Nathan The Billionaire: The Complete Series (A Navy SEAL Bad Boy Alpha Billionaire Romance)

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Nathan The Billionaire: The Complete Series (A Navy SEAL Bad Boy Alpha Billionaire Romance) Page 53

by Claire Adams

  “Alright, one…two…three. Go!” I yelled as I ran toward my shower.

  Jackson just laughed and made his way to his room to get his shower done. There was a part of me that wanted to invite him to shower with me or even for me to jump into the shower with him. But I didn’t want to push things. I liked that we hadn’t had sex yet. I liked the feelings that I had for him. They were such a mix of things that I had never really experienced before. I just wanted whatever it was between us to keep going. I didn’t want to ruin it.

  “Take your time,” I heard Jackson yell about five minutes after I got into the shower.

  Men were always so quick at their showering. They didn’t have nearly as much to do with their upkeep as women did. I relished the warm water on my body as it hit all my sore muscles. It felt wonderful to simply relax and take in the enjoyment of a nice long shower.

  “What should we get for breakfast?” I yelled out as I climbed out of the shower about fifteen minutes later.

  There was no answer.

  I wrapped myself in a towel and opened the bathroom door. It was eerily quiet in the two hotel rooms. I walked over to Jackson’s room and I saw a note on his table.

  Stay here. Don’t leave. I’ll be back after I get Ana.

  “What? God damn it!” I yelled as I threw the note across the room.

  Jackson had just ditched me and gone off to get Ana all by himself.

  Chapter 9


  Roxanne was growing on me and I didn’t want her to be in the middle of a potentially dangerous situation at Stephano’s house. She had done really good work the night before at the club and it was my turn to get some stuff done.

  As I left the hotel room, I knew that I was going to make her really angry by going without her. But after all that talk about Rose throughout the night, I had a bad feeling about Roxanne being involved in the whole thing. There was no need for it.

  I would make sure and tell Chase that she had helped a great deal and that she should get the money he promised her. But there just was no way I wanted her to be involved in this part. Stephano had probably told his goon to kill her and if I hadn’t come along, she would have been dead. I knew Roxanne was thought she wasn’t very trusting of people, but the sheer idea that she trusted Stephano at all showed she just couldn’t think straight in this situation. I had no option but to leave her at the hotel.

  Star Island was a very small manmade island home to a highly exclusive neighborhood in South Beach Miami. I had taken a tour there once when my family traveled to Miami. I found that my old memories of the island were surprisingly accurate when I arrived to take a look around. From what I remembered, the island had private security and cost millions of dollars in property taxes each year. Only the elite of the elite would choose to live on an island like that.

  The problem that I saw was going to be how I could gain access to Stephano’s home if the island had so much security. I was going to have to find a way in and once I did that, I would just grab Ana and get out of there. It wasn’t likely that she was being guarded by more than one man, and I could easily take out one guy.

  To help with my investigation of the island, I decided to pretend to be a tourist and take a water tour of the area with Duck Boat Tours. It would give me the vantage point of going all the way around the island and hopefully, the tour guide would even point out which house was Stephano’s. Though, I was positive I could figure it out by the amount of security around the home.

  People who participated in illegal activity often had one of two set ups for their security systems. Either they used high tech cameras and other warning systems, or they used men with guns that shot people. I needed to know which system Stephano had going on if I was going to break in and take Ana.

  “One ticket please,” I said to the man in front of the boat that also drove as a vehicle from South Beach to the water.

  “Would you like the star tour or regular tour?”

  “You know, I think I’d like the star tour. I want to know where all the celebrities live,” I said with as much fake enthusiasm as I could muster.

  Luckily, the tour guide wasn’t very perceptive and didn’t care what I wanted the tour for. He seemed more than happy to take my money as I got on the tour boat behind him. The boat was packed with about two dozen tourists, all very excited to experience the vehicle that drove on the street and then right into the water.

  After about thirty minutes of watching him convince people to take the star tour and not the regular tour, our boat was filled up and we were able to make our way through the streets of Miami and toward the waterway. The people who insisted on taking the normal tour had to get off our boat and onto the boat that was behind us.

  The vehicle we were in was pretty ingenious. It had tires and drove like a car until we made it to the water, where the boat engine took over to guide us through the water toward Star Island. It seemed like a good money maker for anyone who had such a boat in the Miami area.

  “Technically, Star Island is a public property, although the security gate and guard out front is often enough to prevent people from driving on the island,” the tour guide started to say as we made our way over the bridge toward where we would enter the water.

  “Excuse me, did you say it is public property? So anyone can drive onto the island?” I asked.

  “Yes, sir. But the security guard will write down your license plate and remind you to stay on the main roads. You are not allowed in any of the homes and you will be charged with trespassing if you even walk in their yards. Every corner has security cameras and the guards watch them very closely.”

  I felt an instant sense of relief at the information the man shared. If the streets were public, then I could easily rent a vehicle and drive into the neighborhood. Certainly, I risked much more than being arrested for trespassing if I was going to be at Stephano’s house. I knew that he would just kill me if he realized I was there to steal one of his girls.

