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Archer's Way

Page 7

by Ava McKnight

  The statement Nolan had helped her to craft was a heartfelt one that didn’t patronize the press. Kate simply stated the facts of the evening and left it at that. When she stepped away from the mic and Jenny McDugan moved in to offer her support of Kate’s story, she had a strong feeling in the pit of her stomach that the whole insinuation of an elicit affair was about to blow over.

  Unfortunately, she had Ken’s secret tucked under her hat.

  Guilt welled inside of Kate. So much so that she had to look away when John’s gaze caught hers.


  How was she going to avoid him until after the funeral?

  Chapter Eleven

  Archer stalked to his office and slammed the door. Kate had left the building with Jenny. She’d actually had the audacity to have Nolan tell him she’d be gone the rest of the day.

  What the hell was going on?

  For the majority of the press conference, he’d thought he and Kate has reconnected. The way her eyes had shone so brightly when she’d stood beside him before the press had convinced him that they were on the road to a happy ending.

  Not so.

  He slumped into his chair and faced his PC monitor. He had a hell of lot of work to do. In addition to running his company, he had a lot of email inquiries to address and the Board wanted to speak with him again.

  Of course, his romantic woes took a backseat to his professional responsibilities. With a disgruntled sigh, he forced thoughts of Kate from his head and went to work.


  At eight o’clock that evening, Archer stood on Kate’s doorstep and pounded on the door to her loft. He’d pretty much made himself crazy today, unable to let go of thoughts of Kate and his concern that something had gone seriously awry between them.

  When she opened the door, wearing a short lavender-colored silk nightgown and matching robe, he was momentarily sidetracked. But as his eyes worked their way up to her beautiful face and she stared at him with wide eyes and a gaping mouth, he knew his gut instinct was dead-on.

  Archer’s heart plummeted. But he forged on. Bracing a forearm against the doorframe, he said, “I know you’re tired, but I needed to see you.”

  Kate’s mouth clamped shut, her lips pressed together. Panic flashed in her eyes, which did not bode well for Archer.

  Consternation built inside him. He fought the urge to grab her by the shoulders and demand she tell him what the fuck was going on. But he remained sensitive to all that she’d been through in the past forty-eight hours. He worked on keeping his anxiety simmering below the surface.

  Reluctant as she seemed be, Kate stepped aside and let him in.

  Archer’s pulse raced. Why the hell did he have to keep convincing her that it was okay for them to be together?

  He was just about to demand an explanation from her when she turned and blurted out, “Jenny asked me to keep something from you and it’s killing me, John.”

  He didn’t think her eyes could get any wider, but they did. She clamped her hand over her mouth as she stomped her bare foot on the hardwood floor.

  “Goddamn it,” she said when she removed her hand. “I have the biggest fucking mouth.”

  Archer couldn’t help but grin. “No, what you have is a penchant for telling the truth. Which is just one of the many things I love about you, Kate.” Relief washed over him, because he knew she was going to give him the answers he sought.

  She stood before him, wringing her hands for a moment. Then she turned away and marched over to the kitchen. “I just opened a bottle of wine. Do you want a glass?”

  “Absolutely.” He slipped out of his leather jacket and tossed at the chair he passed. Joining Kate at the tall kitchen counter, he said, “So you’ve been avoiding me all day because Jenny asked you to keep a secret from me?”

  “Yeah,” she said. She poured two glasses and handed one to Archer. “I told her I didn’t want to keep anything from you, but she insisted. Begged, really. How could I deny her?”

  “Kate,” he said as he accepted the glass of Merlot she offered, “If there’s something Jenny doesn’t want me to know, that’s between the two of us. I sure as hell wouldn’t hold it against you because she’s sworn you to secrecy.”

  Kate let out a long breath. Her shoulders relaxed considerably and he could see that his words were a huge relief to her. “I don’t want to keep anything from you, John. But I promised.”

  “So let Jenny and I work that out.” She nodded, then took a sip of wine. Archer eyed her for a moment, then asked, “So that’s it? I mean, that’s really the reason you were avoiding me today? The only reason?”

  “I figured if I wasn’t alone with you, I wouldn’t have the opportunity to say anything I’m not supposed to say and…” Her voice trailed off and she rolled her eyes. “Oh, shit. This is all so ridiculous.”

  He grinned. “Yeah. I guess so.” He didn’t know what it was that Jenny wanted to keep from him, but he did know that he admired Kate all the more for not betraying her friend’s confidence….even if it meant keeping him in the dark.

  More importantly, he felt all the inner turmoil slipping away, now that he knew why Kate had kept her distance today. And now that he knew she wasn’t upset about the direction in which their relationship had gone.

  Setting aside his wine glass, and then taking Kate’s from her hand and setting it on the counter, he pulled her into his arms. Much to his delight, she came willingly, wrapping her own arms around his neck.

  “Jenny will speak with you after the funeral,” she said in a soft voice. “Is that okay with you?”

  “Sure, sweetheart,” he whispered in her ear. “I can wait to hear what she has to say. What I can’t wait for, however, is to hear you tell me you love me.”

  She sighed against his neck, her warm breath tickling his skin. “I do love you, John. I always have and I always will.”

  “That’s all that matters, Kate.”

  He kissed her long and deep. He knew they would get through Ken’s funeral, and that eventually he would learn Jenny’s secret. Until that time, he focused his attention solely on Kate. There was only more pressing matter to address and then Archer knew he’d have everything he ever wanted.

  “How do you feel about children, Kate?”

  She laughed softly. Staring up at him, her beautiful green eyes sparkling with love and desire, she said, “I want a house full of them. And I’d like to start sooner rather than later.”

  Archer knew his grin was nothing short of wicked. “Well, if we didn’t get the ball rolling yesterday, I’m sure we’ll kick it into high gear tonight.”

  Her body pressed to his and her soft lips grazed his neck as she whispered, “You’d better make love to me several times tonight. Just to be on the safe side.”

  “Whatever it takes, sweetheart,” he murmured as his hands began to roam her luscious body. “Whatever it takes.”

  About the Author

  Award-winning author Ava McKnight resides in Arizona. She is the author of nine erotic romance novellas and short stories, the author of romantic suspense novels, and the recipient of the 2005 Over The Moon Award of Excellence for Best Erotic Sci-Fi Short Story. Ava also writes as Calista Fox and Avery McKnight.

  Also available from Ava McKnight and Venus Press…

  Wet & Wild

  A Subtle Seduction

  Summer Temptation

  Keeper of the Night





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