terri Cabral

  Chapter 14: A Heartbreaking Move

  On her way out the door one morning, Ana said, “This snow is driving me mad!” Ian hugged her and said, “Don’t worry, my love, I will shovel all the walks and a place for your car before you get home.”

  Ana sighed, “I hope to make it into work! It looks like they have the main road plowed. I love you, Ian. Bye Thisbe and Blanca. See you later!”

  She kissed Ian and blew a kiss to Blanca and me. We were already curled up on our favorite furry, black rug in front of the fireplace. I looked up. “Good bye Ana.” I looked at Blanca and said, ‘You don’t want to go out today, do you?”

  Blanca screwed up her face and said “Eeew NO! Did you look out the window? It’s all snow out there. Too cold for me and I know it’s too cold for you. I don’t mind sleeping here. I like this place. It’s very warm.”

  I smiled. “Good, I like it here too. Ian will keep the fire going because he likes it warm also.”

  Winter was a time for sleeping, talking and eating. Blanca and I spent most of the time in front of the fireplace. I told Blanca my many adventures.

  One day Ana told me, “Thisbe, Peter is bringing Duchess over to stay for a few weeks. She’s never met Blanca but I think you will all get along.”

  Not long after that the doorbell rang. Ana opened the front door. In bounded my happy friend, Duchess. She went directly to the fireplace. She didn’t see me standing in the kitchen doorway.

  “Hi Thisbe! I’m back! Are you over by the fire…OH…you’re not Thisbe. Who are you?”

  Blanca looked up from her nap. Sleepily she said, “Hello, Thisbe told me you were coming. I’m Blanca. I live here with Thisbe. I think she might be in the kitchen. Nice to meet...” Blanca yawned…“you, Duchess.” Blanca then stood up, stretched and curled around in the opposite direction placing her back to the dog.

  Duchess turned and trotted toward the kitchen. “There you are, Thisbe. I just met Blanca. She went back to sleep. I’m back for awhile. I heard Peter telling Ana he’ll be away for a month or so…whatever that means…it sounds like a long time. Anyway, I’m glad to come back and stay with you. We have so much fun and now we have Blanca to play with too!”

  I smiled at my old friend. “Yes, Duchess, but it’s been so snowy outside, we’ve hardly gone out. We like to sleep in front of the warm fireplace. Ian stays home and keeps it warm in here.”

  “I was going to ask you who the man was in the living room. I’ve never seen him before.”

  “Oh, that’s Ian. He lives here now. He and Ana love each other.”

  That answer satisfied Duchess. “Okay, but is he nice?”

  “He is very nice. Let’s go into the living room and sit by the fire. It’s so much warmer.”

  We walked out of the kitchen past the people sitting in the living room. Ana said, as we walked by, “Look at those two, best buddies. I know the three of them will get along. Peter, take your time. You don’t have to rush back. We don’t mind taking care of Duchess.”

  On a warmer, snow-free day in late winter, Ian and Ana took all of us outside to allow everyone some much needed fresh air. Mooch noticed that Blanca was outside. He ran to her, “Hi Blanca, wanna play?”

  Startled, Blanca spun around and came face to face with Mooch.

  “MOOCH! Hi I’ll race you up the tree!” She ran as fast as she could up the leafless maple tree near the patio. It was the same tree I ran to for refuge from Duke so many years ago.

  I cautioned her, “Be careful, Blanca, I fell out of that tree a long time ago…it hurts to fall on that hard patio.”

  Blanca and Mooch were having too much fun to pay attention to me. He chased Blanca up the tree but then she found her way down and ran to another tree.

  “Try and catch me, Mooch!” taunted Blanca. She ran past him at the bottom of the tree then darted for the next tree. Blanca was an expert tree climber.

  Ana laughed at all the cat play. “Will you look at those two? They look like twins. The only difference between them is Blanca’s tail. She’s a bobtail while Mooch has that long, thick white tail. What a pair!”

  Mooch enjoyed chasing Blanca around the yard and up the trees. I watched with amusement. Duchess no longer ran around chasing things. The two of us sat on the porch and watched the younger kids play in the yard.