  “That’s fun, thanks,” I said with my big tourist smile.

  “To tell you the truth, though, you’ll get a better view of the houses from the water. On the street, you just see big walls. Now, if you look to our right you will see Sylvester Stallone’s house,” the guide started in on his program.

  As our tour made its way around the island, I could tell that the guide was probably very accurate about having better access to the houses from the water. The houses had lots of shrubbery and bushes, but minimal security from the water to their homes. I suspected they still had motion detectors and maybe even dogs, but the front gate was where they built ten-foot walls and iron gates. Obviously, those things would have obstructed their view if they put such a security measure near their waterfront.

  I had to decide which way would be best for me to get into Stephano’s house. Both seemed extremely easy, but the real problem would be figuring out what security system he had going on. A good guard dog could often throw off even the best break-in attempt.

  Our tour through the water named a lot of big celebrities, but I noticed the tour guide never mentioned any of the other people who lived on Star Island. Of course, there was Stephano, but I wondered who else hid away on the tiny island. It seemed the perfect location to hide away from law enforcement. The secluded affluent neighborhood was the last place police would look for criminals.

  As the tour ended, I needed to find out more information on how tough the security was on the island. It was pretty clear to me that I wasn’t going to make it into Stephano’s house that day, but I could gather a great deal of information to make things easier the next time I came to the island.

  “Hey, George, that was a great tour. Can I buy you a drink?” I said as we disembarked.

  “I’ve got another tour, then we usually head over to The Heat across the street. You’re welcome to join us. Ex military?” The tour guide wasn’t as inept at seeing clues as I thought he was.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Let me buy you a
drink, then. How about five o’clock?”

  “Sounds good.”

  One of the best ways I had found to get good information was to be friends with people. Take the time to get to know them and people were more willing to give you any information you needed.

  Unfortunately, I didn’t really like talking to people much in my day-to-day life. I did it for work when it was required, but even then, I usually tried to find a way around dealing with actual people whenever possible.

  By the time George the tour guide showed up at the bar, I had already availed myself to a beer. I intended to look drunk later that evening and what better way to do that than to actually have a few beers. It had been a whole day since I had drunk a beer – I was about due my normal daily relaxation.

  “What branch?” George asked as he sat down next to me.

  “Navy,” I replied. There was no use lying to the man. I was just a tourist doing some looking around Miami.

  “Seal? You look like a Seal.”

  “I dabbled in the Seal world. But I got out and moved overseas. I’ve been in Italy doing woodworking for the last couple of years.”

  “Wow, that’s a big change.”

  “Yeah, but so relaxing,” I said as I sipped my beer. “How about you? How did you end up in Miami?”

  As we continued our small talk, I got to know George quite well. I learned about his family and his business. He was an interesting guy and very friendly. He seemed really genuine, and I thought he would appreciate our conversation. I also thought that he would have some information on Stephano, since he had been doing his tours for so many years.

  “So, I heard that Stephano Copal lives on Star Island?” I said casually.

  “Yeah, he’s got that big white house facing south. He’s a bigwig in Miami, but it’s mostly drug money. I’d stay away from him, if I were you.”

  “Oh, yeah. I have no intention of going near the guy. I bet he’s got security all over that place.”

  “Actually, don’t tell anyone I told you this, but I heard he doesn’t have any security outside. But he’s shot intruders when they’ve come in his house. I think he likes the sport of letting them all the way in the door and then shooting them in self-defense.”

  “Yikes. I’m definitely not going over there,” I said as I broke out in fake laughter.

  That sounded like something a guy like Stephano would do. No need to actually put security equipment around the home because if someone was dumb enough to try and break into his home, then he could claim self-defense when he shot them. Likely, the only people trying to get into his home were lowlifes who didn’t know who he was or people who knew exactly who he was. Either way, Stephano had a legal reason to kill them if they broke into his property.

  It actually worried me more that he might not have security than if he had top notch security systems. A rouge criminal was much more dangerous than one who wanted to protect himself with the latest equipment.

  “I better get going. It was nice meeting you,” I said as I stood up and stumbled a little.

  “Whoa there, are you alright?”

  “Sure am, my hotel’s right there, no worries.”

  “Okay, take care of yourself, man.”

  I had strumbled out of the bar and around the corner before I started to walk normally again. I had learned over the years that it was incredibly important to cover all your tracks. Making sure George saw me as a drunken ex-Seal was just one way that I could ensure my cover story if things ever went poorly for me during my search for Ana.

  I made my way back to the bridge to Star Island. We had been near it when the Duck Tour went into the water, but I thought I would take a stroll over to Star Island to see what all the hype was about.

  My stumbling started again as I got close to the security officer who stood outside of a small cabin in the middle of the road. There weren’t any barricades at the entrance to the island, no gate, either. Just the officer and a sign that read “Road Closed: Local Traffic Only,” so I continued to walk up the street.

