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Aftereffect (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 1)

Page 23

by T. L Hodel

  Cracks started to show in her sweet façade when she rolled her eyes, and snorted, “Doubtful.”

  “Well then,” I said, dropping my jeans, and letting them pool at my feet. “Let’s get to it.”

  Her mouth dropped open at the raging hard on tenting my black boxer briefs. I had to hold back a chuckle when my dick twitched and she jumped back.

  I swept my hands toward the bed, and called her bluff. “After you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  I had no idea what I was doing. After Mason trapped me in what I assumed was Micha’s bedroom – only the devil would have black furniture – I tried to find a way out. When I couldn’t open the door or windows, I looked for a place to hide. Most guys had stuff all over their room – games and clothes and crap on the floor – not Micha. It was neat, and clean, with so much open space, Shelby could run track inhere.

  Everything was black, except for a blood red accent wall, matching blanket, and throw pillows on the leather wing back chairs. Other than under the massive four poster bed, that looked like it came out of Dracula’s castle, there wasn’t many places to hide. Which kicked that option right out the window. So, I rummaged around. There had to be something in here . . .

  Which was how I came across a black canvas bag full of my clothes. And by my clothes, I mean the new crap from my closet and a school uniform. I almost tossed the lingerie aside, but then I had an idea. If I could get close enough to Micha, then I could use my pocketknife and maybe get out of here.

  It was worth a shot, right?

  That’s what I did. I tucked the knife in the back of my panties, and put on the lingerie, which was oddly comfortable by the way. It fit me like a glove, and was softer than any of my other jammies. The panties however, were not comfortable. This tiny little string thing was riding up my ass crack and my female parts were barely covered. A handkerchief had more fabric. Quite frankly, I was surprised they were still holding up my knife.

  My game plan was to try and seduce Micha. Get him to let his guard down, and use the opportunity to turn things to my advantage. Gotta say, I had new respect for those Barbie bimbo girls. They made it look so easy. A smile here, a touch there, and guys were putty in their hands. It was utterly exhausting, playing cute. My mind wasn’t helping any. It turned to goo when Micha took his shirt off, and completely checked out when his jeans followed.

  Now, here I was, standing in the beast’s room, in nothing more than a white lace teddy with a scrap of fabric covering my nether regions, and I couldn’t stop staring at his erection. I touched him, yes, but seeing was a whole lot different. A few things ran through my mind, like there’s no way that thing will fit in me, and holy crap, he’s going to break me.

  “After you.”

  Oh shit.

  I tore my eyes off the instrument of my destruction and looked up into his dark eyes hooded with desire. Lust was everywhere. Thick in the air, in the husky tone of his voice, and the way he was devouring me with his gaze. It was even rolling through me, making my knees weak and running my throat dry.

  “What’s wrong Mouse?” His lips curled in a daring smirk. “Afraid you might lose?”

  He was calling my bluff. I knew it, and he knew it. Problem was, I was afraid that if I got in that bed, it would be game over. Because a large part of me really, really wanted to get in that bed.

  Come on, Riley, this is what you’ve been waiting for.

  I swallowed my nerves and reached back, brushing my hand over the knife tucked in the waistband of my panties, and sang, “Oh no. After you. I insist.”

  I had an objective here and getting naked with Micha wasn’t it.

  Might be fun though . . .

  I cocked my head and watched Micha when he shrugged and sauntered over to the bed. It should be illegal for someone to look that good in underwear.

  “Alright, Mouse, your turn,” he said, sitting on the edge of the bed and holding his hand out for me. “Come here.”

  My nerves got the better of me. I stood there staring at his outstretched arm, afraid that if I got too close my mind would be lost and my body would take over. I was already having trouble maintaining my sanity.

  “Come here, baby,” he softly repeated, as if I was an animal he was trying to coax into eating out of his palm.

  My feet moved of their own accord. Bringing me closer as my hand reached out to touch the tips of his fingers. That’s all Micha needed. Before I could recoil back, my wrist was snatched, and I found myself standing between his legs, face to face with the beast himself. So close, I could see the golden flecks glittering in his eyes, and smell his minty breath.

