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Kailani's Pride (The Cassidy Pride Book 1)

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by Sage S Wolf

  “I’m sorry, babe. You don’t deserve to be talked to that way, but he's my dad. You know I can’t chance angering him.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest and sighed. “Whatever. Let’s just get the hell out of Verine. The sooner I leave this town, the better.”

  At my aunts, we grabbed our bags and loaded them into the bed of the truck, then I went back to say bye to my aunt.

  She was in her sewing room, her head bent down so her long gray hair in a messy bun on top of her head with random loose pieces hanging down into her face.

  “Hey, Aunt Leandra,” I pushed the door open further and entered the room. “I’m gonna leave for my road trip now. I should be back in a couple of weeks or so.”

  My aunt turned in her chair to look at me. Her eyes were clearer than I’d ever seen them, the same color as mine. “Kailani, I don't like that boy, never have. He’s bad news. Don’t let him trick you into thinking you’re his mate.”

  “What are you going on about, Auntie?” I guess I’d been wrong to assume she’d say something logical.

  “He’s trying to mark you.” She pointed to the ring that Kavik gave me. “You should take that ring off.”

  “Kavik gave this to me, and I don’t plan to ever take it off.”

  My aunt gave me a sad look before turning around and going back to sewing. “Send me postcards from all the states you visit, will you?”

  “Sure. I’ll call you once a week to check-in.”

  Kavik poked his head in the room. “You ready to go, Kai?”

  “Yea,” I looked back at my aunt who was lost in her sewing. “Take care of yourself while I’m gone, Auntie.” I bent down and kissed her cheek.

  Kavik held a hand out for me and I took it, letting him lead me out to the truck.

  I was sure my aunt would be okay without me for a while.



  “You found a lioness omega?” I asked, not believing what my beta was telling me. This was the first time in the year I’d been looking that I was getting word of one being found.

  Dirk sat in a chair on the other side of my desk wearing a smug smile. “Yes. We have word of one coming to town soon.”

  “One is coming to town,” I repeated, still not believing it. “Our town?

  Dirk’s chest puffed up a little. He was too proud for his own good. He was also one of those people that thought his shit didn’t stink. “That’s what I said. We found out about her arrival a few weeks ago. We don’t know exactly when she’ll arrive though.”

  “And why am I just now hearing about this?”

  “I couldn’t tell you I’d found you an omega without knowing for sure if she was coming, Blake.”

  I wanted to slap the smile off his face. He knew better than to call me anything other than alpha while we were working but I didn’t correct him.

  “And now you know for sure? Did you talk to her?"

  He shook his head “No.”

  “No, you don’t know for sure or no you didn’t talk to her?”

  His smile finally starting to fade. I could feel my barrage of questions was irritating him. Served him right for withholding information from me. “No, I haven’t talked to her, Blake.”

  “I’m sorry, did you just call me by my name again?” I wasn’t letting him get away with not properly addressing me a second time.

  “Shit, sorry.”

  I gave him a warning look. “Sorry, what?”

  Dirk swallowed a growl and tilted his head sideways to expose his neck in submission, his smile gone completely now. “Sorry, Alpha.”

  I knew he hated being my beta. He’d only offered himself for the position because he thought I would run the pride like my dad, and he’d have most of the control over the pride outside of paperwork. He’d thought wrong, and even though he did his job well, I still planned on replacing him once I found someone more suitable for the position.

  “Good boy,” I said, knowing it would irritate him further. “So you know she’s coming but you haven’t talked to her. How do you know about her arrival then?”

  “I’ve been in contact with the friend she’s traveling with.”

  Something didn’t feel right here. “Does the omega know she’s coming? You haven’t had her kidnapped, have you?”

  Dirk huffed out a small laugh. “No, Alpha. She’s coming willingly, not kidnapped.”

  “Good. I won’t be part of a crime, Beta. The omega comes willingly or not at all, understood?”

  He nodded. “Yes, Alpha.”

  Smart man.

