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A Glimpse of the Dark Side: Adult Paranormal Erotic Romance Collection

Page 13

by Eden Laroux

  "Oh, don't worry your beautiful head. I've seen the way he looks at you when you think he's not looking. I'm telling you that he's going to be thrilled! "

  "We'll see," Dreama muttered. Holli had said so many times that Simon had tried so many times to be here when he knew Dreama would be here. And that Simon had been giving her looks that he never let her see. Maybe she was right, she thought hopefully. Maybe Simon Draco was finally seeing her as her own woman, and not just a partner's young daughter or a colleague's younger sister? "We'll see."

  "Oh, and by the way, you did know that Simon will be having dinner with us tonight, didn't you? I couldn't remember if I told you or not."

  "You mentioned that he might be in attendance," Dreama said teasingly.

  "Well, he has accepted and will positively be joining us. I also have it on good authority that he quite eagerly accepted the invitation once he heard that you had also been asked to come. Now, I can't say for sure, of course, but that sounds like he is definitely interested."

  "Maybe," Dreama said as she smiled. "Maybe."

  Chapter Eleven

  ERICK, HOLLIANNE AND Dreama were all having a drink before dinner when Simon arrived.

  He had decided to return home to shower and change clothes before coming out to Erick and Hollianne's. When he learned that Dreama would be here as well, he wanted to look the best he could without being too obvious. So he wore casual but tasteful clothes.

  Stopping by the foyer mirror, he glanced at himself one more time before heading out to his car. His six feet three inch height and two hundred pound weight appeared fit and wore his khakis and pullover shirt quite well. The shaggy-cut black hair dipped seductively onto his forehead, highlighting his neon green eyes. His quirky smile was sexy and displayed some dimples that caused more than one woman to drool.

  It did not take long of his stay on Earth to know how women delighted in looking at him, but it did take a while before he could be comfortable on spending time with them. He learned the trick that all it took for a successful date was that he should really like a woman's personality, and he had found many women who were really likeable. But no one had held his interest than Dreama's beauty, because she really was beautiful inside and out.

  Once he decided that he was presentable, he grabbed his jacket, and called out to Karl that he was leaving. He had given Karl the night off to visit his friends or members of his family. Karl's favorite nieces and nephews were all grown up now, but he would often treat them to nights out oftentimes.

  Karl had fallen in love with a woman a decade ago, and they had planned to get married. It was very sad, because the woman died in a tragic car crash before they could push through with this. Since then, Karl had not even looked at another woman. Simon wished he would, but if time could not heal her friend's broken heart, he would make sure he would be comfortable all his life.

  For now, though, he had his mind on getting to Erick's and spending the evening with the lovely Dr. Dreama Addison. Karl had been happy when he found out where he was going and why he was so excited that he had spent a long time choosing what to wear and preening on the mirror. He did not preen.

  Okay, he did a little, he admitted. Grinning.

  Hurrying to his car, he got in and drove away.

  On the drive there, his mind wandered to the last time he saw Dreama.

  It had also been at a dinner hosted by Erick and Hollianne. That's why he had been able to spend time talking with Dreama. Raven hadn't been around to interrupt and put a stop to any interaction between Dreama and him. The least she would have done was insinuate herself in the middle of their conversation before she hijacked it and eventually dragged Simon away.

  He had actually begun to think of Erick's huge castle as a sanctuary of sorts. It was certainly a haven when it came to escaping Raven. He hated to think of her in those terms, but she really had become so very difficult. What worried him was this hunch, that she would not allow anyone to have him if she couldn't have him for herself. He hoped that wasn't true and he had avoided thinking about this nasty thought, but he was rarely wrong in these instances.

  It was difficult for him to keep to the speed limit because he was so eager to reach Erick's and see Dreama. He had decided that this would be the night. He would manage to speak with her alone at some point and ask her if she would have a drink with him or something in the near future. He would book an entire restaurant for just the two of them if she would just agree to spend an evening with him.

  By the time he pulled onto the road leading to Erick's, he felt a lot like a high school boy on the way to his first date.

  His hands were sweaty on his steering wheel. His heartbeat had accelerated and his stomach felt like bursting with butterflies. He turned off the engine and found that he couldn't seem to move to get out of the car.

  This is ridiculous, he thought. I'm a grown man -- an adult. Not a teenage boy going on a date with the homecoming queen.

  Dreama definitely looked like a homecoming queen, yes. And any man would feel very lucky to be with her.

  And wasn't he really lucky?

  That seemed to be enough to motivate him to get out of the car.

  Chapter Twelve

  AS SIMON APPROACHED the steps, he was rendered breathless at the enormity and terrible beauty of this place. He couldn't, for practical reasons, acquire a place like this to live with, but he appreciated the reasons why the Erick Angell that he knew lived in a huge, private, imposing but beautiful place like this.

  He used the heavy knocker to announce his arrival. Listening as it echoed through the huge structure, he waited patiently for someone to answer the door.

  Eli opened the door to Simon within a few seconds.

  "Mr. Draco," Eli greeted him. "Please come in. Mr. Erick, Ms. Hollianne and Dr. Addison are all in the study. Shall I take you there?"

