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Redemption: Cavalieri Della Morte

Page 2

by Edwards, Anna


  Two years later

  “Damn, she’s hot.” While sipping on my first beer of the night, I turn my head in the direction of my friend Erec’s object of lust. The bar is crowded, but I know instantly who he’s talking about.

  “Out of your league, I’m afraid,” I tell him with a smirk. The long-legged brunette sitting alone at the bar would eat him for breakfast, given half the chance. She needs a real man like me. Not that I’m one to brag or anything…well, yes, actually I am, but I can back it up with numerous testimonies, if required.

  “I’m not worthy of anyone’s affections when you’re around, Gawain. They see you and that’s it…the rest of us don’t exist. Why don’t you play wing man for the night? Give me a chance, and your dick a rest.”

  “What is this rest you speak of? I’ve never heard of it. My dick is always ready to go. That’s why I’m known as the champion of women.”

  “Very funny.” Erec rolls his eyes at me.

  “Let’s tag team her. Take turns and give her the night of her life,” I suggest.

  “You are overly confident,” my friend responds.

  “I’m just being real. She’ll definitely spread her legs for us. Don’t worry about that.” I place my empty beer glass down on the table we’re sitting at and get to my feet. “You coming?”

  Erec nods his agreement and with him beside me, we prowl through the bar toward our prey. She must sense something because as we approach, she looks up and stares at us with her mocha eyes wide open.

  “Hi,” she squeaks when I move in front of her while Erec slides behind, and both of us crowd her with our domineering presence.

  “Hi,” I reply, and her cheeks turn pink when Erec leans down beside her ear, and in his deep masculine tone breathes his greeting into it. For all my teasing, Erec is as much of a player as I am.

  “I’m Gawain, and this is my friend Erec, can we get you a drink?” I nod toward the bartender who instantly heads my way. He knows me well.

  “I…er…yeah…um…white wine please.” Our soon to be toy stumbles over her words. I don’t need to reach into the lacy panties I’m sure she’s wearing to know she’s wet already. I can smell her desire—it’s radiating off her like a massive beacon flashing ‘fuck me’.

  “Glass of your best white and two beers, please,” I ask the bartender, and he disappears to fetch the drinks. “So, are you going to tell us your name?”

  “Lunete,” the woman replies. Her voice is full of trepidation despite the calm exterior she’s trying but failing to portray.

  “Nice name.” Erec responds, placing his hand on the woman’s shoulder, and her chest hitches on a sudden breath.

  “After my mother’s best friend.”

  “Cool,” I reply and take my beer from the bartender when he returns with the drinks, and Erec does the same. Wrapping our lips around the necks of our bottles, we both take a long sip, and then tip our heads back to swallow the amber liquid.

  “Fuck,” Lunete mumbles loud enough for us to hear. She picks up her wine and takes a large gulp.

  “So, Lunete,” I say, lowering myself down to her eye level where she’s sitting on the high bar stool. Her long legs are crossed over at the knees and the silver sparkly sandals on her feet, perfectly accentuate the black dress she’s wearing. “Ever had two men at once?”

  “No.” The wineglass shakes in her hand.

  “Want to?” Erec asks this time.

  “Yes,” Lunete replies without looking up at us. Her focus remains intent on the wineglass as Erec comes around to stand beside me.

  “Lunete, if you want my dick pumping hard into your tight pussy, and Erec’s dick either choking you or in your asshole, then you are going to have to look at us and tell us you want it.”

  “I hope she chooses the ass, so we can bring her to the best orgasm of her life,” Erec chuckles, and Lunete gulps down another large sip of her wine. It gives her the courage she needs, and she looks directly at us. Her eyes as dark as a stormy night.

  “I want you both.” Her words leave no doubt as to her willingness, and Erec and I immediately place our beers down. I don’t need to pay for them. The bartender will add it to my tab, which my boss and uncle, Arthur, will pick up. I take Lunete’s wine and put it down on the bar.

  “I want you fully aware of everything that’s about to happen to you. No getting drunk.”

  “Ok.” She pushes to her feet while she speaks, and Erec and I each take one of her hands and lead her from the bar.