  “Duchess, when I first arrived here I ran up that tree. I had Duke the dog chasing me and Lady Hawk circling above my head. I was so scared but I made a friend for life with Duke the dog. Lady Hawk never hunted me or any of my friends.”

  “Where is Duke?”

  I replied “His family moved away a while ago. Why don’t we go over to Butch’s yard and see if he’s outside. I know he’d love to see you. I think he likes you.”

  Duchess smiled, “Yeah right, Thisbe.”

  We wandered over toward Butch’s yard. We heard Ana call out, “Don’t go too far, girls, I want to make sure we all get inside early tonight. It’s going to be a cold one.”

  I walked slightly ahead of Duchess and called out to Butch, “Hey Butch, it’s Thisbe. Are you outside?”

  A new, deeper and younger voice replied. “Hello, Butch doesn’t live here anymore. My name is Tiny. Come on over and talk to me if you were friends with Butch.”

  I worked my way through the bushes. When I entered the neighbor’s yard I stopped short. Duchess, following close behind, bumped into me. A huge dog sat smiling and drooling at us.

  “Hi, wow a cat and a dog. You were friends with Butch? I heard he was a good dog. Sorry, but he died. He was old.”

  I closed my eyes and sighed, “Another friend gone to the other side.”

  The huge dog looked quizzically at me, “Other side? What do you mean? What side?” He looked back and forth.

  I smiled at the obviously young but huge dog. “That’s okay, never mind. Did you say your name was Tiny?”

  Tiny stood up and shook. “Yes. I’m a St. Bernard. My human’s say I’m going to get bigger. What was your name again?”

  “My name is Thisbe and this is my friend Duchess. I live next door and Duchess is visiting for a little while. It’s nice to meet you Tiny. When the weather gets warmer we’ll be outside a lot more. Today has been the nicest day in a long time.”

  Tiny wagged his tail ferociously. “I’m glad you came over. I don’t have any friends. Come over anytime you want to. If I’m inside the house, then come to the back door. My humans will let me outside.”

  “All right, Tiny, we will. Duchess, I think we should go back to the house. I’m feeling a little cold. We’ll be back when the weather is a little warmer. It’s good to meet you, Tiny. We’ll be back again to visit.”

  Duchess wagged her tail and walked toward Tiny. He bent his head down to come nose to nose with Duchess. “Nice to meet you Duchess.”

  “I’m glad to meet you too, Tiny. We’ll come back to visit.”

  I heard Ana calling, “Thisbe! Duchess! Come home now! Thisbe? Duchess? Come on girls!”

  I said, “We’d better go. ‘Bye, Tiny. Come on Duchess.”

  Duchess and I made our way back to our own yard just in time to go in the house behind Ian.

  He looked over and saw us walking toward the front porch. “There you are! Come on kids let’s go in and get warm.”

  We quickly followed Ian into the house.

  One day in the spring, Grandpa Max, visited us. He and Ana got into a loud conversation. Grandpa sounded angry. Ana sounded very upset and sad.

  I heard Grandpa say, “Ana, I am putting this house up for sale. I can’t manage two houses. The real estate agent will be setting up tours through the house.”

  Ana said, “But Dad, I’m paying you rent. I don’t want people traipsing through the house. I’ll buy the house.”

  Grandpa Max grunted, “I’ll think about it.”

  Ana replied “But we love it here. We’ve made it our home.”

  “I said I’ll think about it. I have some repairs to make on the house.”

sp; In the next month, all sorts of people crawled, climbed and banged around the house. Many people started coming through the house looking into closets, turning on the faucets and almost stepping on Blanca and me.

  I was annoyed. What is going on? Who are these people and why are they poking around my home? Ana seems angry and upset all the time. Then I noticed boxes being packed and stacked around the house. From prior experience, I knew this meant only one thing.

  “Oh NO! We’re NOT moving! I DON’T want to move from THIS house ever. I love this house. It’s MY house! I’ve lived here the longest. We all love it here…my new friend, Tiny, lives next door, Blanca and Mooch play outside all day and Ana and Ian were getting ready for their wedding. All is perfect here. Why move? We all love this house!”