  Before I had even made it to the security officer’s building, he was out of his door and walking toward me. The guy tried to look menacing, but he didn’t look like anything but a rental cop. His uniform was loose fitting and he didn’t have his hair cut short. If the guy wanted to look like someone more powerful, he should have paid attention to his looks more. Security guards were always trying to look like they had power when they really didn’t have any at all.

  “Do you live here?”

  “No, Officer.”

  “This is a private community.”

  “Yes, Officer, I’m just going for a walk. Am I allowed to walk around this neighborhood?”

  “You are allowed to walk through, but no going into people’s private yards and you must stay on the sidewalk.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  As I walked past the security building, I saw a panel of four televisions and several cameras that flipped through on the screens. It was entirely clear that the island was covered with cameras and I would probably not be able to get into anyone’s house without being seen on the camera.

  “Sir, can I see your driver’s license, please,” the officer said after he had talked with his co-worker.

  I felt my nerves as they became alert. I had handled much worse situations that a security guard wanting to see my identification. But I needed to say just the right things so he wasn’t suspicious of me. It was odd to me that he had waited until I passed him to ask for my ID. I had to think that there was something about me that he didn’t like – something about me that set off the alarm in his head and made him ask me for my idea.

  “I’m sorry, Officer, I don’t have my wallet. That’s why I’m walking. I need to wait for my ride to come get me in a couple hours.”

  “Your name?”

  “Jackson Fluoric.”

  “Okay, Mr. Fluoric. We can see wherever you walk. Please stay on the sidewalks or you will be arrested for trespassing.”

  “Thank you, sir,” I said as I continued to walk.

  I made my way around the circular street until I came across Stephano’s home. He did have a large wall and gate, but it looked easily scalable. I suspected that was also one of his ploys to lure his enemies into his home so he could shoot them.

  My gut told me I was going to need a different way into Stephano’s house. One that wouldn’t end up getting me murdered. Currently, Stephano didn’t know me at all. He thought I was just a guy that Roxanne was shacking up with. If we could figure out a way for her to get into the house, then maybe I would have the time to find Ana and get her out of there.

  One thing was for sure, I wasn’t getting Ana out of that house all by myself. It also wasn’t going to happen that day, either. I needed more time to plan. I needed to observe his house and figure out how many guards he had there at any one time. There was so much more I needed to find out before I was going to feel comfortable moving forward.

  Roxanne was going to be pretty damn angry at me when I got back to the hotel room. After sneaking out, I thought I would be able to get a lot done on my own and I certainly had done some good recon work, but I still wasn’t going to go back to the hotel with Ana safely in my custody.

  Then, it dawned on me. If Stephano were going to sell Ana, maybe I could just buy her, instead of whatever person overseas had made plans to buy her. If money was the only objective, I was sure that Chase and Jordan would be happy to pay Stephano what he wanted to keep Ana safe.

  As I made my way back to the hotel, I thought my plan to purchase Ana back from Stephano was actually pretty damn good. It would save us all from being put into danger’s way and money was easy enough to replace. I smiled at my own brilliant thought and I wished I had thought about it earlier.

  I slid my key into my room door and looked ahead at the lights that were coming from Roxanne’s room. Something was off. As a Navy Seal and even in my profession as an investigator, I had learned to trust my gut and right away I coul
d tell something was wrong in our hotel rooms.

  “Hey, Roxanne, I’m back,” I hollered.

  I didn’t hear a response, so I made my way toward her room where I saw her sitting on the bed and looking seductive as usual. The problem was she was just sitting on her bed and not moving at all. That wasn’t how you sat when you were waiting for someone and that certainly wasn’t how Roxanne would sit. My gut was right – something was wrong.

  “Hi, Jackson,” she said.

  Then, I saw it. Her eyes darted to the left of the doorway and I knew someone was there. I didn’t know who he was or what he wanted, but I knew his intention was to attack me the second I walked closer to Roxanne.

  “Hey, should I order some hamburgers like we had the other night?” I asked as I held up one finger and pointed to the side of the doorway she had motioned to.

  “Maybe order two, this time, I don’t want to split one.”

  Oh, so there were two people waiting to attack me. That was good to know.

  “Sure thing. Do you want all the fixings or just plain burgers?”

  “Plain, I don’t like to get my hands dirty with extras.”

  Okay, so they didn’t have guns, I thought. Or at least, they didn’t have guns out that she could see. But our little conversation was even starting to confuse me. It worked much better when you and your partner had time to work out code names for things.

  I took a step forward and prepared for the men to attack me. My hands were up and as one man stepped forward and swung at me, I grabbed his hand and pulled it around behind him. Quickly, I turned him around and used him as a shield as the other man came toward me and threw a punch.

  The thing that bothered me most about the little fist fight in my room was that it was a fist fight. If these goons were Stephano’s, then why the hell wouldn’t they come with guns? It seemed very amateurish, and I didn’t have time for that sort of thing.


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