Pain (Alien Breed 4 - English Edition)

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Pain (Alien Breed 4 - English Edition) Page 5

by Melody Adams

  Holly got instantly hot, and her nipples hardened, pushing against the constricting fabric of her bra. A pleasurable tingling sensation ran over her body. She loved Player's blunt, domineering nature. It got her pulse racing and her juices flowing.

  "That doesn't work. Not here in my office," she half-heartedly refused.

  Player was now in front of her and wrapped an arm around her middle to pull her against his body. She could feel his hard erection and her pussy began to tingle. With one hand he reached into the hair on the back of her head and forced her to put her head back, then he lowered his head to take her unprotected throat between his teeth. His fangs didn't pierce her skin and she knew Player would never hurt her, yet the threatening gesture gave her a tingling adrenaline rush.

  "Player," she gasped.

  A low growl rose in his throat, then he released her and lifted her onto his arms to carry her to her desk. With one arm he swept documents from the table to make room and placed her on the tabletop. He pushed her upper body back until she came to rest on the table and pushed her knee-length skirt over her hips. Holly moaned expectantly. Then she felt Players hot breath between her thighs. He pushed her legs further apart to have more room and she willingly gave in. Her heart was racing and the blood was rushing loudly in her ears. She felt his fangs at her pussy as he grasped the lace that covered her mound with his teeth and with a hard jerk he had ripped her panties off. She would soon have to order new panties from Earth if he kept doing this, because Player seemed to have a preference for undressing her with his teeth. Sighing, she pushed the unimportant thought aside and bowed towards him. She felt his fangs at her most sensitive spot and shivered.

  "Who is your master, Doc?" He asked, dangerously quiet.

  "You! – You are my master, Player," she replied breathlessly.

  "Good girl," he praised and let the tip of his tongue flick briefly over her nub.

  She reached for his hair and earned a threatening growl that vibrated against her lap.

  "Hands above your head, Doc!" He demanded.

  Holly obeyed and folded her hands behind her head. It was both annoying and exciting, that he never allowed her to touch him when he ate her pussy.

  "Keep your hands there, Doc, or I'll have to discipline you," he warns, looking sternly at her. "You know the rules. If you scream, everyone in this building will know what a bad girl you are."

  Holly nodded. Not that she had anything against his form of punishment – she loved it a little kinky – but it was true that she would scream and the prospect that everyone in this building would know what they were doing here was not so pleasant.

  Player let his tongue slide slowly through her folds and she moaned softly. He let a finger slide into her, then another and fucked her slowly as he pampered her pussy with his tongue. Holly squirmed beneath him, couldn't get enough of what he gave her. Again and again he came close to her most sensitive spot without touching it directly and that drove her wild. She was so close – finally wanted to reach the peak. But Player toyed with her, pushed her higher and higher, only to shift back a gear again. Holly whimpered, tempted to lay her hands on his head, disregarding his instructions, to direct him to the right place. But that would mean punishment, and humiliation if anyone here found out that they were doing it in her office. Not that the others would mind. Alien Breeds were very sexual and not shy about it. But Holly wasn't that open.

  "Player – please!" She begged. "Please, I need ... I want..."

  Player's fangs slightly pierced the tender flesh to the right and left of her clit and he growled threateningly. He didn't hurt her, but the warning was unmistakable. Holly screamed softly as the tip of his tongue rubbed hard over her nub, and hot shivers of pleasure raced through her abdomen. His lips closed around her pleasure knot and he pulled it lightly, as his fingers found her G-spot and exerted firm pressure on it. Alternately plucking her clit and massaging it with the tip of his tongue, Player finally brought her to the peak. She stuffed her hand in her mouth to suppress the scream that came over her lips as she exploded in a firework of pleasure. Tears of relief ran down her cheeks, and she sobbed, as her body was shaken by ecstatic quakes.

