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Summer Indiscretions

Page 18

by Tamara Mataya

  What if he got hurt? What if no one fed him tuna again? Maybe making him an indoor cat wasn’t the best plan, but I made the choice to take care of him.

  He sniffs the air and climbs out of the bag, immediately prancing across my legs and curling up on my lap. He looks around the room, kneading my thighs. I wince at the pointy jabs of his claws, but I stroke his back, pleased when he purrs. We’d gone to a vet friend of Shelby’s who confirmed Buddy was healthy and male, as well as a stray, judging by his condition and the lack of a chip.

  Shelby told me I should bring him home with me, and I did.

  Maybe I was trying to cling to something from Florida, like bringing him here would help me hold on to the positive things that happened there. Something good to come home to after another shitty day at the office.

  Guilt singes my skin, making it prickle, and my eyes fill with tears. “I’m sorry, Buddy. You deserve better than that, but I’m going to be the best owner you’ve ever had.”

  The thought that he’s always been alone is almost too sad to bear.

  I head to the kitchen and pour him a bowl of water, setting it on the floor. He ignores it until I open a can of tuna, and then he comes running.

  Not really hungry but feeling peckish, I grab a granola bar from the cupboard and munch it on the couch while Buddy eats his dinner. He finishes before me and jumps on my legs, purring when I scratch his back right above his tail.

  I get a text.

  Bailey: You back yet?

  Me: Just got in. I may have smuggled a cat home and into my building. Meet Buddy.

  I send a pic of Buddy.

  Bailey: OMG he’s so cute! Permission to tell everyone you got some pussy while in Florida?

  I snort.

  Me: Permission DENIED.

  Bailey: Fine. OK, the best Disney prince and why.

  Me: Hmm. Eric?

  Bailey: Weak.

  Me: What, who’s the best, then?

  Bailey: The Beast, obviously.

  I grin.

  Me: He doesn’t even have a first name.

  Bailey: How dare you?! He does so! It’s…um…damn it. Adam? Evan? Jeff? Dallas? Whatever, he doesn’t need a name. Belle can call him Baby in the important moments. #giggity

  Me: OK, but the Beast before or after the transformation?

  Bailey: Hmm…that’s a good question. We don’t really know the guy after, and before he was so big and savage and intense…

  Me: I feel like we’re about three conversations away from you telling me you’re into furries.

  Bailey: !! That’s a fabulous idea for an article: Cartoon characters after dark. I mean, I’m pretty sure the fox from Robin Hood was directly responsible for my sexual awakening. GTG! You’re in tomorrow, right?

  Me: The day after. See you then.

  I chuckle. Buddy hops off my lap and starts making a slow circle of the living room, poking his face into all the crevices between the furniture. He doesn’t seem that upset to be away from the only world he knows, but we’ll see what happens when he wants to go outside and can’t.

  Shit. I hurry over to the window to make sure it’s closed and get a whiff of something faint and chemical, but not completely unpleasant… Paint?

  My gaze ricochets around the apartment, searching for anything out of place, but it’s all just as I left it. Shelby had more self-control than I did—at least in this room. Everything looks exactly the same.

  I head to the bathroom, but it’s the same as I left it, which leaves the bedroom as the source of the difference.

  The closer I get, the stronger the smell is.

  It’s definitely paint.

  What did Shelby do? She didn’t say a word about anything like this while I was there.

  Movement near my right foot startles me, and I jump, clutching my chest. Buddy meows up at me.

  “You’re going to give me a frigging heart attack, cat.”

  He looks toward the bedroom, in the direction I’m heading, then back at me.

  Not wanting to seem like more of a pussy than my cat, I confidently stride the last few feet. Buddy trots at my side, keeping pace as if to say “I’ve got your back.”

  Not bad for a wingman. Tiny and fuzzy, but full of spunk.

  I flip on the light switch, blinking against the bright light, but it’s not the only thing my eyes are trying to blink against.

  Holy shit.

  My boring, slate-gray walls are gone, replaced by a shade of turquoise that is fresh and clean and vibrant without feeling harsh on the eyes.

