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Aftereffect (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 1)

Page 27

by T. L Hodel

  “I think so?”

  Shelby and I looked at each other, and then promptly walked in the closet and dumped out the jewelry box. I couldn’t believe it! Everything was there. Grandma’s sapphire earrings, Mom’s pearl necklace. Even my grandpa’s old pocket watch. All the things that I thought were lost forever were, sitting in a pile on my closet floor.

  Shelby held up a small silver chain. “How did your dad do this?”

  With tears in my eyes, I slipped on Mom’s engagement ring. One thing I knew for sure, this wasn’t my dad. He was completely daft when it came to jewelry. When Mom was wearing Grandma’s necklace, he thought it was the one he bought her for Christmas.

  “This wasn’t my dad.”

  Shelby’s brows furrowed. “Who else could it be?”

  There was only one person who could pull this off. But why would he do this? I swallowed the lump in my throat, and stared down at the pile.

  “Swimming, swimming, swimming,” Maggie chanted while dancing around.

  This was just another mind game. Humiliating me wasn’t enough anymore, now Micha wanted to break me. He wouldn’t be happy until my heart was shattered in a hundred tattered pieces. Because the only thing Micha Kessler needed from me, was my suffering.

  Then why didn’t he tell you about it?

  I shook the thoughts out of my head, and scooped the jewelry back into the box.


  “I’m fine,” I said, giving Shelby a look that told her to drop it. “Come on, let’s go throw this kid in the water before she annoys us to death.”

  Maggie jumped up, and ran out of the room. “Yay!” Her long, drawn out screech could be heard in my room.

  I clamped my hands over my ears to drown out the noise. “You got a volume remote for her?”

  “I told my parents we needed a shock collar, but they wouldn’t go for it.”

  Maggie was still screaming when we got out in the hall.

  “Tell them I second the shock collar motion.”

  Thankfully, when we reached the bottom of the stairs, Maggie was quiet. Either her voice had died, or she found something more interesting. I swear that kid had ADD. Apparently, cupcakes was the cure for screaming child. Maggie had a mouthful of chocolate cupcake when we entered the kitchen.

  Paisley was standing on the other side of the island, talking to her. “You sure like chocolate.”

  Maggie nodded and stuffed more inside her already full mouth. “And I get to go swimming.”

  “Swimming, huh?” Paisley said. “You know, I think I saw a mermaid bathing suit about your size in the pool house.”

  Maggie’s mouth dropped open.

  “I can take you to see if it fits . . . if it’s okay with Riley and your sister?”

  As much as Paisley annoyed me, I had to admit she was great with kids. When Shelby and Maggie first got here, Paisley patiently listened to Maggie ramble off all her stuffed animals names. And there were a lot.

  “Please, take her,” Shelby groaned.

  “Come on, Megan.” Paisley said, holding her hand out for Maggie. “We can make some milkshakes while we’re out there.”

  “You have a kitchen outside?” Maggie was utterly shocked by this.

  You’d be amazed at what this place has, Mags.

  Once we were left alone, Shelby turned to me with big wide eyes. “Alright, lady, spill.”

  “Spill what?”

  “You and Micha Kessler? When? Where? How?”

  I wasn’t about to go into the brutal details of my fucked-up relationship. So, I went with the short honest approach. “In the kitchen, about a week ago.”

  Has it only been that long? It felt longer. Oh God, was I getting used to him being around? Crap, I think I was. I even missed the bastard when he wasn’t here.

  “Details, Rye.” Shelby rolled her eyes. “How did it happen? Did he sweet talk you, or woo you into his embrace?”

  Woo me into his embrace? Did Shelby have me confused with an eighteenth-century romance novel?

  “Oh, has he kissed you yet? I went out with Sebastian Moore last week. You remember him? He was that creepy guy in science class. Well, let me tell you, the summer treated him well because . . . Oh, my, God. Unfortunately, it didn’t do anything for his kissing skills. He smelled like tabasco sauce, and his tongue did this weird snaky thing . . . you know like curved up and to the left. I seriously thought he was eating my face. I told Trina about it, and she said he did the same thing to her. Seriously it was weird like . . .”