  It doesn’t take long in the taxi before we get to my place. I live in a small apartment in the city. My real home is a partial mansion on the outskirts of New Orleans. It’s where the money from my employment goes. I’m a member of the Cavalieri Della Morte, a deadly organization whose mission is to bring justice to the world. I’m a skilled fighter and assassin who is rewarded handsomely for the work I undertake. My life consists of handling fast cars, sexy women, and an array of deadly weapons. I can kill a man instantaneously with my bare hands or, if called upon, I can torture him for hours to obtain all his secrets. I’ve pledged my life to the organization I’m a part of, and I have no regrets. My mother, on the other hand, wasn’t overly impressed with my uncle for getting me involved. She focused all her attentions on my brother, Mordred, after I joined. Sadly, he repaid her by disappearing off to England as soon as he was old enough, and we’ve not heard from him since.

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” Lunete mumbles while rubbing up against my dick as we walk into my apartment. My jeans feel really tight, and I need her naked with her legs spread wide open, right now.

  “Don’t worry, when we’ve finished with you, you’ll be feeling us for days.” Erec pulls her toward him and joins their lips together. It’s not uncommon for us to share partners. We don’t touch each other, not that I’ve got anything against that. In fact I experimented when I was younger but then realized I just love pussy and tits too much. I push myself against her back with my hard dick resting in between the crack of her ass.

  “How many men have you had?” I ask while grinding my hips into her.

  “Three,” she replies as we lead her toward the bedroom. Erec lowers the top of her dress, and I undo the clasps of her bra.

  “Did they make you come while they fucked you?” I wrap my hands around her tits and massage the nipples to hard peaks.

  “No, their efforts were nothing to write home about.”

  “We’re so going to rock your world, baby.” Erec lowers her dress over her curvy hips, while in tandem, I bend down and remove her thong.

  “You’ve been playing with the wrong men, Lunete.” Erec and I circle around our now naked prey. I pull my shirt over my head and allow her to catch her first sight of my toned body. To be an assassin, you need to be fit, and if I’m not killing or fucking, I’m working out.

  “Your tattoo is amazing.” Lunete says as she strokes her hand down the spider web I have on my right arm, twisting over my elbow. I had it done fifteen years ago when I was eighteen. It still looks as fresh as the day it was done because I like to look after it. It was during my rebellious phase when I wanted to define my individuality. I want to be able to say there was a reason behind the spiderweb design, but there wasn’t…it just looked cool.

  “Your body is fantastic,” I reply and lower my lips to her breasts. I take one pink nipple between them and suck. She tastes of cherry body wash. Sweet and decadent.

  “Fuck!” Erec flicks his tongue out to lick her pussy.

  “She taste good, man?” I ask.

  “The best.”

  Erec and I both divest ourselves of the rest of our clothes in a hurry, our cocks eager to escape their confines and find a wet and warm place to expel their release. I stroke mine a few times and step forward to the woman now lowering herself to her knees in front of me. She licks the tip of my dick and looks up at me with big brown eyes, asking for permission to go further. I wrap my hand in her hair and ease myself
between her lips.

  “Suck me hard, baby.”

  I don’t get a chance to enjoy her ministrations for long when my work phone rings. This is a call I have to take. Erec may not know what I do for a living, but even he knows that if my phone rings, I have to answer it. Bending down he puts his hand into the back pocket of my jeans and pulls my phone out.

  He looks at the caller ID while I continue to fuck Lunete’s mouth and says, “Arthur.”

  “Give it here.” I hold my hand out and take the phone from him. “Gawain,” I announce as I answer the call. Lunete stops what she’s doing and begins to release my dick from her mouth, but with a quick tug from the hand I’ve wrapped around her hair, I get her moving again.

  “I have a job for you,” Arthur responds.

  “Ok.” My short reply sounds strained this time because my balls have tightened ready for my release.

  “Is this an inconvenient time?” Arthur’s deep timber is laced with consternation.

  “No, you know me. Busy as always.”

  “I’m going to pretend I’m not talking to my nephew while he has his dick in some woman. Finish up. I need you to retrieve a girl. I’ll text you the details.” Arthur grunts and then hangs up.