  "That's okay, Eli," Simon said. "I know the way. Thank you."

  After handing his jacket to Eli, he walked down one of the long hallways and turned a corner into the large room that was used as a study. Sure enough, the three of them were all sitting there sipping on drinks. They all looked up at him when he appeared in the doorway.

  "Simon!" Erick exclaimed as he got to his feet and went to embrace him. "We were just having a drink while we waited for you. Come in and join us!"

  "Simon, it's so wonderful that you could join us tonight," Hollianne added. "We don't see nearly enough of you."

  Simon leaned over to give her a quick hug and kiss before accepting his drink from Erick. Finally, he had the nerve to look at Dreama.

  He lost time for a while as she smiled tentatively at him. As always, her name fit her perfectly. She looked as if she had just walked out of a dream. It wasn't even the clothes she was wearing or her lightly made up face. She would have been exceptional no matter what she had been wearing.

  "Hi, Simon," she said quietly.

  "Dreama," he acknowledged. "You're looking beautiful, as always."

  "You are such a flatterer," she laughed, her eyes crinkling at the corners, looking alive and beautiful.

  "I just call it like I see it," he retorted.

  Erick cleared his throat discreetly before the exchange could get any more involved. "I believe dinner should be ready by now," he announced. "Simon, bring your drink with you."

  "Grace has something very special waiting for us tonight," Hollianne said as she got to her feet. "I've been banned from the kitchen all day, but that didn't stop these absolutely mouthwatering aromas from wafting out of there."

  They all headed to the formal dining room where fine china adorned the table as well as many lighted candles. It was all quite beautiful. Covered dishes lined the middle of the table that held the food that constituted dinner.

  And Hollianne was right. The aromas were incredible.

  As they sat down and filled their plates, there was plenty of conversation revolving around the food that Grace had obviously spent quite a long time preparing. There was
a beef roast cooked to perfection along with au jus, mashed potatoes, vegetable medley, fresh baked bread and butter, and salad with a vinaigrette dressing. They all began eating immediately.

  Hollianne skillfully directed the dinner conversation to the wedding.

  She managed to work in that Simon and Dreama would be paired as the Best Man and the Maid-of-Honor. Both she and Dreama were both surreptitiously watching to see what Simon's reaction would be to that piece of news. Even though Holli had informed both of them separately of this plan, Dreama wanted to see Simon's face.

  To their relief, Simon's eyes actually seemed to light up briefly. This caused Holli to give Dreama an "I told you so" look along with a smug little smile. Dreama couldn't help but smile back. There was a little feeling of warmth building within and she was starting to feel a flickering of hope for the two of them.

  Maybe Raven wouldn't be able to ruin this for her after all.

  After dinner, they told Grace that they would have dessert in the study. This was one of the most beautiful rooms in the entire place. It had a floor-to-ceiling window that made up the back wall overlooking the garden and everyone that ever saw this room felt a peacefulness and serenity that wasn't easy to acquire.

  At night, there were small twinkling lights that adorned the garden. These lights strongly resembled the stars in the sky. She had heard Erick told Simon that he loved the garden at night because he was reminded of their heavenly home. So she surmised that Erick and Simon must have grown up in a lovely, vast place, away from the city, where the view of the stars would not be hampered by heavy smog at night. It must also be the reason why he and Simon were such good friends, because they had grown up in the same place.

  As they continued to discuss wedding plans, Simon and Dreama had started exchanging discreet looks between them. Even though they were quite discreet, they did not go unnoticed by both Hollianne and Erick. In fact, these two were exchanging some looks of their own as Hollianne's matchmaking tendencies kicked into overdrive.

  Erick knew what she was thinking and smiled indulgently. He knew it was a waste of time to ask her to let nature take its course. Many times, Hollianne professed to be nature's best friend, and there was no stopping her once she was on a mission to help two people get together.

  Chapter Thirteen

  THEY WERE ALL having a wonderful conversation about inconsequential things, really, when Dreama's cell phone rang. Glancing down, she saw that it was the hospital.

  "I'm so sorry, but I must take this," she said as she stood up and quickly stepped out into the hallway.

  While Dreama was taking her call, Hollianne looked at Simon with a somewhat mischievous look on her face.

  "So Simon," she began. "When are you going to ask Dreama out on a real date?"

  "Now, Holli," Erick said. "Please don't make Simon uncomfortable, or he will stop agreeing to come visit us."

  Simon laughed at the two of them. "I appreciate you trying to run interference for me, Brother," he said. "But this is one time that Holli has it right. I have been thinking all night of how I can ask her out before she leaves here."

  "Wonderful!" Holli cried with no small measure of glee in her voice. "It's not that hard, Simon. Just ask her. I know she'll say yes!"

  "You do, eh? Now, just how are you so positive that she will say yes?"

  "I...uh...I just know," Holli said. "I can't give away all of my secrets, you know. But I can tell you that you won't regret it if you do ask her."

  Dreama suddenly hurried back into the room. "I'm so sorry, but I'm going to have to leave. That was the hospital. Apparently, my new patient is awake and causing quite a ruckus. I need to get there as soon as possible."