  Player didn't give her much time to recover from her orgasm. He pulled her off the desk to bend her over it and slammed hard into her pussy from behind. He had wisely foreseen to close his hand around her mouth and suffocated her scream. Then he began to fuck her hard, just as he had promised her before. She swayed between pleasure and pain. Player was big and his thrusts deep and punishing. Both their flesh slammed loudly against each other with every thrust and her wet pussy made smacking noises whenever he rammed his hard shaft into her tight channel. The peak seemed closer and closer to her, she raced straight towards it. Higher and higher. Then her channel twitched around Player's cock and she screamed into his hand. The force of her climax let her see stars, and her knees gave way under her. She would have slipped off the desk if she hadn't been stuck between Player and the furniture. Player came with a deep growl and she felt him flood her womb with his seed.


  I had no desire for company, so I went straight back to my house. In my present condition I wasn’t good company anyway – not that I had ever been one, but my aggression made it even worse. I had to think about how I had fought with Steel and shame and self-loathing overcame me. My thoughts went to Julia. I made her unhappy and that filled me with even more bad conscience. It seemed that I couldn't do anything right. I wish DMI had never created me. Maybe then my mate would still be alive and my son would never have been born, only to die so young again in such a cruel way.

  "Why can I only see you once a week?" My son asked.

  I sighed quietly. My son was now three years old and he started asking a lot of questions. It wasn’t fair that he was born in captivity. I had no idea what a normal childhood looked like – I had never had one myself – but I knew it wasn’t normal how we were kept here.

  "Because that is the way it is, my son. We must be satisfied with what we have," I replied. "Have you had a good week?" I distracted from the subject.

  My son shrugged his shoulders. I put my arm around him and looked at him, inquiringly. I lifted his shirt and examined his chest and back. He showed no signs of injury and I breathed a sigh of relief. My biggest fear was that, one day, they would start experimenting on him.

  "Tell! How have you been?"

  "One of the guards had his birthday yesterday and I got a piece of cake," my son said.

  "And was the cake good?"

  "Yes! It was really good. – When is my birthday?"

  I felt my chest getting tight and shook my head in sadness.

  "I don't know, my son," I admitted in a low voice. "I only know that you are three years old, but I have no calendar here and I do not know the day you were born."

  "Then I can never get a birthday cake," my son said with sad eyes.

  I replied, "I'm sorry," and pulled him to me. I felt his tears soak my shirt and my own heart broke into a thousand pieces. What had I done? Why had I only given in to DMI's insistence and fathered a child with my mate? I had condemned my son to live in captivity and never to see freedom. I was to blame. Guilty for his misery. Guilty for his tears. I had failed him. I was a miserable father, unable to protect my only son. They could do something to him and I wouldn’t be able to do anything about it, trapped in my cell. Useless. So damn useless!

  Chapter 5


  "Can I have another piece of cake?" Asked Diamond.

  "Sure thing," Pearl replied, shoving a large piece of chocolate cream onto Diamond's plate.

  "I envy you Breed women that you don't put on fat," Jessie said. "Every piece of cake I eat goes straight to my hips."

  "With me, everything lands on my ass," I threw in. "But I don't give a shit! I'll take a piece too, if I may. The cake is delicious!"

  Pearl also gave me a piece and I put my fork into it with relish in order to push a big bite into my mouth. Las
t night, Pearl's father had been re-elected president by a large majority and Pearl had taken the opportunity to organize a small party. It was actually only a pretext for us girls to get together again and stuff ourselves with cakes.

  "Did you hear all the bullshit my dad's opponents said?" Asked Pearl and put a new cake on the table.

  "Do you mean that anti-Breed shit?" Jessie asked. "I saw it on TV."

  "Yes, that's exactly what I mean," said Pearl. "All the hate groups voted for them, of course, but luckily there seem to be more supporters of Alien Breeds than haters. But the hate groups are already frighteningly powerful. They even appear on talk shows. They demand that the – ‘damned freaks and their Satan brides’ – should die here on Eden without any support from Earth! – What brain-dead assholes. – Apart from that, we are largely independent here and would be able to survive without support. Of course we would then have to do without every luxury, but we wouldn’t starve here."