  “You and Lucas can meet her in town when she arrives and bring her here with her friend. We can talk to her and make sure she’s a willing participant before we announce her as my mate.”

  Dirk didn’t look happy with my words, but he didn’t argue. He knew better. “Yes, Alpha.”

  “Glad we have that settled. Is there anything else you need to discuss with me before I start making my rounds in town?”

  “Nope, that’s all I have for today. I’ll report anything new to you immediately.” His tone was almost a challenge in itself.

  It was past time to find a new beta.

  I’d only been Alpha of my pride since my dad passed away a little over a year ago in a farming accident. Usually, when the position was passed down, the new alpha already had a mate and possibly cubs. With my dad’s unexpected death, I got the position prematurely and now needed to take a mate and start producing cubs. That could only be done with an omega mate, which was becoming rare among big cat shifters. Our numbers were dwindling due to having to breed with other omega species causing less and less offspring to shift into lions.

  Call me what you’d like but I wanted my cubs to have pure lion lineage to guarantee that I would be leaving a proper leader for my pride. I needed a lioness omega to do that.

  Leaning back in my chair, I ran my hands through my golden-red hair. It was almost the color of fire. Even my lion’s fur and mane had a red tinge to it. I’d inherited my hair from my mom who still lived in the alpha house with me. I didn’t see any sense in making her leave when we were both deep in our grief. I enjoyed her company and suspected she felt the same. We both missed dad greatly.

  Shaking myself from my thoughts, I stood from my desk and headed to the kitchen where I knew my mom would be.

  She had just opened the pantry door when I entered.

  “Good evening, mom,” I said, approaching her and kissing the top of her head.

  She turned to me and smiled up at me as she patted my chest. “Evening, cub. Did I sense anger from Dirk on his way out? You know you don’t have to be so cruel to the other males. Your father was kind to them all.”

  “Dad was too soft,” I growled. “He was letting them, and you run the pride while he sat back and did paperwork. That’s not how a king should rule.”

  Mom gave me a warning look. “Don’t speak about your father that way, Blake. He was a good man and a great alpha to this pride. Stop letting all that power go to your head before it darkens your heart. Find a mate to love and settle down with.”

  “I’ve been looking for over a year now, Mom. My lion doesn’t want just any omega, he wants a lioness.”

  “And what if the lioness isn’t your true mate?”

  “I don’t need her to be my true mate to have cubs with her.” Fuck, I even sounded like an asshole to myself.

  Mom sighed and shook her head. “You break my heart, Blake. You’re missing the gifts of life by denying yourself the chance at true love. One day you will wake up and regret a lot of things and by then it’ll be too late to change.”

  “I’m sorry you feel that way. You know I’ll treat my mate with respect and take care of her even if she’s not my true mate.” I might be in asshole mode, but I wouldn’t treat any female poorly. My mate would be worshipped by me no matter what. “Would you like me to order dinner before I leave or are you wanting to cook tonight?”

  My mom waved me off. “I’ve got it all hand
le, cub. Go do your alpha business and leave this lioness in peace.”

  “As you wish.” I kissed my mother’s cheek and excused myself to go back to my office.

  I had an omega to prepare for.



  Kavik and I had been on the road for five days, and they might have been the best five days of my life. We’d camped and fished and saw so many new places. It was amazing.

  We’d stopped for the night and would be arriving in Montana tomorrow to meet up with his friend to give him the souvenirs Kavik had grabbed on our way out of Alaska. I was excited to meet someone that might actually talk to me like a normal human.

  “What are you thinking about over there, babe?” Kavik asked, pulling me against his chest.

  We were settled down in our tent.

  I snuggled further into his chest, his warmth seeping into me. “I’m thinking about how amazing these past five days have been with you.” I turned in his arms to look at him in the dim light that was caused by the full moon and stars. “I can never thank you enough for doing this with me, Kavik.” I brought my face close to his. “I love you.” Kissing him before he could respond, I slid my hands into his hair.

  He tasted like mint toothpaste and something else I couldn’t pinpoint.

  “Kai,” Kavik whispered, turning his face from mine so I couldn’t kiss him more.

