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Kailani's Pride (The Cassidy Pride Book 1)

Page 13

by Sage S Wolf

  Then there was my mom who by some miracle had survived the death of her mate and was trying her best every day to be present and supportive to me and the pride.

  Last but not least was Leandra. I had a feeling she was going to play an important role in this pride once she got settled. She had also survived the loss of her mate even if not by death, it still took a toll on her lioness. And yet somehow, she had managed to find her niece who was lost in the system and then kept her safe until she was of age while trying to keep her madness at bay.

  All three of these women in front of me were incredible.

  The females of any pride, clan, or pack were the heart of it. Without the omegas, we couldn’t continue our bloodlines or find balance and peace among us males. They were the creators, nurturers, voice of reason, and much much more. The other females were important as well. Without all of our females, us males would be no better than our wild counterparts. Our mother’s taught us to respect and worship our females and we taught our sons alongside their moms thus continuing the cycle.

  “Blake,” I was pulled from my thoughts by Kailani snapping her fingers in front of my face. “You okay?” She shared a concerned look with everyone else in the kitchen.

  I smiled and pulled her into a hug. “Yea. I was just thinking.”

  “Wanna share with the class?” Mom asked, giving me her own smile.

  “Just thinking about how amazing the women in my life are,” I replied, kissing the top of Kailani's head as she snuggled her face into my chest. She was scenting me. “Easy, mate,” I warned when I scented her heat starting to flare again.

  She pulled away and gave me an apologetic look. “Sorry.”

  “Never be sorry for wanting me, my queen.” I reached out and stroked her cheek and she blushed.

  Lucas cleared his throat from behind me. “What’s for dinner?” He stepped around me and went over to sit at the island with my mom and Leandra.

  Mom smiled at him. I didn’t like the way her eyes lit up with it. “What would everyone like?”

  “Fuck!” I cursed, suddenly remembering I’d promised Kailani tacos. “I promised Kailani tacos.” I released Kailani before turning to leave the kitchen. “If anyone wants anything else you better speak now or forever hold your peace.”

  Everyone laughed.

  “I’ll come with you.” Mom offered, coming over to stand beside me. “I wouldn’t mind some mom and son time.”

  I turned and looked at Kailani. “You good here without me?” I didn’t want to leave her, but I also felt she was safer here in my house.

  She nodded. “Yep. I’ll use the time to snoop around and see what skeletons you might have in your closets.”

  I let out a booming laugh. “Come here.” I leaned down when Kailani came closer and kissed her until we were both breathless. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” Kailani smiled mischievously. “Still gonna hunt for the skeletons though.”

  “You go ahead and look to your heart's content. I have nothing to hide and never will,” I looked at Lucas. “You watch over these two while I’m gone. If anything happens call me right away. Got it?” I made sure he felt my order.

  “Yes, Alpha.”

  “Good. I’m gonna go get us all some grub. Be back as soon as I can.” I turned and offered my arm to my mom and she wrapped her hand around my forearm.

  We headed outside to my rover and I tried to focus on the road while I drove. It was hard since my lion only wanted one thing. To get back to our mate.



  As soon as Blake and his mom were out the front door, I set out exploring the house. It was a big house, clearly made for a large family.

  The realization brought me back to my conversation with Blake. He was seven years older than me and I felt like if I waited too long to give him cubs, I’d be robbing him of enjoying them while he was young. I’d never given parenthood much thought since I was focused on getting through college before that was even an option for Kavik and me.


  The thought of him didn’t hurt so much anymore. It did, however, piss me off.

  “What are you growling about, my girl?”

  “Shit, Auntie,” I jumped, placing my hand on my chest and turned to face her. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

  She chuckled and patted my cheek. “You’re lioness should have heard me coming. Though I guess since she was growling, you were distracted by something.”

  “She wants to rip Kavik’s throat out for what he did to her,” I’d been trying to keep those negative feelings a secret. “Actually, that’s the nicest thing she wants to do to him.”

