Kailani's Pride (The Cassidy Pride Book 1)

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Kailani's Pride (The Cassidy Pride Book 1) Page 14

by Sage S Wolf

  “That sounds like a good distraction for my nerves.” Kailani agreed, turning to head up the stairs.

  I followed behind her, grabbing a clean pair of jeans and a t-shirt from my dresser before heading to the guest room to change. My steel-toed boots were constant. I just never knew if I would be needed at the farm or find myself repairing something for someone in the pride. I did own dress shoes for the rare occasions that I needed to put on a suit.

  Once I was dressed, I headed downstairs to wait for Kailani.

  “What kind of movies do you like?” I asked once we were settled on the couch. We still had about ninety minutes before people started showing up.

  It was tradition to hold meetings at the alpha’s house, another reason it was so big.

  “I’m a big fan of horror but action comes in close second.”

  I smiled, feeling good about being able to share my favorite movies with my mate. My mom hated them I’d made her watch them so many times. “Die hard?”

  “Hell yea! That movie is classic and never gets old. It’s my favorite Christmas movie.”

  “Goddess, I love you!” I growled, pulling Kailani tighter against my side.

  She giggled and snuggled closer somehow, not that I minded. “I love you too.”

  “What are we watching?” Lucas asked, coming in and flopping down on the opposite end of the couch.

  “Die hard,” I answered, chuckling when he cringed.

  He shook his head though there was a smile playing at the corner of his mouth. “That damn movie should be banned from this house.”

  “Yes, it should.” My mom agreed, coming into the room with a mug of what I hoped was more coffee.

  “You’re both haters. Die-hard is a classic, even Kailani agrees.” I looked down at my mate who was quietly watching.

  She nodded. “Oh yea, it’s one of my favorite movies too.”

  Mom threw her hands up. “I give up. Those damn movies are gonna haunt me till I’m dead.” She laughed, patting Lucas on the shoulder as she turned to leave the room. “Come help me finish getting everything ready for the meeting, Luc. Let’s leave these two to their movie.”

  “Yes, Alpha.” Lucas stood and followed her out of the room.

  I reluctantly pulled away from Kailani and stood to grab the controller for my smart tv. I sat back down and pulled my mate back against my side. “We won’t be able to watch the whole movie but it should make time pass a little quicker so we can get over the stressful part,” I brought up my amazon account and found my owned movies.

  It was much more convenient than having blu rays and DVDs strung about.

  “Look at you with your fancy smart tv,” Kailani teased.

  “I know. That’s what makes me such a catch,” I teased back, hitting the play button on the controller. “Let’s enjoy some action before the real world comes back for us.”

  Kailani made an excited noise and clapped her hands. “It’s been too long since I’ve seen this movie.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at how damn cute she was.



  We’d only made it halfway through the movie when people started showing up for the meeting. I was happy to say watching one of my favorite actors be a total badass had helped calm my nerves a little.

  “Looks like reality’s here, my queen,” Blake grumbled into my hair, hugging my tight.

  I made a sound of disapproval and buried my face in the side of his chest. “Hopefully, this meeting won’t take long, then we can get back to the movie,” I mumbled into his shirt.

  “I promise we’ll dive back into it as soon as the last person is out the door.” He chuckled, the sound vibrating his chest and my face. He smelled so good, like pine and earth. “Kailani,” He growled. “Your heat is flaring up again.”

  I hadn’t realized I was basically dry humping his leg while I sniffed him like a freaking dog. That tingle was back, along with the heat.

  I pushed away from him and stood. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t even know I was doing that.” I wanted to slap myself out of this trance. “Or go rub our scent on him some more.” My lioness purred.

  “It’s okay, Kailani. It’s normal to feel the way you’re feeling. And given different circumstances, I would be more than happy to help relieve those…” Blake’s eyes were starting to glow, and his nostrils flared. “We need to separate quickly.” He gritted out.