  I zoned out, watching Shelby use not only her words but her hands to demonstrate the apparently very sloppy kiss of Sebastian Moore. Her hand wrapped around her lower jaw as she continued to ramble on.

  Micha didn’t just kiss me. He owned me. How he tasted, the way he smelled, and the electric feel of his soft lips on my skin was addictive. This morning it was different. It was like he was pouring part of himself inside me, and taking part of me in him. Using our souls to fill some void in the other. And I let him. I wanted to feel him with me.

  “Ugh,” Shelby gagged. “And you know how I hate tuna. I swear Liam eats that every day at lunch. I don’t even know why I let him kiss me. I mean, he’s kind of cute, but his lips were like around my nose . . .”

  When did she start talking about Liam?

  “Good God, I hope you didn’t suck his dick.”

  I openly groaned. Great, Mason. Can this day get any better? As if Karma had heard my silent complaint, English class creeper, AKA Silas, stepped in wearing his usual scowl, followed by Parker, who sauntered over and snatched a cupcake.

  “You should allow me to demonstrate a proper kiss.” Mason’s green eyes raked over Shelby. “You know, as an apology on behalf of all mankind.”

  I almost hurled.

  Shelby actually blushed as she leaned over to whisper, “He’s cute.”

  This was so not happening.

  “He’s really not.”

  “I happen to think I’m adorable.” Mason argued.


  I rolled my eyes his way. “No, puppies and kittens are adorable. You’re a walking hard-on and she, is off limits.”

  He waggled his brows at me. “Can I at least know her name?”

  “I’m Shelby.” Shelby smiled warmly, and held up her hand.

  I slapped her arm back down and gave her a dirty look. Which she returned.

  “You should listen to your friend,” Parker said, tossing the last piece of cupcake into his mouth. “This one will have you on your back in thirty seconds.”

  Mason face lit up with a big smile. “My record’s twenty-seven.”

  “See,” I said, shifting my eyes Shelby’s way. “Asshole.”

  She grunted in agreement, while studying Silas. “What’s his problem?”

  “I’m guessing life.” I didn’t have to see the deep frown on Silas’s face to know what she was talking about. Though I had to admit, I was kind of curious. There had to be a reason someone was so angry all the time. I’d never even heard him speak. “I think he’s mute, too.”

  Shelby didn’t hesitate. She clapped her hands and called out, “Hey! Grumpy! Can you talk, cause your kind of coming off as serious perv right now!”

  And that was why I loved my best friend.

  Mason burst out laughing. Even Parker chuckled a little. Silas, however, was not amused. His cold glare turned on Shelby. What he didn’t know was that would only spur her on. She slipped off the stool and sauntered over to him, swinging her hips the whole way. After which she grabbed his face and planted a firm kiss on his lips.

  “What the fuck?” Silas grumbled, pushing Shelby away.

  I gotta admit, I was surprised. Silas came off as one of those guys that would have a deep gravelly voice. Instead it was smooth with a melodic undertone. He could give guys like Justin Bieber a run for their money.

  “See,” Shelby sang with a sweet smile, “I knew you could talk.”

  “These bitches are crazy,” Silas muttered and
stormed out the patio doors to the pool.

  Little did he know, there was a mini Shelby out there.

  “Oh man,” Mason choked out. “My brother is gonna love you.”

  I instantly straightened up. “What do you mean he’s going to love her?”

  “He should be here any minute.”

  “Oh yay!” Shelby declared with a clap. “I get to meet the boyfriend.”

  Yeah . . . Yay.

  My heart picked up as I tried to think of a reasonable excuse to get Shelby out of here. Not an easy task, considering my so-called boyfriend was showing up. Not to mention the way she was smiling at the boys in the room. She was like a kid in a candy store. There was a higher chance of me convincing Micha to leave me alone, than there was of prying Shelby out of this room. Most of her visual attention seemed to be aimed at Parker. So, there was that I guess.

  He was either completely unaware of my best friend’s attention, or didn’t care. I cocked my head at Parker. Maybe he didn’t like blondes? Besides, if he was anything like his crazy brother, I didn’t want him near any of my friends, including Lana. Preston was definitely not boyfriend material.