  Grandpa came over one day to talk to Ana. They ended up yelling then Grandpa Max left slamming the door behind him.

  Ana cried, “I just want to live here. I loved Aunty Belinda and Uncle Arturo. I want to live in their home and make it our home. Why is dad being so stubborn? I wanted to get married here in the yard! Why can’t we stay here?” Ana sobbed and fell into Ian’s arms.

  I looked at Ana. I know how she feels. I want to stay here too. I’m angry at Grandpa Max. How could he be so mean? Ana has taken care of this house and we all love it here. After all these years I still don’t understand humans.

  Peter came to pick up Duchess and he told Ana he would help her with the move. While Peter and Ana were talking, Duchess and I said our goodbyes.

  I complained “I don’t know why we have to move, Duchess. I don’t want to go. This is my home. I love it here. I have lived here for so many years.”

  Duchess agreed, “I know, Thisbe, I’ve grown to love this house too. I’ve spent so many happy days visiting with you. Peter has a new girlfriend. I heard him saying he is going to be living somewhere else. I don’t know if I’ll come to visit anymore.”

  This bit of news saddened me even more. “Oh, Duchess, I hope you come over again before we move. I’ll miss you. Maybe you’ll come to our new house. New house!! Oh yuck! I don’t want to move! Not again!”

  We rubbed noses when it was time to go. “Good-bye Duchess.”

  “Good-bye Thisbe”

  As the days progressed into the summer, more and more boxes were piled up in the dining room and living room. I jumped up on the highest box, sat there and cried all night. “MEOOOOOW” I DON’T want to leave. Ana PLEASE don’t move from here. This is MY home!” I was so very sad.

  One afternoon, Ana and Ian left. They said they were going to look at a house for sale in the city. Blanca ran out in the yard to play with Mooch. Depressed, I wandered about the house alone. I looked into every cabinet and open box. I jumped up in the window to look out in the yard. The garden was overgrown and the flower beds empty. Ana did not plant anything this summer and I don’t blame her. I turned to jump down off the windowsill when I saw Belinda standing in the middle of the living room. She appeared to be crying. I ran to her.

  “Belinda! Did you know Ana and I are moving? Grandpa Max is making us LEAVE our home!”

  Belinda said, “I know, my love, and we are so sad that my stubborn brother would not sell the house to Ana. Arturo is helping them look at another house. Hopefully you all will like it.”

  I was so sad, “I DON’T want to move! This is my home! I like MY yard.”

  Belinda tried to comfort me but I could not be consoled. I asked, “Will you come to visit at our new house? I couldn’t bear it if I didn’t see you again.”

  “My Thisbina, of course I will come and visit. Know that I love you and will be with you always.” She blew me a kiss and disappeared. I climbed to the highest box and cried aloud until Ana came home.


  Ana walked through the door first. “What is that awful sound? Is THAT Thisbe? Is she okay? Thisbe? Where are you, baby?” She walked through the kitchen into the dining room and found me atop the highest box crying mournfully.

  Ana tried to comfort me, “Oh Thisbe, don’t be so sad. I know you don’t want to move again but there is nothing I can do. We did find a beautiful home in the city with lots of space and a big back yard with a garden already planted. I think you’ll like it.”

  I continued to cry. Ian reached up and gently brought me down to Ana. She cuddled me close. “Ian, I have never seen Thisbe so upset.”

  “It may take her a while to get used to the fact she is leaving this house. I hope we can get some sleep tonight.” He softly rubbed my head. “I’m sad too, Thisbe.”

  During our last bit of time in my house, I was awake most nights crying. I jumped from box to box crying, “MEOW! I DON’T WANT TO LEAVE HERE. MEOW!”

  The dreaded moving day arrived. It was the hottest day of the summer so far. Peter and his girlfriend arrived to help move Ana. Ricky, another friend of Ana’s and Rob came to help also.

  Peter told Ana, “I left Duchess at home. She’d just be in the way. Besides, it’s terribly hot.”

