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Aftereffect (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 1)

Page 29

by T. L Hodel

  I closed my eyes and prayed to whatever god was listening, that he wouldn’t tell Chase.

  “Huh?” Mason muttered. “Something tells me that guy is not going to like my brother very much.”

  “Yeah?” I cringed when I heard something crash against the wall. “He’s a little protective.”

  They both were. The trick would be making sure Tanner wasn’t armed when he met Micha, because I was pretty sure he’d shoot him. I’d seen him do it before; he shot some guy that hit Mia in the leg. Don’t know how he stayed out of jail for that one.

  Thankfully, the rush allowed me to forget about Tanner and Micha’s impending death. I was content working the books and taking care of customers. Other than Mason answering the phone, ‘Mather’s Tattooing, ugly, fat, thin and tall, we tat em all.’ the day was pretty good. It moved quickly and the customers left happy – some of Tanner’s left a little happier than they should’ve – I did not need to hear those sounds coming out of his room. Before I knew it, the sun was setting and we were getting ready to close up.

  The bell above the door rang and I groaned.

  Scratch that, this day sucks.

  Naomi sauntered in with her lip curled. “Why are we here?”

  “Wanna check it out,” Logan said, following her through the door. “My sister,” he glanced over at me, “neglected to tell me she works at a tattoo parlor.”

  “A tattoo parlor that’s only been here for six years. Excuse me for assuming you knew it existed.”

  “You’re excused.” He shot me a smile and walked over to the photos displayed on the wall.

  I rolled my eyes.


  “Fucking finally,” Mason grumbled. “I thought this day would never end.”

  He’d been a grouchy pain in the ass for the last hour. I chalked it up to the fact that he had to actually do some work, but now that I thought about it . . . I cocked my head at the empty soda bottles in the trash. His mood started to drop right around the same time he polished off the last one. I shook my head, I really needed to stop overthinking things.

  Tanner walked out and stopped, locking his glare on Logan. “Did he do this to you?”

  My lips curled. Logan was hot and all, and I may have thought about it a couple times . . . “No.”

  “You sure?” Tanner asked, eyeing Logan skeptically. “Cause he looks like he should get shot for something.”

  Well, I couldn’t argue that.

  “In case you haven’t noticed,” I waved my hand over Logan’s torso. “he has a thing for tattoos.”

  Tanner shrugged and sauntered over to him. “You looking to get some ink?”

  “Depends,” Logan said, peeling his eyes off the wall. “You any good?”

  “Better than whoever did those.” Tanner’s gaze rolled over the ink covering Logan’s skin. “Come on, I’ll show you some of my work.”

  “Alright.” Logan nodded, and rounded the corner with Tanner.

  “Hey!” Naomi called out, throwing her hand in my direction. “You can’t leave me here with them.”

  “Oh, come on, Barbie. I don’t know about you, but I’m excited to spend some quality time with together.” I dropped my chin in my hands and leaned across the counter. “What should we do first, braid each others hair? Paint our nails, or should we get right down to the girly talk? You can tell me about your boyfriend . . .” I paused and gave her a fake grimace. “Oh sorry. I meant boyfriends.”

  “At least I know how to satisfy my men,” she shot back.

  “Do you though? It seems to me, if you knew how to satisfy a man, you wouldn’t bounce around so many of them.”

  Naomi grumbled under her breath and rolled her eyes.

  “Riley, have you seen the–” Chase strolled out the front of the parlor and stopped dead in his tracks.

  “Seen what?” I asked.

  He didn’t answer. His eyes were stuck on Naomi.

  “Hello?” I called out with a snap of my fingers.

  That seemed to work. Chase cleared his throat and said, “Have you seen my coils?”

  “They’re in the back in the supply cabinet.”

  He didn’t move, just continued to stand there staring at Naomi. I knew she was pretty, but come on! I turned to roll my eyes at Mason. He wasn’t paying attention, either. He was bent over, digging through his bag. My eyes narrowed when he sighed and pulled out another soda bottle.

  Naomi sneered at Chase, “Can I help you?”

  “Sorry.” Chase shook his head. “Don’t get many girls like you in here.”