  “Won’t be a problem,” I say to no-one in particular and grab Lunete’s head, burying my dick deep in her throat. I sound my release with a moan, and she chokes every bit of my cum down. When I’ve finished, I allow air into her mouth again by pulling out. “I’m afraid I’ve got to take a raincheck on the threesome. I’ve got work to do. Erec will ensure you’re well fucked before you leave.” I bend down and press a kiss on Lunete’s lips, tasting the saltiness of my cum on them. “If he doesn’t, then look me up.”

  Before either of them has a chance to say anything, my clothes are back on, and I’ve left the apartment. I head for my Harley Davidson Fat boy and jump on it while texting Kay, one of my colleagues, a picture of a pair of tits—it’s our code for needing help. When Arthur calls, you answer without question. Sex is one thing but the thrill of a new assignment ignites the fire in my blood. Saving those who need it is the best feeling in the world.


  It’s been really quiet in the house today. I shiver at the eeriness of it all. I’m used to strange noises, screams, and various sounds I don’t even want to think about. I suppose I should enjoy the silence because I’m certain it isn’t going to last, but the fear of anything different is too ingrained in me, now.

  I don’t know how I’ve survived the last two years in this house, which I eventually learned is in Louisiana. I’ve been conditioned to accept everything I’m subjected to: brutal beatings, continued rapes, and my mind is scarred like my twisted arm and mottled back from the relentless punishments. I’ll always remember the first time I was taken by M—it’s imprinted into my memory:

  “Put her in the bedroom we prepared for her.” The man who less than twenty-four hours ago purchased me orders. I’m a commodity now—a chattel to be owned. The memory of a carefree life has already begun to fade away. The guard holding me drags me up a grand staircase and into a bedroom. It’s sparsely decorated with grey walls and a bed, complete with chains at the head and foot. The only other pieces of furniture in the room are a chair and a table with various instruments set out on it that send a shiver down my spine. There is nowhere to store clothes, and I can’t see a mirror or any of the basic amenities such as a hairbrush or hair dryer I would expect to find in a bedroom. I’ve been naked since the moment I was captured, and I long for some clothes to cover my body. I’ve no idea where I am except, considering the amount of time we traveled, it can’t be Sweden anymore. The accents I’ve heard sound American. But if I am now in the States, I’ve not been brought legally into this country. I’m a slave.

  “I hope you like your bedroom.” I spin around at the voice intruding into my thoughts. It’s the man who purchased me.

  “It’s a little sparse, and I don’t think much of your choice of ornaments.” I roll my eyes toward the instruments on the table.

  M comes to me without warning, pushing me forward and onto the bed.

  “I can’t decide whether your sarcasm is a turn on or a turn off.” He flips me over and effortlessly cuffs my feet to the bed. I try my hardest to struggle against him, but his strength outweighs mine, and it’s futile. Before I can even register him doing it, my hands are cuffed as well. He stands back and licks his lips. “I’m going to certainly enjoy finding out, though.”

  I can only watch as he removes his clothes and folding them carefully, he places them over the back of the chair.

  “Please, don’t do this.” I can’t stop the whimper from leaving my lips. The man who owns me is naked in front of me. He’s muscular, and I know I won’t be able to stop him. He strokes up and down the length of his hard dick, and I shudder with fear.

  “Beg me again, slave,” he demands as he quickens the pace of his hand on his shaft while his stare is intently focused on my naked flesh.

  I purse my lips together not wanting to give him the satisfaction of a desperate plea. It’s a mistake, though, for it only angers him, and he steps forward and punches me in my cheek with his balled fist.

  “I said…beg again, slave.”

  My ears ring with the strength of his assault on me. I try to shake it off, so I can recover my senses, but the pain shatters through my cheek, leaving me helpless.

  “Answer me,” he orders with another punch to my face, and this time, I lose consciousness for a moment. When I wake, pain is ripping through my body, radiating from my groin. My tormentor is already inside me. He’s broken through the barriers of my virginity while I languished with the effects of his beating. He’s pumping his length into me like a wild animal during rutting season. I can feel the delicate flesh of my abused pussy tearing under his assault. I try to push him away, but I can't. I squirm harder and harder under him until his frustration grows to mammoth proportions, and he rains blow after hard blow into my face, and I black out once again.