  Micha’s left hand rose, sweeping my hair over my shoulder, and I stood there, shuttering out anxious breaths, both awed by his beauty, and petrified of what was happening. The way he looked at me, like I was something precious, unsettled me the most.

  “I know this is your first time.” A violent shiver ran down my spine when his fingers traced along my jaw. “And I’m trying to be gentle.”

  Anxiety coursed through me, settling in the pit of my stomach. But I reminded myself to stick to the plan. “I don’t want gentle.” “I said, crawling on his lap to straddle him.

  “Careful what you ask for, baby.” Micha’s fingers speared in my hair, and he yanked my head to the side. “You might get it.”

  “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” I taunted.

  Was I scared? Yes. I was terrified.

  My next breath was mingled with his. Micha’s mouth crashed down on mine, and my mind instantly became a clouded mess. Thoughts of fighting gave way to the hot achy need coursing through my body. My hands threaded in his hair, and I groaned. I’d dreamed about running my fingers through his soft locks. Thought about what he would feel like all hot and pressed up against me, and it was better than I had imagined.

  Maybe addiction really did run in the family. Mom had alcohol, my dad had work, and I had this. The dark beast that tempted me into sin, and I really wanted to take the plunge. I was lost. Didn’t argue when Micha grabbed handfuls of my ass and rolled my hips, grinding my clit over his hard cock. It felt so good, I didn’t even care that his hand was less than an inch from my stashed blade. My secret was about to be found out and all I could do was get more of that delicious pressure. Rolling my hips and soaking through the fabric separating us with each swipe.

  “I hate you,” I snarled to myself between kisses.

  “That’s fine, baby,” Micha growled against my mouth. “Hate me all your want.” He flipped us, so my back was on the bed with his hard body pressing down on mine. “Just keep fucking me with that smart mouth.”

  The rational part of me should be screaming for me to get the hell out of here. But my body was in control now, and all it wanted to do was get closer. Micha’s hands worked me expertly, slipping under the teddy and pawing my breast.

  “Waited so long to get my hands on these perfect tits.” He kissed his way down my neck and flicked his tongue over my nipple. “So long to taste them,” he whispered and closed his hot mouth around my pert nub.

  I cried out, arching my back as a spark of electricity shot to my core. It was too much, and not enough. Running purely on instinct, I wrapped my legs around his waist and lifted my hips, grinding against him. Pressure was building and I needed a release. Micha growled, like full-on wild beast growl, and thrust his hips down to meet mine. After that, we were a ball of pawing hands and hot breaths. It was glorious and primal. I never wanted it to end and whimpered when he popped my nipple out of his mouth.

  “I’m going to fuck you so hard,” he groaned, and dove down to claim my mouth.

  The spell was broken when his fingers grazed over my scar, tracing the jagged line on my abdomen. The intimacy of that single act snapped me out of it. Logic flooded back, as my mind regained control. I shifted to grab the knife, swept his hand off my scar, and tore my lips away.

  “Get off me!” I snarled, pressing the blade to his side.

  Micha could claim any part of me, just not that part. I’d give him my virginity before I ever bared my soul. That scar and the pain that came with it were mine, and mine alone.

  Our chests heaved with heavy breaths, and I couldn’t stop staring at Micha’s thick lips. But I wasn’t backing down. Something like amusement flashed across his face, when he glanced down at the knife. That should’ve been my first warning sign.

  “And here I thought you’d given up too easily.” The corner of his mouth lifted in a spry smirk. “Gotta say, I was a little disappointed.”

  Sick fuck was enjoying this!

  “I said,” I pressed the blade closer to his skin, “get off me.”

  “You gonna stab me baby?”

  The thought made me sick. I may hate Micha, but I didn’t want to hurt him. I didn’t want to hurt anyone.

  “If I have to.”

  “Well, in that case, you should pick a better spot,” he said, shifting his gaze once again to his left side. “You might make me bleed, but it’s just going to piss me off.”