  Naomi, with her red designer dress and diamonds, screamed high-class. Guess I’d be surprised if someone like her walked in my store, too.

  “That’s because it stinks of sweat.” Naomi shrugged uncomfortably. “I feel dirty just being in here.”

  Chase’s brow rose. “Not much for manners, are you?”

  “Not when it comes to docksider trash.”

  “Watch it, princess. I don’t put up with mouthy bitches.”

  Naomi’s jaw dropped and her light eyes went wide. “What did you call me? Listen to me you little –”

  I watched in utter fascination as Naomi went on to lecture Chase, waving her manicured finger in his face. Other than Tanner and my dad, I’d never seen anyone stand up to him before, and especially not a girl. They were usually batting their lashes trying to get his attention. It was kind of like seeing a mythical creature in real life. A unicorn tromping through my backyard or the Loch-ness monster diving off the docks.

  In the blink of an eye, Chase had Naomi bent over the counter, her face pressed down not more than a foot away from where I sat. Even when I heard his hand hit her ass, I couldn’t believe what was happening. I sat there in shock, listening to his strike vibrate around the room.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Naomi squealed.

  Chase grunted and delivered another swat. “What your daddy should’ve done.”

  I couldn’t look away. I Barely noticed Mason standing beside me, with the soda bottle held in front of his open lips. When his assault stopped, Naomi shot up and spin around, arm in the air ready to strike. Chase caught it and glared down at her with a look I’d never seen on his face.

  “The next time you come in my shop running your mouth, you’ll get my belt.”

  Naomi ripped her arm out of his grip. “When my father hears about this–”

  “You’re running your mouth again.”

  Her lips pursed, before she stomped her foot. “Screw this,” she said, heading for the door. “I’m calling an Uber.”

  “That’s right, princess, go running home to daddy,” Chase called and rounded the corner.

  I glanced at the doorway, and then the hallway Chase disappeared down. “Um, what just happened?”

  “I think Naomi just got a daddy.” Mason snickered and took a drink of his soda.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Mason and Chase left shortly after Naomi, leaving Tanner, Logan and me in the shop. I didn’t mind the quiet. It gave me time to draw, which I was more than happy to have. I sat out in the front, listening to the soft buzz of Tanner’s tattoo machine, while shading my phoenix. Soon I found myself lost in my project. So much so that I jumped at the sound of Tanner’s voice.

  “Hey, baby girl.”

  My hand flew up to my chest. “Oh Jesus!”

  “The son of God. I’ve been called worse.” Tanner chuckled and snapped off his gloves.

  I grumbled, “I know, I heard.” And rolled my eyes.

  I’d heard women call him sir, God, and daddy. Among other things.

  He tossed his gloves and walked over. “Whatcha working on?”

  “A phoenix.”

  “Can I see?”

  I shrugged and laid my sketchbook open on the counter. His eyes poured over the page while I anxiously waited. Both Chase and Tanner were amazing artists. I valued their opinion.

  “I like how you added just a touch
of blue here,” he said, fingers drifting over the bird’s wings. “You gonna let me tat it when you’re done?”

  “On me?”

  He winked. “Gotta break that virgin skin sometime.”

  My heart fluttered. I really wanted a tattoo . . .

  “Chase said I had to wait until I was eighteen.”

  “He’s taking this responsible adult crap too far,” Tanner scoffed, rolling his eyes to the roof. “Ask him how old he was when he got his first ink.”

  Most of the time Chase was on my side. He encouraged my art. Told me not to live up to societies’ expectations and didn’t jump down my throat if I had a drink. He was the first person to give me alcohol. It was a beer and tasted horrible. Unsurprisingly, I didn’t drink much. Maybe had four in my whole life? While Chase was easy-going on somethings, he was like a friggin Nazi with others. That’s where Tanner came in. Except when it came to boys. As far as they were both concerned, I should walk around wearing a chastity belt and stay a virgin until I was thirty.

  “I want to catch the end of the game with Rico, mind cleaning up your boy?”

