Captured: A Dark Suspenseful Gothic Romance (The Rule of Lawes Series Book 1)

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Captured: A Dark Suspenseful Gothic Romance (The Rule of Lawes Series Book 1) Page 9

by Felicity Brandon

  There was only one place she could be.

  Hannah was fucked.

  “How about in here?” Fuller was right outside the closet door now, his voice like thunder.

  Hannah’s knees buckled, and she slid down the back of the wood in despair. It was only a matter of time now. Fuller was just screwing with her mind. He was going to open that door and find her. He would open it and see what a crumpled mess she was—how beaten Hannah was—and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it. She’d run herself into a corner.

  Blinking into the darkness, Hannah braced herself, drawing her knees up to her chest while she huddled in the corner. The door opened, and the dark, Fuller’s towering figure came into view as much as the half-light would allow.

  “There you are.” He folded his arms across his chest. “Not where I left you, little girl.”

  Hannah drew in a panicky breath. “Please.”

  All the fire and the fury were gone from her now, extinguished by her hopeless crusade and the bleak reality of what lay ahead.

  “You’re begging now?” Fuller drew in a breath. “Fine, let’s hear it.”

  Hannah blinked away the tears that were collecting. Maybe this was an opportunity to throw herself on his mercy? It had to be worth a shot.

  “Please, Mr. Fuller, sir. I didn’t mean to run, I was just so scared of the crop, and…”

  Hannah’s words trailed away, her mind going blank as she took in the unimpressed expression on Fuller’s face. Swallowing hard, she parted her lips to continue, but his voice cut her short.

  “So, your plan to avoid my crop was to run and hide, little girl?” He sounded skeptical. “Or did you think you could escape?”

  She pulled in a shaky breath. “I just couldn’t stand the thought of it. I’m sorry.”

  Hannah intentionally didn’t answer his questions, hoping her pitiful response might be enough to buy her a reprieve. Fuller snorted, rubbing his eyes with one large hand.

  “It’s late, and I need sleep.”

  Hannah bit her lip. What did that mean?

  “Since you refused to take your punishment like a good girl, you’ve forced my hand, Hannah.”

  Oh shit, that did not sound good.

  “And since you ran straight into our punishment cupboard, it seems like you made the decision for me already.”

  She lifted her head at his description. Punishment closet—what the fuck?

  Fuller reached inside, and a moment later, there was a small click, and a lamp illuminated from above her head. Hannah blinked at the sudden light, the shock temporarily dazing her. When she looked up again, her gaze took in the contents of the closet for the first time.

  There was a small black leather tool just beyond her body, normal at initial glance until Hannah’s eyes took in the large gray apparatus strapped to the front of it. Her pulse quickened. Hannah had seen something like it before in some of the pornography she’d viewed. It was a wand, a specialized vibrator used to produce endless, demanding orgasms from whatever unwilling clitoris fell foul of it. Her sex clenched at that, the gesture nudging the dildo still buried in her backside. In the choking panic of the last few moments, Hannah had almost forgotten the awful tail Fuller had given her, but now she felt the soft tickle of the fur at her backside. Glancing above the stool, Hannah noticed the ominous cuffs hanging from either side of the walls, plus the shelf overhead, which looked to be loaded with equally menacing equipment.

  Oh God…

  “It’s too late for my crop now,” Fuller continued. “But trust me, little girl, you are getting it in the morning. For now, get up and onto the stool.”

  Hannah’s body swayed with trepidation. The prospect of the cage seemed bright. She didn’t want to be locked inside it, but at least there, she was free of his touch and liberated from whatever other sick things he presumably wanted to do to her in here. Anxiety ricocheted around her brain, making it impossible to think.

  “Up!” Fuller moved suddenly, grabbing the metal from her hands and yanking Hannah in the direction he desired.

  She lurched at the motion, almost tumbling into his body in alarm until she managed to stabilize herself.

  Fuller glowered at her, his blue eyes intense. “On to the stool.”