  Blanca was constantly in the way of the movers. Ian let her run out in the yard. “Go Blanca! Have one more romp with Mooch before we leave here.”

  I kept jumping from box to box as people carried them out to the truck. I was crying out, “NO! MEOW! This is MY house. NO! Don’t bring that away. HEY! That’s mine!”

  Ana picked me up and tried to place me in my carrier. “Thisbe, honey, we have to get these things out of here. I know you are upset. Here, go in your carrier and try to relax a bit.”

  I cried loudly. “MEOOOOOW…I DON’T WANT TO MOVE!

  I wriggled free from Ana and ran out the door.

  “I want to stay here always.” I ran toward the back garden, squeezed through the fence in the garden and galloped toward the pond.

  “I have to go to the pond. I hope Timmy will still be there. He’ll know what to do. I need to talk to an old friend.”

  But when I arrived at the pond it was all changed. The pond was filled in. There were houses built around and not a sign of Timmy or my old friends. I sat down and cried.

  “Oh everything is changing. My old friends are gone, the pond is gone and now I have to leave my house that I love. Arturo? Belinda? Why? I need to talk to you.”

  Suddenly on the hottest day of the summer, I felt a cool breeze. Belinda sat down next to me.

  “Thisbe, my love, sometimes things don’t go as we want them to go. I know you and Ana want to stay here but you can’t so you must go with the flow.”

  “What do you mean, Belinda?” I sniffed back a tear.

  “Sometimes change is good. Arturo helped Ana and Ian find an old, well-built house that has a beautiful garden and lots of space for you and Blanca to play in. I know you’ll be sad for a little while but you will soon grow to love your new house. Know that we will always be with you and watch over you no matter where you live. Now run home. Ana is worried about you and is very upset. Remember she loves you very much and no matter where you live, as long as you have Ana there with you, that’s your home.”

  I listened carefully to Belinda and thought about what she just said. I looked up to her and said, “You’re right, Belinda. I’m being foolish and stubborn but is it okay to be sad about leaving?”

  Belinda smiled “Yes, my sweet, you may even cry if you like. It will make you feel better. Your Mama says…your tears will wash your heart clean so you can then appreciate your new place. Very good, Mama, you are a smart cat. Now go, Thisbe. Run along home. We’ll come to visit you at your new home.”

  Belinda vanished. I ran as fast as I could toward the little yellow and blue cottage. I could hear Ana calling me. She was standing in the back yard.

  “THISBE! Oh THISBE COME HOME.” Here she comes, Ian. She’s coming through the back fence. Thisbe! Come along we have to go! I want to get you in your carrier. Come on inside.”

  I stood on the porch as Ian called out “BLANCA! Come in!” Blanca stopped chasing Mooch when she heard Ian call her. I ran to Blanca.

  “Come on Blanca, we have to go now. Goodbye Mooch. Say goodbye to Tiny for us. We didn’t get a chance to tell him we were leaving.

  Blanca said, “I have to go Mooch. We’re moving today. I’m leaving here. I won’t see you anymore. We’re going to a new place to live.”

  Mooch was visibly upset. “You’re leaving? I won’t get to see you anymore? We won’t be able to play together? Why?”

  Blanca tried to explain. “Ana and Ian have to leave. I don’t know why. Thisbe is REALLY upset aren’t you?”

  I just nodded.

  “We just have to go, Mooch, I don’t know why. The humans have packed up the whole place in boxes. Thisbe told me they do that when they move. I’m sorry, Mooch. You’re a good friend. I’ll miss you.”

  Mooch hung his head low and started toward his yard. “Well, goodbye, Blanca. I’ll miss you too. Have fun wherever you are going.” He ran toward his yard. He looked very upset.

  Blanca watched as he ran away. She called out, “Don’t be too sad, Mooch. You’ll find another friend.”

  Blanca turned to me and said, “I’ll really miss him too, Thisbe. He was a fun playmate.”

  Slowly we walked toward the front door of the house.

  When Blanca and I entered the front door we could see that the house was now empty of boxes and furniture. Ricky and Rob said they would drive the truck to the new house and left. Peter said, “Sherrie and I will go to the store and buy some cold drinks for everyone. We’ll meet you guys at the new house. I know exactly where it’s located. Sherrie doesn’t live too far from you guys.”