  Was he crazy? I was threatening him with a sharp instrument, and he was acting all calm. He was calling my bluff, that was all.

  What if he isn’t?

  I didn’t want to do this, but I might have to. But what if I couldn’t?

  Is he really going to make me do this?

  My hand started to tremble.

  “You seem to be having trouble, Mouse. Let me help you.” Micha propped himself up on an elbow and seized my wrist with the other hand. “Stab me here,” he said, dragging my hand up to his ribs. “You’re going to have to put some force behind it if you want to reach my heart with this tiny pig sticker.”

  My eyes widened. I may as well have been holding a gun at that point. The implications of what kind of damage my little pocketknife could do weighed down on me. I didn’t want it in my hand anymore, and tried to pull away and toss it aside.

  Micha wouldn’t let me. His fingers tightened around mine, digging the hilt into my palm.

  “Of course, you could always go for the kill shot,” he lifted his chin and pressed the sharp edge of the knife to his neck, “and slit my throat. It’s messy though, so you might want to take a shower after.”

  I did nothing to stop the tears. Why did I think I could win? This wasn’t a dream. I wasn’t in some movie. Micha was a real-life monster. The devil incarnate and once the devil saw your soul, he didn’t stop until he devoured it whole.

  “Why are you doing this?” I whispered quietly.

  “You’re the one who pulled the knife.” Micha stared down at me calmly. “Not my fault you don’t have the balls to use it.”

  I sucked in a choked sob and steadied myself. If he wanted me to hurt him, fine! I stared at the spot where steel met skin and tried to will myself to do it.

  “Come on, Mouse.”

  Tears leaked out of my eyes, rolling down my face and dropping on the blanket below. Here I was, given the opportunity for freedom, and I couldn’t do it. In a twisted way, I needed Micha. He was a monster, but he was my monster. I fell back and let the tears fall.

  “Pathetic,” Micha scoffed, and snatched the knife out of my hand.

  I was pathetic. Sick, twisted and pathetic. He was saying something to me, but I didn’t hear it. I zoned out, imagining the last place I felt normal. At home with Mom. She left me, though. Chose drinking over me. Now I was alone in this hellish pit of self-hatred. Maybe that’s where I belonged. Damned for my sins. After all, who would want someone as broken as me?

  “I do, Mouse.”

  My eyes snapped to up Micha’s. We were sitting up now. I was in his lap, with my legs wrapped around him. The way he was looking at me stole my breath. No one had ever looked at me that way before . . . like I mattered.

  “I want every twisted thought in your pretty little head.”

  All I could say was a weak, “Why?”

  His hands slipped under my teddy, and slid up my sides. “Because they’re mine.” He ripped the teddy off and tossed it onto the floor.

  The cool air met my skin and I shivered. “No, they’re not.”

  “When are you going to get it, Mouse?” He pushed me back on the bed, and crawled over me. “You are mine! I own it all. Body, mind and soul.”

  Would that really be so bad? Micha saved me from Lance and went feral on Evan when he found out he hit me. It may have been brutal and wrong, but he protected me. That was more than anyone else had ever given me.

  What? No! that’s the stupidest thing ever!

  “I’ll never be yours,” I growled.

  “Yeah?” He cocked a challenging brow down at me. “Then why aren’t you fighting me?”

  Why wasn’t I fighting him?

  When he sat up and hooked his thumbed in my panties, I kicked him in the chest. “Fuck you!”

  Though Micha stumbled back, he was quick to recover. Lunging forward, he pinned me down with his weight before I could flip over.

  “There’s my tough girl.” He smiled, and slammed my arms down on the bed above my head. “I was beginning to think I broke you.”

  “You’ll never break me!”

  “Oh, I think I will.”

  Cold metal wrapped around my wrist, followed by a soft click. All the blood drained from my body.

  No, no, no!

  I fought to free the other arm, but Micha easily secured the cuff around it and sat back to admire his handy work. I tugged on the chains binding me to the bed, and kicked my feet. It was useless. Less than useless . . . I was trapped.