  Parker sighed and looked my way. “Did my brother hurt you?”

  “No.” I shook my head, and then stopped and studied his vivid crystal eyes. His at least had life in them. “He wouldn’t really hurt me, would he?”

  He remained silent and stared blankly at me.

  I’ll take that as a yes.

  “You have a brother?” Shelby propped her elbow on the island, and rested her hand under her chin. “Is he as cute as you?”

  For the first time, Parker took note of Shelby, his eyes twinkling as they raked over her body. “You don’t want to go out with my brother.”

  “Why’s that?” Shelby purred.

  “Well, for starters, he fucking crazy.” Parker licked his lips, bent over the island and continued in a hushed voice, “Besides, my dick’s bigger.”

  I felt like throwing up when Shelby blushed and batted her eyelashes.

  “Careful there, princess,” Mason said, “Parker’s the caring and sharing type. You might find yourself with two dicks to service instead of one.”

  Shelby’s mouth dropped open with mine, and we stared at Parker wide-eyed. He simply smiled, shot us a wink, and sauntered outside to join Silas.

  “He’s not gay, is he?” Shelby whispered like it was a big secret.

  I guess it could be. Tico hadn’t come out to his dad yet, but to be fair, his dad already used him as a punching bag.

  Mason laughed. “Let’s just say, Parker’s not picky. Tits and pussy, or dick and balls . . . sometimes both.”

  Huh? I wonder if Lana knew? Was that part of the reason why she liked him? Did she want two guys? I could barely handle one. I know I’d only had sex once, but Micha was a lot to handle. My fingers absently ran over my lips. He kissed me in front of the whole school. In all the years I’d known Micha, I’d never seen him do more then put his arm around a girl. Well, other than that girl at the ice cream shop. He gave her a smoldering smile and grazed his knuckles down her face. It wasn’t the milkshake said girl dumped on my head, that I remembered the most . . . It was the way he touched her.

  “Earth to Riley.”


  A sly smirk spread across Shelby’s face. “Thinking about your boyfriend?”

  “What? No, of course not. Pfft!”

  She wasn’t buying it. “Uh huh.”

  “I wasn’t.”

  “Whatever you say.”

  I sighed.

  “Any who,” she crooned. “My dad wants us to come home. Can you get Mags ready?”

  “Why can’t you do it?”

  “I’ll have to fight with her forever, and she listens so much better to you.” She pouted and gave me her puppy dog eyes. “Please.”

  “Fine. But you, are coming with me,” I added, pointing at Mason.

  “Why do I have to come?” he whined.

  “Because the second I leave, you’ll be all over Shelby.”

  She smiled like this was a good thing.

  Mason sucked in a shocked gasp. “I would never!”

  I just looked at him.

  “Yeah, okay, let’s go.” He nodded and headed out to the pool. “See you later, legs.”

  Shelby scoffed at me, “You’re no fun.”

  “Love, you, too.” I sang, skipping after Mason.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  “Do you see what I see?”

  I exhaled loudly at Logan’s question. “Yeah, I fucking see it.”

  Parked in the driveway, next to Logan’s Mustang, was a pink Camaro. The same Pink Camaro that cost him a race this summer.

  “What the fuck is that bubblegum piece of shit doing in my driveway?”

  Should I tell him that the owner of said ‘bubblegum piece of shit’ was Riley’s best friend? Logan didn’t get pissed at cars; they were innocents in his eyes. Yet he was glaring at this one, green eyes wild with vengeance and wrath. If I handed him a blow torch right now, he’d probably burn the fucker down. I could try to calm him down, but fuck it. I could use a little entertainment.

  I got out of the Jeep and walked toward the house. “Let’s go find out.”

  “Yeah,” Logan grumbled, “I’d like to give this bitch a piece of my mind.”

  This should be interesting.

  When I walked inside the house, I heard someone moving around in the kitchen. So that’s where I went with Logan in tow. Two steps in and he froze. Riley’s friend Shelby was bent over scooping crap back into her purse. I looked over at my best friend. He looked stunned as gaze slowly rolled over Shelby’s blonde hair, long legs, and pert ass pointed directly at us. His throat bobbed as he forced down a swallow. I smirked.

