Captured: A Dark Suspenseful Gothic Romance (The Rule of Lawes Series Book 1)

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Captured: A Dark Suspenseful Gothic Romance (The Rule of Lawes Series Book 1) Page 8

by Felicity Brandon

  “Good girl. More deep breaths.” Fuller’s voice was softer now, and she wondered if it was supposed to be reassuring.

  It wasn’t.

  Nothing could be reassuring when a stranger was forcing a dildo into her asshole while she was leashed and bound in his office. Not reassuring at all… yet still, hot as hell. Hannah pulled in a shaky breath, holding onto it for a moment before she slowly let it go. As before, the plug moved deeper, filling and stretching her ass in a way that no man had ever done. The intrusion was consuming, and for a while, Hannah was ensnared by it. She couldn’t move a muscle, couldn’t even turn her head to look in his direction. Everything now depended on Fuller’s attention to her ass and the implement that was making its way inside.

  “There we go.” Fuller sounded ecstatic. “Just another half inch and you’ve taken all of your tail like a good girl.”

  She bit her lip at his words, envisioning how she must look, and at that moment, the base of the plug popped against her backside.

  Fuller chuckled. “Perfect, and here’s your little tail to go with it.”

  Hannah felt the soft sensation of the fur she’d clocked earlier when Fuller had shown her the plug, pulling in fast, raspy breaths at the thought it was now attached to the thing buried deep in her ass.

  He rose, towering over her naked, bound body again. “You’re perfect, little girl.”

  Fuller strode to Hannah’s head, addressing her once more. “Mmmm, look at you.”

  In her peripheral vision, she saw him pulling up a chair and noticed a cell phone in his hand again.

  “Brandon, wake up.”

  She turned, realizing he was talking into the device.

  “What fucking time is it, man?” The voice her brain recognized as Mr. Lawes echoed back through his speaker.

  “Time for your morning wank, Lawes. Get a load of this.”

  Fuller turned the cell in Hannah’s direction, and her gaze fell back toward the carpet. There was no way she could acknowledge the man on the other end of the cell—no way. The humiliation of this moment was already too intense, and now, she had an audience. Heat tightened in her core, making her backside clench around the plug. The need within her was so deep, like nothing Hannah had ever experienced before.

  It was almost as though her desire was primal, its demands filling her up like the dildo shoved into her ass—controlling her, consuming her. It was making her head foggy, her thoughts rolling around like marbles on a ship’s deck. Hannah had no control over passion like this—none whatsoever. Even though there was a part of her brain that recognized she shouldn’t want this, that she should get up, that she should fight, the larger part was reveling in her powerlessness and denigration. Hannah panted at the realization.

  She liked this.

  No, it was more than that, she fucking loved this.

  Hannah wanted to cry at the insight.

  “Wow.” Lawes’ voice floated over her head while Hannah pressed her nose into the pile. “Is that the delectable Miss Bowman?”

  “It certainly is.” Fuller stretched back in his chair. “She caused a small ruckus in the basement, so there was the matter of her punishment to conclude, then I remembered she missed feeding time.”

  “So, you thought she could have a rest, right there in your office? How thoughtful, Fuller.” Hannah could hear the smirk on Lawes’ face from his voice alone, and once again, her muscles contracted around the plug.

  “Right.” Fuller chuckled. “And since she was here, I thought I’d get Hannah’s tail in place, too.”

  “Mmmm. Get closer, man. I need to see.”

  There was excitement in Lawes’ voice, and Hannah’s nipples hardened at the sound. She recollected that tone in his voice, and a memory of how good his cock had tasted at the back of her throat flooded her mind.

  Fuller shifted from the chair, wandering to get a better view of her rear end. Hannah swallowed at the ignominy of this moment. It was absolutely mortifying to be treated this way, yet she was so wet and horny, all of Hannah’s emotional responses seemed to blur into one potent, throbbing need between her legs. She closed her eyes. That need was so powerful, Hannah wondered fleetingly what depths she would willingly go to in order to feed its desire.

