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Captured: A Dark Suspenseful Gothic Romance (The Rule of Lawes Series Book 1)

Page 13

by Felicity Brandon

  That, at least, was true.

  He snorted. “I should think not,” he replied, pulling her body closer to his legs. Hannah shuffled left until her shoulder brushed his trousers. “So far as I know, we’re the only venue of this nature, training women and curing their phobias at the same time.”

  Hannah gazed down before she rolled her eyes. Holy fuck. Had he really just said that? Was that how these men were justifying their crimes—they were helping the women? Curing them of one crippling fear by subjecting them to an existence of servitude and humiliation. She swallowed, allowing the thought to resonate.

  That’s what this was, wasn’t it? A lifetime of being treated like an animal, punished and fucked however Lawes and Fuller saw fit? Her eyes fluttered closed. This was ridiculous, and it couldn’t be allowed to go on. It didn’t matter that she seemed to be as twisted as the men and enjoyed this sort of attention, it just wasn’t right.

  It had to stop.

  “I want you to watch the others.” Lawes went on from above her. “Watch what they do and how they act. See who is rewarded and who is punished, Hannah, because tomorrow it will be your turn.”

  She pulled in a shaky breath. Oh fuck.

  “And the cavity in my tooth, Mr. Lawes, sir?”

  Hannah didn’t know why she mentioned it, but the reason she’d come here in the first place sprung into her mind, and it seemed salient. Maybe she thought she could distract him from the public humiliation playing out a few yards away. Perhaps, Hannah reasoned, if the man holding her leash was reminded she was a woman with a dental requirement, it would prompt him to treat her that way, rather than as an animal? In the end, Hannah didn’t know, but she heard him pull in a breath at the question.

  “Is it causing you pain?”

  “A little, sir.” Hannah held her nerve at the lie, her gaze unblinking while she replied.

  Lawes arched an eyebrow at her, his expression disbelieving. “Really?” he inquired. “It didn’t seem so bad yesterday when I examined you?”

  Hannah swallowed. “It’s started to hurt now, sir.”

  She could already tell he wasn’t buying her story, yet somehow, it didn’t matter. For the first time in her life, Hannah wanted the damn filling. She wanted to be in the dentist’s chair because being there meant she was a person again, a woman with needs—a patient—not just a thing he could leash and cage. The cavity was everything.

  “Did I not just warn you about lying?”

  Hannah’s heart pounded. “Please, I’m not.” She pulled back against the leash, trying to sit on her haunches and get Lawes’ attention. “I’m not lying, sir. It truly is hurting now.”

  Lawes laughed at her, revealing a line of near perfectly straight teeth. “Okay, little girl.” His expression was soft, yet the edgy tone in his voice made her ass clench around the plug shoved deep inside it. “I believe you, and I’ll take you up to treat it later.”

  Hannah sighed, palpable relief emanating from her at the prospect of being allowed to have the freaking filling. Her mind swirled at that idea. Even twenty-four hours ago, the notion would have been preposterous. Hannah was terrified of any dental treatment and would never have willingly put herself forward, yet now, everything was different. Now, the concept of a little dental pain was nothing compared to the ongoing ordeal Hannah knew awaited her at Lawes’ hands—the endless rounds of punishment and denigration, eating from fucking dog bowls, and being kept in a cage at night. Yes, it was hot in some fucked-up way, but that couldn’t be Hannah’s fate. That wasn’t how she would play out the rest of her days.

  “Down now.” Lawes pointed at the floor. “You’ll stay leashed at my feet and remember what you’re here for.”

  Nibbling at her lip, Hannah fell back to her hands and knees again, glancing up at his stern eyes beneath her lashes.


  “Yes, sir?”

  “Impress me with your knowledge. Why are you here today?”

  Hannah’s gaze fell south, catching sight of her harnessed chest and the chain connecting her hands.

  “To learn, sir.”

  She glanced up in the direction he wanted her to see, but Hannah wasn’t taking any of it in anymore. Neither the plugged behinds with the furry tails nor the combination of gagged and harnessed faces. While she was sure each image would be burned into her memory for all time, Hannah couldn’t focus on them now. Now was for thinking. It was about focus—about taking what control she had left and using it—and that was control of her mind.