  When I wake, it must be some time later, for the room is dark. The covers of the bed are gone, and I shiver against the icy chill in the room. Air-conditioning blasts out freezing air, causing my teeth to chatter together. I crawl across the bed, willing my body to stop pounding its painful lamentation. I ache everywhere: my face, my arms, and particularly between my thighs. Reaching between them, I find evidence of my blood mixed with the sticky essence of the man’s orgasm. I was violated while unaware. I don't bother to try to find respite from the cold. Instead, I curl up in a ball and pray for the ice in the air to freeze me to death. Of course, it doesn’t happen.M is a sadist and loves to torture me way beyond the level of my abilities. He does it purely for his own gratification, enjoying seeing me in pain. This isn’t a consensual relationship where I have a safe word if I want him to stop. There is no stopping until he’s cum and left me bleeding. He broke my arm once and left me alone for days. It’s healed but not as it once was. It’s misshapen and weak…just like my mind.

  I swing my legs over the side of the bed. I’ve slept for a few hours, and I know I won’t get any further respite from the demons in my head. I reach for the book I found one day, ‘Pride and Prejudice’ by Jane Austen. I’ve read it so many times now, but I love it. It describes a happiness I know I’ll never have: a future with a man who adores me. It’s my dream, and the place I escape to when M comes for me. I settle back onto the bed and start to re-read it. I don’t manage to get very far, though, when my door opens, and I know instantly who it will be. The only person who ever comes in this room. I place the book down and scramble to my knees before him. It’s the way he likes me to present myself to him. I didn’t do it once, and I was given no food for a week after being beaten black and blue. The next time he entered the room, I got to my knees, but he forced so much food into my mouth I was sick for days because my body couldn’t cope with the sudden richness after being starved. Ever since that day, I always kneel for him.

“Good evening, my slave.” M shuts the bedroom door behind him. I can’t open it anyway. It’s locked via a security system that requires his fingerprints. I’d need to smash through it to stand any chance of escaping. That or chop his fingers off, but with the absence of anything remotely sharp in this room, I’ve no hope of doing that either. He starts to remove his clothes. “I see you’ve been reading again. Such a waste of time that story. It’s a frivolous dream for a slave. Maybe I’ll get you a better book like the ‘Karma Sutra’. It’ll give you some lessons on how to be more exciting for me. Mind you, things could get interesting soon.” He lowers his trousers and underwear to reveal his already hard cock. My stomach turns because I know what comes next. He doesn’t come to me though. He pulls a picture from his pocket and tosses it next to me on the floor.

  “Look at it.”

  I tentatively reach out and pick it up. The photo is of a girl who looks similar to me. Her long blond hair falls over her body but doesn’t cover any of her nakedness. She’s scared—I can see it in her eyes.

  “I’ve bought us a new slave to break in. She can join you and give you a friend. I’ll be leaving tonight to go and get her. She’s a virgin as well, and you’ll watch me take her for the first time when I get her back here. I’ll tie her down to the bed and fuck her until she bleeds all over my cock. We’ll see if she begs for mercy or if I’ll need to beat her like I did you.”

  M comes to me now and wraps his hand around my hair. He twists it tightly and pulls me to my feet. I’m thrown face down onto the bed with my ass in the air. Before I have a chance to think, he’s inside me, old wounds ripping apart, weeping fresh blood.

  “You need to remember you’re only here for me. Several holes for me to fuck when I have need. I’ll have you both bowing at my feet, licking my shoes, and worshiping me as the master I am.” His hips buck, and pain tears through me. I try to disappear off into my dream world, but M hits me and brings me back to consciousness. “You’re nothing, slave. I own your dreams, life, and future. Disappoint me, and you know by now I’ll make you suffer, but not with death. You know my methods of punishment. They are sick and degrading. I’ll let all my men fuck your asshole while I watch. You’d like that wouldn’t you?” He grunts as he pounds into me harder and harder. “Answer me.” He hits me again.


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