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The Arthur Morrison Mystery

Page 95

by Arthur Morrison

  So his placid fortune endured for years. Then there came a golden summer evening when Mrs. Simmons betook herself with a basket to do some small shopping, and Simmons was left at home. He washed and put away the tea-things, and then he fell to meditating on a new pair of trousers, finished that day and hanging behind the parlor door. There they hung, in all their decent innocence of shape in the seat, and they were shorter of leg, longer of waist, and wilder of pattern than he had ever worn before. And as he looked on them the small devil of Original Sin awoke and clamored in his breast. He was ashamed of it, of course, for well he knew the gratitude he owed his wife for those same trousers, among other blessings. Still, there the small devil was, and the small devil was fertile in base suggestions, and could not be kept from hinting at the new crop of workshop gibes that would spring at Tommy’s first public appearance in such things.

  “Pitch ’em in the dustbin!” said the small devil at last; “it’s all they’re fit for.”

  Simmons turned away in sheer horror of his wicked self, and for a moment thought of washing the tea-things over again by way of discipline. Then he made for the back room, but saw from the landing that the front door was standing open, probably by the fault of the child downstairs. Now a front door standing open was a thing that Mrs. Simmons would not abide: it looked low. So Simmons went down, that she might not be wroth with him for the thing when she came back; and, as he shut the door, he looked forth into the street.

  A man was loitering on the pavement, and prying curiously about the door. His face was tanned, his hands were deep in the pockets of his unbraced blue trousers, and well back on his head he wore the high-crowned peaked cap topped with a knob of wool, which is affected by Jack ashore about the docks. He lurched a step nearer to the door, and “Mrs. Ford ain’t in, is she?” he said.

  Simmons stared at him for a matter of five seconds, and then said, “Eh?”

  “Mrs. Ford as was, then—Simmons now, ain’t it?”

  He said this with a furtive leer that Simmons neither liked nor understood.

  “No,” said Simmons, “she ain’t in now.”

  “You ain’t her ’usband, are ye?”


  The man took his pipe from his mouth, and grinned silently and long. “Blimy,” he said at length, “you look the sort o’ bloke she’d like,”—and with that he grinned again. Then, seeing that Simmons made ready to shut the door, he put a foot on the sill and a hand against the panel. “Don’t be in a ’urry, matey,” he said, “I come ’ere t’ave a little talk with you, man to man, d’ye see?” And he frowned fiercely.

  Tommy Simmons felt uncomfortable, but the door would not shut, so he parleyed. “Wotjer want?” he asked. “I dunno you.”

  “Then, if you’ll excuse the liberty, I’ll interdooce meself, in a manner of speaking.” He touched his cap with a bob of mock humility. “I’m Bob Ford,” he said, “come back out o’ kingdom-come, so to say. Me as went down with the Mooltan—safe dead five year gone. I come to see my wife.”

  During this speech Thomas Simmons’s jaw was dropping lower and lower. At the end of it he poked his fingers up through his hair, looked down at the mat, then up at the fanlight, then out into the street, then hard at his visitor. But he found nothing to say.

  “Come to see my wife,” the man repeated. “So now we can talk it over—as man to man.”

  Simmons slowly shut his mouth, and led the way upstairs mechanically, his fingers still in his hair. A sense of the state of affairs sank gradually into his brain, and the small devil woke again. Suppose this man was Ford? Suppose he did claim his wife? Would it be a knock-down blow? Would it hit him out?—or not? He thought of the trousers, the tea-things, the mangling, the knives, the kettles, and the windows; and he thought of them in the way of a backslider.

  On the landing Ford clutched at his arm, and asked in a hoarse whisper: “’Ow long ’fore she’s back?”

  “’Bout a hour, I expect,” Simmons replied, having first of all repeated the question in his own mind. And then he opened the parlor door.