  I nodded and got up to grab the antiseptic and plastic wrap. Rico was Tanner’s roommate and Mia’s brother. When Rico lost his place to a fire, Tanner insisted he move in with him, despite the fact they didn’t get along. Some people might say he did it for Mia, but as Tanner always claimed they were ‘just friends’.

  “Oh, and tell Logan, I’ll tat him anytime,” Tanner added as he opened the front door. “Fucker fell asleep on me twice and didn’t even twitch when I went over his ribs.”

  I learned a few things working here. Girls were partial to flowers. Never get your breasts tatted. After pregnancy that stuff did not look like it should and even the toughest man could be a secret wimp. I’d seen big burly men, cry when those needles pierced their skin, especially over the bone.

  “Later, baby girl,” Tanner said, stepping out just as Micha came in.

  I’d never been more thankful for soccer. Otherwise Tanner might’ve done more than give Micha a dirty look.

  Micha cocked a brow at Tanner and then looked at me. “Why’s Logan’s car out front?”

  “He decided to get a tattoo.” I held up my hands, displaying the supplies. “Gotta clean him up before we can go.”

  He shrugged and followed.

  In the back, Logan was laying casually on the tattoo bed, shirtless with his arms over his head and jeans open. I was kind of scared to go near him. He looked like some sculpted god, sprawled out for my viewing pleasure. I got now, why girls dropped to their knees for him. Logan was really nice to look at.

  He looked over, his lips twisting in a lazy smile. “I don’t bite, sis . . . unless of course, you want me to.”

  I cleared my throat, which was suddenly dry, walked over to him, and set my supplies on the table. Micha didn’t say anything, just glared at me from the corner of the room.


  “This might sting a little,” I explained, before stopping and cocked my head at his new tattoo.

  An hourglass, with a skull on the bottom and blood dripping from the top. I knew the image well. I drew while in the hospital recovering from a car accident – The same accident that caused my scar. My eyes roamed over the black frame of the hourglass and down the cracked glass at the bottom. Tanner blended it perfectly into a twisted and dead tree across Logan’s chest.

  “Like it?” Logan asked.

  I sprayed the image and gently wiped it clean. “I drew it.”

  “I know,” he said, watching me carefully spread the medicated cream. “Made Tanner burn it after.”

  I didn’t know whether to be flattered or pissed off? While my drawing was burned, it was immortalized on Logan’s skin.

  “She’s my girl,” Micha grumbled, making my heart flutter.

  “And she’s my sister.” Logan smirked. “I have just as much claim to her as you do.”

  “It’s my dick she’s gonna ride in the morning, asshole, not yours.”

  “That’s it! You’re not invited to family dinners.” Logan said. “And Christmas is definitely off the table.”

  Are they seriously having this argument?

  I sighed and shook my head, preferring to concentrate on my work rather than join their stupidity. The tattoo bed was high up. I had to stand on my tip toes, and bend over Logan to attach the final piece of tape, securing the plastic over his tattoo. Which was the only reason I noticed the scar blended in one of the tree branches.

  It looked like a small circular burn, something someone might get from a cigarette. The more I looked, the more I saw. Cuts, scrapes, and more burns. They were everywhere, hidden among the black ink. Like a road map of pain and torture.

  I looked up and whispered, “What happened to you?”

  Micha answered for him, “Being tossed in jail for a night isn’t the worst thing a dad can do to their kid Mouse.”

  His dad did this?

  My heart broke a little when pain flashed across Logan’s green eyes.

  “Thanks.” he growled, shooting Micha a dirty look.

  “Is that why you got all the tattoos?” I asked, glancing at the grisly images inked on his skin. “To hide it?”

  Logan shifted uncomfortably.

  “Leave it alone, Mouse,” Micha warned when I opened my mouth.

  But I couldn’t unsee the shame in Logan’s eyes. He didn’t spend all that time primping himself because he was conceited. He thought he was ugly? This beautiful man, didn’t see himself that way. It made my chest ache to think what he must’ve gone through to feel that way. I wanted to heal him. Make Logan see himself as others did.

  “You’re beautiful,” I whispered, pressing my lips to one of his scars.