  “Look at that.” Lawes’ voice was full of awe. “She’s wonderful.”

  “Oh, I agree, wholeheartedly,” replied Fuller. “I have to hand it to you, Brandon. You’ve outdone yourself this time. I can’t wait to start training her tomorrow.”

  Lawes chuckled. “You can leave that to me, friend. I’ll be there in a few hours.”

  “Maybe I need to work overtime?”

  The two of them laughed, and Hannah exhaled with shame. On the one hand, they were being complimentary, yet on the other, they were mocking her, and that reality goaded her burgeoning arousal.

  “Turn around. Mr. Lawes would like to see you, Hannah.” Fuller was right next to her, crouching at her right side, and for a moment, she couldn’t move, mortified shame filling her up like paralysis.

  “Hannah.” Fuller’s clipped tone eventually inspired movement, and Hannah glanced in his direction, just in time for the cell to be shoved into her face.

  Blushing, she looked away again out of instinct.

  “I said, turn around.” Fuller’s voice was a thundering command, and despite Hannah’s reticence, she forced herself to comply.

  “She seems a little embarrassed.” Lawes’ tone was irritatingly sardonic.

  “Yes, apparently, this is Hannah’s first time with a plug.” Fuller reached for her leash with his free hand and pulled Hannah backward to fully reveal her crimson face.

  Hannah shuffled back, blinking at their exchange.

  “It’s very pretty,” Lawes revealed. “But perhaps her focus would benefit from a few stripes of your riding crop?”

  Hannah’s gaze widened. A riding crop? She stared in the direction of the cell. What had she done to deserve a crop?

  “You might have a point.” Fuller nodded. “We have to work on Hannah’s obedience.”

  Dread began to fill up her chest while she waited on Fuller’s verdict.

  “Absolutely.” Lawes agreed. “She needs to be obeying immediately, not when she feels like it.”

  Hannah’s breath hitched. She wanted to protest, to scream, to cry out, yet her fear was so consuming, it seemed to rob her of any ability to respond.

  “I think there is some merit to your thinking, friend.” Fuller sounded contemplative.

  Her heart pounded furiously, and she glanced at Fuller’s face.

  Fuller glowered at her. “Something to say, little girl?”

  Fuck, why was that so hot? She was naked, apprehensive, and demeaned at his feet. Hannah’s reactions should be fight-or-flight, yet as she gazed up at him, all she could think about was what it would be like if he impaled her, right here in this position. How would his cock feel with the plug already buried deep inside her ass? How would it feel to be fucked and leashed at the same time?

  She blew out a breath, the final query resounding around her head.

  How could she ever get over degradation like this? How could she ever be Hannah Bowman again, after this? There was no reconciling what she was feeling now with the woman she thought she was. There was no getting over this.

  “No, sir.” She didn’t even recognize her own voice.

  “No?” Fuller arched a brow at her.

  Hannah flustered. Evidently, no was not the right answer.

  “No, I mean, I tried to respond, Mr. Fuller, sir.” She hesitated, pulling in a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”

  “What’s your penalty for this lack of obedience, Fuller?” Lawes’ voice penetrated the electricity that was growing in the room.

  Hannah wasn’t sure what it was. Her need mingling with Fuller’s, perhaps? The inevitability of her doom, combining with her confusing passion?

  None of it made any fucking sense.

  Fuller grinned. “Definitely the crop,” he a
nswered, angling the cell so Lawes could still have a view of Hannah’s humbled body. “As you suggested.”

  Lawes’ laughter filled the room. “That is fucking perfect. Video it for me, Fuller. I need to sleep, and now, I have a boner to take care of first.”

  Fuller snorted. “You’re welcome. See you in a few hours.” He ended the call, sliding the phone back into his pocket before his focus fell back over Hannah.

  “I want you up and over my desk for what comes next. You have a date with my crop.”