  Lawes could bind and restrain every inch of her body, but he hadn’t got inside her head yet.

  Hannah had to find a route out of this place, and her only option was to get back into that dentist’s chair. The irony of that statement wasn’t lost on Hannah, but just as Lawes had smugly predicted, the terror she felt about the treatment paled into insignificance compared to how she felt about remaining caged in the basement.

  “You’re not paying attention.”

  She turned to him. “Sir, I am!”

  He shook his head at her indignant tone. “No, you’re not, little girl. I can practically hear you thinking.”

  Hannah huffed at his accurate appraisal, her gaze falling to her knees again. Even sitting by his feet, this way was awkward and uncomfortable now that her ankles were permanently spread behind her, and the base of her knees was beginning to ache.

  “It seems like I need to give you something else to focus on.”

  That made Hannah pause, her eyes flitting back to the ominous smile of the man in the leather seat beside her. It was strange how she seemed to feel little embarrassment about being nude in front of him anymore. Then, she realized, Lawes and Fuller had probably seen more of her than any other man in her entire life.

  Lawes leaned forward in his seat. “Something to keep your mind on the job, and if that’s not watching what’s going on around you, it means me instead.”

  Her breath caught at that, but it was too late. Lawes had already lurched at the leash, sending Hannah hurtling between his legs against the side of the chair.

  He ran his tongue over his lower lip. “One of the advantages of these chairs is they are the perfect height for fucking little girl’s faces.”

  Hannah gulped. She was forcibly trapped between his thighs and had a pretty good idea what Lawes had in mind. His free hand moved to his zipper, slowly lowering it before his eager cock jutted out before her. Hannah eyed the thing with interest. She’d had it buried inside her on more than one occasion, yet she’d never had the chance to truly see it. The crown was bulbous with Lawes’ obvious excitement, the shaft smooth and long. Her gaze darted to his face, waiting for the command she knew would come next.

  “Wrap your lips around it, Hannah.”

  Duly, she leaned forward and complied. She took him in her mouth, pushing her lips down to the base of his shaft while her gaze flittered north to his face. Lawes’ eyes closed at the gesture, his hand shifting into the tangle of her hair. Hannah hadn’t always been the biggest fan of oral sex with past lovers, but she relished this opportunity to appease Lawes because she understood one thing—the longer she satisfied him on her knees, the longer she wouldn’t be in reins in that sawdust.

  The sound of the crop striking flesh startled her, and acting on instinct, Hannah tried to rise from around Lawes’ cock, but his strong hand held her in place.

  “Concentrate on your task.” His voice was strained, and she lowered her gaze to the dark hair at the base of his cock, pulling in hot air through her nose while he used her hair to guide her up and down his length.

  Hannah shuffled forward, pressing her cuffed wrists into the carpet below while she remained pliant at his feet while Lawes’ erection thrust into her throat, the palm at the back of her head keeping her passive even as she began to gag.

  “Good girl.” Lawes sounded pleased. “You’re good at this.”

  She blinked away the tears that collected when he forced his cock deeper than her throat would li
ke, wondering how long she could keep this going. How long could she distract him with the pleasure of her mouth? Lawes had already said he didn’t plan for her to begin the rest of the training until she’d rested, but maybe, if she was good, she could persuade him to keep her here instead? Of course, she would rather be free, and if the opportunity presented itself to get the hell out of here, Hannah was going to take it, but if there was no choice—if she had to stay—she would rather be leashed at his feet than made to crawl around a dirt track.

  Lawes’ lunged forward, choking her with his cock.

  “Very nice.” He yanked her head up with a fistful of her hair, leaving Hannah reeling. “Do you agree, pet? Do you enjoy being down there, servicing me?”

  Heat bloomed in her cheeks like a reflex. It was absurd to think his words could embarrass her at this stage when she was already naked and in chains, yet there it was—Hannah’s instinctive reaction to the way Lawes was mastering her—and as usual, there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it.

