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Rapunzel (Faerie Tale Collection)

Page 6

by Jenni James

  “With the castle in dire straits and illness spreading rapidly, she did agree to continue to suckle me until they could find a suitable wet nurse. However, she told of how, during the course of the next twenty-four hours, my small whimpers and nudges and grasping hands managed to soothe her heart more than break it. And on the second day when a nursing mother was found in the next village, Mother turned her away.

  “Father knelt at her bedside, brushed her tangled hair away from her face, stared deeply into her eyes and asked simply, ‘What shall I do? You tell me and it will happen.’

  “When he saw her lip quiver, afraid to ask him what she wished, but so overcome with emotion tears had begun again, he did not ask more. He nodded his head and kissed her lips and then nose and brow and said, ‘He shall be ours. He will want for nothing. I will change the law to state that as long as he has the pendant, he will be known as our son.’

  “Mother says it is the day she truly knew what a marvelous man she had married, one who would break custom and the ancient ways to appease the love of his life. Her own love for him grew to be unwavering from that moment on.”

  Jonathan slowly traced Rapunzel’s arms with his hands. “And that is how I am to become king, but was never a prince.”

  All was silent for a few moments and then she asked, “Did my parents know?”

  “Your parents and mine have been dear friends for so long, they felt it was fate when my mother had a son and a couple years later, yours a daughter. They were always so eager to see us get along, so when we did and I expressed a wish to join the families together one day, my father took me aside and told me it was my choice to share my circumstances, but if I never wished to do so, then no one need ever know. However, I did speak with them both before I left for school. Even before I came to the playhouse on our last day together.”

  “What did they say?”

  “Well, I was a nervous wretch. My knees were knocking and everything. But after finally spilling out the whole of the story, your father merely grinned and said, “We have never thought of you anything other than the prince of Balligryn. So if your father, the king, has no objections, why should I?”

  She turned within his arms and grinned. “I knew it. I knew Father would say something just like that.” Snuggling into his chest, she fiddled with the beautiful pendant. “Thank you for sharing. And I am even more honored that you allowed me to wear the pendant all this time.”

  “How did it save you? Will you tell me?”

  She glanced up at him, her features flashing with pain before searching his eyes and then shaking her head a bit. “I was so imprudent then. I still cannot comprehend how easy it was to allow myself to go into such a state.”

  “Hush. All is well. We are together. Now what happened?”

  “Nothing, really. I had just pierced my arm with a piece of shattered porcelain and was ready to drag it painfully the rest of the way down to my wrist when—”

  Jonathan inhaled quickly, his stomach twisting into hard rocks within him at her words.

  “Just as I was about to slice further, I caught a small portion of the gold chain winking at me from where it peeked beneath my dress.” She dropped the pendant, and her arms wrapped around his neck. “I realized then that you might still be looking for me, and I could not harm you by allowing the witch to have what you needed most to become king. It saved me. It truly snapped me out of the trance I had been in and forced me to hope again.”

  RAPUNZEL FELT JONATHAN’S HANDS trace her back as he said, “Let us make sure you never do that again.”

  “I promise I will not.”

  “Good. I have already lost you once; I could not bear to lose you a second time.”

  “I have missed you,” she whispered, knowing she was repeating herself, but it was true. Her dearest friend had been missed for years.

  “Well, that is something else that shall be rectified. Once I get you back to the castle, I shall continue my studies at home and be with you every chance I get it.”

  She clutched him tighter. The smile soon became covered in her happy tears.

  They sat like that for a few moments, and when he pulled back, he seemed to remember that she still had her shackles about her ankles. Holding her face gently between his hands, he said, “I have to leave soon. The sun is setting. I will be back, I promise you. I will not leave you here. However, just in case something detains me, or if you find yourself without me and are frightened because you believe I have been gone too long, remove a stone from these walls and hammer away at the metal holding you captive. It may take you days to finally release the bands, but it will work eventually. When the time is right, you will know how to escape, but I believe it may be best while the witch is already here in the room. Do what you must to save yourself.”