  Panting, Hannah nodded, and miserably, she clambered onto the black seat. As soon as her ass grazed the leather, the plug shoved up her backside was forced even deeper, and she gasped at the heady sensation. The intrusion wasn’t painful, but fuck, it was intense, and as she tried to gather herself, it became all consuming.


  She turned to find Fuller smiling.

  “I bet that cute little ass is nice and full now, isn’t it?”

  Oh fuck, even in the confines of the closet, Hannah could feel the heat rising to her face again. “Yes, sir.”

  “Good.” He leaned toward her. “That will give you something else to think about while you’re in here.”

  Hannah breathed harder at that, trying to catch her breath while he secured first her right wrist into the hanging cuff overhead, then her left. The cuffs seemed to be at the perfect height—a fact Hannah felt sure was not a coincidence. They restrained her arms completely, yet strangely, they also seemed to help keep her in place. Fuller crouched then, securing her ankles to two other cuffs attached to the stool. This bondage ensured her thighs remained wide, and Hannah found it was impossible to close her legs.

  “Now, let’s get you started.”

  Started? Hannah blinked at him. So, being bound in here with inches of rubber buried in her ass wasn’t the punishment? As Fuller angled the large wand toward her outstretched thighs, his hideous plan became clear. He grinned while he found the precise position, edging the crown closer, so it connected with her vulnerable little clit. She cried out when it grazed the sensitive nub, then Fuller flicked a switch on the bottom of the wand and set it into motion.

  “Oh God!”

  A powerful pulse of motion traveled through the thing, taunting her clit with force.

  “Mmmm,” Fuller gazed down at her. “And that’s the lightest setting, Hannah. Just wait until I get the thing going.”

  He nudged up the power, and an intense vibration attacked Hannah’s sex.

  “Fuck!” It was all she could do to spit out the word. “Please, that’s too much.”

  Fuller’s lips twitched. “That’s what you’re getting, little girl, and any more complaints, I’ll make it go faster.”

  Hannah turned her head to meet his face, but the looming pleasure was already making it hard to focus. She’d been so horny in his office earlier, and now with the bondage and the ignominy of the butt plug, Hannah knew her orgasm was close.

  “Need to come, little girl?”

  She gasped at his sardonic tone, wanting to offer Fuller a witty come back, yet having neither the energy nor the inclination to do so. She wanted this climax, and after everything he had put her through, didn’t she fucking deserve it as well?

  “Yes!” Hannah’s head fell back at the admission. “Yes, sir.”

  A hand caressed her left breast, cruel fingers pinching her nipple, yet the pain only drove her harder toward the hedonism Hannah sought. It rose to her throat, closing around her neck lightly.

  “Come then. Come for me, girl. Let’s see it.”

  She lifted her head, gazing into his eyes as the first wave of the climax ripped through her. It was as crazy and intense as any sensation Hannah had ever known and as unrelenting as the plastic that provoked it.

  “Oh fuck, oh fuck,” Hannah screamed, clenching around the dildo. “Oh my God, yes!”

  Fuller’s smile widened. “Good girl, and now again.”

  “What?” That was barely even a gasp under his tightening grip, but with a growing sense of doom, Hannah realized he was right. There was another orgasm threatening to land on her, and the unyielding stimulation at her clit would demand it was harder and faster than she’d ever known.

  “Fuck, no. Please,
sir, not again.” There was genuine panic in her voice now as Hannah began to take in the full enormity of her predicament.

  Fuller leaned into her ear. “Yes, again, little girl. Over and over again, until it hurts.”

  Hannah screamed in ecstasy as the second orgasm overwhelmed her. Until that moment, she hadn’t even known it was possible to climax so quickly after a first one, yet even as she fought to catch her breath, the wand continued its grueling mission, pushing her right back to the brink.

  “Very nice.” Fuller straightened slightly, releasing his grip at her throat and flicking another switch on the wall ahead, a red light bursting to life. “Since I am too tired to stick around and witness your downfall, I’ll record it, then Brandon and I can enjoy your misery later.”

  Hannah lifted her head, trying to shuffle away from the torrid vibration of the wand, but with her legs attached, she failed miserably. She blinked to the place Fuller gestured to, noticing the small black camera.