  “Yes, sir.”

  There was little point in lying anymore, and while Hannah was ashamed to admit it, it was the truth. This part—this being used by him personally—she didn’t mind as much. In fact, as she clenched around the plug buried deep inside her ass, Hannah realized just how wet she truly was. Glancing up, she noticed his lips curl.

  “Good. And how’s that tooth doing now?”

  She blanched as the lie came back to haunt her. “It still aches, sir.”

  “Does it?”

  She nodded, praying he wouldn’t continue to press the issue.

  “Hmmm.” Lawes’ hand slid down the length of the leash and grasped the leather at her neck, his fist curling around the collar before he jerked Hannah in his direction. “You had better finish up here then, so I can give it the attention it deserves.”

  Hannah gasped, her mouth already parting around his crown again.

  This time he was brutal, lunging into her mouth with vigor, and she gagged around the length of his shaft,

  “That’s right.” Lawes’ voice was a growl. “Take it. Take it, little girl.”

  She tried to pant around him, but even that was barely possible. Lawes had complete control, the fist in her hair deciding the pace and depth of each thrust. All Hannah could do was remain passive on her hands and knees, her muscles contracting around the dildo in her ass every time she was choked, the leather strapped around her body pressing into her glistening skin.

  “I’m close.”

  Hannah glanced up as best she could in time to see Lawes throw his head back against the chair.

  “I’m going to come into that pretty mouth, and you will swallow down every last drop.”

  The fingers in her hair tightened, his intent obvious, with or without her consent. It wasn’t like Lawes had sought it at any point. He’d never asked her permission to drug her, strip her, or humiliate her to within an inch of her life.

  When his pleasure peaked, and he pumped hot fluid into the back of Hannah’s throat, she tried not to splutter around his shaft. In the end, Lawes’ hand relaxed, and drawing away a few inches, Hannah could finally catch her breath again.

  But not before she had done what he’d asked and gulped down every bead of his cum.



  The next hours passed in a daze. Hannah recalled curling up by Lawes’ feet, her body circling his ankle as though it represented sanctuary, and in a bizarre way it did. While she was here, her disgrace seemed to be a manageable entity. Yes, she had been humbled in the most unimaginable ways, and yet Hannah had survived it. Deep in her heart, she knew she’d rather relished some of the treatment, however obscene that might be to admit. While she laid there, contemplating it, a wave of exhaustion washed over her. It seemed ridiculous that she could lie there naked, save for the leather Lawes had harnessed to her body, her ass filled and her body controlled by a freaking leash, and feel anything akin to relaxation, but she realized that was precisely what she felt.

  Soporific and in some twisted way, sated since she’d pleasured Lawes.

  “She’s falling asleep, Mr. Lawes.”

  A voice—but whose? Hannah forced her heavy lid wide to acknowledge the dark trousers in her line of sight, yet she couldn’t bring herself to raise her head to identify their owner.

  “I know.” Lawes sounded neither happy nor displeased at the admission. “She is shattered.”

  “Should I take her back to her cage?”

  A sigh—from Lawes by the sound of it. “No, leave her. You have plenty to deal with here, Matthew.”

  Hannah was vaguely aware of Lawes leaning toward her and the sensation of his hand in her hair. What was that, her mind wondered? Was he petting her? And why the hell was she permitting it? Why did it feel so good? Panic might have bloomed in Hannah’s chest at that thought, and perhaps it should have done, but she didn’t have the energy to care. All there was now was the heat of his proximity and the softness of the carpet beneath her, both lulling her into a consuming slumber.


  When Hannah roused, the light was brighter. She could tell even though her lids were still closed, its illumination penetrating her eyelids with ease. The air was different, too. It tasted less dank and smelled sweeter.

  “I was starting to think you’d never wake.”

  Her eyes opened, finding both Lawes and Fuller grinning down at her. Hannah lifted her chin, compelling her aching neck to take the weight of her head again. They were outside, in some sort of grassy area. She was naked once more, the intricate web of harnesses gone from her body and appeared to be kneeling again, but she wasn’t cold. Blinking up, Hannah caught sight of the autumn sunshine. It seemed all the brighter now she’d spent time in the grim reality of the basement.