  She nodded, her heart lurching at the possibilities and almost finality of his words. She clutched his elbows. “You will come back?” Even though she knew the answer, she had to ask again.

  “Yes.” He kissed her. “Yes, yes, yes.” He placed a delicious kiss on her lips in between each word. “Yes.”

  She believed him. “Go, then. But hurry back shortly.”

  He stood up and held his hand out for her. Together, they walked to the balustrade, Hercules circling their legs as they did so. “I will be back in the morning. And then we shall get away from here forever.”

  She giggled as she flung her arms around him. Her emotions bordered on hysteria, but she did not care. It sounded wonderful. Perfect. For the first time in eight months, she felt truly safe.

  “Good-bye,” he said.

  “Godspeed.” She kissed him once more and then watched as he scurried down the long rope of hair. He had come! He had truly come! And tomorrow they would be safe.

  LADY VACTRYNE HISSED WHEN she came out of the clearing and heard voices at the top of the tower. Quickly, she hid herself amongst some fronds and cursed the idiocy of believing the girl was truly mourning her fate.

  Her eyes squinted as she watched the chattering couple embrace and then saw him climb down onto the ground, only to have Rapunzel quickly bring it back up again. No wonder she cut her own hair off—to provide him with a rope! The fiend had no doubt been faking her own morose illness as well, pretending to be listless so as not to alarm her while she entertained this strange man.

  Lady Vactryne clenched her fist tightly around the satchel she was carrying. A small drop of blood made its way out of her hand to splatter upon the ground below her. Some things were not to be tolerated. This was definitely one of those things.

  Lady Vactryne had not been this livid for several years. But to be duped so completely with this clandestine relationship was enough to burst the fury out of anyone. She refused to be made a fool! And both the girl and that young man would pay for their insolence.

  After waiting a few minutes, willing herself to remain calm, she walked into the clearing and called up to the wretched girl. In a trice, the long rope of hair was thrown over the side, and the witch was upon the tower. She inhaled a silent, shaky breath and then smiled as best she could. “How was your day?” she asked the girl.

  Nothing could hide the glow about Rapunzel. Nothing. “Good.”

  “Hmm . . .” Even pretending to be calm would become too taxing today. Her mind was racing. The more it whirled, the angrier she became. The more livid, the more out of control she felt. This would not do. Not do at all. Slamming her satchel upon the table caused the girl to jump, but she covered up the display with a bit of a laugh.

  A flash of worry crossed Rapunzel’s features.

  “Well, let us get your supper ready. I have so much on my mind, I will not be able to stay long.”

  “Oh.” The girl approached cautiously. “Would you like some help?”

  “No, thank you.” Lady Vactryne pulled out the pretty blue vial from her bag and carried it to the cupboard. Then she created a lovely soup—soup fit for a queen—and presented it to the girl. Once Rapunzel had eaten, Lady Vactry
ne poofed a glass of milk and poured in a bit of sleeping potion from the blue vial. It was something she did so often, she was certain Rapunzel never truly thought about it. Since the sleep was one that came upon gradually, it would never seem as if she was actually being forced to shut her body down and rest.

  After nearly a quarter of an hour, Rapunzel was lying down, tucked nicely into her fine bed. Her eyes closed, and then the witch raged.

  A shriek that rattled the rafters escaped from her throat. How she hated feeling like this! How she hated betrayal! It was only the worst type of person who would betray another so blatantly. And the princess was nothing better than her greedy, betraying, lying, thieving parents! Ahhh! She should have known the girl would not be any greater than her own family!

  She began to pace as she thought of what to do next, her long skirts swirling about her legs. The first thing would be to remove the young man completely from this farce. Rapunzel was hers—not his! And Lady Vactryne would be skinned alive before seeing someone take what was rightfully hers.

