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His Filthy Game

Page 9

by Cassandra Dee

  Chapter Eleven


  Never in my wildest of dreams did I believe life could be like this. A private jet? A billionaire? A man who took me to art museums?

  No, never.

  Not for girls like me, born on the wrong side of the tracks.

  And yet, it was happening. Every day, Mr. Cartwright and I talk. About something, about nothing, laughing and sharing, confiding in one another.

  It was crazy. Because what could a nineteen year-old nothing like me say to a powerful alpha?

  But I’ve lived life. Foster care does that to you, buffeting you about on the winds. And after so many years of different homes, more than anything, I want family. Permanent, the kind that can’t give you back. So to hear that Mr. Cartwright hadn’t visited his in years? When they were just across the bridge in Brooklyn?

  Sheer craziness.

  He should talk to them again, never mind if his dad is back in the picture. His mom and brothers are still there, and they shouldn’t pay the price.

  Plus, there’s the physical. I never imagined that sex could be so good. I’d worried that BDSM wouldn’t be for me when reading about it or when Shelly talked about it, but found myself looking forward to our special style of sex every day.

  So it’s not just a physical attraction now. The physical is amazing, don’t get me wrong, but there was something more now too. The billionaire listened to my opinions like they mattered. Like what I thought was important to him. No one ever really listened before like Mr. Cartwright did. He cared about how I saw the world and my suggestions. It felt like he cared about me.

  Oh god, what’s happening. Am I falling for him? I shouldn’t, but couldn’t seem to care enough to stop myself. Because everything about Connor Cartwright drew me in.

  I liked how he held my hand when we were out in the public.

  And the way the man caressed my collarbone. How he would place tender kisses there.

  This was trouble, for sure, but it didn’t matter anymore. The damage was already done.

  There was no hope of coming back because I’ve fallen for my dominant. Hard.

  Wrapping the blanket around myself again, I sat on the stool and picked up my paintbrush. It was Connor’s gift to me—not my master or Mr. Cartwright’s gift, but Connor’s. He given it to me after we’d gone to the museum and since then it felt like there’d been a shift between us. Something more. I found myself thinking of him as Connor the man, more than Mr. Cartwright the billionaire or Master the dominant.

  He’d said that since I loved art so much, I should turn my passion into action, and commented about how I could become the next greatest painter.

  It felt nice, honestly. Someone who believed in me, who supported my dreams every which way. And happily, I began to paint again, so engrossed in my work that I didn’t hear the door open.

  But I always knew when my he was there. The heat of his body radiated out to me, and those silent breaths filled the enclosed space. He didn’t say anything, instead choosing to simply watch. The day he gave me the easel and canvas and all the materials I needed, he said he wanted to see me work. Actually, he wanted to see me work naked.

  On cue, I dropped the blanket from my shoulders and heard a sharp intake of breath behind me.

  When I finally set the brush down, I turned to look at him. Those piercing eyes scanned my body and my heart fluttered as the edge of his lips turn up, a crooked smile taking form on his chiseled face.

  He sat on edge of the bed and extended his arms out for me. I made my way to him and he pulled me close, letting me sit on his lap. My hand rested on his chest and he placed a kiss on the side of my head then nodded at my work. “It’s looking good, sweetheart.”

  Beaming, I nestled against that massive chest.

  “I didn’t think that I would be able to do that.”

  “You just didn’t have anyone motivating and encouraging you,” he growled, eyes resting on the canvas while one hand stroked my hair gently. “Now you do.”

  I bit my lip, a blush creeping onto my face. Connor’s hand squeezed my waist and remembered I was naked and on his lap. A week ago, I would’ve been self-conscious and embarrassed like this, but being bare in front of Connor was more comfortable than being clothed now.

  “I didn’t realize how amazing it would feel for a brush to touch the canvas. I used to imagine the different pictures I wanted to paint, but I never got the chance to bring to life before.” I told him, grateful for his gift. “Now I can. Because of you,” was my soft sigh. “I didn’t know that painting could give me this kind of contentment. The satisfaction of creation.”