  “Ah,” said Ford, looking about him, “you’ve bin pretty comf’table. Them chairs an’ things”—jerking his pipe toward them—“was hers—mine that is to say, speaking straight, and man to man.” He sat down, puffing meditatively at his pipe, and presently: “Well,” he continued, “’ere I am agin, ol’ Bob Ford dead an’ done for—gawn down in the Mooltan. On’y I ain’t done for, see?”—and he pointed the stem of his pipe at Simmons’s waistcoat,—“I ain’t done for, ’cause why? Cons’kence o’ bein’ picked up by a ol’ German sailin’-’utch an’ took to ’Frisco ’fore the mast. I’ve ’ad a few years o’ knockin’ about since then, an’ now”—looking hard at Simmons—“I’ve come back to see my wife.”

  “She—she don’t like smoke in ’ere,” said Simmons, as it were at random.

  “No, I bet she don’t,” Ford answered, taking his pipe from his mouth, and holding it low in his hand. “I know ’Anner. ’ow d’you find ’er? Do she make ye clean the winders?”

  “Well,” Simmons admitted uneasily, “I—I do ’elp ’er sometimes, o’ course.”

  “Ah! An’ the knives too, I bet, an’ the bloomin’ kittles. I know. Wy”—he rose and bent to look behind Simmons’s head—“s’elp me, I b’lieve she cuts yer ’air! Well, I’m damned! Jes’ wot she would do, too.”

  He inspected the blushing Simmons from divers points of vantage. Then he lifted a leg of the trousers hanging behind the door. “I’d bet a trifle,” he said, “she made these ’ere trucks. Nobody else ’ud do ’em like that. Damme—they’re wuss’n wot you’re got on.”

  The small devil began to have the argument all its own way. If this man took his wife back perhaps he’d have to wear those trousers.

  “Ah!” Ford pursued, “she ain’t got no milder. An’ my davy, wot a jore!”

  Simmons began to feel that this was no longer his business. Plainly, ’Anner was this other man’s wife, and he was bound in honor to acknowledge the fact. The small devil put it to him as a matter of duty.

  “Well,” said Ford suddenly, “time’s short an’ this ain’t business. I won’t be ’ard on you, matey. I ought prop’ly to stand on my rights, but seein’ as you’re a well-meanin’ young man, so to speak, an’ all settled an’ a-livin’ ’ere quiet an’ matrimonual, I’ll”—this with a burst of generosity—“damme, yus, I’ll compound the felony, an’ take me ’ook. Come, I’ll name a figure, as man to man, fust an’ last, no less an’ no more. Five pound does it.”

  Simmons hadn’t five pounds—he hadn’t even five pence—and he said so. “An’ I wouldn’t think for to come between a man an’ ’is wife,” he added, “not on no account. It may be rough on me, but it’s a dooty. I’ll ’ook it.”

  “No,” said Ford hastily, clutching Simmons by the arm, “don’t do that. I’ll make it a bit cheaper. Say three quid—come, that’s reasonable, ain’t it? Three quid ain’t much compensation for me goin’ away forever—where the stormy winds do blow, so to say—an’ never as much as seein’ me own wife agin for better nor wuss. Between man an’ man now—three quid; an’ I’ll shunt. That’s fair, ain’t it?”

  “Of course it’s fair,” Simmons replied effusively. “It’s more’n fair: it’s noble—downright noble, I call it. But I ain’t goin’ to take a mean advantage o’ your good-’artedness, Mr. Ford. She’s your wife, an’ I oughtn’t to ’a’ come between you. I apologize. You stop an’ ’ave yer proper rights. It’s me as ought to shunt, an’ I will.” And he made a step toward the door.

  “’Old on,” quoth Ford, and got between Simmons and the door; “don’t do things rash. Look wot a loss it’ll be to you with no ’ome to go to, an’ nobody to look after ye, an’ all that. It’ll be dreadful. Say a couple—there, we won’t quarrel, jest a single quid, between man an’ man, an’ I’ll stand a pot out o’ the money. You can easy raise a q
uid—the clock ’ud pretty nigh do it. A quid does it; an’ I’ll—”

  There was a loud double-knock at the front door. In the East End a double-knock is always for the upstairs lodgers.

  “Oo’s that?” asked Bob Ford apprehensively.

  “I’ll see,” said Thomas Simmons in reply, and he made a rush for the staircase.