  It’s like being back at Shelby’s. The walls match the bits around her house that were this exact shade. The umbrella on her patio, some knickknacks, the blanket on her bed…

  And on the wall at the foot of my bed, she’s made a giant photo collage, just like the one on her bedroom wall.

  I rush forward to see a note pinned to the board.


  I couldn’t match the amazing woman your brother told me about with the personality of your room. It was so BLAH. No offense. I hope you take this in the spirit it was given. I just wanted to give your bedroom a little fresh air. Don’t worry, the photos I made the collage with are copies. The originals are safe and sound, tucked into the albums where I found them. And don’t worry about Mimi. I got her permission to paint in here. She was tickled at the idea.


  Shelby talked to my landlord about painting? I don’t even know what to say. It’s the most invasive but perfectly personal gift I’ve ever received. This room is suddenly the only one that feels like home in my apartment.

  My eyes blur with tears, and this time they slip down my cheeks.

  A stranger knows me more than I do. She came into my life on the periphery and shook things up, made me want more. Made a gorgeous collage of my life in pictures. It’s something I’d never have done, but it fills me with warm, affectionate memories.

  I text her right away, thanking her for the amazing gift before heading into the bathroom to shower the return trip off my body.

  I don’t know if my life will be different now, but I know that I want it to be. Water streams down my body, the scent of my own body wash enveloping me in brown sugar, but it no longer smells like…me. I’ve gotten used to Shelby’s honey mango. I’ll have to go get some.

  People can change. Hell, I smuggled a cat into my no-pets apartment. Maybe there’s hope for me yet.

  I get out of the shower and slather myself with lotion, noticing the light tan I picked up while gone. Will anyone else notice the difference in me?

  Still wrapped in a towel, I head out of the bathroom and crawl onto the bed. I notice the matching turquoise chenille blanket and pull it over my head, letting the light filter through it and paint everything a bright, beautiful shade.

  The bed shifts slightly beside me, and Buddy’s head pokes beneath the blanket. I stroke his forehead between his eyes with my thumb, and he settles beside me and purrs.

  I fall asleep like that, basking in the smell of new paint and a new beginning.

  Chapter 28


  I snag a soft dinner roll and spread butter on it. I’ve been starving lately. I grin at Mel’s mom. “These rolls are awesome. Thanks for inviting me to dinner.”

  “Don’t be silly, Blake. You’re part of the family. It’s been too long since you’ve been over.”

  I take a sip of wine to battle the sudden dryness in my throat. Shawn had invited me to Sunday dinner, and I came, hoping Mel would be here and I could surprise her. They still didn’t know about Mel and me, and it feels wrong to tell them by myself, so I’m waiting for her. “Is Mel coming tonight?”

  “Melanie said she’d be a little late. She got a cat. Can you believe it? But she’ll be here. It’s been a while since you’ve seen her, hasn’t it?”
r />   Not knowing what to say, I smile. “She never seemed like the type to want a pet, but that’s cool.” Mel’s mom clearly doesn’t know about Shawn sending me to Florida.

  “Hello?” Speak of the devil… Her voice rings out from the living room.

  I lick my lips to catch any errant crumbs and set the roll back on the plate just as she strides into the dining room. Surprise flashes over her features when she sees me, but she grins before she looks away. “How is everyone?”

  Her mom gives her a quick squeeze. “Good. Look at you, all tanned from your trip! How was it?”

  Mel’s dad gets to the table with the pot roast and grins at Mel as she takes a seat across from me. Shawn messes up her hair when he returns from the bathroom.

  “Hey, Sis.”

  “Jerk.” She blushes and fixes her hair, glancing at me. “Yeah, I hung out on the beach a lot, Mom.”

  “Well, I hope you used plenty of sunscreen. Tans fade but—”

  “I did.”

  Mel must have spent more time on the beach after I left, because her tan’s even deeper. Are her white bits even starker in comparison? I want to see.