  She was certain he had no idea what to do with the girl anyway. Probably a mere little infatuation he gained from her pretty presence, but the witch knew better. She knew what that girl was capable of. Did she not see it from the first moment she laid eyes on the babe not yet two toddling about the castle grounds? Yes. She saw then the unleashed power within the princess. All that rapunzel tea her mother had drunk had certainly passed on to the girl.

  There was a reason all those who wished to harness great power kept mint and the rapunzel flower growing within their gardens. It had been known by the most powerful witches for years that if you were to use those two herbs together, they would unleash incredible powers, as well as strength and fortitude. When she approached the king and queen, it was with the knowledge that they had also included mint in the teas she had been drinking. Bargaining for the unborn infant was the perfect foil to create the fear she hoped to generate within them. She had not been certain if she would actually take Rapunzel until she crept to the palace gardens and saw the little thing wandering around the gardens. Oh, then she knew!

  No one else would be able to raise the child as well as she could.

  Lady Vactryne glanced at the sleeping form and snarled. So much potential. So much power within that slight frame. But she had to be comfortable to access it. She had to be in her element, and right now, the witch needed the princess to trust her. Urgh. The imbecilic lad! How dare he attempt to ruin all her plans?

  He would pay. She would see to it that he would never lay eyes on his dear princess again!

  RAPUNZEL AWOKE THE NEXT morning with her mouth covered in a cloth, and she could not move her legs. They were cramped and near her chest. She was in a small, tight box, possibly one of her traveling trunks. It was dark and frightening. What was happening? She attempted to scream and jerk within the box, panicking and desperate to get out. Her arms were tied behind her back and her racing pulse was causing havoc in her chest. Great heavens, how did she get here?

  Get out. Get out. Get out.


  Her muffled cries and jolting finally alerted someone. She heard the box being opened. The next instant, bright sunlight blinded her.

  Lady Vactryne spoke. “So, you have woken up, have you? Well, we cannot have that, now can we?”

  Rapunzel felt the gag being removed from her mouth. Her lips were swollen and parched. She squinted and felt the witch grab her jaw. “What is happening?” she managed to get out just before some sort of liquid was poured down her throat. She sputtered and coughed.

  “There. It is full strength, so it should not take you too long.”

  “Too long to what?” Already, Rapunzel could feel the tug of exhaustion begin to pull upon her. Was that a sleeping potion? Her eyes grew heavy as the witch replaced the gag around her mouth. She could not even find the energy to protest. Within the next minute or so, all went dark again.

  AS JONATHAN ARRIVED AT the tower, he slipped from his horse and grabbed the tools he had bought from the blacksmith to remove Rapunzel’s shackles, as well as a few other items he figured he could use in defending them against the witch when she came.

  He called up to Rapunzel. “I am here! Let the hair down.”

  As it dropped to the ground in front of him, another bout of anger flashed through him. How dare the witch be so cruel to the girl? She deserved to die for all the havoc she had wreaked upon the whole Ellyanian court. Even if the family did steal, to kidnap a daughter and force her into a tower by herself, hidden away from the world, was not a life created by a kind and caring person. This Lady Vactryne had more greed within her than could be accepted. She had already ruined Rapunzel’s parents, but to take their daughter as a prisoner as well? How long would the punishment for the theft last? Who else was to pay for her selfishness?

  No, this must end now.

  He almost lost the princess once—he would never risk losing her again. It was time.

  Tugging on the belts strapped around him to guarantee the tools were secure, he grasped the hair and began to ascend the long rope. However, he climbed a bit slower than before. Something was wrong. Rapunzel was not leaning over the balustrade to greet him. It was too quiet.

  He pulled himself up another couple of feet. His stomach clenched. The witch must be here. She must be hiding, waiting for him, and had Rapunzel tied up so as not to be able to speak. All was not right. His climbing stilled altogether. If he battled the witch inside, there was risk for Rapunzel to be hurt and him to fall victim to whatever trap Lady Vactryne had laid.