  “I’m happy you’re exploring your passion,” Connor growled, nudging my hips with his hands until I was standing. He grabbed the blanket and handed it to me. “I wanted to chitchat a bit, but if you stay naked then I won’t be able to stop.”

  I giggled, but wrapped the soft blanket around myself. Connor motioned for us to sit at the table. As soon as I sat down, he pulled out a pamphlet from his back pocket and handed it to me.

  It was a brochure for Rhode Island School of Design and, according to the pamphlet, the school was founded in 1877 and was one of the first art and design establishments in the United States. Immediately, I searched for the tuition costs and my eyes widened when I saw the five-digit fee.

  But before I could comment about the price tag, Connor spoke, “You have an eye for art, Kitty.” He pointed to the painting I’d just made. “And you’re a good painter too. For the past week, I’ve watched you create still-life paintings and for someone who’s a first-timer, you’re real talented, honey.”

  I smiled at him, but slowly shook my head. Because he and I are different. The billionaire knows no limits, whereas for me, higher education is a pipe dream. “Thank you for your faith in me, Connor. But I’m not that good and this is too expensive,” were my firm words. “Fifty thousand for tuition? It’s too much.”

  “You’re selling yourself short,” Connor growled, shaking his head. “Besides, I’ll take care of everything.”

  A quick gasp escaped my lips.

  “What do you mean?” were my soft words. Sure he was rich, but that didn’t mean he’d offer to pay for college for me. I was just his submissive, after all.

  But the billionaire was serious.

  “I’ll take care of tuition, sweetheart,” Connor tossed off nonchalantly. “All you need to do is make sure you get in. Which will be easy for someone as talented as you.”

  My heart soared with his words, but I couldn’t accept his offer. It was too much. I shook my head again, slowly. “I can’t, Connor. It’s so much money. I don’t deserve this. You don’t have to do this.”

  But never say no to an alpha because he stood and came over, taking my hand and tugging me from my chair. The man gazed deep into my eyes, our noses almost touching.

  “Nothing is too much for you, sweetheart.”

  And then his lips were on mine, chasing away the self-doubt and fears. Our tongues danced, gently and sweet at first before turning into something furious, a heated battle of dominance that he easily won. Connor gripped my hips, lifting me onto the table, settling his body between my bare legs. Oh god, it was happening. He ignited a desire in me. I wanted more of him, always more.

  The blanket fell from my shoulders, replaced by cool air that made my nipples harden. Connor’s hands roamed over my body, touching my curves and massaging my boobs. A throbbing started at my core as I felt the press of his hard cock there. His mouth left mine, trailing kisses down my neck and over my shoulder, stopping for a bite. I moaned as his right hand pinched my nipple while his left cupped my pussy.

  When he slid his fingers into me, I gasped. Connor pumped into me while using his thumb to rub my clit and a moan slipped from my lips. My wetness coated him.

  Oh shit. How can just his hand feel so good.

  “Fuck my hand, Kitty.” He gripped my hip with his free hand, nudging me until I was rocking against his hand, almo
st toppling the small table, but neither of us cared.

  “Ohhhh,” the moan slipped from my mouth as the added motion made my pussy clench even more. “Yes, master.” I’d do anything this alpha ordered me to.

  “Now come for me.” He rubbed my clit harder, but the command wasn’t necessary. I was already there.

  “Yes, master. Yes,” The words screamed out of me. My dominant grabbed my ass with the hand that wasn’t fucking me, gripping it so tight I knew there’d be fingerprints on my asscheeks when we were done, but I didn’t care. I loved it.

  The pain of his grip mixed with the pleasure, coursing through me and making me dizzy with pleasure.

  “Fuck, yes,” I said shouted.

  “You’ve got a dirty mouth, slave,” came my master’s gravelly voice. “Say fuck again.”

  “Fuck, yes, master! Fuck me.” Wave after wave coursed through me as my body reacted and tensed under his touch.