  “How are you feeling?” Fuller asked.

  Hannah glanced at him. They were both so damn tall and foreboding.

  “Okay, I think.” Her voice was hoarse. “Sir.”

  Hannah twisted her neck, trying to understand what was behind her and why she couldn’t move her arms. It was awkward to get a proper view, but it seemed her wrists were hoisted overhead behind her, by the feel of it, immobilized in some kind of metal. Widening her gaze, Hannah took in the tall wooden pole behind her, and her mind joined up the dots. She was outside somewhere, chained to a pole. Her belly furled. What the hell were they going to do to her now?

  “Good.” Fuller took a step toward her. “Because it’s time to resolve that cavity of yours, Hannah, but after your recent tribulations, you need to be washed first.”

  Lawes’ smile was predatory as he took a step forward to join his associate.

  “Right. We can’t have you dirtying up our beautiful clinic now, can we?”

  She gulped, her heart pounding out of instinct. Hannah had witnessed that look in Lawes’ eyes before, and she knew it couldn’t be good.

  “I…” She hesitated. “I don’t understand, sir.”

  Fuller laughed. “You will. Show her, Brandon.”

  Lawes moved to her right, swooping to grasp something from the grass. Like the rest of the place, the lawns looked immaculate, but Hannah hadn’t noticed anything hiding on it until Lawes collected the thing. As soon as it was in his hands, she recognized what it was, anxiety twisting inside her like a blade.

  “A hose?” The words escaped Hannah’s lips as though she couldn’t believe them, and in many ways, she didn’t.

  A hose was what she might use to clean patio furniture or a car but certainly not something Hannah had even contemplated using on a person—particularly one who was chained up and unable to get away from its freezing stream. Reflexively, she tugged her at wrists, feeling the unyielding metal pinching her skin.

  Fuck, there was no getting away.

  Hannah was naked and vulnerable, and now they were going to fucking hose her down? She panted in response to her fate, her ass clenching around the plug that still seemed to be trapped inside.

es, a hose.” Lawes pointed it in her direction. “We always hose down our pets, but you’re lucky; most have to wait days before they’re groomed.”

  Her eyes fluttered at him. Groomed?

  Fuller removed his jacket, casting it off onto the lawn behind him and joined Lawes.

  “Now, you might want to brace yourself.” Lawes grinned. “This can be a little shocking at first.”

  A little shocking? Hannah couldn’t believe—

  Her thoughts were cut short by the burst of water, spraying from the nozzle directly at her. As suspected, the water was freezing, and she screamed as it rained down over her chest.

  “Ow, ow!”

  The jet was almost painful where it collided with her flesh, and the men chuckled while Lawes aimed it lower toward her right breast.

  “Silence now.” Fuller’s tone was soft, but his meaning was crystal clear. “Or else we’ll have to gag you, girl.”

  Hannah’s lips parted, the shock of the hose resonating through her as Lawes continued its descent to her midriff. It felt like her entire right side was drenched and trembling, and on it went, the ruthless stream making its way to her open thighs. She gasped as it passed over her sex, narrowly avoiding her exposed clit as it focused on her left leg. Lawes lifted the hose north to her pebbling left nipple, and both of Hannah’s nipples tightened into painful buds, water dripping from them even when the stream had moved toward her neck.

  “Close your eyes now.” Lawes moved closer at the instruction. “I want to hose down your hair.”

  Hannah scarcely had time to process the command before the water came. She squeezed her eyes and mouth closed, screwing her face up in the hopes she could avoid its intense stream, but that was hopeless. The water cascaded down over her head, soaking Hannah’s face, though thankfully, Lawes avoided making contact with her features directly. She heard the water cut off, though her lids were still firmly closed, her teeth chattering at the sudden cold.

  “Now, that is hot.” Fuller’s quip ultimately drew Hannah from her self-imposed stupor, her eyes flickering open.


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