  No. It was best he drew her out into the field with him. He had a much better chance at winning.

  Jonathan called up, “I have forgotten something! Forgive me—I will return tomorrow.” With that, he slid down the rope and ran to his horse. Jumping onto the beast, he galloped out of the clearing to one he had found nearby.

  LADY VACTRYNE HISSED AS she ran to the balcony from within her hiding spot to see the young man leaving. “The fool!” He must have realized she was waiting for him. Urgh. In a great sweep of agitation, she swiftly descended the tower and chased after him. He would not get away from her this time. She would find and punish the menace. How dare he think to outwit her!

  She would have to use a spell to guarantee she found him in time. It would weaken her, yes, but it was a price she must pay to foresee that he did not thwart any more of her plans. In a swoop of blue smoke, she arrived a great length away from where she had been and in a clearing of woods she knew well.

  THE WITCH WAS FAST! Unbelievably so. Jonathan had arrived merely a few moments before she did and had just enough time to slip from his horse and grab a large coil of rope as the smoke appeared. As soon as he saw the poof of smoke forming, he lunged at it before the witch was even visible. He collided with her solid form and quickly began to twist rope around and around her body.

  The shocked witch lunged and fought with all her might, but he was too quick. Wrapping her up tightly, he forced the woman to the ground. Amidst her grunts and raging shrieks, he managed to hold her secure enough during the surprise attack to bind her legs as well. However, he was not prepared for her feet to break free of his strong grasp and lurch at him quite so forcefully.

  Her swift kick hit him squarely in the stomach and sent him careening backwards into some bushes. By the time he had scrambled to his feet, she was already sitting up and loosening the bindings.

  “No!” He hurled himself at her once more, allowing his body to slam her to the ground and tightening his arms around her, pinning her hands in place between them.

  How she screamed and wailed, but Jonathan paid no attention as the surprisingly strong woman continued to thrash about, rolling him from side to side and attempting any means possible to escape.

  Her sharp teeth managed to bite into a portion of his neck, causing him to lose his grip and force her jaw away.

  Just as he was about to strike the witch, she hissed at him, “Do what you will t
o me, but you will never see the princess again!”

  He had to kill her now before she destroyed Rapunzel! Just as he slammed his fist into her mouth, his vision went dark. At first he thought his eyes were closed, but after several attempts to open them, it was obvious they already were.

  The witch laughed at his confusion. He swung again, but only felt his fist slam into the ground. Then she really cackled, pushing him off her.

  “Arrgh!” He got to his knees and dove toward the sound, his arms colliding again with solid ground as she moved easily from his grasp.

  “You shall never catch me,” she taunted near his right side.

  He continued to reach and lunge for her while she mocked him.

  “In fact, my dear sir, you shall now truly understand what it means never to see the one you love again.”

  She grasped his jaw, her nails digging painfully into his skin. He brought his hands up to fend her off, but all at once, every part of him became frozen.

  “No. You will not attack me again. Instead, you will listen to what I say to you. I do not tolerate someone as dimwitted and underhanded as you appear to be thwarting my plans. In fact, you have truly upset the wrong person. Your punishment for your idiotic notions is to be forever blind. You think her pretty enough to visit as many times as you have, then I shall take that ability from you. She is mine now! No one shall ever take her from me, especially not you! And I dare you to find her!”

  She released him, throwing his frozen body to the ground. And then she was gone. It took several moments of darkened panic before he noticed that his form was beginning to move again. He had not been turned to stone! Great mercy. Big, gasping breaths of relief escaped as he truly took into account his situation. The evil beast actually did remove his sight. But what was she going to do with Rapunzel? He had to get back to her. Allow the witch to spend her time harming him—he did not care. But not Rapunzel! She did not deserve any of this.


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