  The alpha captured my mouth, biting my lip hard, as my orgasm crested with the sharp nip. “Now say please,” he added with a cruel and beautiful smack to my ass that would definitely leave a red mark.

  “Please fuck me master.” I shouted, my voice echoing through the room. And he did. My dominant drove his hand into my pussy, harder and faster as my orgasm took over my entire body.

  I arched my back from the pleasure and my tits hit the alpha’s face, but he quickly captured one tight nipple, sucking on it as my orgasm took over before slowly ebbing away.

  Connor slid his fingers out of me, but I wasn’t ready to end this. Panting and still shaking, I reached for Connor’s pants, ready to pull them down and return the favor, but he wasn’t done with me yet.

  He knelt in front of me and opened my legs wider, lips kissing the side of my thighs until he reached my core. He blew a hot breath and then licked the juices that had leaked from me. I moaned and strained to keep my hands to myself. My dominant didn’t like me touching him unless he commanded me to.

  His mouth was relentless as he licked and sucked on my pussy. When his teeth gently scraped against the hood of my clit, I couldn’t contain the climax that erupted.

  “Oh god. Fuck yes, Master,” I screamed as pure pleasure rocked through me, so intense after following my other orgasm so quickly.

  Staring up, Connor lapped me up, enjoying the way I watched him. He stood, mouth glistening with my juices, and tugged me by the hair, tilting my head up before kissing me roughly.

  And I loved it.

  I loved when he was rough.

  “Bend over,” Connor commanded, his voice gravely with desire. I did as he said, slithering off the table and bending over it for him. My ass was exposed and my pussy was still wet for him. It ached with the need to feel his huge cock pumping into me. I felt his hand on me again and a finger moved between my folds.

  Then I felt his finger in my asshole. It was only one finger at first, but after a moment, he added another, stretching me. “I think you’re ready to be fucked here, slave.”

  Oh god, oh god. Connor’s played with me back there so many times, but his thick shaft? Oh god.

  But there was no stopping the Master. I heard his zipper open and he pushed his thick cock into my tight asshole. My initial gasp quickly turned to moans of pleasure as his thrusting became relentless. He yanked at my hair, sending pleasure shooting through my body. A sharp slap hit my ass as his dick continued to pummel into me.

  He was merciless and it was exactly how I wanted it.

  He leaned forward and bit my shoulder, the action sending ripples of ecstasy to the pit of my stomach. The feel of his balls hitting my pussy and the slapping sound they made only turned me on even more.

  I wanted all of him. Everywhere and anywhere he wanted.

  I’d been afraid it would hurt, but the slight pain only added to the bliss of his huge cock pumping into my ass.

  “Touch yourself, slave,” the dominant commanded.

  I slid a hand between the table and myself, rubbing my clit like my master ordered. The table rocked from out movements as the alpha grasped my hips in both hands, using them to drive into me even harder.

  “Fuck, Kitty. Your ass is so tight.”

  I clenched all my muscles down there and he let out a groan that had turned me on even more. I loved hearing my master react to the pleasure I gave him.

  His thrusting grew feverish and then his hot cum was filling me as he let out another moan. My own orgasm exploded as his balls slapped my pussy harder and I rubbed my clit. Bliss filled my body as the alpha pumped into me, emptying himself fully inside of my ass. The warmth of it felt amazing in a way I hadn’t known before, but that my body already craved more of.

  I was panting when he pulled himself out of me, and still reeling from my orgasm when he grabbed my hips and twisted me around roughly. His lips crushed mine until my mouth molded to his, each of us committing to memory the taste of the other.

  When he pulled away, I saw that his lips were red and swollen from our kiss and desire still burned in his eyes, but he drew back, placing a gentle peck on the top of my head and I knew there wouldn’t be another round for us right now.

  He flashed me that crooked smile that I loved. “Make sure you get into that school, Kitty.”

  It took me a second for my brain to switch from sex to school. “It’s too much, Connor,” I said when I could speak again. Connor had a way of fucking me speechless. “Ever since you brought it up, I’ve thought about college, but I could go to one that isn’t as expensive.”