  “Oh God!” Her eyes squeezed shut as yet another wave of pleasure threatened to wash over her. “Oh God, please, no.”

  This was madness. He couldn’t just leave her hanging like this, being forced to come, repeatedly while her ass was filled. He just couldn’t.

  “You sound beautiful,” Fuller praised. “But my room is almost directly above here, and I can’t have you keeping me awake.” He reached toward the shelf and pulled a ball gag in Hannah’s direction. “Open up.”

  She shook her head. No way. The bastard wasn’t gagging her, as well. That just wasn’t right, but even as the complaints rose in her mind, the next powerful climax overtook her, and reflexively, Hannah called out at the powerful sensation.

  Seizing his opportunity, Fuller shoved the plastic ball into Hannah’s mouth, securing the straps behind her head. She whimpered in his direction, trying to make the man see reason.

  Fuller shook his head with a smile. “You look so fucking good like this. I can’t wait to fuck you, little girl.”

  Flicking the switch behind her, Fuller cast the closet into darkness before he closed the door. As the pulsing between her legs began to punish Hannah’s clit again, she could just about make out Fuller’s final words.

  “Sweet dreams, Hannah. We’ll see you in the morning.”


  The Void

  It was funny how pleasure could morph from something exquisite to something agonizing. Hannah could recall the first ten or so orgasms with incredible clarity. She remembered the highs and the lows of every moment and how the wand forced onto her clit squeezed one after the other hedonistic climaxes from her exhausted body, but now, the final number she’d been made to endure had become foggy. Hannah had called out, or she’d tried to, but the plastic ball strapped into her mouth made her pleas inaudible, and in any case, there was no one around to hear her. As far as she knew, the only other people in the building were caged in the basement downstairs or sleeping in his comfortable bed above her. Hannah strained against the cuffs at that thought, her thighs tensing to avoid the insistent pulse at the apex of her thighs, but naturally, it was futile. There was no getting away from the wand. It had been angled just so—the perfect direction to antagonize her poor clit. The nub was so sore now, it was painful, but whatever Hannah did, she couldn’t get away.

  There was no getting away.

  Hannah clenched around the butt plug, wishing she could pull the thing out, but that was all but a fantasy. She had as much chance of being able to remove the gag from her lips or slip her wrists from the cuffs as she did rid her ass of the dildo, the infuriating tail still wedged beneath her clammy flesh.

  As another peak was torn from her tender pussy, Hannah bit down against the plastic and screamed. She screamed for mercy, for absolution, for anything to get her out of this endless fucking torment. Panting, her head fell against her left shoulder, and the tears began to fall again. She wasn’t sure how many times she’d sobbed since she’d been left in the damn closet, but it was probably almost as many climaxes as she’d been made to endure. Hannah’s head ached. She was so tired, and now her shoulders hurt from all the time she’d been held in the uncomfortable position.

  It was intolerable.

  And still, the wand raced on.

  At some point, she must have blacked out, the intensity of the pleasure and the pain combining with her weariness to drag Hannah into unconsciousness.

  The first thing Hannah recollected after that was the incessant vibrations between her legs halting. But her head was so heavy, and she couldn’t open her eyes, so Hannah assumed she must be dreaming, or the freaking thing ran out of power. She was aware of the ache between her legs, her clit feeling red raw, but the wave of exhaustion came, claiming her like a shell cast into the ocean. Hannah was helpless.

  She never stood a chance.

  When she finally roused, that dull ache was still there, but she rose, all the same, blinking around at her new surroundings. Not new, she realized. Two things were familiar. She was back in a fucking cage. Hannah didn’t know if it was the same one as before, but it was of a similar size and shape, her body unable to stretch properly as she stirred. The other thing Hannah recognized was the place she was, and it wasn’t where she’d assumed. Gone was the darkness of the basement; instead, it had been replaced by the large room she’d wandered into in her desperation last night. Shifting her weight, Hannah crawled around in the cage, her gaze taking in the light spilling from the large bay window.