  "Rage says that there will be a big press conference soon. Freedom should go and another Breed," Jessie said.

  "I think it would be better if a couple went to the conference. So people can see for themselves that we weren't raped by our mates or otherwise treated badly, but that we are normal and happy couples," Pearl interfered.

  "They don't want any of us women down there with all the haters," Holly interfered. "They don't want to take any chances."

  "Understandable, but I don't think we'd be in danger," Jessie said. "Our men would see to it that nobody came near us."

  The girls began to rave about their mates and I suddenly felt very lonely. I had to think of Pain. I wish we could have such a special relationship as all Alien Breeds use to have with their mates, but that seemed unlikely. Pain was far too broken to enter into a relationship. His interest in me was probably only sexual.

  "Everything okay with you?" Holly asked anxiously and grabbed my hand.

  "I ... I'm just a little tired," I lied. "And a little too full." I tried to laugh, but it sounded artificial, even in my own ears, and Holly was nobody to fool.

  "Do you want to go for a walk with me?" She asked. "That's a good thing, when you're stuffed."

  I nodded. Maybe it wasn't a bad idea to talk to Holly. Maybe she could help me get over Pain.

  "Then let's go," she said and stood up from her chair. "Thanks for the delicious cake, Pearl. "I'm going for a little walk with Julia – running off a few calories."

  "I'm happy if you enjoyed it," Pearl replied.

  "See you later," Holly said.

  After saying goodbye and moving far enough away from the house, Holly took me aside and we sat down on a bench under an overhanging tree.

  "Tell me! What's so heavy on your heart?"

  I told her about Pain. What had happened between us, how he had behaved, and how I felt about him. Holly didn’t interrupt me and nodded now and then or stroked my arm comfortingly.

  "Pain isn’t in good shape at the moment," Holly said. "I can't tell you what I know because it's a matter of confidentiality, but unfortunately I have to tell you that I don't think Pain is in a position to have a relationship right now. I think you should give him time. If you have patience then maybe it will come to a good end, because it seems obvious that there is something between you two. It's just that he has so many demons to deal with. He has to deal with himself first. He is full of guilt and fear. How can he take care of someone else if he can't even face his own problems?"

  "I know," I replied dejectedly. "It is only so ... difficult. When I heard all of you gushing over your men and I realized that I would probably never have it myself..."

  "I didn't say it would never happen," Holly said and hugged me. "The odds are not so bad. He just needs time to deal with all the things that have been eating at him for so long."


  Jessie looked up from her book as the front door opened and Rage came in. He looked tired and beaten. Jessie immediately put her book aside and got up from the couch to walk towards her mate.

  "Hard day?" She asked compassionately. "It's late. I'm sure you're hungry. I'll just put your food in the microwave."

  Rage embraced her waist and pulled her in.

  "I'm not hungry," Rage explained. "At least not very. What I need is my mate."

  "Shall I massage your shoulders? You look tense."

  "The tension is further down," Rage replied.

  "In the back? Lie down on the couch and I'll massage your back. I just have to get the ... massage oil."

  "Much deeper," Rage interrupted her and it finally dawned on her what he meant and she blushed.


  "Can you do something about it?" Rage asked, suggestively.

  Jessie grinned mischievously.

  "I think I have just the right medicine for it. How about an oral massage?"

  "Now we're getting closer," Rage whispered and lifted her onto his arms.

  Jessie squeaked and struggled.

  "Let me down! I can walk. Your back..."

  "I told you: my back is fine. Now stop fidgeting!"

  He carried her into the bedroom and threw her on the bed, then jumped on her. Laughing they rolled around on the mattress until Rage crushed her mouth with his lips and their laughter turned into needy moaning. Hastily, they began to pull each other's clothes off. A few buttons popped, and Rage's shirt suffered a tear under the arm, but that bothered neither Jessie nor Rage. Every inch of exposed skin was kissed, stroked or bitten, until they were both naked and Rage rolled onto his back until Jessie lay on top of him.