  Logan sucked in a shocked gasp and I could feel Micha watching me as I did it again and again. Planting hot kisses across his chest and down hard abs while I whispered, “You’re beautiful.”

  Logan’s muscles flexed under my palms as I slid my hands over his tanned skin. His clean, cool scent filled my nostrils, making me want to taste him. When my tongue darted out, Micha pushed off the wall and inched closer.

  He watched me intently, chest lifting with his heavy breaths. In that moment none of us were broken and flawed. We didn’t have to hide alone in the dark. We were desired.



  Completely free.

  I stared into Micha’s hooded chocolate eyes, and swept my tongue over Logan’s hard abs. The salty taste of his sweat, along with the wrongness of the situation was a heady concoction. My clit throbbed watching, Micha watch me put my mouth on my stepbrother. Something this wrong shouldn’t feel this good.

  “Fuck,” Logan growled, fisting the arms of the chair. “Get her off me before I do something you’re going to punch me for.”

  Micha’s voice came out deep and husky. “Do it again.”

  “You like this?” I purred, slipping the tips of my fingers into Logan’s open jeans. “Maybe I should do more?”

  Logan shot up when my thumb brushed over the head of his cock. He speared his fingers in my hair and yanked my head back. “You sure you want this?”

  Did I want this? Them?

  But Logan wasn’t talking to me.

  I felt a wall of muscle behind me, and the next thing I knew, my shirt was being lifted over my head.

  “I’m not as nice as your boyfriend.” Logan’s piercing green eyes followed his finger trailing along my jaw, and across my bottom lip. “I’ll fuck you hard.”

  God, yes!

  “She doesn’t like nice.” Micha slid his warm palms down my back and around my hips. “Do you, Mouse?” he said, pulling my ass back into him.

  Logan’s lips came down on mine, swallowing my words. My nervous movement s weren’t enough for him, because he tightened his grip on my hair, making my scalp burn and swept his tongue in my mouth when I gasped. I moaned and sunk into him. His kiss didn’t have the mind-numbing affect Micha’s did, but
he tasted sweet and sinful. I wanted more.

  Micha popped open my jeans and pushed them over my hips, while Logan dropped his on the floor. Seconds latter I was naked and sandwiched between two hard, sweaty bodies.

  Logan’s finger slid through my slick folds. He pressed down on my throbbing clit and breathed, “Do you taste as good here, sis?”

  “Do you have to call me that?” I groaned and arched my back, pulling Micha’s mouth down to mine.

  As soon as I felt his lips, fireworks exploded down my body, pushing away my nervousness and making me moan.

  “We’re both going to fuck you, Mouse.” Micha slid his palm down my ass, and around to my pussy. “And we’re not going to stop, even if you beg.”

  Pleasure poured through me, heating my body up, as Micha pumped his fingers in my pussy, while Logan worked my clit. It was too much and not enough at the same time.

  “Please,” I whimpered, needing more.

  “Don’t worry, baby.” Micha breathed, sliding his finger back and pressing against my back entrance. “Logan’s gonna make you come so hard you’ll be seeing stars.”

  He pushed the tip of his finger past the tight ring of muscles, making me tense at the burn. If he thought he was going in there, he was crazy! I didn’t get a chance to argue, because Logan gripped my chin, and twisted my head to look at him.

  “Hang on, sis,” he said, shoving his fingers deep inside me, “I’m about to rock your world.”

  He pumped his fingers in me hard and fast. I don’t know what he was hitting, but all I could do was hang onto Micha and ride it. My nerves were on fire, and my pussy clenched, filled with a need so intense, I thought my heart might give out.

  And then I snapped; my vision blurred, and back seized in a cloud of euphoria. I don’t know how long I was trapped in Nirvana, but when I floated back down, Micha had two fingers in my ass, and the floor was wet.

  I looked down at the arousal literally dripping down my thighs and muttered, “I’m sorry.”

  “That’s cute.” Logan chuckled.

  Micha drug my earlobe between his teeth and said, “You just squirted, baby.”

  “Oh.” I glanced down at the wet floor, chest still heaving from my orgasm. “Holy shit.”


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