  I nodded and dragged myself from the room to go find my aunt or Sloane. I needed to know more about how to handle my heat before Blake and I ended up losing control with each other. We’d come close too many times already.


  It was taking everything I had not to chase after Kailani and claim her over the nearest surface for all to see. My lion wanted to mark her, fill her full of cubs so that no one could ever doubt who she belonged to.

  That wasn’t what she wanted though. She had a career she wanted to work toward, and I would do everything in my power to help and support her in achieving that. Even if it meant keeping us cubless.

  I felt a little pang of sadness at the thought. “Be patient,” I told myself and my lion.

  Kailani would figure out exactly what she wanted when it came to the subject of children in her own time.

  Lucas’s head popped around the corner of the living room doorway. “More people just pulled into the driveway. Where do you want me to gather them?”

  “I think it’s nice enough outside that we can gather everyone out back.”

  “Okay. I’ll go out and lead them around back.”

  “Lucas,” I said as his head vanished. It immediately popped back in. Reminded me of that whack-a-mole game I played as a child.

  “Yes, Alpha?”

  “Can you get Kailani for me and let her know to meet us outside. We can’t be around each other alone right now.” There was a growl in my voice from my lion’s disapproval.

  Lucas gave me an understanding look. “Sure. Your mom and I can stick close to you two until you can get space afterward if you’d like.”

  “No.” I waved his offer off. “I appreciate the offer, but I find it much easier to control my…um… urges, when other people are around so we should be fine.”

  “Offer will still stand if you need it at some point.”

  I smiled at my submissive friend. “Thanks, Luc.”

  He returned my smile, his dimples making an appearance. “Anytime, Alpha. I have to go meet with everyone now.”

  “I’ll do it. You just go get Kailani and the others and have them come out back.” There was no sense in him doing everything. It was time to take back my alpha responsibilities.

  Lucas agreed and went toward the kitchen where the women were most likely hanging out.

  I stepped out of the front door and started greeting the members of my pride.

  “We’re going to have our meeting in the backyard since it’s so nice this afternoon. There’s plenty of room for the adults and cubs to move about.” I headed through the house to the backdoor with my guests following behind.

  My backyard was just a large field that lead back to about a hundred acres of forest. Up close to the house was a gazebo with a swing for my mom and a koi fish pond for me. I loved fish as a cub. Probably because my lion was secretly hunting them as I excitedly watched them swim around.

  Much further back was a much larger pond with a dock for fishing or swimming. I did both as much as possible. I’d helped my dad build that dock when I was nine. Spending time with him on the dock was one of the many great memories I had of him.

  Mom stepped out of the house with Kailani on one side of her and Leandra on the other. They were all smiling. “Ladies of the house get the swing.” She announced and a few pride members chuckled.

  They all adored my mom. I knew they would adore my mate and her aunt too.

  I gestured the ladies ahead of me. “Alright, let’s get settled on the gazebo and wait for everyone to arrive so we can make our announcement.”
  Lucas came out of the French doors the women had just emerged from carrying a tray full of sandwiches. “I’ve got food!” A few members followed behind him carrying their own sandwich filled trays.

  I hurried over and helped everyone settle their trays on the picnic table. “I don’t know how long these will last, but hopefully they will hold us over till everyone else arrives.”

  We sat down at the picnic table and snacked on our sandwiches while we waited patiently for everyone to arrive. When ten minutes had gone by with no new arrivals, I went to the gazebo and held my hand out for Kailani to join me.

  “I’d like to get to why I’ve brought you all here today,” I said loudly, grabbing most of everyone’s attention. “The last three days have been chaos and I’m sure most, if not all of you know that Dirk and his family were removed from the pride, though I don’t know if you know exactly why,” I went on to tell them what Dirk had done and then the crazy roller coaster that Kailani and I had been on in Alaska. Then I told them that a war might be coming our way and to be ready.