  I try not to rake her body with my gaze. I’d really like to hold her close and tell her I love her and missed her, but we should tell her parents about us before jumping straight to PDA.

  “Mel, you haven’t said hi to Blake,” her mom chastises.

  “Hey, Blake. How are you?”

  I stroke her foot with mine. “Fine, thanks. Did you have a good time in Florida?”

  “I did,” she says primly, dishing up some green beans.

  I spoon some mashed potatoes onto my plate. “Did you do anything exciting down there?”

  She presses her lips together like she’s trying not to smile. “I did.”

  “Don’t overwhelm us with details there, Melanie.” Mel’s dad pours gravy over his roast, and I try not to choke on my bite.

  “Some attractions were bigger than others,” she says, lips twitching.

  I squint at her.

  Her mom tops up our wine. “Looks like you mostly lay around on the beach.”

  “Yeah, there was a lot of lying around.”

  I bite the inside of my cheeks, giddiness rising inside me like we’re a couple of teenagers flaunting that we didn’t get caught screwing on the couch.

  Talk shifts to Shawn and his recent exploits with Shelby, and I zone out when Mel trails her toe up my shin. The edges of my vision go dark.

  It’s been too long since we were together.

  I manage to choke down my meal, not tasting a bite. I remember Mel’s taste instead, and I want it on my tongue again. It takes a few minutes for me to realize we’re all finished, and everyone is discussing dessert but Mel and me.

  I know what I’d like for dessert.

  “I’ll take the dishes away and grab the pie.” Mel stands.

  “I’ll help you clear the table.” I stand and smile at her, but she’s already turned away and started carrying plates to the kitchen.

  I grab a few things and take them into the kitchen, trying not to make it look like I’m rushing to follow her.

  “Hey, stranger.” I keep my voice low so it won’t carry into the dining room.

  She flashes a quick smile at me but continues loading the dishwasher.



  I laugh once. “What do you mean, what? This is the first time we’ve seen each other since Florida.”

  “We’re at my family’s dinner,” she answers quickly, then sighs and scrapes a plate’s scraps into the garbage. “It’s so good to see you.” But she doesn’t look at me while she does it.

  “Look at me.”

  That gets her attention, and she finally meets my gaze. “I don’t want to do this here, if you don’t mind.”

  “You didn’t call me back last night.”

  “I didn’t realize it was a competition.” She turns from me and rinses her plate in the sink.

  My jaw is tight with tension, but I move behind her, embracing her from behind. It’s not sexual—we’re at her parents’ house—but I don’t know why she’s suddenly being weird, and I need to feel her in my arms. She melts into me with a barely audible sigh.

  I kiss her temple. “I don’t care if you never dial my number again, as long as we still talk.”

  “I’ve missed you.” Her damp hands grip my forearms, pressing them tighter to her belly. “I’ve missed you so much, you don’t even know.”

  “I’ve dreamed of you every night.” I close my eyes and breathe her in, relaxing more in this warm moment than I have the whole week I’ve been home, knowing I shouldn’t be touching her right now but unable to stop myself. “I don’t want you to feel pressured if you think we jumped a step by hanging with your family.”

  “Speaking of which, they could walk in at any second.”

  They could, and yet her hands grip my forearms even tighter.

  I pull my hips back to avoid grinding against her ass. “I don’t care. I love you, and I miss holding you.”

  “I love you, and I miss more than that,” she whispers, pushing back against me before jerking forward.

  “Mel,” I warn her with my tone, and she turns in my arms, smirking up at me. I ease my lips closer to hers, but pause, wanting her to make the first move.

  “I missed your words, but I missed the mouth that speaks them more.”

  Laughter floats to us from the dining room. “You’re going to get us in trouble with your parents.” The worst part is I literally can’t force myself away from her.

  “Oh. I thought you liked it when I was bad.” She closes the inches between us, pressing her lips to mine. My entire body tenses at the electricity shooting between us. Fuck, this woman.

  I want to.

  I shouldn’t.

  Her tongue slides across mine.

  I wind my hand in her hair and caress the nape of her neck, deepening the kiss, losing myself in her soft lips and eager tongue.