  Ian picked up Blanca in his arms and joined Ana and me in the empty living room. Ana held me tightly to her chest. We were both crying. There were so many memories in this house for us.

  I looked around the empty living room. I remember the first time I came to this house. I remember meeting Belinda. I remember all the parties and the secret visits with Arturo. Then there was my best friend, Chipper, and our trips to the stream. All the fun times I’ve had in this house! Of all the homes I have lived in, this one means the most. I don’t want to leave but I have no choice. I’m only a cat. Then I caught sight of Arturo and Belinda standing next to the fireplace. They looked very sad. “MEOW! Good bye Arturo and Belinda! MEEEOOW! I don’t want to leave here. MEOW!”

  I cried even louder as Ana placed me in my carrier and took me out of the house. Ana locked the door for the last time. I cried loudly, “Good bye old home! MEOW!”

  The drive to the new house seemed to take a long time. I hated car rides. I was too upset to sleep. I cried quietly to myself. Blanca appeared to be napping in her larger carrier.

  Finally the car stopped. It was a very hot day and the car was very warm. Ana and Ian got out of the car and left Blanca and I in there. I hope they come back soon. It’s too hot to stay in this car all day.

  Ana quickly returned to the car, grabbed both our carriers and brought us inside our new house. It was much cooler in there. She then brought us down some stairs and placed the carriers on the floor.

  “Here you go, girls. It’s cool here in the basement bathroom. Here are your food and water bowls. Just relax. The tile floor is clean and cool. Come out of your carriers and enjoy.”

  She opened my carrier door. Ana took Blanca’s carrier away as Blanca was already out and on the floor stretched out. Ian brought in our litter box.

  Ana said, “Okay girls, hang tight. We have to unload the truck and cars and get settled. I’ll check up on you in a little bit.” She left, closing the door behind her.

  I hadn’t stopped crying for the whole trip. I was extremely depressed. Blanca couldn’t understand why I was so upset.

  Blanca stood up and stretched. She walked to my carrier. “Thisbe, it was just a house. Sure we lived there and had fun there but this is a great new place. I saw the yard through the windows. It looks like it would be fun out there. Come on, please don’t be so sad.”

  I sniffed, “You don’t understand, Blanca, I lived there for so many years. I loved Belinda and had many happy memories there. I also had some sad memories but they were all part of my life. I’ve lived in many places but Belinda’s house was the best. I’m tired of moving. It seems like I’ve been moving all my life. I just wanted to stay in THAT house for the rest of my life.”

  Blanca shrugged. She didn’t understand my feelings. She nibbled on a little food, drank some water and curled up on the cool floor. “We’re going to be in here for a while, Thisbe. I think I’m going to take a nap. I’m sorry you’re so upset. Please try to feel better.” She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  I looked at Blanca and shook my head. Blanca, you don’t understand that my heart was in that house and now it’s gone. I nibbled on a little food, drank some cool water and went back into my carrier to sleep. At least I can dream of the old house and my life there!

  A long time passed. I woke up a couple of times when I heard and felt the thud of furniture being dropped on the floor. I know as soon as things settle down, Ana will come and let us out to explore the new house. I don’t want to. I miss Belinda’s house.

  Blanca woke up after one of the louder thuds. “Oh! What was that?”

  “It was some of the furniture being placed down on the floor. They have been moving lots of things. You’ve been sleeping.”

  Blanca got up and stretched. Her stubby little tail shuddered as she elongated her body. She could see I was still unhappy and tried to cheer me up. “Come on, Thisbe, here’s your favorite toy! Come on and play with me.”

  I looked up at Blanca from inside my carrier. I was still in a grumpy mood. “I don’t want to play. Just leave me alone. I want to sleep.”

  “You can sleep anytime. Come on, get up and play with me.” Blanca playfully batted the toy to me.

  I looked up and hissed at her, “Go away and leave me alone!”