  He shook his head, impatient. “Don’t worry about the finances, sweetheart,” was that commanding growl. “I’ll be the one handling them.”

  “Why?” I asked him.

  And those blue eyes swung around then, pinning me in place.

  “Because I want to,” he said simply, gaze unyielding. “And that’s that.”

  The air disappeared from my lungs. Was he saying he cared about me? That he wanted me to be okay, to have a future after we went our separate ways?

  It sure seemed like it.

  But why? On the one hand, I was elated. There was a future for me after this. A place to go that didn’t involve Delaney’s and standing on my feet ten hours a day.

  But on the other, sadness crushed my chest. Because there’d be no him anymore. I’d be in Rhode Island, pursuing my studies, with the billionaire here in New York.

  There’d be no us.

  But who was I kidding? There’s never been an “us.” It’s just a pipe dream.

  So slowly, my head nodded. “Thank you, Mr. Cartwright.”

  “My pleasure,” he rumbled, voice smooth. “Now get some rest. I’ll be seeing you tomorrow.” There was a promise in his words and I trembled involuntarily, still shaken to the core from his words.

  And after Connor left, I headed straight to the bathroom to wash myself. My body was sore from our session and I wanted to soak myself in a hot bath for a little while as I thought about RISD.

  It was expensive and obviously something that I could never afford on my own. More so, I wasn’t even sure if it was something meant for me. Because who am I really? A nobody. Someone with artistic aspirations, that’s all.

  But Connor seemed to believe in me so much. He was putting a lot of faith in me and in my abilities, and I didn’t want to let him down.

  My heart beat a little bit faster just at the thought of the billionaire. He had so much confidence and encouraged me to dream big, to think that anything was possible.

  RISD was the next step, so long as I could get in.

  But my mind was traitorous. Because what about him? What about us?

  And as the hot water beat on my back, tears began to fall from my eyes. Because there was no us. Why would he send me away otherwise? I could take art classes here in New York, but he hadn’t suggested that.

  Instead, the billionaire wanted me gone. Our time was drawing to a close, and he was making plans for my next steps, without him in the picture.

  Deep heaves wr
acked my chest, sobs choking my throat. My body bent over double, almost collapsing in the small stall, wracked with pain. Because the truth always hurts. But I’m a big girl who’s lived a hard life, and disappointment is nothing new. But the question was … why did it hurt so much this time?

  Chapter Twelve


  “What do you want to do today?” I asked Kitty as we ate our breakfast together again.

  If I were to answer the question, I wanted to stay in the apartment and fuck her mercilessly in the playroom until she was too spent to function. But there was a part of me that also wanted her to enjoy her time in New York and actually see some of the city I loved. There was a part of me that wanted to show her the world and not confine her in the walls of my apartment.

  Kitty bit the sausage off of her fork as she looked at me with those beautiful brown eyes, lovely and innocent.

  Pursing her lips, she thought before chewing and swallowing.

  “I’d like to sketch a view, if you don’t mind.”

  My eyebrows rose. Her request was so simple. I was a billionaire that could provide a huge sum of cash, buying clothes, jewels, and shoes. And yet here she was, asking me to bring her to a place that had a nice view she could sketch. For free.

  I was stupefied and my expression probably showed it.

  “Is that all you want? Because we can do anything, sweetheart. Shop. Dine out. Go to a Broadway play. Anything and everything you want, we can do. It’s up to you.”

  Kitty smiled as she patted the top of my hand, that small palm stroking over my broad fingers. “You asked me to give RISD a chance. If my work can manage to pass their qualifications, then I’m in. But I need to explore in order to create. That’s all I really want to do today anyway. Make a bit of art that I can add to a portfolio to help me reach my goals. I want to put my best work forwards,” she admitted with a shy smile.

  A smile spread across my face. “It’s nice to know that you’re actually serious about this. And it’s also nice to know that I’m such a good influence on you. That wasn’t my initial plan, you know.” I moved my hand to cover hers and shot her a grin. “No, my plans were to be a very bad influence and to teach things that would make good girls shudder.”


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