  So, it was morning.

  “There’s my latest patient.”

  The sound of a man splintered her thought process, and she spun on her hands and knees, trying to determine where the voice had come from. She couldn’t see anyone, though, whichever direction she looked, and her brow furrowed.

  “Up here, little one.” The voice sounded amused. “Up at the pillory.”

  Hannah blinked at the word she didn’t recognize. What the fuck was a pillory? Her hand shifted to her jaw, rubbing the place the strap had once kept the plastic ball in place.

  “Mark told me all about your naughty antics last night, and thanks to our extensive range of cameras, I’ve been able to enjoy the whole beautiful punishment for myself this morning—while you slept.”

  Hannah drew in a deep breath, flushing at the idea. So, it was Lawes—the accent had been a clue—and he’d already watched the video of Hannah’s ordeal. The thought was mortifying.

  “Do you know how good you looked in there?”

  His voice was closer now, and as Hannah peered out between her bars, his shins and feet came into view at the edge of the platform.

  “No, sir.” She swallowed at the sound of her answer.

  Hannah didn’t recognize her own voice anymore, but then, she hardly recognized anything about the woman she’d become in the last few hours. A woman who would lower herself for the enjoyment of men she didn’t know. A woman who’d enjoy being leashed, one who relished being forced to give head, and one who’d been made to wear the fucking butt plug. She reached to her backside instinctively at the thought, and to her surprise, the tail was gone.

  “Yeah, we removed that,” Lawes said in a wistful tone. “I wanted it to stay put for the time being, but Mark is such a softie. He insisted it go. For now. With enough lube and encouragement, we took care of it.”

  She shuddered at the way he made that sound.

  “But don’t you worry, pretty. I’ll have a tail back in you sooner rather than later, and in the meantime, there’s the small matter of your cropping to take care of.”

  Hannah trembled. She hated this. Every single inch of the experience.

  She’d only come here to be assessed as a dental client, and since then, she’d been denigrated to within an inch of her life. She blinked at that appraisal—it was true, she had been demeaned—but Hannah still couldn’t decide to what extent she enjoyed the ruthless attention.

  “But sir, I’ve already been punished?”

  More than punished.

bsp; Being forced to come, again and again, might sound like a fantasy, but it was more like a nightmare when you didn’t have any choice in the matter. She clenched the muscles of her sex, aware her pussy was still sore… and soaking wet.

  “Your punishment was more of a necessity,” Lawes informed her as he approached the cage. “Mr. Fuller needed somewhere to entertain you while he got some rest, but he left explicit instructions, I was still to crop you today. It’s important a new patient like you learns her place, Hannah.”

  The door to her cage swung open, and his legs loomed over her.

  “Out.” His tone was low, and as Hannah crawled tentatively out, Lawes grabbed at the leash still at her neck and tugged it hard. “We don’t usually introduce patients to the pillory so soon after their arrival, but then, most of them don’t happen upon the things while they’re trying to escape.”

  Lawes’ words stopped, and Hannah glanced up at his face nervously. He was glowering at her, those green eyes narrow and fierce.

  “I can’t say I’m not disappointed, Hannah.”

  She hung her head, and unbelievably, Hannah felt something akin to shame at the admonishment. “I’m sorry,” she gasped. “Sir.”

  What the fuck was she saying? That she was sorry she’d tried to escape?

  But that was crazy…

  Lawes’ expression softened just a fraction, but it was enough to give her hope.

  “I know you will be, little girl.” He tugged her onward and up the platform as he went on. “You’re about to learn there are consequences to your actions.”

  Hannah pulled in a deep breath. That did not sound good.

  “You should have just taken Mark’s crop last night, Hannah. He would have been lenient on you and would likely have allowed you to sleep it off in his office bed, but now…” Lawes’ voice trailed away, eliciting a shiver from Hannah.

  “Sir?” she asked.

  He glanced down at her crawling form as they made their way across the platform.

  “Now you have to take my crop, little girl—at least thirty strikes—and you’ll do so while you’re in here.”


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