  “With all that said, I will get to the most important part of this story and that is that Kailani is my mate. My true mate, and when all of this is over and I’m sure that everyone is safe, I will have a party to celebrate our bonding with all of you after it’s done. You all know that you’re so much more than members of this pride to me and my mom. You’re our family and we are so grateful for all your support after the passing of my dad last year. You’ve helped us heal in so many ways,” I stopped and picked up my beer, held it up for a toast. “To beating our enemies whether seen or unseen and to our beautiful mates that make our lives complete!”

  Cheers sounded as people held their drinks up to toast me.

  “Well, that was easier than I thought,” Kailani whispered beside me.

  I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer, kissing the top of her head. “I told you, my queen. They are gonna love you just as I do. And as long as they don’t touch you, I won’t have to rip off their arms.”

  Kailani laughed, unaware that I was only half-joking.

  Mom appeared beside me and held her hand out to my mate. “Kailani, come with me and let me introduce you to everyone.”

  “Okay.” Kailani agreed nervously. She looked to me for reassurance and I smiled. Taking my mom’s hand, she let her pull her into the crowd.

  My smile widened as I watched my mate interact with our pride. It made my cheeks hurt. I was so damn happy to have Kailani here with me and safe. I was glad I was able to get Leandra out of that shithole too. Speaking of, I began scanning the crowd for her. My phone vibrating in my pocket stopped my search.

  I pulled it from my pocket to see who could be texting me since most of the pride was here in my backyard. I was instantly enraged by the name on the screen. Dirk.

  “Did you think you’d get rid of me that easily? I’m coming to take what’s rightfully mine.”

  My anger turned to fear. Without thinking, I began to move to where my mom and Kailani were in the crowd.

  “We need to get all the females and cubs inside right now,” I said, trying to keep my voice calm.

  “What’s going on, Blake?” Mom asked but didn’t hesitate to start asking females to take their cubs inside.

  “I got a text from Dirk. He’s up to something.” When most of the females were inside, I started looking for Lucas. “Where’s Lucas?”

  “I’m here, Alpha.” Lucas appeared beside me looking concerned. “I was told by one of the females that you might need me out here. How can I help?”

  Kailani and my mom had gone off and were getting the rest of the females and cubs into the house.

  “Dirk texted,” I showed Lucas the text and he frowned. “I need you to go into the house and make sure it’s secure so everyone inside is safe.”

  He nodded. “I’m going now. I don’t want to give that fucker a chance to hurt any of them.”

  “Thank you, Luc,” I clapped him on the back as he turned to go back inside.

  With that settled, I tracked my mom and Kailani down with my eyes to make sure they were good before I began asking the males to stick around outside with us until I could explain what was going on.

  A few minutes later all the cubs and females were inside, with the exception of my mom and Kailani.

  They both stood at my side as I addressed the males on the current threat. “It looks like the war might have arrived a little sooner than I expected, and not from who I thought would bring it. One of our own, someone we all trusted not even four days ago, has betrayed us once again. Dirk and anyone he’s brought to stand against us won’t be shown mercy. I’m sure I already know the answer to this question but as your alpha I want you to know that you always have a choice. Is there anyone here who wishes to not fight in this battle?” I was met with silence that filled my chest with pride. “And those who are willing?” All the males let out a cheering roar, letting me know they would stand with me to protect what was ours.

  My mom stepped forward and held up a hand to silence them. “I know my mate would be so very proud to see you’re all ready to protect our pride, as am I. I will ask however that at least five of you agree to stay in the house and help Lucas protect the females and cubs should danger get inside. Any volunteers?”

  I pulled Kailani against my side and smiled at my mom’s inability to not take charge. “You should go inside with the other females. I need to know you’re safe.”

  She shook her head and squeezed my waist. “No way, Blake. I’m fighting beside you all the way.”

  “I’d argue with you if I hadn’t had already seen what you’re capable of. Just promise that you’ll stay close to me in case you need back up.”