  “No one can blame her for that. Imagine if some shithead came and caged you for two years. You’d be pretty pissed off too.”

  “I suppose I would.” I agreed, flopping down on the overstuffed leather couch.

  I think this was an extra entertainment room. There seemed to be almost two of everything in this house. I wouldn’t be surprised if I stumbled upon a second kitchen.

  “Foods here!” Lucas called out from the front of the house.

  “Shall we go get those tacos you’ve been craving?” Aunt Leandra asked.

  My stomach chose that moment to growl and we both laughed.

  “My stomach is all in,” I jumped up and hurried past my aunt and toward the smell of my favorite food.

  Blake was smacking Lucas’s hand away from a bag when I entered the kitchen.

  “That one is for Kailani. Get something from the other bags.” He said, holding the bag like he’d protect it with his life.

  “Is that for me?” I asked, pointing to the bag he was holding up.

  He smiled and held it out toward me. “It sure is. Come over here and eat.”

  I sat down at the island and let Blake fuss over getting all the food out of the bag. He placed my food in front of me along with the napkins and a drink I hadn’t noticed till he slid it over to me.

  “If I didn’t love you before, I sure as hell do now.” I joked, looking down at six tacos, two chalupas, and a nacho belle Grande.

  “Good to know.” Blake pulled four chalupas out of another bag and settled down beside me at the island while the others went to the dining room. “So did you find any skeletons while I was gone?” He asked before taking half the chalupa in one bite.

  How did this man not choke on his food?

  I swallowed my normal-sized bite of food before answering. “I didn’t. I did find like two of every room. Two bathrooms, two studies, two living rooms. I even found a huge outdoor dining table on the deck at the back of the house. Is there a second kitchen I don’t know about?”

  Blake chuckled. “Does the built-in bar and grill outback count?”

  “Does it have a refrigerator?”


  “Oh my god.” I laughed. “Then it’s a kitchen. This place is made to house an army.”

  Blake finished off his chalupa and then wiped his hands before turning toward me. “No. It’s made for an alpha and his mate and their cubs. Alphas are expected to mate an omega and have as many cubs as possible.”

  Panic started to build and my stomach churned. “You don’t expect me-”

  “Goddess no, Kailani. I don’t run my pride that way. You aren’t expecting to do anything that you don’t want to. One cub or twenty, it doesn’t matter to me.”

  “What if I end up not wanting to have any cubs?” I knew that wouldn’t happen. I wanted to see my mate’s reaction.

  He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “I won’t lie and say I won’t be a little sad. I would love to be a dad and have someone to pass alpha onto once I’m ready to retire, but if you choose it to just be us then I know plenty of good families with young cubs that I’m sure will be right for the job when the time comes.”

  I grinned and hugged my mate. “Don’t worry, Blake. I plan on giving you at least one cub at some point. I just can’t give you an answer on w
hen that will be.” I instantly felt his relief.

  “I’m a patient man, Kailani. I can wait.”

  “Good. Let’s finish our food so I can take that hot bath I’ve been dreaming of. Don’t think I didn’t make it to your bedroom to scope out the master bathroom. That tub has my name written all over it.”

  “It’s our room, so of course the tub has your name on it.”

  I nodded and unwrapped another taco, holding it out for a toast. “To tacos and hot baths.”

  “Hear! hear!” Blake rumbled, knocking his chalupa against my taco, sending lettuce flying.

  We laughed and then finished our food before heading upstairs to the master.

  “Can you grab me the pajamas from my bag while I get the water going?” I asked, grabbing towels from the bathroom closet.

  “I sure can,” Blake answered from the bedroom. A moment later he was in the bathroom laying my pajamas on the counter. “Your clothes, my queen.”

  “Thank you, my king.”

  Blake locked his glowing eyes on me, setting the tingles and heat off again.