  Definitely going to be interesting.

  “Way to go, Shell,” Riley’s friend quietly cursed. “Just throw your stuff everywhere, why don’t you?”

  “Need some help?” I asked, sauntering over to the fridge for a bottle of water.

  “Shit.” Shelby jumped back, clutching her chest. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

  I heard Logan suck in a breath and I held back my chuckle. Fucker looked like he just got hit by a Mack truck.

  “Hi,” she smiled sweetly at me and held out her hand, “I’m Shelby.”


  “So, you’re the boyfriend?”

  “I am.”

  “I met you once.” Her eyes narrowed, as she skeptically took me in. “You were telling Rye that she should go home and make sure her mom had enough vodka for the night.”

  Did she expect me to feel bad for that shit? My mouse needed a wake-call and I was more than happy to give it to her.

  I leaned back and twisted the cap off the water. “Did she?”

  “Did she what?”

  “Have enough vodka for the night?”

  Shelby reared back, her mouth hung open. “Boyfriend’s are supposed to be nice you know.”

  I almost choked on my water.

  “Are they?” Bracing my elbows on the island, I leaned in a little closer, and said, “Let me guess, I should bring her flowers and take her for walks on the beach?”

  “Yes,” she insisted with a little nod. “You should also be polite and say nice things to her.”

  My brow rose. Did Riley’s friend know her at all?

  Shelby had been so focused on me, that she squeaked a little when Logan’s voice rang out.

  “Who are you fucking? A goddamn care bear?”

  Most times when chicks were embarrassed, they shied away. Not this girl. Shelby cheeks were as bright as a tomato, yet she held her glare firmly on Logan.

  “I don’t think it’s any business of yours, who I am or am not sleeping with.”

  “Sleeping with?” He sighed and shook his head. “Jesus Christ, she can’t even fucking say it.”

  Shelby eyes narrowed. “Do you have a problem with me?”

nbsp; “I have a problem with that bubblegum piece of shit in my driveway. Who the fuck paints their car that color?”

  “Hey!” she shrieked. “Don’t talk about Suzie Q like that.”

  Logan looked over at me. “She named her car Suzie Q?”

  I don’t know what his problem was. He called his Mustang Betty. Know what I called my Jeep? Jeep. I’ll never understand car people.

  “You know what I think?” Shelby’s lips curled in a half smirk. “I think maybe it’s not my car that intimidates you?”

  Logan barked out a laugh. “Sweetheart, you couldn’t handle my dick if you had an instruction manual and ten other chicks to help out.”

  Shelby’s mouth dropped.

  “I’ll tell you what, cherry pie.” He shot her a wink. “Why don’t you pick your jaw up off the floor, get rid of the stuffed animals I’m sure are crowding your room, and come back to see me when you graduate from the Mickey Mouse Club.” With that, he strutted out of the room, smiling in pride.

  “Can you believe him?” Shelby scoffed and turned to face me.

  I rolled my eyes over her jean shorts and pink ‘girl power’ T-shirt. “How many of those stuffed animals are unicorns?”

  “Just because I have . . .” She stomped her foot and marched to the patio doors. “Come on Mags, these guys are–” She stopped mid-sentence and broke into laughter. “What happened to you?”

  A blonde little girl came skipping through the kitchen as Riley appeared in the doorway. “Take a wild guess.”

  I heard the little girl say something, but I didn’t care. My eyes were stuck on Riley, who was dripping with her wet clothes clinging to her tight little body. I watched a drop roll down her neck, disappearing into her cleavage and licked my lips.

  “Um yeah, I’m meeting Marnie on Saturday.” Riley’s face flushed when she looked over at me. “Why are you staring at me? Think this is funny?”

  My eyes dropped to her breasts. Her nipples were pressing against the wet fabric of her white T-shirt; red bra visible underneath. My dick twitched. Was she still sore, because I was half a heartbeat away from fucking her right here.

  Shelby giggled. “I think hungry is more like it.”

  Riley’s eyes widened as she shyly whispered, “Oh.”


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