  "My massage, please," he said hoarsely.

  Jessie slid down his muscular body and burned a hot trail of kisses down to his stomach. His cock twitched and she took him in her hand and stroked up and down a few times, before bending over his cock head and catching the drop of precum, glistening on the tip, with her tongue.

  Rage moaned and raised his pelvis demandingly towards her. Jessie took the thick head of his shaft between her lips and let her tongue dance over it, and then she slowly lowered his lengths deeper into her mouth. Rage clawed his fingers into the sheet. Jessie sucked and licked his cock, playing with Rage's lust until he grabbed her by the hair with a threatening growl.

  "No more games, Jessie," he said, pressed. "Let me come. I can't take it any more."

  Jessie took her hands for help and pumped them at an accelerating rhythm as she let her tongue circulate over his cock head until Rage gave a deep rumble and shot his hot seed into her mouth. Jessie swallowed and licked every last drop off his cock with relish, then she pushed herself up his body and kissed Rage passionately. He grabbed her and buried her under himself.

  "Revenge is sweet," he said, grinning, and took a stiff nipple between his teeth.

  Jessie gasped as pleasure pain shot through her body. Rage put one hand around her throat and looked deep into her eyes.

  "You will not move," he demanded and she nodded.

  Then he slit his lips and tongue down her body and buried his head between her legs. Jessie grasped the bars of the headboard with her hands and closed her eyes as Rage placed a kiss on her pussy. His tongue parted her wet folds and licked her juices from her swollen labia, stroking her clit slightly over and over again. He gave her enough stimulation to be under tension all the time, but never enough to reach the redeeming peak. He gave her a taste of her own medicine and she groaned in frustration as he once again licked just past her nub.

  "Please, Rage," she pleaded.

  "Quiet," he whispered against her pussy.

  He shoved two fingers into her narrow channel and fucked her hard. Jessie screamed and reared up under the onslaught. Over and over again, he met the sensitive spot inside her and she felt herself flying higher and higher. He took her clit between his lips and sucked on it without stopping stimulating her G-spot. With a scream, she came hard, and a gush of moisture came out of her twitching cunt.

  "That's it," Rage whispered, continuing to work on her G-spot until she came again and agai
n. Only when she collapsed, exhausted, did Rage let go of her and pushed his powerful body over her. He had no trouble slamming his big cock into her tightness, wet and ready as she was.

  "I love you," he said between the thrusts. "Damn it, Jessie Colby – I can never get enough of you!"

  "Rage," she moaned and clung to his broad shoulders. "Oh God!"

  "Come for me, Jessie. – One more time!"

  And she came. Exhausted, she sobbed, as the waves of her climax crushed down on her. Rage stilled in her, growling, and his seed flooded her narrow channel.

  Later they lay tightly wrapped around each other in bed, and Jessie thought of Julia, who had said goodbye to the cheerful group in a strange mood. Was it related to Pain? She wanted her friend to be happy, but that seemed to be a big problem with Pain. The poor guy was just too traumatized. It was only too understandable, but for Julia it had to be difficult. She had been attracted to Pain for so long and the fact that they had slept together made the whole thing even more complicated. No woman could ever forget a night with an Alien Breed – they were good lovers by nature. Not every Alien Breed was as wild as Rage – it all depended on which generation they were from – but they were all above average in every way. She was glad that in Rage she had found a lover, friend and closest confidant at the same time. Although her relationship had also started with some difficulties, compared to Pain and Julia, it hadn't been a big deal. Hopefully everything turned for the better for her friend.

  "What have you had to talk about so long today," she asked after a while.

  "We discussed who to send to the press conference. After a long time back and forth, the choice was Freedom – well, that he'd go was a long time coming – and Sturdy."


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