  “Please, Kavik,” I begged, trying to find his mouth again. We both knew what I wanted.

  “We can’t.” He suddenly bit out, pushing me away forcefully.

  It both confused and scared me. He’d never acted like this toward me before.

  “What’s wrong?” I needed to find out what I’d done wrong.

  He shook his head and crawled toward the tent opening. “Nothing. I’m gonna sleep in the truck, you can have the tent.”

  “Wait, Kavik!” My eyes burned with unshed tears as I grabbed his arm to stop him. “Talk to me, please?”

  He yanked free from my grasp without looking back at me, making my chest ache. “Just go to sleep, Kai. Everything is fine, I just need some space tonight.” His words hurt me further, but I accepted them.

  I didn’t dare try to speak knowing I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from crying if I did. I heard Kavik slam the truck's door as I laid back and stared at the thin fabric roof above me. The stars and moon were bright enough that I could see them through the tent fabric.

  What had happened to my sweet boyfriend? I didn’t know, but I hoped we could figure it out in the morning.

  I laid there for who knows how many minutes wondering where I’d gone wrong. Eventually, my eyelids became too heavy and I did my best to put my doubts out of my head as I drifted off to sleep.

  I awoke sometime later to the sound of Kavik's voice. He was talking to someone.

  Instead of getting up to see who it was, I laid there and listened.

  “Is she here?” A man asked.

  “Yea, she’s asleep in the tent,” Kavik replied. “You got my money?”

  “What the hell?” I whispered to myself as I climbed out of the tent. “What is going on out here?” I demanded, getting to my feet.

  “Nothing, babe. Just making new friends, go back to bed.”

  I could tell he was lying. “Then why was he asking about me?”

  A tall man with golden hair and eyes turned to me. “We’ve been waiting a long time for you, Kailani.”

  Kavik tried to step forward, but the golden-eyed man stopped him. “We’ll take it from here, pup. Lucas will give you your money for the omega and a little extra for your trouble."

  “Dirk.” The shorter second man that I assumed was Lucas said, giving Dirk a warning look. “You said she knew about this. Why does it look like she looks scared and confused?”

  I locked eyes with Kavik, and my heart sank. His eyes weren’t filled with love and understanding anymore. No, they were filled with hate, greed, and anger.

  “What is going on?” I asked again, starting toward him.

  “Don’t come near me!” Kavik growled. He actually growled like a dog at me. “I’ve been waiting years to rid myself of you, Kailani. I've hated you since day one. I just had to play nice long enough to lure you away from that protective aunt of yours.”

  “I don’t understand,” I had to choke back a sob. “What are you talking about? You said you loved me. We had plans to spend our lives together!”

  Kavik let out a cynical laugh and shook his head. “I never fucking loved you, you stupid bitch. I just needed you to get the money my family needs. That’s all you ever were to me, Kailani. My cash cow.”

  It felt like my heart was being ripped from my chest. This had all been some sick trick to use me to get money for his family… He’d never loved me. Never wanted a future with me.

  Lucas scowled at Kavik and pushed a duffle bag against his chest. “Here’s the money.”

  Kavik opened it and smiled. “Thanks. I’d say I hope she gets a good home, but the truth is I don’t give a fuck.” He didn’t even turn to look at me as he climbed in his truck peeled away.

  I stood there watching his taillights disappear, furiously wiping the tears as they fell. Why was this happening to me?

  Dirk grabbed my arm and yanked me toward a second truck in the distance. It had been hidden from view by Kavik’s. “Let’s go, omega.”

  “No!” I screamed, trying to pull free of his grasp. “I’m not going anywhere with either of you!” I still couldn’t believe Kavik had left me… just sold me to these strange men.

  “It’s not a choice, omega. You belong to our alpha now.” Dirk gripped my arm tighter and was dragging me as I continued to fight him.

  Lucas was following quietly behind.