  Bob Ford heard him open the front door. Then he went to the window, and, just below him, he saw the crown of a bonnet. It vanished, and borne to him from within the door there fell upon his ear the sound of a well-remembered female voice.

  “Where ye goin’ now with no ’at?” asked the voice sharply.

  “Awright, ’Anner—there’s—there‘s somebody upstairs to see you,” Simmons answered. And, as Bob Ford could see, a man went scuttling down the street in the gathering dusk. And behold, it was Thomas Simmons.

  Ford reached the landing in three strides. His wife was still at the front door, staring after Simmons. He flung into the back room, threw open the window, dropped from the wash-house roof into the back-yard, scrambled desperately over the fence, and disappeared into the gloom. He was seen by no living soul. And that is why Simmons’s base desertion—under his wife’s very eyes, too—is still an astonishment to the neighbors.


  The street was the common East End street—two parallels of brick pierced with windows and doors. But at the end of one, where the builder had found a remnant of land too small for another six-roomer, there stood an odd box of a cottage, with three rooms and a wash-house. It had a green door with a well-blacked knocker round the corner; and in the lower window in front stood a “shade of fruit”—a cone of waxen grapes and apples under a glass cover.

  Although the house was smaller than the others, and was built upon a remnant, it was always a house of some consideration. In a street like this mere independence of pattern gives distinction. And a house inhabited by one sole family makes a figure among houses inhabited by two or more, even though it be the smallest of all. And here the seal of respectability was set by the shade of fruit—a sign accepted in those parts. Now, when people keep a house to themselves, and keep it clean; when they neither stand at the doors nor gossip across back-fences; when, moreover, they have a well-dusted shade of fruit in the front window; and, especially, when they are two women who tell nobody their business: they are known at once for well-to-do, and are regarded with the admixture of spite and respect that is proper to the circumstances. They are also watched.

  Still, the neighbors knew the history of the Perkinses, mother and daughter, in its main features, with little disagreement: having told it to each other, filling in the details when occasion seemed to serve. Perkins, ere he died, had been a shipwright; and this was when the shipwrights were the aristocracy of the workshops, and he that worked more than three or four days a week was counted a mean slave: it was long (in fact) before depression, strikes, iron plates, and collective blindness had driven shipbuilding to the Clyde. Perkins had labored no harder than his fellows, had married a tradesman’s daughter, and had spent his money with freedom; and some while after his death his widow and daughter came to live in the small house, and kept a school for tradesmen’s little girls in a back room over the wash-house. But as the School Board waxed in power, and the tradesmen’s pride in regard thereunto waned, the attendance, never large, came down to twos and threes. Then Mrs. Perkins met with her accident. A dweller in Stidder’s Rents overtook her one night, and, having vigorously punched her in the face and the breast, kicked her and jumped on her for five minutes as she lay on the pavement. (In the dark, it afterwards appeared, he had mistaken her for his mother.) The one distinct opinion the adventure bred in the street was Mrs. Webster’s, the Little Bethelite, who considered it a judgment for sinful pride—for Mrs. Perkins had been a Church-goer. But the neighbors never saw Mrs. Perkins again. The doctor left his patient “as well as she ever would be,” but bedridden and helpless. Her daughter was a scraggy, sharp-faced woman of thirty or so, whose black dress hung from her hips as from a wooden frame; and some people got into the way of calling her Mrs. Perkins, seeing no other thus to honor. And meantime the school had ceased, although Miss Perkins essayed a revival, and joined a dissenting chapel to that end.

