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Aftereffect (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 1)

Page 13

by T. L Hodel

  “Nothing.” He shrugged. “Just didn’t take you for the type afraid to try something new.”

  “I am not afraid.”

  He raised a challenging brow. “Then what’s the harm in trying it?”

  “Fine! I’ll try your stupid salad,” I huffed and crossed my arms. “But I won’t like it.”

  “Alright, I’ll make you a deal. If you don’t like it, I’ll leave you alone for the rest of the week.”

  My eyes narrowed. “What’s the catch?”

  “If you do,” I saw the hint of smile curl his lips, “then I get to spend the week in your bed.”

  I snorted. “No way!”

  “It’s up to you. You can take the bet and possibly win yourself a week of freedom. Or refuse and I’ll be in your bed anyway.”

  I’d sleep outside before sleeping in the same bed as him . . . and maybe burn the mattress.

  “Well, you’ll be alone in my bed.”

  “Not if you’re tied to it.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  His brow rose. “You know I would.”

  My hands balled as I eyed the forkful he held out. If by some small miracle I actually did like that crap, I could always pretend I didn’t. Sighing, I parted my lips so Micha could slide the fork into my mouth. Oh my God! The flavors exploding on my tongue were out of this world. I don’t know what those little cubes of bread were, but they were delicious. I didn’t even care that Logan stole the rest of my sandwich. It wasn’t until Micha bent over and whispered in my ear that I realized what had happened. “See you tonight mouse.”

  My eyes zeroed in on the empty bowl.

  Fuck you, Panzanella salad!

  Chapter Fourteen


  After practice, I took Junior out for something to eat. Someone had to feed the kid, because his mother sure wouldn’t. She was worse than Riley’s mother. At least Maria Adams never sold her daughter to fuel her habit. That shit stopped when I sent Peyton to have a chat with Junior’s mother. There was something about being taught a lesson by the pretty little blonde with an innocent smile. Plus, I wanted to make sure that prick from yesterday, got the message.

  After that, I headed over to Riley’s. Not only did I want to get my hands on her – feeding her was one of the most erotic moments of my life – but Jack’s friend left me another note.

  An eye for an eye,

  A dime for a dime,

  I’ll take what’s yours,

  If you take what’s mine.

  It wasn’t the stupid little rhymes that had me concerned, it was the picture of Riley attached to it. If this fucker wanted to take a round with the master player, fine. But no one, and I mean no one, threatened what was mine! I didn’t care if it was my Jeep, my shoe, or my mouse. This asshole was going to pay.

  In the meantime, I’d have to have Riley protected, and since Marco wasn’t overly anxious for another security detail – last time Riley asked him if all guys liked to lick ass – that left the job up to Preston. I’d like to see her try to make that fucker uncomfortable.

  I turned down Logan’s driveway and grimaced at the gaudy fountain. We’d tried to destroy that thing so many times, but Paisley had some weird attachment to it. The last time we cut the angel’s head off, she cried. Logan put a stop to it after that. Always the momma’s boy.

  Stepping out of the Jeep, I took a minute to enjoy the fresh air. There was a big difference from the salty fish ridden ocean air where Junior lived and here. I don’t know how the kid put up with it. He wasn’t very impressed when I told him about Riley, though I couldn’t blame him. The only females in his life were his mother and the useless social worker who stopped by once a month.

  The gravel crunched under my feet as I made my way to the house. Riley should be home by now. She worked at Chase Mathers tattoo parlor, and I still didn’t feel any better about the guy. Okay so he was her uncle, but why didn’t he tell her? What was he hiding? The Order had dealings with a few motorcycle clubs, and they were some shady fuckers. Chase may have left the club behind, but he still ran the Lost Souls MC for a couple years. Nobody gave up that kind of power without a reason.

  Paisley was rearranging a plant when I stepped inside.

  “Micha,” she asked, eyeing me curiously. “Logan’s not here?”

  If Paisley knew what was going on, the first thing she’d do is run to my father. “I’m here to see Riley.”