  He gave me a predatory smile. “I like it when you call me that.”

  “Go to him!” My lioness demanded as Blake started to stalk toward us.

  “Blake, what’s happening?” I knew damn well what was happening and I wasn’t sure I had the strength to stop it.

  Blake closed the distance between us with one last step and took my mouth with his. I moaned and gripped his sweater, trying to pull him closer as our mouths devoured each other. I wanted to climb him like a tree and rub myself on every inch of him.

  “Kailani, Blake, you two in here?” Sloane’s voice sounding from just feet away broke our trance.

  Blake pulled away. “Shit, Kailani, I’m sorry. I lost control.”

  “It’s fine,” I panted, reaching out for him. “I lost control too.”

  He looked at my outstretched hand and shook his head. “I can’t touch you right now. I need space to calm myself.”

  I understood. “Go cool off.” I waved him off. “I think my hot bath just got changed to a cold one.”

  Blake chuckled. “I really am sorry. I should have known better than to try and be alone like this with you with your heat being the way it is. That could have ended badly.”

  “I highly doubt us having sex could be considered bad.” I was trying not to be offended.

  “So ending up pregnant with a litter wouldn’t be bad? Because I wouldn’t have been able to pull away once I was inside you.”

  “Oh,” He had a point and any feelings of offense vanished. “It could complicate things for sure, but still not bad.”

  “Well in that case.” Blake stepped toward me.

  “You stop right there, mister!” I held my hands out to keep him away.

  He laughed and stepped back. “I’m kidding. I do need to go breathe air that isn’t full of your pheromones begging me to mate you. This also means we need to sleep separately until we’re ready to complete our bond.”

  “I’m okay with the no baby-making plan. Go see what your mom wants while I bathe.”

  “Will do. I love you.” Blake kissed my forehead and then left the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

  I turned on the faucet debating whether to take a cold or hot bath, ending up deciding on a hot bath like I’d originally planned.

  Once the tub was full, I sank into it and let my mind wander to what the days ahead might bring. Surely the bodies of Kavik’s dad and his men had been discovered by now and authorities would have told the family. Kavik would be arriving any day now and he’d be looking to get revenge.

  We would need to alert the pride and come up with a game plan for when the wolverines arrived.

  “Protect the other females and cubs!” My lioness insisted, and she was right.

  I didn’t know how big this pride was yet. Maybe we could keep the other females and their cubs here in the alpha house while the battle was happening. It would make it easier to keep anyone from being singled out. I’d have to discuss it with Blake once our hormones had calmed and we could carry a conversation without jumping each other.



  I was a little embarrassed to greet my mom with a half hard dick, but what other choice did I have. Thankfully being away from Kailani helped it fade the rest of the way quickly.

  Mom was putting away the clothes from Kailani’s bag. I shook my head, knowing better than to try and stop her.

  “What did you need, Mom?”

  She stopped folding Kailani’s shirt and looked at me. “I was just wondering when you two wanted to announce your relationship to the pride. They’ll be excited to know that you’ve found a mate.”

  “Tomorrow. Tonight we are going to relax. Kailani is taking a bath right now and then she’ll probably go to bed. We’re exhausted.”

  “I understand. I’ll set up a meeting for tomorrow so you can announce it to everyone.”

  “Thanks, Mom,” I pulled her in a hug. “I really appreciate you helping me with all this.”

  She smiled up at me and patted my cheek. “That’s what moms are for, my cub.”

  Releasing her, I grabbed some clean clothes from my dresser. “I’m gonna shower in the guest bathroom and get ready for bed myself.”

  “Okay.” Mom looked like she wanted to ask questions. Thankfully didn’t.

  “Goodnight, Mom. We’ll see you in the morning.” I think Kailani and I both wanted to be left alone for the rest of the night.

  “Goodnight, Blake.” She headed out of the room, me following behind her, on my way to a guest bathroom. “Tell Kailani I said goodnight as well. Love you both!” She called over her shoulder, slowly disappearing down the stairs.