  “What the hell is this?” Shawn demands.

  I take a step back, and Mel and I both turn toward his shocked voice.

  Mel clears her throat and hastily finger-combs her messy hair. “We were just—”

  “Making out in the kitchen. What the fuck? Are you drunk?” Shawn’s voice rises.

  Mel sighs and takes my hand. “Let’s go talk at the table. Mom and Dad need to hear this too. Might as well tell everyone at the same time so we’re not repeating ourselves.”

  We ease past Shawn, whose posture is rigid. I hope it’s from surprise and not because he hates the idea of me dating his little sister. No matter what they think—if they think I’m not good enough for her, if they think it’s weird that we’ve fallen in love after all this time knowing each other—I am not going to stop seeing her. Even if it means losing them all, because losing Mel would be infinitely worse.

  “What’s going on?” Mel’s mom asks. Her gaze narrows on our joined hands, and then Shawn flopping to his seat. He folds his arms across his chest.

  “Mel?” Mel’s dad frowns. “Shawn? What’s going on?”

  “Why don’t you ask Mel and Blake?”

  Mel rolls her eyes. “Shawn’s being dramatic. Blake and I are seeing each other.”

  “What? You’re dating?” Mel’s dad frowns.

  “I think it’s wonderful,” Mel’s mom says, beaming at us. “We’ve known you forever, and you’re a good man.”

  I nod. “I promise, my intentions—”

  “You said you were seeing someone,” Shawn interrupts.

  “I am. I’m seeing Mel.”

  “Yeah, but you said—”

  “I didn’t want to lie to you or pretend anything. Everything I said about the woman I’m dating was about Mel.”

Mel’s brows knit together and her lips pinch shut, and I hastily clarify. “I never went into details, and I wasn’t bragging about anything. I promise.”

  “He didn’t, thank God.” Shawn shudders. “Hindsight on that would have made me vomit.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us right away?” Mel’s mom asks her.

  Mel shrugs. “It’s new, and we’re still figuring things out. I didn’t want it to be awkward for any of us if…” She trails off, but I catch the unspoken meaning behind her words.

  She didn’t want things to be awkward if we break up.

  She’s already thinking of breaking up? My gut tightens.

  Well, of course she is. This is Mel we’re talking about. The woman who plans and visualizes every eventuality. If she wanted out, she wouldn’t be sitting here holding your hand. Mel’s not the type to go along with something she’s not into.

  I relax and give her hand a squeeze, chest loosening when she smiles at me.

  Mel’s dad doesn’t smile, but he shrugs the way he does when he’s pleased with something. Man, I really have known these people forever. I won’t lose any of them. I won’t fuck things up.

  Shawn narrows his eyes at Mel. “I can’t believe you’ve poached my best friend. What happens if you break up? I can’t believe this.”

  She raises her eyebrows at him, rearing up in her chair. “I can’t believe you sent him there to spy on me like I’m some sort of helpless little princess.”

  “I’m glad he did.” I kiss her knuckles.

  Her expression softens.

  “Whatever.” Shawn scowls at me. “But if you break her heart, I’ll break your jaw.”

  Chapter 29


  We don’t stick around long after dessert—it’s too weird. The air is heavy with expectation, like they want us to regale them with the Adventures of Melanie and Blake, but I just feel awkward and tired.

  Seeing Blake made my heart jump into my throat, and my belly fluttered like I’d swallowed a rainstorm. Memory doesn’t do the man justice. He’s sexier, brighter, and even more appealing than my memories. I don’t know how that’s possible.

  I might have been OK, might have been able to play it cool if he hadn’t touched my feet under the table. OK, fine, maybe I touched his first. Seriously. A game of footsy made me horny as hell. The week I took trying to get some perspective didn’t help. Fine, he arrived back in New York a few days before I did, and it’s only technically been possible to see each other for two days, but I did try to take a minute to think about the future. But as soon as I saw him, time slipped away, and all I wanted to figure out was how I could lure him to my old bedroom and fuck his brains out.


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