  “Oh?” She knew the drill; she had a contract herself. All the wives did. Paisley couldn’t look Logan in the eye after the contract reading. He acted like it didn’t bother him, but I knew better. “She’s in her room.”

  I had some time before Preston got here. Time I intended to spend playing with my mouse.

  “You won’t hurt her, will you?”

  I stopped halfway up the stairs and spun around. “Don’t confuse me with your former husband. I might be hard on her, but I’d never beat on her for fun.”

  Paisley winced. “I’m sorry. I just –”

  “I know.” I shouldn’t snap at her. Paisley had been through enough, and I didn’t want to make her relive those memories.

  “Derek should be home soon. I’ll make sure he doesn’t bother you.”

  And by that, she meant she’d keep Derek from pissing me off. Considering he was just a stubborn as his daughter, that was probably a good idea.

  “You do that.” I said, and continued up the stairs.

  I sauntered into Riley’s room and looked around, taking in the changes she’d made. Above the bed was a poster of her favorite movie, Aliens. On one of the bedside tables were two pictures of her mother, and various figurines and stuffed toys of Minnie Mouse lined a shelf on the far wall. In the corner of the room, was a stack of art supplies and an easel. My eyes followed the lines of a black dragon’s wings, spread wide in flight, as his neck twisted and snarled a ball of blue flame. The eyes were what caught my attention. Deep green orbs, glistening with unshed tears. Somehow Riley had made this grand majestic beast look sad. It was beautiful.

  Riley’s voice wafted out of the bathroom, drawing my attention from the painting. I walked over and smirked. She was singing in the shower, and not very well. Pressing my palm on the wooden door, I listened to her out-of-tune voice, imagining the vision on the other side. A naked, wet, raven-haired beauty. I could kick the door down and take what was rightfully mine. My dick sure liked the idea. Instead, I shrugged off my coat, dropped my bag, and walked over to the bed.

  Laid out at the foot of the mattress, was a set of Minnie Mouse pajamas – a tank top and navy shorts that would make her eyes pop. God, I loved her eyes, especially when she was pissed. The rage through those deep still water blues, racked up a storm. Crashing waves against rocky shores, popping white-hot sparks of hatred, like fireworks. Fireworks that were just for me. My dick got hard just thinking about it. The simple pair of white cotton panties, caused me to smirk.

  How very virgin of her.

  I sat down on the bed and picked up a picture of Riley’s mother. All I wanted to do was crush the small wooden frame. What kind of mother was she? Drinking while her daughter took care of everything. I didn’t get Riley’s weird attachment to her. What the hell did Maria Adams ever do to deserve her daughter’s undying love? I sighed, and set the picture back on the bedside table. If Riley wanted to think of her mother as a paragon of virtue, I’d let her. Hell, it worked for Mase.

  My attention was drawn back to the bathroom when I heard the shower cut off. I smiled, kicked my feet up and linked my fingers behind my head.

  Show time!

  A few minutes later, Riley sauntered out, completely oblivious to my presence. I licked my lips watching water drip off her hair, glide over her smooth skin and disappear under the towel wrapped around her chest. Fuck, I wanted to rip that shit off her. My heart pumped excitedly when those eyes rolled up.

  “Jesus Christ!” Riley shrieked, jumping back.

  “You shouldn’t use the Lord’s name in vain.” I tsk-
ed. “Good little church girl like you knows that.”

  The rage started burning as she narrowed her eyes. I loved this shit.

  “Fuck you, and fuck God! You can both kiss my ass!”

  Fuck me! I almost came right then and there.

  “Is that an invitation?” I drawled, lifting my brow.

  She clutched the towel tighter to her chest, as if that would save her, and pointed at the door. “Get out!”


  “You can’t just come in here!” she said, stomping her foot.

  It was so fucking adorable when she acted all tough like that.

  “I believe I can. Or did you forget about our little deal?”

  “Well, I’m reneging on it.”

  The corner of my mouth lifted. “And that’s why I brought rope.”