  "Oh, Dreama," Holli exclaimed. "I wish you didn't have to go but, of course, we understand. At least you got to enjoy your dinner first."

  "And a wonderful dinner it was! Thank you so much for inviting me, and I promise that we'll get together later this week to go over more wedding plans."

  Simon saw his chance slipping away. "Dreama, let me walk you out," he said.

  "Oh, Simon, that's not really necessary," she said but then she caught a look from Holli. "However, that would be nice. Thank you."

  After hugging Hollianne and Erick, she and Simon headed back down the large, long hallway. Eli was waiting at the front door with her coat. Dreama never could understand how Eli knew these things. It was almost as if he was psychic at times.

  Simon helped her into her coat and they walked outside to her car.

  Just before he opened the car door for her to get inside, Simon turned to face Dreama.

  "I know you need to leave," he said, almost panicking as he felt his throat constricting in his nervousness. "But I wanted to ask you if you might be free some evening this week. I thought we might go out for dinner or something. If you're really busy, maybe we can meet for a drink." By the time he finished, he was already wincing. It wasn't the best delivery he had ever done. What must she think?

  But Dreama's smile was brilliant as she looked up at him. "I would love that, Simon," she said. "Let me just check my calendar and see what my schedule is like. Also, I've got to see how things go with my new patient, but I should at least be able to manage a drink, if nothing else."

  "Great!" Simon smiled back. "I'll wait to hear from you."

  Opening the door for her, he stepped back as she got into the driver's seat.

  "Be careful going home," he said. "And I really enjoyed getting to see you tonight."

  "Me, too," Dreama said. "I'll call you tomorrow."

  "I look forward to it," he said just before shutting the car door.

  After she started the car engine, she gave him a little wave before driving away.

  Simon watched her as she drove down the long driveway until she was out of sight. He was kind of glad that she couldn't see him now because he didn't want her to see the huge, goofy smile that he was wearing as he returned to the house.

  AFTER THE INCREDIBLE evening that Simon had spent with Dreama the night before at Erick and Hollianne's, he was more convinced than ever that she was the woman he was meant to have.

  Of course, Holli had pumped him for details when he had re-entered the house after seeing Dreama to her car. Since he knew it would do no good to try to ignore her, he confessed that he had asked Dreama out and that she had said yes. They just needed to figure out how to work it around her schedule right now, and whether that schedule would allow her time for dinner or only a drink. Either way, he was happy that she seemed interested. Holli couldn't almost contain her excitement, telling him that if he hadn't made his move that night she would have made sure there would be another dinner as soon as she could arrange it, to give both of them their chance.

  He had also made another decision, now that Dreama had agreed to go out with him.

  There was going to be no sneaking around. He was proud to be seen with Dreama and wanted the world to know that he was dating her.

  Of course, he might be putting the cart before the horse here, but somehow he didn't think so.

  That's why he had thought through the whole thing about Raven and had reached a conclusion.

  Simon had decided to tackle the problem of telling Raven that she wouldn't be his date for Erick and Hollianne's wedding as soon as possible.

  He figured that it would be simpler to do this in a very non-public venue so he had invited her over to his house for dinner that night.

  Chapter Fourteen

  KARL, EVER THE perfect chef, had created a meal using many of Raven's favorite dishes.

  When she arrived, dinner itself went well and was, of course, delicious. Karl had prepared a particularly flavorful seafood casserole with a salad and freshly baked bread as sides. For dessert, they had strawberry shortcake made with fresh, newly picked ripe strawberries and topped with homemade whipping cream.

  But when he finally decided to tell her the unwelcome news, he never expected her to react quite the way she had.

ven started screaming at the top of her lungs right in the middle of his living room. He was stunned at the bizarre tantrum before he finally realized that he had to stop her.

  Standing up, he crossed the room to where Raven stood still ranting and raving and put his rather hands on her shoulders. She moved to throw herself at him but his arms were like steel.

  He looked her directly in the eyes.

  "Raven, stop this right now," he calmly commanded. "You are behaving like a child. You're only embarrassing yourself. What would your father think when he sees you like this?

  Raven was momentarily struck silent. The expression on her face was a combination of outrage and anger. She had been used to getting her way and was enraged that nothing was going to plan.

  She was sure that once that bitch of a sister had the opportunity to be with Simon, she would grab it with both of her greedy hands. Why did she get everything that Raven wanted? It never occurred to Raven that she only felt desperate of wanting something when she saw that Dreama wanted it, too, or that if it had been a person, that someone liked her more than Raven.

  Glaring at Simon, she did at least manage to stop yelling. But Simon had heard more than enough of the words she had yelled at him in her rage.

  "I cannot understand why you would think Holli had a way with this when you're not even in the arrangements to begin with. And you don't even like the woman. You have made that fact abundantly clear ever since you met her. Why do you even dislike her so much? You don't even know her before she became Erick's fiancee. Was it because Erick fell in love with someone like her, instead of someone like you?"

  Raven looked like she had been slapped. "How dare you?"


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