  “I’ve got her, Alpha. I’ll make sure she’s safe.” One of the males said, coming to stand in front of us.

  He was older than me, I’d say early thirties, and big. He was bigger than me in height and build even, with black hair and shocking blue eyes. He was kinda intimidating to look at even for an alpha.

  “Logan, is it?” I asked.

  I remembered my dad talking about him welcoming a new pride member just before he died. I was ashamed to admit I hadn’t met him yet, but I’d kept an ear out for his activities and only heard good things. I was shocked to scent he was a bear shifter. My dad had left that part out.

  “Yep. I joined just before your dad passed. I’m sorry for your loss.” Logan’s voice was sincere.

  My lion gave the okay to trust him.

  “Thank you.” I held my hand out to him. “Blake.” I was raised to always introduce myself with a handshake when first meeting someone. Even if I knew who they were beforehand.

  Logan smiled and shook my hand. “Logan.”

  “I’m Kailani.” Kailani held her hand out to shake after Logan and I released each other’s hands.

  “Good to meet you, Kailani.” He said, shaking Kailani’s hand as well. Then he turned and looked at my mom who was in her element organizing the males and assigning certain ones house protecting duty. “Your mom's a real female alpha, isn’t she?” He grinned back at me.

  I chuckled. “Yea, she had to learn how to take charge when she mated my dad since he was a submissive alpha.”

  Logan gave me a surprised look. “Really?”

  “Yep. My dad was a great guy, but better at paperwork and numbers than anything else. My mom handled the other parts.” I left out the part where some old members had taken advantage of my dad’s submission.

  My mom would have to find them and punish them in one way or the other, whether it was making them earn whatever they’d gotten or by casting them out of the pride. It’s how she became such a no-nonsense kind of person. She didn’t have the luxury of being relaxed when my dad was alive.

  “I see. You’re not submissive though,” Logan said matter of fact almost like he was complimenting me.

  “Nope and neither is my mate.” I puffed my chest up a bit as I spoke.

; “Good. Though I’d stand by your side either way.” Logan seemed to think for a minute before continuing. “You know your dad brought me here to be your beta. He was planning on announcing that he was stepping down and passing alpha to you, but the accident happened the day before.”

  The shock of Logan’s words hit me square in the chest and took a step back. “Why didn’t you say something sooner?” I wasn’t sure if I was mad or sad at that moment. Each emotion was battling for dominance inside me.

  “I was going to and then you picked Dirk as your beta and he seemed like a decent fit, so I figured it was better left alone. I didn’t want to add to your grief. Alpha.”

  I started to tell Logan it was okay when I was interrupted.

  “Well isn’t this touching.” Dirk’s voice rose above the chatter of the other males.

  Logan immediately moved to stand at the other side of Kailani. My lion liked that she was safely between us.

  “I thought I made it clear what would happen if I saw your face again, Dirk. I won’t give you another warning.” I growled.

  “I hate to be the bearer of bad news,” He grinned at Logan. “But your warnings aren’t any scarier than your father’s, Alpha. His warnings couldn’t save him, and neither will yours!” Dirk roared the last word as he shifted and lunged at me.

  I didn’t have time to process what he’d said before shifting and catching him as chaos broke out around us. Kailani’s white lioness burst forth, catching a wolverine before it could barrel into me. Logan’s massive polar bear grabbed a lion by the back of the neck as it went for Kailani. Claws sank into my side, pulling my full attention back to my fight with Dirk. His lion was a little smaller than mine but fast. Almost too fast for me to maneuver away from to give myself a better angle of attack.

  Managing to get some distance, I circled behind him and sank my teeth into his haunches, trying to weaken him so I could finish him. I had no intention of letting him live. Dirk roared in pain and turned, landing a decent blow to my head, making me stumble back. He took advantage of my temporary stun and plowed into my side, taking me down and pinning me. His mouth was almost on my throat when he was sent flying off of me.


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