  Dirk was talking crazy like my aunt. Bet she’d be happy to know other people existed that spoke her language. Okay, maybe not happy since this brute had just bought me from my boyfriend and was now trying to force me home with him. Or maybe she was secretly in on this too even if Kavik’s words had suggested otherwise. I obviously couldn’t believe anything that came out of his mouth.

  “I’m not going!” I tried one more time to break free, digging my bare feet into the dirt. My anger pushing down my hurt and drying my tears. “I’m no one’s property.”

  Dirk let out a growl and lifted me with ease, slinging me over his shoulder. “I’ve had enough of this defiance.” He gestured to his truck with his free hand. “Lucas, open the door for me so I can put her inside.”

  “I don’t think this is a good idea anymore, Dirk. She’s not willing like Kavik said she’d be.”

  I pounded on Dirk’s back until he shoved me into the cab of his truck. Then he turned to Lucas. “Doesn’t matter. She’s what the alpha wants, and what alpha wants, alpha gets.”

  Scrambling to the passenger side, I tried to open the door. It wouldn’t open. I looked over to see Dirk grinning and holding up his key fob. He’d locked the door.

  “Please,” I begged, trying to find the unlock button so I could unlock it manually. “Just let me go and I won’t tell anyone about this. I’ll just go back home and forget this ever happened.”

  “I like her idea,” Lucas agreed.

  Dirk shook his head. “Nope. We already paid for her and Blake is expecting his omega soon. What do you think he will do if we suddenly don’t know where she went, Lucas? He’s gonna think we did something to make her stay away. Her sweet ass is his whether she likes it or not.” Dirk's smirk made me want to punch him in the dick.

  In a last-ditch effort to get free, I began trying to kick him out of the way so I could escape out the open driver’s side door. “You’re a fucking sicko!” My foot slammed into his stomach.

  “Don’t fucking kick me!” He roared, his eyes starting to glow.

  I scurried as far away from him as the passenger door would allow. “What the hell is wrong with your eyes?” He had to be on some kind of drugs for them to do that.

  Ignoring my question, Dirk pulled a syrin
ge from his pocket and sat it on the roof of the truck. “That’s enough questions for the night. This should keep you quiet until we get you home.” He leaned in and grabbed my ankles, pulling me out of the truck. He then wrapped me in a tight hug when I tried to run. “Lucas, inject her so we can get going. I want to be back before Blake notices we’re gone and gets pissy.”

  My eyes went to the slightly shorter, stockier man. He could probably take Dirk if he wanted. “Lucas, don’t do it.” I pleaded, hoping he wouldn’t do it.

  Lucas’s eyes flicked to me. I could see how much he didn’t want to follow orders. “Why isn’t she shifting, Dirk? Are you sure she’s an omega?” He hesitantly reached for the syringe.

  “I don’t know why she’s not shifting,” Dirk’s tone told me that he was lying. “But she smells like an omega so just do what I told you. I wanna be done with this shit.”

  “I’m human, you fucking psychos.” I cried out when Lucas shakily stuck the needle in my neck and injected whatever was inside.

  “I’m sorry.” I heard him say as my world went black.



  I was sitting in my office, drinking my morning coffee when a very tired Lucas came in.

  “Can I help you with something, Lucas?” I asked, setting my coffee cup down.

  Lucas refused to meet my eyes as he spoke. “Uhh, yea.”

  “Well, why don’t you tell me how I can help you and why you look so tired this morning?”

  Lucas started to look nervous, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. “Dirk kept me out late last night."

  Interesting. “Did you tell Dirk that it’s not your job to be out late with him? It’s your job to help me keep the farm running smoothly.”

  Lucas was avoiding eye contact.

  “We bought an omega last night.” Lucas blurted out before realizing his mistake. His face turned red and he quickly focused on the floor.

  I stood from my desk, my chair tipping over as I stalked toward him. “Did you just say you fucking bought an omega?” It wasn’t uncommon for omegas to charge a price for becoming a mate, but sometimes they were sold against their will. Lucas’s fear told me the latter was the case for this particular omega. “What did you and Dirk do, Lucas?” A constant growl sounded from my chest.


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