  She was pissed, her eyes narrowed, and nose all scrunched up. I wanted to keep pushing her. Watch her slip past the point of control and snap. Maybe she’d slap me again. That was fucking hot. Or maybe she’d lunge at me. Swing her fists and fight me with all her strength. That’s what I wanted. To fight with her until she broke in my hands, and watch defeat slip into her eyes. Then, and only then, would I have the control I craved.

  “I hate you.”

  “So, you keep saying,” I stated, turning my attention to her buzzing phone.

  Shelby wanted to know how her day was.

  Oh, it’s about to get real good.

  “Give me that.”

  “Come and get it,” I dared knowing there was no way she’d take me up on it.

  Riley chewed her lip and shifted nervously on her feet. Her gaze shot from me to the clothes laid out, undecided which to go for. If she went for her phone, I’d have that towel off in two seconds, and she knew it.

  Slowly, with wide, alert eyes, Riley crept closer to the bed. Though my heart pumped with wild anticipation, outwardly I remained calm, scrolling through her phone, while keeping myself primed and ready to pounce.

  Come on, little mouse, just a few steps closer.

  I sighed inwardly when her hand shot out, quickly snatching up her clothes.

  “Its password protected,” Riley spat as she backed up.

  “I know,” I replied, setting her phone back on the bedside table. “You really shouldn’t use your birthday.”

  There were those sparks again. Pop, pop, pop.

  “Your towel is starting to slip,” I pointed out, smirking when she cleared her throat and nervously readjusted.

  “Why don’t you go find Naomi?” she said glancing over her shoulder at the bathroom.

  Silly girl, do you honestly think I’m going to let you hide?

  “From what I hear, you two have a lot of fun together.”

  People talked too much. I only fucked Naomi a couple of times, but if you listened to the rumors floating around Ashworth, we were a couple. I suspected Naomi had something to do with that.


  “Pfft! As if.”

  I smirked and rose from the bed.

  She was.

  “Maybe I should call Naomi over here?” For every step I took, Riley took two back. Her eyes were locked on me, slowly prowling closer, and hadn’t noticed she’d veered off course. The bathroom was to her left. “You want to watch Naomi suck my cock?”

  I could practically hear her teeth grind. Normally I didn’t do the jealousy thing. The first time some chick got snarky over someone else, they were gone, but with Riley I wanted her seething at the mere thought of me being with someone else. Because I was. Christ, I almost punched my best friend for staring at her ass.

  “Or maybe you want to watch me fuck her?” Riley’s back hit the wall and I moved in. Caging her in my arms, I leaned in and whispered, “Hear her scream my name?”

  She glared up at me and I almost stumbled. She was fucking aroused. Pupils dilatated, with a flushed face. Fuck me. This chick really was made for me. If my mouse wanted to watch, I could arrange that. Let’s see how far down the rabbit hole I could drag her?

  “Have sex with who you want,” she insisted, “I don’t care.”

  “I don’t have sex . . .” I chuckled at her innocence, “I fuck.”

  Her cheeks flushed a deeper shade, as she swallowed hard.

  “Don’t worry, Mouse.” I traced the delicate angle of her jawline, reveling in the pink tint that flooded her cheeks. “I’ll show you the difference.”

  She released a ragged breath. “Don’t touch me.”

  I grazed my knuckles down her arm, watching a trail of goosebumps rise. “You like it.”

  “No, I don’t.” Riley quickly clamped her legs shut when I smoothed my palm up her thigh.

  I bent over, running my nose up her neck, taking in her sweet scent. I never cared for coconuts before, but now I couldn’t get enough of them.

  “I can feel the heat coming off your pussy.”

  She gulped and hugged her clothes tightly to her chest, like they would somehow shield her from me. There was nothing on God’s green earth that could keep me from her. All she did by trying to hide, was make me want to rip her out in the open.

  Stupid, Mouse, you shouldn’t tempt the cat.

  “Why don’t you come back later? You know, when I’m less naked and have a free hand to slap you with?”

  Always the stubborn one, my mouse. Refusing to back down, even when she was scared shitless. But she wasn’t prepared to play this game.

  I tilted my head and looked down at her. “You want to get dressed?”