  “You get off on this?” I growled, glaring my hatred at him. “Overpowering girls half your size?”

  “I do, Mouse.” Micha smiled and flipped open my knife. “It gets my dick hard.”

  I instantly froze. Oh God, this was it. I was going to die.

  “Stay still now.” He slid the blade under the thin strap that served as the waistband for my barley-there panties, and cut one side with a flick of his wrist. “I wouldn’t want to cut you. Blood’s not my thing.”

  I did. Held my breath and willed my body to remain as still as possible. What else could I do? Mortification burned in my cheeks when the scrap of fabric was cut away, and I was bare before him.

  Micha’s hands descended, kneading my exposed breasts in a way that had my nipples stiffening into hardened peaks. I managed to contain myself, trapping my moans in my throat, until his mouth closed around me. Pleasure shot through me, pulling a moan out with it. His tongue swirled over my nipple while his teeth nipped, working me into a frenzy.

  “So fucking sweet.” Micha grumbled, and moved over to give my other breast the same attention.

  My legs squeezed together attempting to quell the aching need in my core. I was so wet, I could feel it on my thighs. I couldn’t stop myself from moaning and arching up into his talented mouth.

  “Fuck,” he growled, popping my nipple out of his mouth with an audible pop. “I need to be inside you right fucking now.”

  I should’ve been scared when he stood and striped himself of his boxer briefs. The hot, achy need throbbing between my legs outweighed everything else. I lay on the bed, squishing my thighs together and hungrily took in his abs and chiseled chest. Panic stormed back in, slamming down like a barbell, when my eyes locked on the thick head of his cock, glistening with his arousal.

  Micha pried my legs apart and settled his hips between my thighs. My fear turned into violent hiccups.

  “You’re too big,” I cried out, frantically yanking on the handcuffs.

  “Shh, you need to calm down, Mouse,” Micha shushed. “It’s going to hurt more if you don’t relax.”

  I tried to listen to him, I really did. He was the sex expert after all. But the second the smooth head of his cock slid through my slick folds, my muscles tensed.

  “You’re fucking soaked,” he growled, guiding himself along my pussy.

  His dick pressed down on my clit and for a second, I forgot about his size. “Please let me
touch you.”

  “You want to touch me, baby?” he groaned, repeating the action.

  I felt his cock press against my opening, and I sucked in a staggered breath. If I had my hands free, I might be able to fight him.

  Do you really want to fight him?

  Of course, I do.

  Micha slid himself along my pussy, this time circling the smooth head over that traitorous bundle of nerves.

  “Oh God,” I cried out, arching my back. “Please, I want to touch you.”


  His mouth descended on mine, swallowing my gasp as he thrust his hips and pushed in. My muscles stretched, trying to accommodate to the girth forcing its way in. The pressure was both exhilarating and painful. And then he tore through my virginal wall.

  The scream that erupted from my lips, felt like it was ripped from my very soul. White-hot pain burned its way through me, searing nerves I didn’t know I had. I pulled violently on my binds, and fought to pull air into my lungs. But Micha didn’t stop. He continued to push inside me, inch by excruciating inch.

  I held on to the chains of my handcuffs and furiously shook my head. “It’s too much.”

  “You’ll fucking take me.” Micha grabbed a handful of my hair and forced my head back on the mattress. “Every goddamn inch.”

  I almost reveled in the ache spreading across my scalp – anything to take away from the burning ache rocking my system.

  “That’s it, baby.” he growled, pushing in more of his uncompromising hardness.

  My body fought back, tightening around him in an effort to push the intrusion out. It felt like my pussy was on fire. My walls were stretched beyond capacity, and I couldn’t take anymore.

  I shook my head as tears streamed down my face. “I can’t.”

  “Yes. You. Can.” His neck was corded, and his arms were tense from the strain.

  A bead of sweat rolled across his brow, and I realized he was holding back. Micha didn’t want to hurt me, so he was containing himself. How pathetic was it that my heart swelled, despite the pain I was in?


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