  “I will. Love you too.” I didn’t say it too loudly. She could hear me just fine with her shifter hearing.

  I stepped into the bathroom and turned the shower on almost as hot as it would go. Then I stripped and stepped under the spray. It felt so damn good on my neck and shoulders. I washed quickly and then gave myself a few more minutes to let the water relax my muscles a bit. This was probably the most relaxed I was going to be for a good while. I shut off the shower when the water started to cool and stepped out and dried myself with a towel before getting dressed.

  There were five bedrooms on this floor, including the master bedroom. What Kailani didn’t know was that the reason there were so many extra rooms downstairs was that the extra study and living room were supposed to be bedrooms. The second bathroom off of the second study was the downstairs master bedroom and bath. My dad just never saw sense in making us sleep on separate floors when it was just him, me, and mom. Wasted space he’d called it.

  Picking the room closest to the master, I settled down on the bed. It felt nice to sleep on a comfortable bed and not Kailani’s gangster couch that shanked me repeatedly every chance it got.

  I told myself I would get up and tell her goodnight before I fell asleep, but my body had other plans and I drifted off to sleep.

  I awoke the next morning feeling refreshed even though I was still tender in the places I’d been stabbed days before.

  The first thing I did was go to check on Kailani. When I found the master empty, my lion began pushing me to find her quickly. I wasn’t disagreeing with that plan.

  Rushing downstairs, I found everyone having breakfast in the kitchen.

  I released a breath I didn’t know I’d been holding when I saw Kailani’s beautiful face. “Mornin, beautiful,” I said, stopping to kiss the top of her head on my way to the coffee pot.

  She smiled and pulled me down for a kiss. “Good morning, handsome.”

  My lion began to purr. Her lioness was quick to answer him with her own. Goddess, I loved this woman.

  I turned my attention to my mom. “What are our plans for the day?”

  “Pride meeting at noon.” She gestured with her fork to my sweats and t-shirt. “You best get ready as soon as you’re finished eating.”
  “Yes, mom,” I fake whined, making everyone laugh. “I’ll be ready by the time people start showing up, I promise. What time is it now?”

  “Nine-thirty,” Lucas answered, sitting too close to my mom for comfort.

  “I’ve got plenty of time then,” I turned my attention to Leandra while I poured myself a cup of coffee. “You adjusting okay?” I only kept asking because there was a good chance her lioness would hate the change of scenery and slip further into madness.

  She gave me a small smile. “Yes, Cub. I’ll let you know if anything changes so please stop asking.”

  “I’ll try. I just want to make sure you’re okay. You’re part of my pride and this family now. I take care of my own.” I took a drink of my coffee and sat it down before grabbing a plate and filling it with food.

  Leandra’s eyes began to glow as her smile widened. “I know you do, Blake. You’re a good alpha.”

  I took the seat beside Kailani. “Thank you. I’m giving it my best.”

  “Is it normal to be nervous as fuck when you’re about to meet a whole pride and tell them you’re going to mate their alpha?” Kailani asked while we were clearing the table.

  “Absolutely,” I assured her. “Especially when you just found out you’re a shifter.”

  “True. This is all still very new to me.”

  “Hey.” I took the plates from her hands and laid them in the sink before cupping her face. “It’s going to okay. I’ll be with you the whole time. The pride is going to love you as much as I do. How could they not?”

  “You’re too sweet,” Kailani stood on her tiptoes and kissed me.

  I allowed myself a quick taste of her before breaking our kiss. I needed to keep a tight grip on my control. “That’s enough of that for now. Why don’t we both go get dressed and I’ll meet you in the living room? Maybe we can find a quick movie to watch together before going down the responsibility hole.”

  I knew I needed to get back to being a full-time alpha. I just wanted a little more time with my mate before retaking my throne. My mom and Lucas had things covered for now.


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