  A Choice

  Hannah’s body trembled at his ruling, though it didn’t surprise her. A part of her had always known more pain was coming, it had only been a matter of time. Perhaps this had been his plan all along. To bring her up here, humiliate her to within an inch of her life, and all of it for what? So, she could fail in the endeavor and be chastised. She sighed, but for the first time since she’d woken in the cage, a new emotion began to tighten inside her—fury. Its hot wings unfurled at her core, mixing with her bewildered humiliation and desperate arousal and reviving her.

  “I don’t deserve it!” She spat the words at him, the venom in her voice startling them both.

  Fuller’s gaze narrowed as he dropped the end of the leash and stalked past her. “You deserve whatever I say you deserve, girl, and I’m adding another ten strokes for the disrespect you just showed me.”

  Hannah lifted her head, rising to her knees. Another ten strokes? What the fuck?

  Glancing behind her, her gaze fell over the door, and a spike of adrenaline burst through her veins. She could make a run for it right now. Sure, she was naked, but she was free. The leash wasn’t bound to anything, her legs were free. She could run.

  She should run.

  Turning back to Fuller, Hannah saw him inspecting the contents of another wood covered cupboard, no doubt looking for the implement he wanted to torture her with. He was ranting about something. Some details of her infraction and his dissatisfaction with her behavior, but Hannah wasn’t listening. Her nostrils flared. Fuck this shit. Fuck kneeling here, waiting to be freaking hurt.

  Hannah wasn’t clear about what the hell was going on at this place, but she knew this much—Lawes had taken her against her will and however messed up her personal responses to the outrageous treatment she’d experienced since that didn’t change anything. She was still a captive. And if Fuller got her back into one of those cages downstairs, maybe she always would be. Hannah would be just like all those other poor women, the memory of their desperate faces flashing through her brain. This could be her one opportunity to escape and be free. Her chance to free them all.

  Grabbing at the metal chain in front of her, she climbed to her feet. Her heart was in her mouth as she backed away, her gaze fixated with Fuller’s back. If he turned now and saw her, it was over. A man of that size would be able to close the distance and overpower her with little effort, and Hannah knew it. The only chance she had was to make it to the door unnoticed and pray his desire to inflict this latest endurance test would distract him long enough for her to make a run for it.

  Hannah gulped while she retreated, her gaze flitting from the door behind her to the looming figure of Fuller. She was a little over a foot from where she’d been kneeling now, but it was still further away to the exit. Time seemed to stand still as she edged her bare feet in its direction, her heart pounding so hard, she was sure Fuller must have heard it.

  “I hope you’re ready, girl.”

  Her muscles tensed at his words, but as she glanced back, Hannah could see she was nearly there. The door, slightly ajar, was almost in grasping reach.

  “My crop hurts, and you have thirty strokes coming your way.”

  Fuller reached forward, having obviously found the crop he was looking for, and at that moment, all the tension in Hannah’s body peaked.

  This was it.

  The moment of choice.

  Either she ran now and didn’t look back, or she had to scramble back to her place before he realized she’d even moved. Hannah’s eyes slid closed, the decision already made.

  She wasn’t going back.

  Turning, she reached for the door, and a second later, she slipped out into the darkness.

  All thoughts of being quiet vanished in a heartbeat. She was out—Hannah had done it—yet there was no time for celebrations. She scurried forward in the gloom of the hall, completely lost in the labyrinth of the large building. Her gaze darted around, looking for something that looked even vaguely familiar—an exit, the large doorway she’d come in through all those hours ago—anything that looked like it could be a way out.

  Fuck, why hadn’t she thought this through?

  Hannah couldn’t get out of this place. She didn’t know where the hell she was, and even if she did, she bet all the doors were locked. Fuller didn’t exactly want the patients getting loose now, did he?

  “Hannah?” The ominous tone of her captor echoed into the hallway, sending her already agitated heart rate into a new spin.

  The oddest thing was that Fuller didn’t sound angry or upset about her disappearance. His tone was almost amused, as though he’d been expecting her to bolt at some point, and in some perverse way, Hannah hadn’t let him down.