  Blanca jumped back in surprise, “Okay! What a grouch!” Blanca continued to amuse herself batting the toy around the small bathroom.

  After a while, Ana came in to free us from our moving day jail. “Come on, kids, time to see your new home. We’re all moved in for the time being.”

  Blanca bolted past Ana and ran up the stairs. She wanted to check out the new house. Ana reached in and brought me out of my carrier. Holding me close, she whispered, “I know you’re upset. I miss our old home, too. This is a very nice house and there’s plenty of room for you to roam. There’s a beautiful back yard where I will plant a catnip garden for you. Come on, baby, let’s go upstairs.”

  She slowly climbed the short flight of steps and placed me on the floor of the living room. I looked around the room and saw familiar pieces of furniture. Oh look! There’s Arturo’s chair, Belinda’s favorite chair, a few tables and my favorite black furry rug tucked next to the side of the sofa. I immediately ran to the rug. I want to smell the old house and sleep on my rug.

  Ana said to Ian, “It’s going to be a tough transition for Thisbe. She loved that house. It was her home. She spent so many years there. Look how she’s gone straight to her favorite rug. I hope she feels a little better with her familiar things around. I think it was a good idea to place that old rug between the sofa and the window. Thisbe loves the sun and it’s like her own corner. Maybe I should place her little black bed there too.”

  Ian agreed, “That would make it her special corner.”

  It was the end of the summer when we moved into the new house. Ana celebrated my seventeenth birthday a few weeks later. Ana crumbled up some cheese crackers into a dish of tuna and I devoured the food.

  Ana gave me my birthday gift. “Thisbe, here’s a soft, new blue blanket for you. I know how much you loved your old blanket. That poor old thing is so threadbare. Since you like to sleep on the sofa occasionally, I’ll place it on the end where you sleep. Now Blanca, don’t you go sleep on this blanket, it is Thisbe’s. Ana placed the folded blanket on the sofa.

  Blanca looked to me and said, “It looks really sof
t. I hope I get a nice blanket for my birthday. I wonder when my birthday is. Hey look, Thisbe! Peter just came in with Duchess.” Blanca ran to the front door. “Hi, Duchess! Thisbe got a new blanket for her birthday!” Then Blanca bounded off toward the living room.

  I walked toward the door at a more leisurely pace. “Hello, old friend. How are you?”

  Duchess wagged her tail. “Hello Thisbe, happy birthday! I’m okay. My back legs hurt a little but other than that I’m fine. How are you doing? How’s the new house?”

  I sighed. “Duchess, I miss my old home. I don’t even want to go outside in this yard. It looks pretty from the window but it’s not the same as Belinda’s yard. I just sit and cry a lot. I’m just so sad. I know it’s silly but I can’t help it. Come. Let’s go sit on the black, furry rug that used to be in front of the fireplace. At least I have that leftover from my old house. It’s nice and warm in the sun.”

  Duchess nodded her head in agreement. “I understand how you feel, Thisbe. I loved the house we lived in when I was young. I didn’t want Peter to move but we did. When we moved here, I sort of liked the house that we lived in for a while near the beach. Remember that big yard? We had some good times there, Thisbe.”

  “Yes Duchess, we did. We also had some great times at Mrs. Radisson’s house. Remember the secret pet door in the back? We used to sneak out and run down to the river.”

  “Yes! Do you remember the first time we saw that deer family. They sure were big animals.”

  I smiled. “Duchess, talking to you makes me feel better. I guess I’ll be okay. I’ll get used to this house. Thanks for coming to my birthday party. You’re a great friend.”

  We continued to chat for the duration of the party. By the end of the evening Duchess had me laughing and reminiscing about some of our old escapades. Blanca would occasionally stop by us to say hello then run off again chasing imaginary animals.

  After one of Blanca’s interruptions, I shook my head, “Blanca is very sweet but she’s a bit of a ding. She doesn’t remember being a kitten or any of her life before she met Ana and Ian. She is a happy cat and lives in her own world.”

  Duchess laughed, “She is entertaining!”

  Duchess and I relaxed the rest of the evening, talked a little of our old times together and watched Blanca chase imaginary animals.


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