  “No,” Her lips curled in a sneer, “I want to stay in this damp towel all damn day! What the hell do you think?”

  I leaned back, slowly pulling my gaze up her legs, over the curve of her hip and up to her chest. Soft mounds pressing against the towel with her heavy breaths. It would be so easy to take her right now. I bet that tight little virgin pussy was dripping.

  “Go ahead, get dressed,” I said, still contemplating whether or not I was going to take her right here and now. “Don’t let me stop you.”

  “Do you mind?” Riley huffed.

  A gentleman would’ve let her go in the bathroom, or at least turned around. But nobody said I was a gentleman.

  “Not at all.”

  She tilted her head to the side, and gave me a dirty look. “Kind of hard to get dressed when you’re all up in my space.”

  “I could help you,” I suggested, dragging my finger down her chest, enjoying the warmth of her soft skin.

  I’d help her alright. Slide those white cotton panties right up her trembling thighs. Next would be the shirt. I pictured it fluttering over her head to caress her breasts. The soft fabric of her shorts wrapping around her thighs and over her ass. Fuck, I wanted to dress her every damn day.

  “You could at least back up?” Riley said breathlessly.

  One finger. That’s all it took to steal her breath.

  “I could,” I said, dropping my hand and arching my brow.

  She gave a derisive little snort and rolled her eyes.

  What happened next caught me completely off guard.

  Riley’s features went hard as she ripped the towel off her body. I was too stunned to do anything. I just stood there like a fucking idiot while she furiously tore her clothes on, covering herself in record time, denying me the chance to appreciate those perfect rosebud nipples.

  “Satisfied?” she sang, with a little smile on her face.

  My reaction was instant. Fisting her hair, I slammed her back against the wall, and growled, “You’re playing with fire baby.”

  “Really? Because it looks to me like you’re the one who just got burned?”

  Oh, she wants to play, does she?

  “Careful, Mouse,” I purred running my palm up her leg. “I’m two seconds away from giving you a proper introduction to my cock.”

  “Try it!” Riley snarled, raking her claws down my arm.

  My fingers dug into her waist the same time she released the cutest little growl and swung her fist.
I grabbed her wrist, flipped her around, and twisted her arm behind her back. Riley cried out and threw her other arm blindly behind her. She was already out of breath, snarling and barring her teeth like a cornered kitten.

  “You guys are having fun.”

  We both stopped and looked over at Logan, who was leaning against the doorframe.

  “Where were you?” I asked, slapping Riley’s ass when she swung at me again.

  “Coach’s house.”

  “How’s his wife?”

  A sly smirk slowly spread across his face. “Satisfied.”

  “Good, now fuck off!” I picked Riley up by the waist, turned us around, and started to frog walk her to the bed. “We’re busy.”

  “I can see that.” He chuckled.

  “Come on in, we’re not busy at all,” Riley snarled and stomped the heel of her foot down on mine.

  I barely felt the impact through my shoe.

  “Gotta try harder than that, Mouse,” I purred softly in her ear.

  “Don’t worry,” she spat, while throwing her elbow back into my gut. “I’m just getting started.”

  Fuck! That strike actually pushed a grunt past my lips. God, that was hot. Her arm swung back, making a play for my nuts, but I dodged it. If I’d learned anything about my mouse, it was to keep a close eye on my boys.

  “If you want to play with my balls, baby, all you have to do is ask.”

  That really got her going. Riley growled loudly, twisting her body and flailing her legs. My heart raced, pumping adrenaline through my veins. She was such a shitty fighter. I wanted to fight with her everyday.

  “Have fun, sis,” Logan sang and waltzed out, closing the door behind him.

  “You better sleep with one eye open asshole!” Riley yelled and threw her heel back in my shin.

  “Fuck,” I grunted and entwined my fingers in her long, silky locks, yanking her head back. “Keep fighting. You’re making my dick hard.” I pressed my hips forward, so she could feel the steel rod in my pants.

  Riley gasped and struggled harder. “If you come near me with that thing,” she growled, once again throwing her elbow back. “I’ll bite it off, I swear.”


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