  Searching the shadows around her, Hannah looked desperately for somewhere to hide. If she couldn’t find an exit now, perhaps she could hide until she could. It was a ropey plan, but as she stood there, naked with the chain attached to the leather at her neck grasped in her fingers, Hannah didn’t have a better one. She darted down a corridor, aware of the sound of Fuller’s footsteps coming from his study. Panic was threatening to suffocate her, and frantically, Hannah tried the handle of virtually every door she came to. To her horror, every one of them was locked. It was as though the building itself despised her and wanted to see her broken. As she scurried onward, Hannah had a good idea they could do it, too—Fuller and Lawes—they could break her.

  “Come out, come out, wherever you are!” Fuller’s mocking tone seemed to follow her down the desolate corridor, producing a paralyzing sense of dread.

  If Hannah couldn’t find somewhere to hide, what was she going to do? If he found her now, Fuller would be so much harder on her than he intended to be, and that just couldn’t happen. Hannah couldn’t let that happen.

  Pushing herself forward, she happened upon another doorway in the darkness, and to her utter relief, the handle on this one turned. She pushed the door open, glancing back nervously to see if Fuller was in pursuit. Hannah couldn’t see him, but she wasn’t fooled. Clearly, the man was looking for her, and if he found her, she was in big fucking trouble. She slipped inside the new room, closing the door behind her as quietly as she could. Blinking around the space, Hannah took in the scene. The room was huge, a large bay window to the left was enabling moonlight to filter in, partially illuminating the scene. Breathing rapidly, she pressed onward, trying not to overthink what she was seeing. Now wasn’t the time to be distracted. Hannah needed somewhere to hide, and she needed it fast.

  She moved across the floor, her eyes searching for a decent place, taking in the contents of the room. In the center was what looked like an elevated platform with four or five high-backed chairs set in a circle around it. Hannah’s breath caught at the scene. It appeared the seats were there for people to witness whatever took place on the platform and based on what Hannah knew about this dark world, that was a foreboding thought. She scampered forward, gripping the edge of the chair nearest as she surveyed the platform again. There was something on it, although, in the half-light, it wasn’t easy to make out. Hannah’s heart pounded while she stared, her feet apparently halted by the thought despite her looming peril. Then, as the moon came out from behind another cloud, the platform was revealed once more, its contents causing Hannah’s heart to stop altogether. Sitting in the middle of the platform was what looked like a pair of Medieval stocks. Hannah could make out the three holes built into the design. One for the person’s
head and two either side to immobilize their wrists. She panted, her mind reeling at what the men here liked to do to the women they captured in that contraption.


  The sing-song quality of Fuller’s voice was louder than Hannah had expected, and she darted back from the chair in a panic. Turning, she spotted a large closet in the far corner. The piece was enormous and looked like somewhere that might lead to Narnia, but that was just fine with Hannah—anywhere but here. Trying the handle, she prayed to whatever God was listening, it would be unlocked, and to her relief, Hannah found it was. She pulled the door open, surveying the contents as best she could in the dimming light. There was something in there, but in the dark, it was impossible for Hannah to see what it was. Fuller’s footsteps reverberated from the corridor outside, the sound making the choice for her. She had no option now, Hannah had to get inside. Unthinkingly, she climbed inside, reaching to close the door before pressing herself against the hard wood at her back.

  Closing her eyes, Hannah gripped the metal in her hand and tried to calm her frantic breathing. It was futile, though, the sound of the door opening only making her breathe harder.

  “I know you’re in here, Hannah.”

  Holding her breath while the noise of the door slamming resounded, she imagined the gleeful smile on Fuller’s face.

  “I can hear you, girl. Hell, I can smell you!”

  Hannah gulped down her rising terror. The shameful truth was she’d been so uncontrollably aroused before Fuller had threatened her with the crop, he probably could smell her, and that thought did nothing to help her crumbling composure. His footsteps grew nearer, the sound deafening inside the four walls of the closet.

  “Now, where could she be?”

  Hannah bit her lip. It was obvious Fuller was playing with her. In all likelihood, if he had tracked her to this room, he already knew where she was. There was nowhere else she could be hiding. That thought resonated, and her throat felt like it was closing with the terror.


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