  Then, one day, a card appeared in the window, over the shade of fruit, with the legend “Pianoforte Lessons.” It was not approved by the street. It was a standing advertisement of the fact that the Perkinses had a piano, which others had not. It also revealed a grasping spirit on the part of people able to keep a house to themselves, with red curtains and a shade of fruit in the parlor window; who, moreover, had been able to give up keeping a school because of ill-health. The pianoforte lessons were eight-and-sixpence a quarter, two a week. Nobody was ever known to take them but the relieving officer’s daughter, and she paid sixpence a lesson, to see how she got on, and left off in three weeks. The card stayed in the window a fortnight longer, and none of the neighbors saw the cart that came in the night and took away the old cabinet piano with the channelled keys, that had been fourth-hand when Perkins bought it twenty years ago. Mrs. Clark, the widow who sewed far into the night, may possibly have heard a noise and looked; but she said nothing if she did. There was no card in the window next morning, but the shade of fruit stood primly respectable as ever. The curtains were drawn a little closer across, for some of the children playing in the street were used to flatten their faces against the lower panes, and to discuss the piano, the stuff-bottomed chairs, the antimacassars, the mantelpiece ornaments, and the loo table with the family Bible and the album on it.

  It was soon after this that the Perkinses altogether ceased from shopping—ceased, at any rate, in that neighborhood. Trade with them had already been dwindling, and it was said that Miss Perkins was getting stingier than her mother—who had been stingy enough herself. Indeed, the Perkins demeanor began to change for the worse, to be significant of a miserly retirement and an offensive alienation from the rest of the street. One day the deacon called, as was his practice now and then; but, being invited no further than the doorstep, he went away in dudgeon, and did not return. Nor, indeed, was Miss Perkins seen again at chapel.

  Then there was a discovery. The spare figure of Miss Perkins was seldom seen in the streets, and then almost always at night; but on these occasions she was observed to carry parcels, of varying wrappings and shapes. Once, in broad daylight, with a package in newspaper, she made such haste past a shop-window where stood Mrs. Webster and Mrs. Jones, that she tripped on the broken sole of one shoe, and fell headlong. The newspaper broke away from its pins, and although the woman reached and recovered her parcel before she rose, it was plain to see that it was made up of cheap shirts, cut out ready for the stitching. The street had the news the same hour, and it was generally held that such a taking of the bread out of the mouths of them that wanted it by them that had plenty was a scandal and a shame, and ought to be put a stop to. And Mrs. Webster, foremost in the setting right of things, undertook to find out whence the work came, and to say a few plain words in the right quarter.

  All this while nobody watched closely enough to note that the parcels brought in were fewer than the parcels taken out. Even a hand-truck, late one evening, went unremarked: the door being round the corner, and most people within. One morning, though, Miss Perkins, her best foot foremost, was venturing along a near street with an outgoing parcel—large and triangular and wrapped in white drugget—when the relieving officer turned the corner across the way.

  The relieving officer was a man in whose system of etiquette the Perkinses had caused some little disturbance. His ordinary female acquaintances (not, of course, professional) he was in the habit of recognizing by a gracious nod. When he met the minister’s wife he lifted his hat, instantly assuming an intense frown, in the event of irreverent observation. Now he quite felt that the Perkinses were entitled to some advance upon the nod, although it would be absurd to
raise them to a level with the minister’s wife. So he had long since established a compromise: he closed his finger and thumb upon the brim of his hat, and let his hand fall forthwith. Preparing now to accomplish this salute, he was astounded to see that Miss Perkins, as soon as she was aware of his approach, turned her face, which was rather flushed, away from him, and went hurrying onward, looking at the wall on her side of the street. The relieving officer, checking his hand on its way to his hat, stopped and looked after her as she turned the corner, hugging her parcel on the side next the wall. Then he shouldered his umbrella and pursued his way, holding his head high, and staring fiercely straight before him; for a relieving officer is not used to being cut.

  It was a little after this that Mr. Crouch, the landlord, called. He had not been calling regularly, because of late Miss Perkins had left her five shillings of rent with Mrs. Crouch every Saturday evening. He noted with satisfaction the whitened sills and the shade of fruit, behind which the curtains were now drawn close and pinned together. He turned the corner and lifted the bright knocker. Miss Perkins half opened the door, stood in the opening, and began to speak.

  His jaw dropped. “Beg pardon—forgot something. Won’t wait—call next week—do just as well;” and he hurried round the corner and down the street, puffing and blowing and staring. “Why the woman frightened me,” he afterward explained to Mrs. Crouch. “There’s something wrong with her eyes, and she looked like a corpse. The rent wasn’t ready—I could see that before she spoke; so I cleared out.”


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